Fate's Intentions

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Fate's Intentions Page 9

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  "Name one!" He grinned.

  "Gettysburg!" She smirked at him.

  "Watch that one in history class did you?" He chuckled.

  "Yes! But I like it and I bought a copy! I like the Patriot too!"

  "That's a good movie!" He said, a little more serious now.

  Scarlett wiggled around feeling uncomfortable now. "I think I'd like to stay away from the drama type movies right now though. No more unnecessary crying!"

  "Okay. Well you decide whatever you feel like watching and I'll go along with it." He smiled at her. "But there isn't any need to cry. Adam and I aren't going to let any harm come to you or your friend. You have my word."

  Scarlett half smiled at him. "Well that isn't my only problem." She said as she fumbled with some movies in her hands.

  "What else is wrong?" He asked seeming genuinely concerned.

  "Well it's this guy." She paused not knowing if she should share her heartaches with Ben. "I was with this guy for a few years, we'd been living together since we graduated high school. We broke up. That's actually why I'm here in Black Forest with Ashlynn. I needed to get away. I couldn't handle him not returning my calls and ignoring me any longer."

  "I don't know you but you seem like a nice girl, why would any guy in his right mind not return your calls?" He seemed so tough and cold as stone, but Scarlett was beginning to see he did have a sensitive side. At least a little one.

  "I don't want to bother you with my problems." A tear slid down her cheek.

  Ben placed his hand on her cheek wiping the tear away with his thumb. "Real love is unending and forgiving. Whatever reason he has, if he's the one, things will work themselves out."

  Scarlett leaned into his hand. "That's what Ashlynn keeps telling me."

  "She's wiser than she looks." Ben smirked.

  Scarlett laughed and Ben sat back. She wiped her eyes and looked down at the movies. "So I think I've decided. Let's watch the hangover."

  "Good choice."


  Ashlynn followed Adam down a narrow stairway that led to the basement. When they got to the bottom he opened a door to the left and flipped on a switch turning on a light. He motioned for her to enter first so she entered and spun in a circle examining the room. There were hundreds of test tubes of all different shapes and sizes sitting on shelves all around the room. There was an island counter with what looked to be a bunson burner on it and behind it on the far wall of the room there was a mini fridge and on the counter next to it was a microscope. "I feel like I've just stepped into the laboratory of a mad scientist." She smiled as she turned to Adam.

  "You have. I didn't go to medical school so I could open a little practice in town and take care of the locals!" He walked to the island and pulled a stool out. He patted it inviting her to have a seat.

  "Okay, so what is all this and what was your reason for going to medical school then?" She climbed up on the stool and crossed her legs.

  "I am trying to find an antidote."

  "An antidote for what?" She was confused.

  "For the change we experience on the eve of the full moon. I love my life as a werewolf. I really do. But I want the ability to prevent the change under a full moon. It's not always convenient to go hide in the woods just before the moon comes out!"

  "Well, that makes sense. Any luck?" She asked as she played with the burner in front of her.

  "No. I've been working on this for years and I thought I had finally found a formula to prevent the change. Ben volunteered to be my guinea pig. It didn't work. He was immediately transformed instead. But I haven't given up. I have a few more ideas." He smiled at her and moved the burner out of her reach.

  "Way to be opitmistical!" She winked at him.

  He laughed at her words. "I am quite the optimist!" He winked back.

  "So was this an invitation to get me alone or did you really want to get some work done?" She wiggled closer to him and laid her hand on his chest.

  "I really need to get some work done but I am enjoying having some company down here for once. You wouldn't believe the hours on end I've spent down here when I thought I was onto something. And It's always a lonely silence."

  "Not anymore." She smiled at him and leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Go on, don't let me hold you up. You get to work while I sit here and admire you!"

  Adam kissed her nose and smiled at her.

  He worked late into the night, Ashlynn had gotten bored and turned to her phone for entertainment. She browsed the Internet and checked her twitter and facebook accounts and later she fell asleep leaning on the counter as she listened to music. Adam looked over and saw her sleeping. He whisked her off the stool in his arms and carried her up the basement steps. As he emerged from the hallway on his way to the stairs leading up to Ashylnn's room he noticed Scarlett and Ben, this time both of them sleeping on the couch with the main menu of Bad Boys 2 lighting up the room. He smiled as he walked by. He carried Ashlynn in her room and laid her on the bed. He was shocked that she hadn't woken up as he brought her to bed or as he laid her down and covered her up. He leaned over her and kissed her forehead. "Good night." He whispered in her ear.

  As he stepped back and turned to walk out of the room a voice whispered back, "Sweet dreams." He turned and smiled as he exited the room as Ashlynn smiled back at him.

  Chapter 13

  Ashlynn woke up and smiled as she stretched underneath the blankets of her huge bed in her beautiful room in this marvelous home. She had slept in the clothes she was wearing the night before and even though she had woken up, she hadn't bothered to get up and change. She peeled off her shirt and pants and grabbed a tshirt and sweat pants. She brushed her hair and pulled it into a messy bun then opened up the door to her room. She could hear voices downstairs as she walked to the steps. Everyone else was already awake. Adam was cooking and Scarlett and Ben were again on the couch laughing and joking with one another. She smiled again. It filled her with joy to see Scarlett happy and laughing. Her best friend hadn't been herself the last couple weeks and Ashlynn missed her. The girl on the couch laughing with Ben was more like the girl she knew. "Good morning!" She winked to Scarlett as she walked by her and Ben.

  "Good morning to you too!" Scarlett grinned back at her.

  Ashlynn walked to the island and sat on one of the stools watching as Adam made breakfast. "How are you today?" She asked in a flirting manner.

  Adam smiled at her. "I am great! How did you sleep?"

  "I slept like a rock! I love that bed!"

  "I hope you're hungry."

  Ashlynn nodded, "I'm starving! What are you making? I smell bacon."

  "Bacon, eggs, toast, and bagels with strawberry cream cheese for your sweet tooth." Adam winked at her.

  I'm going to have to marry this man! Ashlynn thought to herself. Sweet, sexy Doctor and he cooks for me! "You are my favorite person today!" She smiled at him. He sat everything up on the bar in front of Ashlynn. "Do you want me to carry these to the table?"

  "If you would like." Adam nodded.

  Ashlynn carried the plates of food to the table then got everyone a plate, fork and butter knife and took them to the table as well. She glanced in at Scarlett and Ben and then whispered to Adam, "What is your take on that?"

  Adam looked into the room at Scarlett and Ben. "I don't know, but I've never seen Ben smile so much! He's usually quiet and serious, sometimes hard to be around when you're in an awesome mood."

  Ashlynn raised her eyebrows at this information. "Glad they can bring out the happy side of one another!" She giggled quietly to Adam.

  He smiled and kissed her on the nose. "Let's eat sweet thing."

  "Sweet thing? Really? You obviously don't know me well! I am by no means sweet!" She laughed. "But I love your pet names! You can call me whatever you like!"

  He winked at her. "That goes for me as well!" He turned back to the living room. "Breakfast is done if you two want to join us." He took the orange juice from the fridge and four glasses from th
e cabinet.

  Ben and Scarlett stood from the couch and followed Adam and Ashlynn into the dining room. "It smells wonderful!" Scarlett said looking over to Adam as she sat down next to Ashlynn.

  "Eat up!" Adam smiled. "I made plenty!"

  "So what is on the agenda today?" Ashlynn looked over to Ben and Adam as she spread some strawberry cream cheese across her bagel.

  "Whatever you two like!" Adam smiled at both of them. "Did you want to go see your grandparents today?"

  "Not really." She laughed. "But I really should!"

  "Okay, you just let me know when you want to go and I'll drive you in."

  "So you're going to go with me?" Ashlynn asked him.

  "I can go in with you if you like, or I can wait in the truck. I could drop you off but I will not go far." He glared at her.

  "It's up to you!" She smiled at him. She completely ignored Ben and Scarlett sitting there with them as she said, "I don't know what is going on between us or where it's going to take us, but do you think it's too soon to introduce you to the family?"

  Adam laughed. "I don't know. I don't have any experience with meeting the parents or as in this case, the grandparents."

  Ashlynn was shocked. With big eyes she asked, "No girl has ever taken you to meet her parents?"

  "I've never really been in a relationship before." Adam said, in a way embarrassed of this.

  "Never?" Ashlynn was amazed this beautiful man was in his seventies, looked hot as ever and had never been in a relationship.

  "No. Our kind tries to hide our secret from the humans and that means never letting any of them close enough to discover we are not as they are."

  "Have you ever slept with a woman?" Ashlynn couldn't stop the question that came from her lips. Adam was lost for words and Ben choked on his bacon. "Ow!" Ashlynn screamed when Scarlett slapped her arm.

  "Do you have word diarrhea?" Scarlett gave her a dirty look. "Gosh Ash, shut up already with the questions!"

  Ben and Adam looked at each other and then back to the girls and they burst out laughing. When Adam managed to stop laughing he looked at Ashlynn. "We'll continue this conversation later." He smiled hoping she didn't feel uncomfortable.

  "I have some questions as well." Scarlett said looking over to Ben and Adam.

  Ben had a blank look on his face now. "About my dating history?"

  Scarlett laughed. "NO! I overheard two men talking at the grocery store about livestock being eaten. And the people at the campground said that it happens around the full moon. I was just wondering what the deal is. I mean, you guys said you hunt wildlife."

  Ben was embarrassed. He looked down at his plate and swallowed hard and when he thought he had better composed himself he looked back up at her. "We have been investigating this. It is not us if that's what you're asking. We don't know if it is wild wolves and just coincidence that they are killed around the full moon or maybe the newspapers have added that to sell their papers. We aren't sure."

  "I've just been wondering about that and I thought I'd ask. That very well could be what's happening. News papers will do anything to sell papers!"

  Ashylnn looked over to Adam. "I could get used to your cooking! It's all really good!"

  Adam smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

  She smiled back still trying to get over her embarrassing outburst. "If you feel like it, I think maybe I'd like to go see Grammy and Pap after breakfast."

  "I don't mind at all." Adam replied.

  "Okay, well I'm going to go give them a call then." She got up and went to her room to get her phone.

  Scarlett was lost in her bacon and eggs. It was really good and she was happy to have an appetite again. Adam brought her out of her thoughts. "Are you coming with us Scarlett?"

  She shook her head. "No if it's okay I think I'd rather stay here. I really don't want to be anywhere near town."

  Adam smiled at her. "Of course it's okay if you stay here." His intent was innocent but as he saw the words had other meaning to Scarlett he grinned as well. "I didn't mean it like that!" He laughed.

  "Of course you didn't!" She joked.

  "I really didn't." He said honestly.

  "I know." She smiled at him.

  He finished the food that was on his plate and stood up. He started to gather some of the various things on the table.

  "Don't do that!" Scarlett exclaimed. "You cooked, you shouldn't have to clean up too! I'll get it and wash the dishes when I'm finished."

  "I'll help her." Ben added.

  "Okay then." Adam smiled. "I'm going to go see if Ashlynn is planning to go to her grandparent's."

  He walked through the kitchen and up the stairs. When he got to Ashlynn's door he knocked, fighting the urge to open the door hoping to sneak a peek at her changing. He heard a voice from inside. "Come in." He opened the door and found Ashlynn on the edge of the bed pulling on her boots.

  "You look good!" He spoke his thoughts out loud.

  Ashlynn smiled through her words, "Thank you! I'm ready whenever you are. I talked to Grammy and she's excited to see me, said they are going to be home."

  "I'm ready too." Adam said motioning to her bedroom door. "After you my lady."

  Ashlynn grinned at him as she walked past him and out into the hall.

  Adam closed her door. "Scarlett isn't coming."

  Ashlynn nodded. "I didn't think she would." She walked down the steps and out to the dining room. Scarlett was still sitting at the table, Ben as well. "Do you need anything in town Scarlett?"

  "No, I don't think so. But if I think of anything I'll text you." Scarlett smiled at her. "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine! Go on!"

  Ashlynn hugged her. "Okay. Text me if you need anything."

  Ashlynn and Adam walked outside and got into his truck. He was usually very aware of his surroundings. His hearing, sight and sense of smell were amplified much more than that of a human. But he was so distracted by this beautiful blond sitting next to him that he didn't notice the unfamiliar scent swirling in the air outside.

  As they pulled out of the driveway he looked over to Ashlynn, "I have to tell you something." Ashlynn stared back at him, waiting for him to vocalize what was on his mind. "I always promised myself I wouldn't get involved with any human girl."

  Ashlynn laughed. "Well if you would've ask me a month ago I would have told you there'd be no way in hell I'd ever be falling for a werewolf!"

  "That's a good point." He laughed. "It's just that there are some major differences between us and humans. The most outstanding difference being our lifespan."

  Ashlynn stared down into her lap for a moment then lifted the arm rest between them pushing it back into the seat. She slid over, up against him and kissed his cheek. "Shhhh. I don't know how to handle all of this either but we will figure it out."

  He wrapped his arm around her and squeezed. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "You are right gorgeous! I would much rather be scrambling to figure out a way to make this work than to figure out how to let you go!"

  They drove the rest of the way to town in silence. He had one hand on the wheel and the other around her, she had her head on his shoulder and her hand on his thigh, and they each had the same thought on their mind.

  Chapter 14

  Ben and Adam had been busy with the girls and never noticed that they had been followed when they brought them to their home. They also hadn't noticed that someone had been lurking outside waiting for the opportunity to make their move. Cody hadn't heeded the wolf's warning to leave the girls alone. Now it was more personal. Scarlett had turned him in. His mind had been racing wondering how he could get out of it. It had finally settled on the idea that if there was no one to testify against him, the problem would be gone. He just had to pull it off without getting caught. He had stalked them long enough to know it was just the four of them in this house but he hadn't dug around enough to realize that Ben and Adam were more than they appeared. Once he knew where the girls were staying, he had came up with
a plan and returned with his hunting rifle. He had watched as Ashlynn and Adam left and figured this was the best chance he was going to get. The odds of getting Scarlett completely by herself weren't worth waiting for, he needed to act now.

  Scarlett and Ben had been sitting at the table talking after they'd finished eating. She stood up and with the brace on her wrist, began awkwardly clearing the table. Ben got up and helped her carry the dishes to the kitchen. She turned to him and smiled. "I've really had a good time the last couple of days. It feels like it's been forever since I've felt like me, but the last couple days you've made me smile and laugh, I'm more like myself."

  Ben smiled back at her. "To be completely honest, the last couple days you've brought a part of me to life that I thought died a long time ago. You have no idea how long it's been since I've laughed so much. I'm really glad to have you here."

  He took a step closer to her and then something caught his eye outside the window. It was Cody and he had a gun. A gun aimed at them. He jumped in front of Scarlett just as the glass of the window before them shattered. He let out a howl as the bullet pierced his skin. It entered on his left side just below his ribs. Luckily it had almost missed him and didn't do as much damage as it could have. It was bleeding a lot, but he knew he'd live. He pressed his hand onto the wound and turned to Scarlett. "Are you okay?" He looked down and there she was laying on the floor. She was bleeding everywhere. The bullet had caught him and then hit her in the stomach. He jumped down onto the floor next to her and covered the wound on her belly. He knew trying to stop the blood wasn't any use because she was bleeding on the inside. The only thing he knew to do, he wasn't sure if it would work. He'd never seen it done before. But it was his only hope. Scarlett was convulsing. She had already lost too much blood and was going into shock. "Take deep breaths Scarlett! Stay as calm as possible!" He grabbed a knife from the counter behind them and slid it across his wrist. Blood poured from the gash as he pressed it to her mouth. Blood ran inside and Scarlett began to choke on it. He wasn't sure if she was coherent. He didn't know if she was understanding what he was saying but he instructed her anyway. "Swallow Scarlett! I need you to swallow!" She was swallowing it but not of her own will. Her body trembled as she swallowed and inhaled the blood pouring down her throat. After he thought she had gotten plenty, he sat her up and patted her on the back. He held her in his arms and rocked her side to side and cried to her. "Hold on Scarlett, hold on! You're going to be okay! I promised to keep you safe and I'm going to! I'm not going to let you die!" Her body stopped shaking and Ben held his breath afraid to check if she was still breathing. But she was. She was unconscious, but still breathing. He looked down at her chest and saw it inflating as she took air in. He looked up to her face. It was so pale. She was ghostly white. A tear fell from his eye onto her face. He wiped it away as he whispered to her. "Please don't leave me Scarlett. You've brought happiness back into my life after so many decades of loneliness. I can't let you leave me. You can't!" He picked her up and carried her to the couch. He laid her down and glanced out the window. He had done all that he could do for Scarlett. He hoped that it was enough. But there was one more thing that he needed to do.


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