Fate's Intentions

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Fate's Intentions Page 2

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Don't make me find a hose!"

  Ashlynn ignored her eye-rolling and gripped Scarlett's arm in excitement. "He's a doctor Scarlett! And he's fine as china!"

  Scarlett laughed at her friend. "I'm not even sure that makes sense but okay. I agree."

  Ashlynn had a starstruck look on her face Scarlett had only seen when they were watching Channing Tatum movies.

  "I think I just became ill Scarlett! And he's all the medicine I need!"

  "Well let's grab a couple more things and head on back to the cottage. Maybe the fine as china doctor makes house calls."

  The girls made a couple loops through the store and added a few more things into their cart then made their way up to the checkout.

  Scarlett overheard part of a conversation going on between two older gentlemen in the line next to them. "I don't know why the damned game commission doesn't do something about it! This is the third time this year!"

  "I know George. It's not just your livestock. Guys all around the outskirts of town are having the same problem." The other man said to the one he called George.

  "I'm tired of complaining and not getting anything done about it! Something needs to be done about those wolves!"

  "Ash did you hear that? Did he just say wolves?" Scarlett turned back to the direction she was whispering and Ashlynn wasn't there. She spun on around and saw her standing a few steps behind with a magazine in hand.

  Ashlynn realized Scarlett was looking at her in a questioning manner. "Did you see this crap? Brad cheated on Angie! She totally deserves it after what they did to Jen!"

  "Ash! Pay attention! Those old men over there are talking about wolves killing their animals!"

  "I was on such a high from meeting hottie docky!. Why are you spoiling it talking about scary things?"

  "Hottie docky?" Scarlett laughed. "Seriously, that's what we're calling him?"

  "Oh my sweet Scarlett, I could come up with better, but my other pet names would make you blush!"

  "Well, I'm sorry to bring you down from your 'hottie docky high,' but would you listen to what I'm saying for a minute? They are talking about wolves!"

  "Scarlett, did you really believe there weren't any wild beasts living up in here in these mountains? My dad used to tell me old folk lores about this place and wolves."

  "I am so not happy that you didn't share this with me before inviting me on your little journey to killer wolvesville!"

  "Girl, you don't jog or get up every morning and do yoga in the backyard. You are totally safe from savage beasts!" Ashlynn said laughing.

  "Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that!" A voice said from behind.

  Ashlynn and Scarlett whipped around. "Adam, I didn't realize you were still here!" Ashlynn said with her eyes fluttering.

  "Yea, I got out to the car and realized I had forgotten a few things. I only caught the tail end of your conversation. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop. Your whispering was getting louder." Adam laughed.

  "Ash, here was just telling me that there are some freaky stories about this place!" Scarlett said giving her friend a dirty look.

  "Well yes. But I think most little towns have some kind of crazy story from long ago."

  Ashlynn shot Scarlett's look back to her, "Yea just like back home we've heard legends of some kind of dragon type, lake monster."

  Ashlynn adored the way Adam's face lit up as he laughed. "Well, I have to say I think that's a little stranger than any stories of wolves around here!"

  Scarlett laughed, "Yea I guess it probably does sound odd to someone who doesn't live near the lakes!" Then her face grew serious. "But what do you mean 'You wouldn't be so sure'?"

  Adam replied, " Just that wolves are the most cunning and intelligent creatures out there and once they lock eyes onto their prey, it very seldom escapes in tact."

  Ashlynn glared at him with big eyes. "Gotta admit you kind of freaked me out on that one!"

  Scarlett began to place the things from their cart onto the checkout counter. Her mind was consumed with wolves.

  Adam glanced up to Scarlett and then back to Ashlynn. "I apologize, it wasn't my intentions to frighten you or 'freak you out'." He half laughed.

  "Oh don't worry about me," She nodded her head in Scarlett's direction. "Scaredy Pants up there is the one you should worry about! She won't watch horror movies by herself, won't go out into the dark alone, she's literally scared of her own shadow at times!" Ashlynn rolled her eyes as she spoke.

  Adam laughed. "Well, perhaps I should watch what I say around her, even if I am only kidding."

  Scarlett stood and watched as the cashier scanned the last of the items and then handed her the debit card she had been fiddling with. The cashier handed it back to her and she stuck it in the back pocket of her jeans. She paid no attention to the conversation behind her, still lost in her thoughts as she put the plastic bags back into the cart. As she finished the last couple bags she turned to Ashlynn and Adam. "Are you two going to hold up the line all day?" She said, laughing at the obvious attraction between the two.

  "You better button it up girl or I'm going to get you a red hooded cape and a basket of cookies and send you in search of Gramma's house in the woods!"

  "Such a sweet friend you are to me Ash!"

  Adam broke through the banter between the two girls looking to Ashlynn, "I won't keep you any longer. I hope I haven't completely frightened your friend."

  "No, she'll be ok. I'll just have to buy her a nightlight and install deadbolts on the doors."

  Adam laughed. "Well it was nice to meet you both. I hope to see you around."

  "Oh I'm sure you will. I by no means plan to allow Scarlett to become a hermit! Catch you later" Ashlynn winked at him then turned to follow Scarlett to the exit.

  Scarlett turned and waved goodbye and then leaned closer to Ashlynn. "Day one and you've already found your doctor!"

  "Who would've thought I'd find one that looks that good though?"

  The girls loaded the groceries into the trunk of Ashlynn's cobalt and were about to get inside. "Wait Ash, I wanted to pick up a few videos!"

  "There's a video store right there. Let's take a peek and see if we can find any good ones."

  They walked into the video store and there were three girls standing in front of the horror section laughing. Ashlynn heard one of the girls say, "Texas chain saw the next generation is the best! It has Matthew Mcconaughey!"

  "I second that!" Ashlynn said walking up behind them.

  All three girls whipped around and looked Ashlynn up and down. Then the one in the middle spoke, "Hi, I'm Amanda. This is Rose and Heather."

  Ashlynn smiled at them. "I'm Ashlynn. Ash for short. This is Scarlett. You girls are exactly the kind of people I was hoping to run into. You see Scarlett and I are new to town and I need to know what there is to do in this town. I haven't seen any clubs or malls around."

  The other girls laughed and the one named Amanda spoke again. "Well you can look all you want, your not going to find any malls or clubs." She giggled. "There is a campground outside of town where some of us hang out. There is a party happening out there tomorrow night. If you girls are interested in going, meet us here tomorrow evening around 7pm."

  Ashlynn grinned. "That sounds awesome."

  "Ok we'll see you tomorrow." She smiled then headed to the front of the store to pay for the video in her hand with the other two girls in tow.


  Ashlynn and Scarlett pulled into the driveway leading to the cottage. They took the groceries inside and put them away and then went back to the car to unload all the luggage they had piled in the back seat. "Scarlett, I really don't feel like putting my crap away right now. Let's make something to eat and watch one of the movies we picked up. We can worry with unpacking tomorrow."

  Scarlett nodded. "That's fine with me. I'm hungry and I don't feel much like unpacking either."

  The girls pulled some things from the cabinets and dug through some of the boxes t
hey had unloaded, gathering some dishes and skillets. Scarlett pulled her long brown hair up into a ponytail and then began to make dinner. She had decided on spaghetti since it didn't take long to prepare.

  "I'm glad you have an appetite Scarlett!"

  "Yea, well I think all the not eating over the last week has finally caught up to me."

  After Scarlett was finished making dinner the two piled on the sofa, wrapped in blankets, each with a bowl of spaghetti. "I really wish you would've grabbed some Parmesan cheese at the store, Scarlett!"

  "Well if you wouldn't have been flirting with the other customers, maybe you would've noticed the things I was forgetting!"

  "How could I not flirt with him? I mean come on, did you see him? I sure hope I run into him again! Preferably with my lips!" Ashlynn had a wicked smile on her face.

  Scarlett laughed at her friend.

  "He doesn't seem like the party type. Doubt we'll see him tomorrow night at the campground."

  "You mean you actually plan to go?" Shock laced Scarlett's voice.

  "Well of course. How else are we going to make friends if we shoot down the opportunity to hang out with the locals?"

  "I don't really want to go Ash."

  "Scarlett I told you I wasn't letting you sit around this house and I'm not. You're going with me, like it or not." Ashlynn grinned.

  "We can argue about it later, the movie is starting!"

  Chapter 3

  The next morning, Ashlynn woke up to the sun shining through her bedroom window. She sat up, stretching and yawning. She looked around the room at her bags laying around on the floor. I really need to unpack this stuff! I can't have my clothes getting wrinkled in there. Ashlynn thought to herself. She flung the covers off of her and slid out of bed. She unzipped one of the backpacks and pulled out some clothes, piling them on the bed. She turned and opened the closet door behind her, and stood staring into the tiny space. If only this had been a three bedroom cottage, I could've still had my giant closet. She pulled all the hangers off the rod and piled them onto the bed next to the clothes. She separated the clothes into four different piles. Shirts, pants, socks and underwear. She put the shirts on the hangers and hung them in the closet, then gathered the pants and took them over to the dresser on the left side of the bed. She put all the pants away, refolding some as she did so. She then grabbed the underwear and stuffed them in a drawer, and next the socks. She picked up another bag from the floor and opened the bedroom door trying to be as quiet as possible just in case Scarlett was still sleeping. She walked out to the end of the small hallway and peered around to see if Scarlett was up. She was sitting at the tiny table with a bowl of cereal and a book. "Hey you! Good morning!"

  "Hey Ash, good morning. I was beginning to think I should come check on you!"

  "What time is it? I never even looked."

  "It's 11am!"

  "All that driving the other night must have worn me out worse than I thought! I'm going to put a few things away in the bathroom and brush my teeth, then I'll be back." She turned back the hall and went into the bathroom.

  Scarlett sat at the table reading one of her romance novels Ashlynn made fun of her for. She closed the book and slid it to the side of the table and finished her cereal. Ashlynn came back out of the hall a few minutes later and sat down across from her. "So Ash, how many bottles of hair product will I have falling out of the medicine cabinet at me when I open it for my toothbrush?"

  "I traveled light. All I brought was like two cans of hair spray, couple cans of mousse, styling gel, heat protectant, oh and some conditioning spray."

  "Oh is that all?" Scarlett asked in a very sarcastic tone.

  "Well of course I also have my hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron, a big bag of clips, bobby pins, hair bands, etc."

  "Maybe I'll just keep my toothbrush and toothpaste in my room so I don't get buried alive when I open it!"

  "Okay, whatever you like. More space for me! I certainly need it! I did manage to get most of my clothes and things put away before I came out. I'm still wishing I had an extra room to transform into a closet, but I guess I'd rather have you." Ashlynn stuck her tongue out at her.

  "Gee Ash, I would hope that I'm more important than a closet!"

  "Of course!" Ashlynn glanced around the kitchen. "We need to finish putting things away out here."

  "I was going to do that when I finished my cereal. I put away stuff in my room when I got up too."

  "Let me guess, you've been up since the crack of dawn sitting out here with your sappy book?"

  "I like my sappy books thank you!"

  "Yea and I guess I love you anyway!" Ashlynn said, laughing at her.

  Scarlett got up and walked to the boxes at the edge of the kitchen. She began pulling out pots, pans, skillets, plates, bowls, cups and a bag of silverware. She stacked everything on the counter and looked around deciding where to put it. She put the pots, pans and skillets in a cabinet to the right of the stove and then put the plates, bowls and cups in an upper cabinet. She opened the bag of silverware and pulled open the top drawer to the left of the stove. As she put the silverware away in its places in the tray in the drawer, she glanced back at Ashlynn who was making herself a bowl of cereal. "I was dreaming about wolves last night." She said in a whispered tone.

  "That doesn't surprise me." Ashlynn said shaking her head.

  "It was weird though. There were wolves all over the forest howling and when I woke up I thought for sure I could still hear them."

  "Girl, you got some imagination!"

  "That's what I kept telling myself so I could get back to sleep." Scarlett said, looking kind of scared.

  "It's possible there are wolves running around out there. Maybe you did hear some and that's why you were dreaming about them. Well, between that and the fact that you got freaked out by the old men in the grocery store yesterday."

  "Well if that's so, I'm not going to be spending time outdoors!"

  "Well, you can stick to the indoors all you want starting tomorrow, because tonight, we are heading to a campground!"

  "Er, I was hoping you'd change your mind about that! You really aren't making me go are you?"

  "Um, yea! Can't very well have you sitting here sulking in your own misery!"

  Maybe I'll get lucky and the other girls won't be at the video store tonight. Scarlett thought to herself.


  Over the next six hours the two girls cleaned and organized the cottage then Ashlynn insisted they re-arrange the living room furniture because 'the feng shui was all out of whack'. When they were finished, they watched another movie they had rented the night before. 'The Back-up Plan' starring Jennifer Lopez. "That is going to be me!" Scarlett snorted. "Only without a gorgeous man showing up!"

  "Scarlett you seriously need to lighten up! You will still live happily ever after. You just need to sit back and let the now happen so you can get there!"

  "I wish I had your enthusiasm!"

  "All the girls wanna be like Ash!"

  Scarlett laughed. "No self-esteem issues, huh?"

  "I'm going to get in the shower and get ready. Not like I need to intensify all this hottness but if ya got it flaunt it!" Ashlynn did a little dance on her way to the bathroom as she spoke.

  Scarlett sat on the couch shaking her head at her friend. She then decided she should probably eat before they left, because Ashlynn was going to be dragging her God knows where and she may not get the chance later.

  An hour later Scarlett had just gotten out of the shower and was standing in her room in a towel as Ashlynn rummaged through her closet. "It's so hard to dress in a stunning fashion when one is dressing to brave the outdoors!"

  "Ash I really don't care what I look like as long as I'm comfortable!"

  "A girl must always look her best! No matter where she's going, who she's going with or what she's going to be doing! You know my motto. 'Always look better than the bitch next to you'!"

  "Is that why I always feel so
under dressed standing next to you?" Scarlett laughed.

  "I'm just glamorous that's all! And that doesn't apply to you silly! Now come on, put these clothes on!"

  "I love how you think I'm your life-size barbie doll!"

  "Girl don't get snappy with me! Just get dressed! I'm going to double check my make-up!"

  Scarlett put on the clothes Ashlynn had pulled from her closet. She knew it was easier and less time consuming not to argue. After she was fully dressed she slipped on her boots and headed into the bathroom. Ashlynn was standing there with a blow dryer and a brush. "Alright girl let's get to work on that hair!" She combed and dried as Scarlett randomly groaned and grunted. When she was finished she exclaimed, "Work of art!"

  Scarlett mumbled something under her breath Ashlynn didn't completely understand.

  "Okay, make-up time." Ashlynn dug through her make-up bag and pulled out some blush, eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss. As she applied it, Scarlett laughed at her serious faces. She really looked like she was concentrating hard. "My masterpiece is complete!" Ashlynn said sounding so proud!

  Scarlett turned and looked in the mirror. "Damn girl! You did good!"

  Ashlynn got a serious look on her face. "Scarlett, you're already beautiful! I just helped enhance it!"

  Scarlett smiled at her so happy to have a friend like her. She didn't have to say anything, Ashlynn knew what she was thinking.

  They walked out of the bathroom and grabbed their jackets assuming it may get chilly later. "What should we bring?" Scarlett asked turning to Ashlynn.

  "I don't know. I'd say a little cash and our IDs. I wouldn't think we'd need much else."

  "Not like we wanna carry a purse out into the woods!" Scarlett laughed.

  As Ashlynn opened the front door Scarlett said, "You did put the house key on your key ring right?"

  "Yep! Got it on there."

  "Okay. Just double checking."

  "Yea, hate to get us locked outside with the wolves!" Ashlynn laughed.

  "That's not funny Ash!"

  Chapter 4

  The girls pulled into the parking lot and saw a yellow ford focus sitting in front if the movie rental. Ashlynn recognized the girls inside the car as she drove by. She parked beside them and rolled down her window. The girl named Heather was in the passenger seat and rolled down her window as well. "Hey there!" She said smiling at Scarlett and Ashlynn.


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