Summer of Secrets

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Summer of Secrets Page 6

by Paul Langan

  Police cars were positioned at each corner of the park, and officers were keeping an eye on people as they passed by. At the far side of the park, a crowd of shirtless teenage boys played a sweaty game of basketball, while some girls looked on. Darcy had been to the park on Tarah’s birthday early in the year, and she knew exactly where Tarah would be. She spotted her nearly a block away, standing behind a smoky grill with a spatula in her hand. A dark-skinned guy, about six feet tall, stood next to her.

  “Troy! Grab me some rolls!” Tarah yelled to the guy at her side. Overhead, a cloud of smoke billowed into the sky.

  Darcy cringed. Troy was there. The whole night, Tarah would be watching them, trying to get them to talk. Tarah, the unwanted matchmaker.

  “Girl, give me one second,” Troy protested. Facially, he had Tarah’s wide nose and friendly eyes, but he was built skinny like Hakeem.

  “One more second, and you’re gonna have to eat burnt burgers,” she replied.

  Troy handed her the rolls and then noticed Darcy. “Hi,” he said with a smile, checking her out. “You must be Darcy. ”

  “That’s me,” Darcy said, returning the smile to be polite. “And you must be Tarah’s cousin, Troy. ”

  “Girl, it’s about time!” Tarah exclaimed, taking a step away from the smoky grill. “Troy, this is my girl Darcy that I was tellin’ you about. Why don’t you get her something to eat?” Tarah ordered.

  Troy smiled and shook his head. “What’ll it be? Hamburger? Hot dog? Chicken? Something to drink? We got all kindsa soda. ”

  “I’ll take a hamburger and a grape soda,” Darcy said.

  Before Troy could give Darcy the plate of food, Tarah took it and handed him a spatula. “Here, you cook for while,” she instructed him. “I need to talk to my girl for a minute. ”

  Tarah quickly stepped around the grill and pulled Darcy aside. “So whadya think? I know he’s my cousin and all, but ain’t he fine?”

  Darcy nodded. It was going to be a long night, she thought to herself. “He seems really nice, Tarah. ”

  “He thinks you’re pretty too,” Tarah said. “I can tell. ”

  “Tarah ,” Darcy said, making sure not to sound upset or angry. “I’m not looking for a boyfriend. ”

  “I know, Darce, and Coop told me that Hakeem’s coming back this fall. But that’s a long time away, and I just thought it would do you some good to hang out for once. Besides, Troy’s not a player like most of the guys around here,” Tarah said. “Hey, look who it is. ”

  Darcy turned to see her sister and Desmond Hodden walking together holding hands.

  “How you doin’, girl?” Tarah said to Jamee, and then turned to Desmond, who looked like a miniature Cooper. “Where’s your brother at? He’s supposed to be here by now!”

  “Far as I know, Coop’s at the station. He said it was closing early, so he should be here any minute. ”

  Desmond and Jamee went over to the grill to get some food. Darcy ate her hamburger and watched as Jamee clung to Desmond’s arm. Several times, he put his hand on the small of her back. Watching them, Darcy almost felt like a parent.

  “You know it’s their one month anniversary tonight? I remember when me and Coop were like that,” Tarah said.

  “Yeah, well I just hope she knows what she’s doing,” Darcy said.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “She’s my little sister, Tarah. I gotta look out for her. Last boyfriend she had hit her, and like you said, lotsa guys are players, only looking for one thing,” Darcy admitted, thinking of Brian.

  “Not Dez. He ain’t gonna hurt her, Darcy. He’s good people. Besides, Coop watches every move he makes. Believe me, that boy knows better than to misbehave with Coop around. ”

  “Yeah, but where is Coop now?” Darcy said, watching Dez and Jamee cuddling on a bench.

  Tarah looked insulted, but she didn’t say anything.

  Through the corner of her eye, Darcy saw a girl in a short skirt, sandals, sunglasses and a tight shirt that left her stomach exposed. It was Brisana. Next to her was Duane. They were holding hands too.

  “Tarah, look who else is here,” Darcy said, pointing at them.

  “Now there’s a player,” Tarah said, watching them approach. “What does that girl think she’s doin’? I ain’t ever seen her tryin’ so hard. ”

  Just like the day at Scoops, guys in the park turned to watch Brisana pass by. Darcy could not believe how much her friend had changed. The old Brisana would not allow a guy to tell her what clothes she should wear, especially not clothes that showed so much of her body. It wasn’t Brisana’s style. Yet what bothered Darcy more than the stares and the clothes was Brisana. Her face was blotchy, and she looked upset, as if she had been crying.

  “She doesn’t look happy,” Darcy said, wondering what was wrong.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Tarah agreed. “I bet I know who’s responsible for that. ”

  Overhead, the sky was beginning to darken, and the crowd continued to build. More police cars gathered on the edge of the park, visible under the street lights. Darcy recognized people from school around her, and then she noticed someone weaving through the crowd, moving rapidly in her direction. It was Cooper, but the smile always on his face was missing.

  “Where you been? The fireworks are almost startin’. ”

  “If I see Duane Nye here, I’m gonna bust him. I don’t care how many cops are in this park,” Cooper fumed. “Dude blamed me for stealin’ twenty dollars from the cash register. I know he took the money, but Mr. Nye wouldn’t believe me. He made me clean up the whole shop to make up for it. ”

  Suddenly Darcy heard a dull thud and noticed an orange fireball streaking like a comet into the sky.

  “Here we go,” Troy said, moving closer to Darcy. “I love watchin’ fireworks. ”


  The fireball exploded in a white flash with a blast like a hundred gunshots, making the ground shake. The crowd cheered as the rumble of the blast echoed through the park and into the surrounding neighborhood.

  “Man, I don’t even wanna be here,”

  Cooper said. “I already got a headache. ”

  “Just calm down and enjoy the show. There’s nothing you can do now,” Tarah said.


  Another explosion cracked the night sky. Cooper grabbed a soda from Tarah’s cooler and glared upward, taking a deep breath. Several smaller explosions thundered overhead, leaving fiery trails of shimmering green and red embers. In the flickering light, Cooper’s tense face looked scary, almost demonic. Darcy shuddered. She had never seen him so upset. Everything about the night was making her edgy.

  Behind her, under a nearby tree, Darcy spotted Jamee and Desmond. They were kissing each other, stopping only occasionally to look at the fireworks. Darcy shook her head in silent disapproval. She wanted to drag Jamee home and tell Dad what was happening, but she couldn’t move. And yet, she couldn’t stop staring.

  Part of her wanted to protect Jamee. But she knew Desmond was the nicest boy her sister had ever dated. And kissing in the park was normal. It was only kissing. Still, the scene disturbed Darcy, making her feel an uncomfortable mixture of concern, fear, and worry. Yet there was also a tinge of jealousy. She didn’t want what Jamee had. Not at all. Instead, she wished that she too could be normal like Jamee and feel comfortable with a boy. Yet now, after Brian, that seemed impossible. Even Troy, standing beside her, made her nervous.

  “Looks like they are making some fireworks of their own,” Troy said, following Darcy’s gaze. “You can’t blame them, though. ”

  “I guess not,” Darcy said, turning away from her sister and Desmond. She wished Troy would walk away and leave her alone.

  Above them, the fireworks were peaking, exploding every few seconds. Troy turned his attention back to the sky, and Darcy glanced at Cooper. Tarah was rubbing his back, trying to calm him down. Darcy became aware that everyone else was part of a couple except her and Troy. He seemed to notice t

  “I’m really glad you came out today. I think I’d feel really lonely if you weren’t here,” Troy said, leaning close so she could hear him against all the noise.

  Darcy squirmed. “I know what you mean,” she said. If Troy had been anyone else, Darcy knew she would just walk away. But he was Tarah’s cousin. She had to be nice to him.

  A sudden rapid burst of smaller explosions signaled that the performance was coming to an end, but to Darcy the show couldn’t end quickly enough. Clouds of foul smoke from the fireworks hovered over the park like a mysterious fog, hanging right above everyone’s head.

  Darcy felt Troy’s hand gently wrap around hers.

  Don’t do this. Not now, she thought. Please, not now.

  Troy looked at her with a smile, his friendly eyes curious and sincere. Darcy could feel that Tarah was watching her too, waiting to see what would happen. Tarah’s presence made her even more nervous. Darcy’s stomach began to tremble, and she could feel sweat beading on her forehead and back. Every instinct in her body told her to act.

  Run away, it said. Get away now.

  Another impulse, just as strong, urged her to yank away her hand and slap him. Who said you could touch me? it demanded. It was as if Troy had suddenly disappeared and Brian Mason had taken his place. Darcy scanned the park looking for an excuse to get away, to hide from the eyes that were on her, to remove herself from Troy’s touch without making a scene.

  Suddenly Cooper screamed out.

  “There he is! I gotta do this now,” he said, his voice recovering all the rage it had when her arrived straight from work.

  “No, Coop! Let it go,” Tarah urged, trying unsuccessfully to stop him.

  Darcy followed his glare and saw Duane Nye weaving through the crowd of people. Behind him, struggling to keep up, was Brisana. Darcy could see tears in her eyes.

  Cooper was charging straight for Duane like a wild dog on the trail of its prey.

  “Coop!” Tarah yelled. “Don’t do it!”

  But Darcy knew it was already too late.

  Chapter 8

  Darcy stepped away from Troy and watched Tarah dash into the park after Cooper.

  “We better go after them,” Darcy said, pulling her hand free. Troy nodded.

  Without another word, they followed Tarah, who dodged through the crowd of people slowly exiting the park. Just ahead, Darcy could see Cooper shoving his way through the sea of people just as he did when he played football for Bluford High School.

  “Slow down, homes,” someone yelled as Cooper passed, but he ignored the comment. He was a missile streaking towards its target, but Tarah was right behind him.

  “C’mon y’all. We gotta stop this,” she yelled.

  Duane and Brisana were just ahead of them, walking along the street which bordered the park. Duane moved briskly as if he was in a hurry to get somewhere. Brisana was behind him, struggling to keep up. Darcy could see her eyes glistening in the nearby street light.

  Cooper darted in front of Duane’s path, blocking him from going any further. Duane’s eyes widened as if he was caught completely by surprise. Brisana’s jaw dropped at the sight of Cooper, who glared menacingly at Duane.

  Darcy, Tarah, and Troy arrived at the same instant, surrounding Cooper.

  “C’mon, Coop. Let’s just go home. He ain’t worth it,” Tarah said, grabbing Cooper’s arm and trying to pull him away. He refused to budge.

  “What are you all doing here?” Brisana asked, wiping her eyes and turning to Darcy. “What’s going on?”

  “Your boyfriend owes me twenty dollars and an apology. That’s what’s going on,” Cooper said, scowling at Duane.

  “Man, you just ain’t smart, are you? No wonder you’re gonna spend your whole life working at a garage in the ’hood,” Duane said. “I don’t owe you jack, and if you keep this up, I’ll make sure you lose your job along with that twenty dollars you’re looking for,” he added. “Now c’mon, Brisana. ”

  Cooper stepped closer, but Tarah jumped in front of him, turning to Duane with an anger Darcy had never seen before.

  “Who you think you are, actin’ like you all better than everybody? Without your Dad payin’ for your school and your car, you’re just another punk with a big mouth,” Tarah said, putting her hand on her hip and shaking her head as she spoke. “And if you knew what was good for you, you’d leave Coop alone, ’cause he’s the best worker your Dad ever had. ”

  “Girl, I don’t know what planet you’re from, but you better shut that fat mouth of yours if you know what’s good for you. ”

  Cooper charged, but Darcy and Troy stood in his way, trying to hold him back. For a second, Cooper hesitated, and Darcy could see the veins bulging in his neck. It looked as if he would explode just like the fireworks a few minutes before. Troy had his hands on Cooper’s chest, trying to keep him from moving forward.

  “He’s just a punk, Coop. He ain’t worth gettin’ in trouble over,” Troy said.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Cooper said, turning around as if he was walking away. Troy and Darcy stood back as he took several steps.

  “Let’s go, Coop,” Tarah said, seeming relieved.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought you’d do,” Duane said, a satisfied grin on his face.

  But then, with catlike speed, Cooper spun around and lunged at Duane.

  Before anyone could react, Cooper slammed his shoulder into Duane’s ribcage, tackling him to the ground. As Duane struggled to get to his feet, Cooper pounced on him, punching him twice, once in the face and then in the stomach.

  “Get off me,” Duane yelled, trying to protect his head from Cooper’s punches.

  The words struck Darcy like an arrow to her heart. She had used the same words when she screamed out against Brian just before her father came and saved her. Now Duane, a guy she despised, was trying to save himself from Cooper, one of Darcy’s best friends. It was as if the world had been turned inside out, and yet Darcy could not just stand there. Not after what had happened to her.

  “Both of you stop it,” she yelled, rushing over and grabbing Cooper’s shirt as he struggled with Duane.

  “You owe me twenty dollars, and if you don’t give it to me, I’m gonna take it,” Cooper growled. It was like his rage had possessed him, taking away the Cooper Darcy knew and replacing him with this angry spirit.

  “Let him go, Cooper,” Darcy said, unable to stop herself.

  Troy tried to grab her then, seizing her wrist and pulling her away. “Stay out of it, Darcy,” he said. “It’s dangerous. ”

  Though Darcy knew Troy meant well, his grip hurt her, triggering a memory of when Brian forcibly grabbed her wrists and demanded she calm down, even as he refused to let her go. The pressure of Troy’s fingers clenched on her wrist produced the same pain, the same sensation, the same panic. She couldn’t control the scream that suddenly roared from her lungs, the horrific flashback that replayed in her mind, or the sudden kick she sent into Troy’s groin. It all happened in a blinding flash.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Troy said as he sunk to his knees. “I was only trying to help. ”

  Cooper and Tarah turned to face her. So did Brisana. Even Duane looked stunned.

  “I’m sorry,” Darcy said, ashamed to look at them all. “I couldn’t help it. ”

  Suddenly a shaft of light beamed through the trees from the edge of the park. It swept left and right, casting long eerie shadows of the trees and people in its path.

  “Cops!” someone shouted.

  “Oh no,” Troy said.

  “Man, get off me!” Duane hissed, wrestling beneath Cooper.

  “Coop, unless you want us all to get in serious trouble, you need to let him go. Now,” Tarah urged.

  Cooper stood up as the swath of light from the police car moved closer. He paused, staring at Duane, who stood up rubbing his stomach.

  “Let’s go, y’all. They’re gonna ask us a million questions if we stay here,” Tarah said.

; “Man, you might as well quit work tomorrow, ’cause I’m gonna make sure you’re fired,” Duane said, glaring at Cooper. “What I should do is have them cops come over here and arrest you. Everyone knows you just jumped me for no reason,” Duane said.

  “I didn’t see nothin’,” Troy said.

  “Me neither,” said Tarah, who looked at Darcy as if she expected her to go along with the lie they were prepared to tell.

  “Yeah, well, Brisana is all the witness I need,” Duane said. Everyone turned to look at her.

  “Let’s just go, Duane. I don’t know what I saw,” Brisana said, wiping her eyes again and walking away.

  “Girl, you’re trippin’! You know exactly what he did to me. ”

  The spotlight focused on a tree just twenty feet away. The edges of the beam were close enough that Troy had to step back.

  Tarah nodded at Brisana and turned away. “We outta here,” she said. ‘C’mon, y’all. ”

  Troy, Cooper, and Tarah started walking away briskly, and Darcy watched as Duane trailed Brisana, who had headed off in the opposite direction.

  “Girl, what is your problem?” Duane demanded.

  “You know exactly what my problem is, Duane,” Brisana replied, their voices growing more faint as they walked away.

  Darcy rushed to catch up to the group. She did not know what to say to Troy or to anyone else about what happened just moments earlier, though she knew she owed them some kind of explanation. Just thinking about how she screamed made Darcy feel stupid and embarrassed. When Troy grabbed her, something had snapped, revealing to everyone the fear that had, until then, been her secret. The scars of Brian’s attack.


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