A Soul in Torment

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A Soul in Torment Page 33

by D. J Marteeny

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  “What—the—hell?” Shaniqua’s eyes grew wide with shock as she watched the scene unfolding behind them. Then, realizing their pursuers were gone, she tried to get Eva’s attention. “Eva—you can stop now—you hear me, girl? They’re gone—all of them. Now put me down on solid ground.” Shaniqua found herself shouting in order to break Eva’s concentration.

  Finally, her words were heard and Evangeline slowed to a walk, coming to a full stop before the entrance to the outdoor café’ inside Bryant Park. Cautiously she put Shaniqua down. Her long hair fell forward as she tried to hide her face, and the golden eyes of the wolf, from her friend.

  “Okay—you, my girl, have some explaining to do…” Shaniqua said as Eva turned away from her to scan the area for any sign of the creatures that had been chasing them. When she was positive there was no trace left of the evil that had threatened them, Evangeline turned her attention back to the woman behind her—and a whole new set of problems.

  “…and what the hell were those—those things—that were after us? Eva—Evangeline Meredeloupe—do—you—hear—me?” Shaniqua asked as she grabbed Eva’s arm, forcing the younger woman to look straight at her.

  Eva resisted at first, keeping her eyes closed while she tried desperately to force her wolf’s eyes back to human once again but the transformation was taking its own sweet time. Then, with a sigh of resignation, she opened them, focusing that golden gaze on her longtime friend.

  “What the—Eva, your eyes—there’s—something wrong with them.”

  A stab of pain shot through Eva as she listened to Shaniqua’s gasp of shock. She felt an extreme sense of loss as she watched this woman, who’d been the only mother figure she’d ever known; take a step away from her. She’s afraid of me, thought Eva. She knew she had to tell Shaniqua everything—about herself as well as her theories about the murders in Red Rock, Moon Lake and New York. But how could she possibly make this woman understand what she, only recently, had been able to accept? And what would Shaniqua think of her longtime friend when she found out Eva wasn’t even human? Well, I guess we’ll just have to find out, she thought.

  Evangeline stared at her friend a moment longer, allowing Shaniqua to witness the wolf’s eyes dissolving into Eva’s amber/green ones once again. As Shaniqua covered her mouth to keep from crying out, Eva said, “There’s nothing wrong with my eyes or me, for that matter, Shani—I’m actually very well, in fact. Enhanced eyesight is just one of the many—gifts—possessed by the Loupe Garou.” Eva began tentatively.

  “Loopy what—what’r you talkin’ about, girl?”

  “Look, Shaniqua, we’d better sit down for this conversation. There are, obviously, things I have to tell you and I will explain everything as well as I can. I only ask that you keep an open mind—and try to understand. I’ve told you before that I’d never do anything to hurt you and I meant it. In fact I’d give my life for you, woman—you believe that don’t you?”

  “What—sure—of course I do but…”

  “Then go and grab us a table while I get two cups of very strong coffee. Then we’ll sit for a while and I’ll try and explain everything to you.”

  “Coffee, hell—I need a drink—a good stiff one because all the craziness I’ve witnessed today is—well it’s impossible!” Shaniqua told her.

  “Tell me about it?” Eva said under her breath. “Okay, get the table and I’ll ask a waitress to bring us both a shot—and some food.”

  “Food—who can eat?”

  “I can—in fact I have to. I’ve expended a lot of energy doing—what I did. Sit, Shani—I’ll be right back.”

  Eva took her time— moving slowly through the scattered tables towards the outdoor bar hoping to put off, if only for a little while, the conversation she was about to have. Ordering two stiff drinks she leaned against the bar to wait. When the bartender placed them before her, she handed him a twenty and turned to leave, stopping for a minute to add, “And can you send a waitress to that table, please?” she said nodding towards the table where Shaniqua was seated.

  “Sure thing, officer,” the bartender replied and Eva remembered that she was still in her dress blues. With a sigh, she glanced down at her torn and muddied uniform. Her hat had been lost during her confrontation with—whatever those things were, she thought. I guess I’ll have to replace it—if I’m still on the force when this is all over.

  Shaking her head she whispered under her breath, “Can’t worry about that right now.” Struggling to keep her nerves under control, Eva found herself back at the table—and Shaniqua—much too soon. As she approached, she noticed that Shaniqua had chosen a table well off the beaten path. Good old Shani—always did have good instincts. You don’t have to tell her when a conversation needs to be kept on the down low. Pulling out a chair, Eva sat down and, taking a long sip of her drink, searched her mind for a way to start her story.

  “Just spit it out, girl, it’s only me.” Shaniqua told her. “I know something—strange—to say the least, is going on and nothing you can tell me will ever change the way I feel about you,” she said as she covered Eva’s hand with her own. “I love you, Eva. You’re my boss, my partner and my best friend. I’ve just lost the only other person that fell into that category. I’m sure as hell not going to lose you, too—so talk to me.

  Eva grasped the hand covering hers. Clearing her throat she started to speak and, much to her surprise, the words just spilled out. She found herself telling Shaniqua everything from the time she and Selene had left New York together until her return yesterday. Eva watched the myriad of emotions cross Shaniqua’s weathered face when she told her about the werewolves, Roy and the pack, Jaclyn and the gift her mother had inadvertently left her. And most importantly, she told her old friend about Rick. When her tale was finished Eva held on tightly to Shaniqua’s hand waiting for her friend to respond.

  Shaniqua pulled one hand free, patting Eva’s reassuringly as she leaned back to absorb all she’d just been told. “Well hell, Eva—werewolves and vampires—this shit is all just so…”

  “Impossible? I know—I felt the same way when I was thrust into this nightmare.” Eva said.

  “… no, I was going to say incredible. So—our little girl isn’t a girl at all. You’re really a wolf—or Loopy Garo?

  “Loupe Garou,” Eva repeated and she couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s mis-pronunciation.

  “Whatever—guess I’ll have to study up on them. Shaniqua told her as the waitress arrived at their table.

  “What can I get you ladies?” the young girl asked as Shaniqua raised her eyebrow at the word—ladies.

  “I’ll have two hamburgers, as rare as possible, with all the trimmings.” Eva told her.

  “And you, mam.”

  “I need a huge— and I mean huge, girl—piece of chocolate cake.” Shaniqua told her, “And bury it in whip cream. I need as much sugar as possible. I think I’m in shock,” she whispered to Eva after the waitress had left. “Nothing like a great big sugar rush to snap me out of it,” and ten minutes later they were eating. Eva felt a little uncomfortable when she noticed Shaniqua staring at the red juice dripping from her hamburger but, to her credit, her friend didn’t say a word.

  And Eva made no excuses. I am what I am…, she thought …and I need raw meat—as well as the juice. She could feel her strength returning as energy surged through her body. If Shaniqua was going to accept what Eva had become then her eating habits were just another thing the detective was going to have to get used to. But Eva did relent—just a little— when, moments later, she stared at her now empty plate. “I’m sorry, Shani…” she said. The hamburgers had been nearly raw and the dish was now saturated with blood gravy. “…but this is my diet—most of the time. I’ll understand if—it—all of it—is something you’d rather not deal with and I’d even understand if you didn’t want
to see me again. I’m not sure what’s going to happen with my job. I guess I could put in for a transfer—or something. I don’t know—I haven’t really thought about that what with everything else that’s been happening. ” Eva just kept babbling, unable to stop her eyes from filling with tears, “Anyway— I’m not sure what path my life’s going to take from here on in so…”

  “Ho, ho—hold on there—what are you talking about? You think I’d toss you out of my life just because you’ve—changed—a little. You’re still human, Eva. As a matter of fact you’re better than human. You just — get a little hairy once in a while. It’d take more than that for me to desert you, darlin’. You’ve saved my life on more than one occasion. We have a bond and nothing—you hear me—nothing can break it. You got that, baby girl?” Shaniqua said. “We’re a team, you and I and I’m gonna help you through this—this mess—you’ve gotten yourself into if it’s the last thing I do. Now—what’s the plan?”

  Eva withdrew a tissue from her pocket. After wiping her eyes she said, “Oh Shani, I wish I knew. I’m still trying to absorb it all. You have to admit it’s all a little overwhelming. First I’m told that my mother was actually alive all these years—until just recently. And then I find out that she wasn’t completely human but some—some sort of —creature—and that I’m the same type of supernatural being. How does anyone deal with that kind of news? Rick—he tried to help me understand things. His condition was forced upon him as well so he thought he might be able to help me—adjust to my situation. But I don’t know if anyone can help me. I don’t know if I can do what’s expected of me, Shani. They, Roy and the pack, want me to take up where my mother left off. They think I can just step in and fill her shoes—become their Wolf Mother. Hell—what do I know about being the alpha to a pack of Loupe Garou? I’m a cop, Shani—and I was human, or so I thought, all of my life. How do I become what my new family needs me to be, huh? Can you tell me, Shani—can you help me with that—please?” Eva pleaded as she squeezed her friend’s hand tightly.

  Shaniqua returned the squeeze as she looked into Eva’s eyes. “I don’t know, honey, but I’m going to do my best. First things first—I think we need to get back to your friends and tell them what happened at the funeral. From everything you’ve told me they seem to be the best ones—the only ones—equipped to do deal with this sort of thing. But whatever you decide, I’m going with you. Those things that attacked us really pissed me off and I want to kick the shit outta some werewolf ass!”

  Eva couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend’s colorful vocabulary but she knew Shaniqua really didn’t understand the evil they were dealing with. “Shaniqua—you have to listen to me. I know you want to help but—this could be very dangerous. In all the years on the force we’ve never been up against anything like those things that attacked us today. Back in Red Rock it took the entire pack as well as Rick to defeat the newborns those creatures created. And to make things even worse, I haven’t the faintest idea what those—creatures—actually are. I know they’re not werewolves but they are some sort of demonic beast and the woman—well she’s something totally unique. You’re right about one thing, though. I do need to get back to Red Rock and see if Roy or Rick knows anything about these things. But until then I need to know that you’ll be safe. I was too late to save Al. I’m sure as hell not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “Save your breath, Eva, I’m coming with you and nothing you can say—or do—is gonna change my mind.” Shaniqua said stubbornly.

  “But Shaniqua, you have a family. They’re your first responsibility.”

  “And they will be. I’m gonna send them to my mother’s in Alabama. Charlese, my oldest, is the only one that’ll give me grief. She’s set to start an apprenticeship with her favorite designer, Marc Jacobs, but she’ll just have to deal with it. She can pursue a career later—when I know she’ll be safe.”

  “Shaniqua, please, think about…”

  “Stop, Eva—if you know anything at all about me it’s that all of the arguing in the world won’t accomplish a thing. I’m going and that’s that.”

  “ Alright—I can see there’s no talking you out of it.”


  “Then promise me you’ll get your family as far away from here as possible. I’ll contact Roy—let him know what happened here and that we’re on our way back. You can stay at the Inn with me—for now. And I have to call Rick as soon as possible. Something that bitch said made me think he’s their real target.”Eva told Shaniqua.

  “Rick—the priest turned vampire? He really is a vampire, Eva…? ”Shaniqua asked, incredulous, “…for real?”

  “Yes, Shani, he’s a vampire for real. I didn’t believe it, or any of this supernatural stuff, either until I witnessed—as well as experienced—everything for myself. You know what they say seeing is believing. Think about it, Shani—everything you witnessed today should be enough to convince you of the truth. Humans aren’t the only beings in this universe and we need to accept that fact if we’re going to survive this nightmare. Accept—and learn to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad because, sometimes, they bat for the same team.”

  “Well, I’m sure gonna view my favorite movie, Underworld, in a different light after today. So—tell me a little about this Rick. I couldn’t help but notice a difference in you when you talked about him. Has my girl finally found a man—vampire—oh, what the hell?”

  Eva had to laugh at her friend’s confusion but found she had to think about her response to Shaniqua’s question. She realized the moment she found out those creatures wanted him, that Rick meant something to her. She cared very much for him and she knew he cared for her but—she also realized that his past would be a stumbling block for both of them. Their relationship was a work in progress, something they really needed to focus on if they ever got the chance and—if they survived this nightmare.

  “To answer your question, Rick’s very—special—to me but right now he could be in danger. I need to warn him as well as the others. And I need to talk to our Selene again. I think our mystery bitch is the same woman she saw at the park—the one with the old man who was responsible for killing Guillermo?” Eva said when she saw the questioning look on Shaniqua’s face.

  “Really—so you think this whole mess was orchestrated by the old man and his bitch?”

  “That’s exactly what I think. And I also think that Selene can help us more than even she realizes. Give me a minute, Shani.” Eva pulled out her cell phone and punched in Rick’s number. After trying two more times, she realized he wasn’t going to answer. Next, she tried Roy—with the same results. Her spidey senses were tingling, something’s wrong—I need to get back to Red Rock. “Strange—I can’t seem to reach anyone—and that’s not good,” she said.

  “You think there’s trouble there, too.”

  “I’m sure of it. We need to get on the road. How long will it take you to get your family settled?”

  “I’ll call my mother right now, then the airport. We can drop them off on our way and be on the road in a few hours—that fast enough?”

  “It’ll have to do. I’ll keep trying to reach them in Red Rock.”

  “Okay, I’ll go and break the news to my daughter that her fashion career is now on hold and I’ll meet you at say three o’clock?”

  “Sounds good, I’ll be at your place with a couple of cabs. See you then.” Eva threw a few bills on the table and both women left going in opposite directions. Unbeknownst to Shaniqua, Eva followed her for a short distance just to make sure nothing was going to bother her old friend. When she was sure the danger was past, Eva headed back to her apartment to change and gather her things. She was anxious to get on the road. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something just wasn’t right. I need to be there. I need to see Rick, she thought as she added a little prayer, and please, Lord, help me keep Shaniqua safe.r />
  Chapter 18

  Fashion week—the highlight of the season in New York City. Celebrities from all sectors of the industry wanted to be among the first to own the best the designers had to offer. Marc Jacobs stood confidently back stage at the New York Armory giving a final inspection to his collection while his assistants bustled about tugging at collars and straitening hats as each anorexic model prepared to walk down the catwalk. Sounds of Vivaldi’s Summer melodically filled the large room as Jacobs presented his ‘Marc by Marc’ collection to the thunderous applause of the crowd.

  Thirty plus years ago Jacobs was crowned the rising star of the fashion industry. Since then he’d succeeded in establishing himself as one of its icons, catering to the lavish tastes of the rich and famous. Sofia Coppola, seated in the second row, smiled as a model glides past her wearing a sleek backless dress; the matching wide-brimmed hat swooped low over one eye. Beside her, Kate Bosworth made a quick note on Jacob’s embossed program, focusing in on a bright pink pant suit with a straw fedora. Seated at the end of the catwalk, in the very first row, Kanye West and his entourage watched each model as they passed by. The savvy rapper had recently decided to follow in the footsteps of Diddy and Russell Simmons and delve into the world of high fashion himself. All of these people seemed confident—sure of themselves. They knew what they wanted and they were here to buy it but that wasn’t true of some of the other spectators.

  Far above the catwalk sat a woman, her beautiful face taut with stress as she watched each of the models exhibit their wares. Her red hair was pulled severely back into a long braid; her green eyes hidden behind horn rimmed glasses that served more as a prop than a necessity. Her lean athletic figure was wrapped in a stylish black suit by Dona Vinci as she tried hard to concentrate on the show—taking copious notes on a black Moleskin pad.

  Kate St. John was on the fifth day of a buying trip for the boutique ‘A Touch of Class’ located in the small town of Winwood which was about a two hour drive from the big city. Kate was co-owner with her longtime friend, Adrianna Avani, and this happened to be one of the few times she’d come to New York without Addie—thus the reason for her stress. Well that—and the man sitting next to her squirming in his chair as if he were seated on a red hot stove. Thomas Thibideau had been dating Kate for over a year now and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for her but this—well this was definitely above and beyond a boyfriend’s duty.


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