Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2

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Forbidden Seduction (Lee County Wolves Series) Book #2 Page 10

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Where’s Emily?” Hunter asked, keeping his voice low so not to wake Sam.

  “She said she was tired and went home,” Janna replied with a frown. “Jill told me what happened to her. I hope she’s okay. Maybe you should go check on her.”

  Janna’s knowing smile wasn’t lost on Hunter, but he had already planned on doing that. There were things left unsaid between them, and he decided tonight it was all going to be laid on the table. Emily had a decision to make. He had already made his.

  Before he could even make it outside, he heard a scream and knew without a doubt it was Emily. “Fuck!” Hunter jumped over the rail, not even attempting the steps, and ran toward the feed mill. He immediately saw Dell with Emily.

  Dell turned, putting Emily behind him until he saw Hunter. “Somebody was here.” Dell’s eyes narrowed with rage.

  “Are you hurt?” Hunter pulled her to him, checking her out.

  Emily shook her head. “I’m okay.” She looked behind her.

  Soon they were surrounded. “What in the hell happened?” Marcus was the first to arrive.

  “I heard a noise on my way home. I didn’t know Emily had left Garrett’s.” Dell directed that toward Hunter, who just nodded. “So I started back when she came running around the corner scared to death.”

  “Did you see anyone?” Hunter asked, not liking the fact she had been alone.

  “No, I went to the back because I don’t like walking through the store in the dark, and there’s a light switch right by the back door.” Emily shivered, once again looking behind her. “When I was walking toward the door, I thought I heard something. Scared, I tried to unlock the door, but I dropped my keys. Then I heard what sounded like running, and there was no way I was sticking around so I took off. It sounded like someone was chasing me. Then I ran into Dell.”

  “I’m going to go check it out.” Dell started toward the back of the house. “I picked up a faint scent, but it’s gone.”

  Marcus followed him. “I’ll go with you.”

  Hunter was torn. He wanted to go after the fuckers who even dared to come after Emily, but his wolf wanted to stay by her side and so did the man. “I’m staying with Emily. If you find anything, contact me and I’ll be there.”

  “We got it,” Dell called out. “Keep her safe.”

  Garrett, Steve, and Slade all headed back to the house to make sure Leda, Sam, and Janna were good. Even though Jill had stayed back, more than one wolf would be a lot to handle for her if something were to happen.

  “Come on, let’s find your keys and get you inside.” Hunter went first, alert for any danger. Once at the back door, he stopped. “Where did you drop them?”

  “Right there.” Emily pointed at the weeds.

  Hunter reached down finding them right away. After unlocking the door, he reached in, flipping on the lights. Stepping aside, he let her in first. Before he walked in behind her, he did one more sweep but sensed nothing. Whoever had been there was gone.

  Emily headed through the feed mill with Hunter following. At the ladder, she stopped and peered over her shoulder at him. “The only place to really sit is upstairs.”

  “Lead the way.” He smiled. When she turned her back, he frowned at the old wooden ladder she had to climb. When she was halfway to the top, he started the climb, barely fitting through the opening that led into the… attic. Holy shit, she lived in a fucking attic.

  “It’s not much, but….” Emily looked around embarrassed.

  Hunter had to stoop so not to hit his head on the slanted ceiling. It was huge with a low slanted ceiling and long space, but one half was full of junk, and her small corner was set up with a cot, chair, desk and well, that was about it.

  “Emily, what in the hell are you doing living in the attic?” Hunter tried to keep the anger out of his voice, but dammit, it pissed him the hell off. Her fucking sister lived in the house they grew up in, so why didn’t Emily, or at least a small house? He knew the feed mill made money. How couldn’t it? They supplied all the animal feed for the area, seed for the farmers, and whatever else people wanted, Emily ordered it in.

  “It’s all I need.” Emily shrugged and then sighed. “Honestly, I’m looking for a place to live. I have a little money saved up, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.”

  If anything were to happen, she would be trapped up here with only one way out, and that set him on edge. She deserved more, much more than this. And he knew for a fact she wouldn’t be staying here alone, especially with somebody snooping around this place.

  “Why did you quit school?” Hunter asked out of the blue, wanting her to trust him enough to tell him the truth. He knew so little about her and wanted to know it all, and now.

  “I needed to be here,” she answered quickly, a little too quickly.

  “Is that the only reason?” Hunter probed. Finally getting tired of stooping, he sat on the floor, leaning back against the only chair in the room, which looked like it would break under his huge frame.

  Emily shrugged. “Why do you care?” She eyed him before sitting on the floor across from him, leaning against her cot.

  Hunter figured it was time to come clean. Maybe if he did, she would. “My mom was human.” Hunter watched her reactions closely. “My dad was an alpha. They were mates, but my mother being human didn’t have the intense feelings as my father did. Once someone finds their mate, there is nothing in this world that can change that. They can date… screw or whatever with anyone, but they can never be as close to anyone as they are with their mate.”

  “So if you mate with a human, they can go on with their life leaving the other person hanging?” When Hunter nodded, Emily frowned. “Is that what your mom did?”

  “Kind of. I mean they married, had us, but she wasn’t happy living the life of a shifter’s wife. We were always on the move. My dad’s pack wasn’t as loyal as what we have here now, and it took its toll on our family. She ended up leaving and my dad drank himself to death.”

  “How sad and how very cruel.” Emily had scooted closer; her head tilted as she listened to Hunter talk. “I’m sorry.”

  “Not that it’s any excuse, but this is the exact reason I have fought everything my wolf has been telling me… about you.” Hunter sighed, leaning his head back. “Most want to find their mate, do everything in their power to find their mate, but some never do. But me, I find mine, and I do everything in my power to throw it away. Throw you away.”

  A sweet blush spread across her skin. “Is it allowed for a shifter to have a human mate?” She tried so hard to hide her embarrassment, but Hunter saw it and it gave him hope.

  “It is forbidden, but when have I ever followed the rules?” Hunter grinned at her with a wink. “No one other than Dell and now you, know about my mother. If people knew, then my brother would not be considered an alpha because of his mixed blood. Being an alpha of mixed blood is considered forbidden. Shifters consider that a weakness. Humans and shifters have been mating since the beginning, though. Just because it’s forbidden doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It was forbidden for me to shift in front of humans and television cameras, and well, I seriously fucked that up.”

  Emily laughed, shaking her head. “Yeah, you pretty much put it out there. So I won’t get you in trouble?”

  “Honey, you can get me in trouble any time you damn well please. You are my mate, Emily. I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how damn sorry I am for what I did to you.” Hunter's smile was sad.

  Jesus, it was torture waiting to see what she was going to say. But he had to be patient. He owed her that much, but it sucked when all he wanted to do was take her in his arms. How he had fought these feelings this long was a mystery to him, but that was all in the past. He would make her love him if he had to or he’d die trying, just like his father.


  Emily wanted with all her heart to believe Hunter, yet a twinge of doubt remained. She knew her feelings for him. She knew that she had loved him at
first sight. Admittedly, she had been young, but her feelings for him were intense. Without a doubt, it was more than a crush. Her heart broke for him. She could only imagine what he went through as a young boy watching his parents fight, seeing his father die before his very eyes because his mate did not return the love he had for her. It was tragic and her heart really ached for him, felt for his brothers. In a way, she understood his reluctance to have a mate, let alone a human mate. Taking a deep breath, she looked up from the floor into his intense brown eyes.

  “My ex tried to rape me,” she said without lowering her eyes. “I don’t remember any of it, but that was what I was told by my roommate, Karen. I don’t drink because of my diabetes, but I let him talk me into one drink. Everyone who saw me at the party said I was totally wasted or at least that was the rumor. I was the joke of the campus, but I wasn’t drunk. He had drugged me.”

  “I promise you one thing,” Hunter broke in when she became silent. “I will find the bastard one day and make him regret laying one finger on you.”

  “Can I watch?” Emily asked seriously. She then chuckled, shaking her head. “My roommate, Karen, walked in when he was trying to… but with me being a deadweight, I guess he was having a hard time, thank God. She grabbed a desk lamp and smacked him over the head with it before calling 911. They checked me out at the hospital and said I had not been raped, because honestly, I wouldn’t have known if I had been or not.”

  Hunter had sat up straighter, his whole attention on her. “How long did you date this asshole?”

  “Three months,” Emily replied, looking away embarrassed. “I told him before we started dating that I would not be with anyone until I was married, but that was a lie.”

  Hunter looked confused. “Why was that a lie?”

  Emily ignored his question. “He was fine with it at first, but as time went by, he became more aggressive, and then I guess he figured he would take what I wouldn’t freely give him.”

  “You didn’t answer my question, Em.” Hunter scooted closer, grasping her chin when she tried to lower her face. “Why was that a lie?”

  “Because I wanted it to be you,” she finally admitted, and as soon as the words left her lips, she wanted to run. Fear of rejection made her heart race and her stomach heave painfully. Her biggest secret was spoken aloud in a dusty attic to the man the secret was about. “I wanted no man to touch me other than you.”

  Hunter leaned in, dipped his face low and captured her lips with his. It was a sweet kiss, full of promise and Emily shook to her very core. This was what she wanted and she went for it, throwing all caution to the wind. She climbed onto his lap, straddling him and held him so close she wanted to cry. Nothing else mattered other than she was finally where she felt at home. She didn’t feel alone anymore, and nothing in her life had felt sweeter than this moment.

  Pulling away from him was the hardest thing she had ever done, but she needed to ask one question. “Is this how someone feels when they find their mate?” She knew he had been with women before and damn that hurt. But now knowing his past, it was a little easier to swallow.

  Closing his eyes, he laid his forehead against hers. “Yes, it is for innocents who aren’t total assholes.”

  “I’m the innocent?” Emily pulled away to look into his eyes, a small smile curving her lips.

  He nodded. “And I’m the asshole.”

  “Sounds like a good country song,” Emily said, the loneliness in her soul slowly melting away as was the mistrust she had held so tightly.

  “Can you ever forgive me?” A sad smile formed, devoid of his usual confidence.

  If Emily were a different woman, she would use that to her advantage, but Emily wasn’t that type of woman. She only wanted love that was given to her freely, not something she had to play games to get like some women she knew.

  “Yes, I forgive you.” Emily kissed his cheek as if to seal her words. Because of their past, she still held a tinge of doubt, but she pushed it away hoping she wouldn’t regret opening her heart. “But never forget I’m very good friends with Mable.”

  Hunter’s head fell back, his laugh ringing and vibrating through the attic. “Believe me, that will always be in the back of my mind.”

  “She’s really sweet.” Emily laughed with him. “And I think she secretly likes you.”

  “She’s scary and about made me shit my pants.” Hunter cocked his eyebrow at her. “And that’s a fact.”

  “Can I ask you something?” Emily’s laughter had stopped, a small frown replacing her grin.

  “Anything. You can ask me anything, Em,” Hunter replied, his eyes searching.

  “If it wasn’t for Mable, would we be sitting here today?” Emily asked in one long question and then took a deep breath waiting for his answer. “And do not lie to me.”

  “Yes,” Hunter replied without hesitation. “Because in my heart I knew, always knew. It just took me a while to fight my demons to find you, to find myself.”

  “I know I’m not beautiful like Sadie and the other women you’ve—” Emily began but stopped when Hunter pressed his finger against her lips.

  “No one has or ever will hold a candle to you,” Hunter replied, again without hesitation.

  “Hunter, you don’t have to say things like that to me.” Emily frowned, wanting to believe him, but didn’t. “I know who I am and I’m comfortable with that.”

  “I speak the truth, Emily.” Hunter growled. “And I will say those things and more. Now I have a question for you.”

  “Oh, and what is that?” Emily asked, sure her face was flush with a blush.

  “Do you have feelings for Dell?” Hunter’s eyes narrowed.

  “Uh, no. I mean I like him. He seems to always be there when I need help, but we are just friends.” Emily replied, her eyes widening. “Why in the world would you ask me that?”

  “Because he’s in love with you,” Hunter said point blank. “That’s why we fought at Garrett’s. I saw him put his hands on you, and that was it.”

  Laughing, Emily pushed Hunter. “Dell Farris is not in love with me.” When Hunter didn’t say a word, but just stared at her, Emily gasped. “Dell Farris is in love with… me?” She pointed to herself, her eyes wide with shock.

  “Ah, yeah, and as long as you do not return those feelings, he can live.” Hunter pulled her close. “Because I don’t share. You are mine, and soon everyone will know it.”

  “No, I do not return those feelings for Dell,” Emily reassured him and not to save Dell, but because it was true.

  Hunter grunted before stroking her cheek with his thumb. “Then he can live another day.” Even though his tone was teasing, his eyes spoke that his threat was real.

  Emily couldn’t believe what was happening. Her world was turned upside down, yet it felt right. Maybe she was gullible, but she was an adult, and her choice was to live a life she never thought she would have with the man who had stolen her heart years ago. She held on to Hunter, her eyes wide open, cherishing the moment just in case she woke to find it was nothing but a dream.

  Chapter 15

  Emily worked the next day, but her mind wasn’t on task. It was on her night spent with Hunter. How things could change so quickly shocked her, but she was happier than she’d ever been. Understanding more about the way Hunter saw things and his reactions made her realize he was protecting himself, and she couldn’t fault him for that. Maybe she was naïve, but she actually felt his honesty and sincerity, if that were even possible.

  “What are you all smiles about today?” Deb frowned at her as she flipped through the mail.

  “Nothing,” Emily replied but still smiled. Nothing her sister could do or say could dampen her mood. Hunter had stayed all night, and the best part was waking up in his arms. They did nothing but talk between kissing. It was heaven.

  “Well, are you going to get lunch while I’m here?” Deb’s voice always carried a bitchy tone. It didn’t matter what she was saying; it was just bitchy. “I’m only goin
g to be here for a half an hour then I have things to do.”

  Emily finished stacking a shelf behind the counter and then looked out the front window. Hunter had said he would be back to take her to lunch. “Yeah, in a minute.”

  Leda ran inside with Steve following her, a huge grin on her face. “Hunter wanted us to come and get you. They’re having a big meeting at Garrett’s, but should be done in a second.” Leda reached over the counter grabbing her arm. “Hurry, we’re having a picnic. Janna just got back from the hospital, and they have big news.”

  “Okay!” Emily laughed, feeling excited. “I’ll be back,” she called out to her sister, who watched with her mouth wide open.

  “Well, you better be!” her sister yelled as Steve shut the door on her sister’s next words.

  “Is it just me or is her voice annoying as hell?” Steve frowned and then smiled when Emily started laughing.

  “I thought it was just me.” Emily grinned as she rushed down the street toward Garrett’s.


  Hunter stood in Garrett’s office and he wasn’t happy, not happy at all. Emily had heard right last night. Someone had been there, and if Dell hadn’t been walking by, Hunter didn’t even want to think what could have happened to her.

  “Jill and I can stay for a while if needed,” Slade offered. Jill nodded in agreement. “Janna is going to be fine as long as she takes it easy, but if you need some extra backup, the offer is there.”

  Garrett nodded. “I appreciate that.”

  “Have you heard anything from Jonah?” Hunter asked, his eyes catching sight of Emily walking toward the lake with Leda. Steve was just walking in the door. Hunter didn’t want Leda going alone to get Emily so he’d sent Steve with her.

  “So far we have two packs interested, but nothing set in stone.” Garrett sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “It’s a big decision for them and of course, I will be challenged by each alpha who decides to join up with us.”

  “Damn, man.” Steve shook his head. “Doesn’t that get old?”


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