A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 5

by D. J Marteeny

  Chapter 2

  Selene’s eyes struggled to open, her befuddled mind trying to make sense of the horrific noise that seemed to be coming from close by. Her hand brushed against something soft and warm and she realized Guillermo, her boyfriend for the past few weeks, was laying next to her, his naked chest rising and falling rhythmically, the sound of a chainsaw erupting from his nose.

  “G…” she said as she shook him roughly. “…G, you’re snoring—damn it —roll over!”

  Guillermo mumbled a few unintelligible words as he adjusted his head and the room suddenly became a lot quieter as the awful snoring stopped.

  “Thank god.” Selene said, her fist pounding the pillow before plopping her bleached blond head back down onto it. She closed her eyes momentarily, tossing first to the left, then to the right before sighing in frustration. She might as well face it she was wide awake now. No rest for the weary, she thought as she cast an angry look at the man sleeping soundly beside her.

  Sitting up, she tossed her thin, porcelain legs over the side of the bed. Bending down, she grabbed a pair of tattered jeans from the floor where she’d dropped them the night before. Slipping quickly into them, she scoured the room for a top when she saw one of Guillermo’s t-shirts slung carelessly across the back of an old wooden chair. As she pulled the garment over her head, she walked towards a chest of drawers where she searched through a pack of Marlboros for the one remaining cigarette left inside.

  Lighting it, she took a drag. She leaned against the dresser, tilting her head back to blow a thin line of smoke upwards towards the ceiling. She really should quit this filthy habit. It was beginning to age her before her time. She’d started smoking at the ripe old age of twelve and already her pretty face, with its small nose, full lips and mahogany eyes, was looking much older than her sixteen years.

  Selene’s eyes wandered around a room reeking of body odor, booze and sex with just a slight hint of weed and, as she took another puff, her mind drifted back to her home. The small town of Moon Lake was located in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. The State Parks of Ricketts Glen and Red Rock were close by attesting to the beauty of the area. Her decision to leave such a pristine area, to run away in fact, was based on an ill conceived dream to become something more than she was. She just knew fame and fortune would be hers if she could meet the right people—and she wasn’t going to find them in her hometown. She was pretty—everyone said so. I could easily be a fashion model, or even an actress if I could just get out of this backwards little town, she’d thought.

  So off she went to New York City where Guillermo literally ran into her at the bus station. He took one look at her and her fate was sealed. He’d told her he was an agent and being in-experienced with men, and life in general, she believed him. After all, he was just so cool with his tattoos, shaved head and that awesome inked tear-drop right under his left eye. She’d always been a sucker for the bad boys so she was hooked immediately and now, weeks later, it was too late.

  She’d found out the hard way that he was no agent. Hell, she wasn’t even sure he was human. What she did know was that he was the leader of a Puerto Rican gang that ran guns, drugs and women—of which she was now one. She was his property to do with as he pleased and, unfortunately for her, he did a lot of disgusting things.

  Now, all she wanted to do was see her mom again, in that backwards little town she called home. How could I’ve been so stupid? She wondered how many tears had been shed over her. How many frantic phone calls and sleepless nights her parents have had since her disappearance. With a deep sigh she told herself, I’ll probably never know.

  “Fame and fortune—what a joke,” she whispered. Instead of her name on a billboard in Times Square, she had a rap sheet at the New York City police department. She’d sunk lower than she ever dreamed possible. I’m nothing more than a drugged up whore and there’s no turning back now. “Shit,” the word slipped through her lips with disgust.

  Guillermo moved suddenly, opening his eyes and lifting his head as he looked for the source of the sound that had disturbed his sleep. “Whasup?” he mumbled.

  “Nothing, just thinking.” Selene replied.

  “Well—do your fucking thinking somewhere else. I’m tryin’ to sleep!”

  The young girl stared at the tattooed man, tears threatening to spill forth from her large, sad eyes. Her lips quivering, she shoved her hand into the pocket of her jeans and shuffled off into the living room. “Bastard,” she whispered under her breath as she wiped away the moisture from her eyes. She could just make out the word “stupid” coming from the bedroom as Guillermo rolled over, covering his head with a pillow in an attempt to drown out her voice.

  Suddenly he threw the pillow aside and yelled across the room, “Hey—what time is it, woman?”

  Selene’s pretty face contorted in disgust. “I don’t know—three thirty in the afternoon, I think, why?”

  A string of cursing in English and Spanish erupted from the bedroom. Within seconds, Guillermo came hopping through the doorway nearly falling flat on his face as he struggled to pull on his baggy jeans. It was all Selene could do not to laugh in his face as she watched the spectacle before her unfold. Regaining his balance, Guillermo cinched his belt low on his waist so his boxers were sure to show then slipped a tight fitting black t-shirt over his muscled chest.

  Selene took another puff from what was left of her cigarette, a thin line of smoke streaming from her nostrils. “What’s your hurry? You goin’ somewhere?”

  Guillermo slipped on his Porsche Addidas, answering without looking up at her. “I have a meeting in the park.”

  “At this hour—can I come?” At the look on his face Selene knew ‘G’ was about to refuse but before he could speak she started to beg, “Awe come on, ‘G’, I’ve been cooped up in this dump for weeks. I need some fuckin’air!”

  “Its business,” spat Guillermo. “I don’t need some dingy blond screwing things up for me.”

  “I won’t get in the way, I promise. Look, I’ll just take a walk in the park and come back when yer done. No-one’ll even know I’m there,” she pleaded.

  The young man stood up and stared at the girl, his handsome face marred by a wicked scar traveling from his left eye all the way down to his chin. His gaze was cold and calculating. After a minute he said, “Grab your shit and let’s go but when we get to the park you disappear, ya hear me? This dude is heavy duty.”

  Selene’s face erupted into a beautiful smile and for a brief second she thought he might actually care for her until she heard him say, “There’s a lot of money to be made here and I don’t want it fucked up! Well— you comin’?” Guillermo yelled as he grabbed his leather jacket and headed for the door.

  Not wanting to risk him changing his mind, Selene jumped off the couch and ran back into the bedroom. She quickly ran a comb through her straw-like hair while pulling on knee high boots with a three inch Cuban heel. Then, throwing on a faux fur jacket and grabbing her purse, she ran to catch up with Guillermo.

  They left the apartment, which was located on Fifth Street in the ‘El Barrio’ section of the city, and headed right towards 116th St. Guillermo walked quickly and with purpose causing Selene to have to run to keep up with him. Neither of them noticed the large man across the street sipping hot coffee as he watched them intently.

  Al Slokavich was big and broad, with a bald head and large mustache that resembled a cat tail sitting on his thin upper lip. Black horned rimmed glasses sat low upon his large nose and a wrinkled overcoat, two sizes too small, completed his ensemble. Al was also a cop, a detective to be exact, two years from retirement and he looked it. The streets of New York were mean and hard and the stress of such a dangerous career was etched into his pudgy face. All the years he’d spent on the force were beginning to take its toll and Al prayed that he could hold on until he finally collected his pension.

p; Al watched the young couple round the corner of a vacant building, disappearing from view. Quickly he approached a tan sedan parked on the road in front of him. In this part of town the car screamed cop but that didn’t bother Al as he leaned down to look into the passenger window. “Looks like Ramirez is takin’ a stroll.”

  The woman inside the car, Shaniqua Taylor, was African American, in her mid forties with close cropped hair and a face that reflected the hard life she’d lived. She was a single mother of five, a dedicated detective that would give her life for those she cared about which included her partner and her boss, Evangeline Meredeloupe. Following Al’s gaze she caught a quick glimpse of the man in question rounding the building.

  “He seems in a bit of a hurry. Who’s the girl?”

  “Don’t know, could be a hooker.”

  “Well, we’d better follow.” Shaniqua said as she slid into the driver’s seat. Al nodded as he proceeded to follow the couple on foot. Rolling down her window, Shaniqua shouted, “And Al, keep your distance.” Lately, her partner had a tendency to be careless which caused a lot of un-necessary problems when the team was on a stake-out. Shaniqua realized that Al was tired, worn out from the years of physical and mental abuse that went with the job but, if he wasn’t careful he’d never make it to retirement and that would piss her off.

  “Yea, yea.” Al replied as he waved back at her. Rounding the corner of the vacant building, he could just make out his quarry a couple of blocks ahead. The couple continued on up 116th St. towards the subway station.

  As they passed the Providence Baptist Church, Selene grabbed Guillermo’s arm, breathing heavily in her efforts to keep pace with him.

  “Hey G, what’s the rush? I can barely keep up.”

  “Look babe…” he said, not slowing down the slightest bit, “…I’m running late and this guy’s not the type who takes kindly to bein’ kept waitin’.” His eyes remained focused ahead of him but his face showed a tinge of fear which Selene, being self absorbed, seemed to miss.

  “Ok but can I stop at the CVS for a pack o’ smokes?”

  Guillermo stopped abruptly, grabbing her tightly by the arms as if he were going to shake the life out of her. “You stupid broad, I just told you I was late. If yer gonna’ be a pain in the ass then get back to the apartment and leave me to it. I don’t need ya fucking things up for me.”

  “No —no. I’ll be good—I’m—I’m sorry,” she stammered as she stared at him with fearful eyes. He really could be a crazy son of a bitch when he wanted to.

  Guillermo tossed her aside like a rag doll as he continued walking. “Puta!” His words were like venom as he grabbed the railing leading down to the subway entrance taking the steps two at a time. Selene ran to catch up with him as they both slid through the turn styles just as the train arrived.

  Al had done a good job of hanging back—to good, in fact, as he watched the couple step inside the subway car. Realizing he was about to lose them, he flashed his badge, jumping the turn style just as the train doors slammed shut. Kicking the air in front of him, Al swore in exasperation as the car lurched, moving forward. “Shit!” he said as the last car moved past him but not before he caught a glimpse of the young woman staring at him with a smile on her face.

  Selene, looking out the narrow window, was just in time to see a large man throwing a holy fit because he hadn’t made the train in time. His exaggerated tantrum made her smile for some reason. Life can be a real pain in the ass in this city, she thought.

  As the car disappeared from view, Al pulled out his cell phone and pushed the button. “Lost them,” he said as he heard Shaniqua’s voice on the other end of line. “Pick me up at the entrance to the subway.” Going back the way he came, he hurried towards the exit, a string of curses flowing from his lips. “Damn, damn, damn—the boss ain’t gonna be happy!” When he reached the top of the stairs, he pulled out the cell phone again debating on whether he should make the call or not. He could feel the acid rise in his stomach as Shaniqua’s car screeched to a halt on the street before him. He slid into the passenger side, staring forward silent and brooding.

  “You know she’s gonna be pissed when she finds out we lost him.” Shaniqua said.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” Al replied, the huge knot in his gut twisting in pain as he ruffled through his coat pocket for the Tums he always had on him.

  “Got any ideas where they were headed?” his partner asked.

  “No, Taylor—the little scum bag didn’t feel the need to share his itinerary with me.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass. We’ve been after that little shit for weeks and this was our chance to nab him. For once in your life use some of that police savvy you’ve acquired over the years instead of just existing from day to day until you’re out of here. You should have anticipated where they were headed and rode with me. You knew damn well you couldn’t keep up with them on foot. Hell—never mind—I don’t know why I even bother?” she said in frustration when she saw the stubborn look on Al’s face. “We’ll just follow the subway into the city and hope to pick up the trail there.” The car lurched from curb as the two passengers continued to argue.

  * * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, as the two detectives were still hoping for some clue as to the whereabouts of their young drug dealer, the man in question was just arriving at the Chess and Checker House in New York’s Central Park. Built in 1952, the structure was funded by a gift from Bernard Beruch. The octagonal red and cream colored building was a place to gather and enjoy the peace and serenity of the park while playing a game of chess or checkers. Everyone went there— the young and old, stranger and friend, expert and novice. Since its introduction the House had become one of the parks favorite attractions.

  Circling the main structure were benches surrounded by twenty-four tables where visitors could sit and play, escaping from the uglier side of life for an afternoon—or not.

  “This is where you’re meeting this dude?” Selene asked in surprise.

  “Just shut up and keep your eyes open.” Guillermo spat out.

  “What the hell for?”

  Guillermo turned, his dark eyes blazing in anger.

  “Okay, okay.” Selene turned away, scanning the crowd of people surrounding them, for what she wasn’t sure.

  “Good morning, my son.”

  Guillermo turned with a start, staring at an elderly man standing beside him. Where’d the bastard come from? I didn’t hear a fuckin’ thing, he thought as he stared at the strange figure before him.

  The old man looked ancient, his skin sallow and withered as he leaned upon a silver tipped cane. A black beret covered his balding head while a multi-colored scarf kept his wrinkled neck well hidden. His small, beady eyes were all but consumed by thick bi-focal glasses and there was the barest wisp of white hair sprouting from his chin. He wore a brown corduroy blazer, a forest green sweater vest and matching polyester pants. He stood peering at the young couple with his nearly blind eyes, while clutching a large wooden box under his right arm.

  Selene could barely control herself as she fought to hold in the laughter. She knew Guillermo would be angry but she couldn’t help but say, “This is the guy you couldn’t be late for—the one you didn’t dare piss off? What the fuck, G…”

  “Shut your stupid mouth, bitch! I told…” but before Guillermo could finish his tirade the old man leaned forward and asked,

  “My son, who is this enchanting creature?” his tired eyes traveled up and down Selene’s body, their movement exaggerated by his thick glasses.

  “She’s nothing, man—she’s nobody.” Guillermo replied and Selene could hear the fear in his voice.

  “Nothing—I disagree, young man, she is quite something. And…” the man said, turning his full attention to Selene, “…don’t let appearances fool you, my dear. Looks—can be deceivin
g,” he said with a leering smile.

  “Selene—don’t you have somewhere to be? Get the hell out of here and go buy those smokes—I need fifteen minutes.”

  “Sure—sure thing, G. I—I’ll just meet you over th…” her voice trailed off as she glanced from one man to the other.

  “Just go!” Guillermo shouted as he shoved her hard nearly causing her to stumble as she walked towards the exit, two pairs of eyes watching her every move. When she was out of sight, Guillermo turned back to the man.

  “Interesting…” the old man muttered as he hooked his arm under Guillermo’s. “…but come along, my son? Tell me, have you ever played chess?”

  “Chess?” the young man replied, more than a little confused. “Dude, I don’t have time to play no games.” Guillermo said, courage based on the arrogance of his own self importance making him braver. I’m here to finish our business. You tryin’ to screw with me, old man? Cause if you are I’ll…”

  “No, no—no screwing. All I have on my mind today is business but chess helps me to clear my head. It’s an interesting game and I think you and I should play.”

  Guillermo’s heart began to beat rapidly as he tried to figure out what the old man was up to. Alright, I’ll play along just ‘till we settle our deal. Then, I’m outta here, he thought as he followed the man towards the main building. The place was full of competitors waging war against each other with black and white chess pieces. As the two men wormed their way through the crowd, they spied an empty table in the far corner.

  Reaching it, the old man set his wooden box down upon it while he carefully removed his blazer. Wrapping it around the back of his chair, he slowly sat down laying his cane across his legs. It was the first time that Guillermo noticed the silver handle. The gleaming image of Satan stared back at him, the ruby red eyes sparkling in the sunlight, the thin lips pulled back in an evil sneer.

  A shiver ran down his spine as Guillermo saw the man point to the opposite chair saying, “Sit.” The old man’s voice was stern—forceful. The young man didn’t think twice. He hesitated only a moment before plopping his body onto the wooden chair.


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