Mine to Save

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Mine to Save Page 6

by Megs Pritchard

  “We’re all gonna hit the four locations we’ve decided on?”

  “Yeah, and I need some time to wire up the panel and build the explosives. Won’t take me long, but I want to make sure everything is done correctly. We won’t get a second chance at this.”

  “No,” Brayden agreed. “Once they know, they’ll change everything. This is a one-time deal.”

  They looked at each other. “We can’t fail then.”

  “No, Jensen, we can’t.”

  Chapter Nine

  They walked into Jensen’s apartment and he immediately picked up the kettle. Filling it, he put it on the stove and waited for it to boil. He listened to Brayden move around, and as he glanced over at him, he found him staring out of the living room window. That window faced Main Street in the town, and at this time of day, the place would be busy.

  It was almost nine in the morning and though Jensen had had a few hours of sleep, he could still feel the tiredness creeping up on him. He stretched and closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. He wanted to sleep, but it was time to talk. Him and Brayden.

  Turning around, he leaned back on the counter and watched his mate. Tall and broad, with a bald head which was shaved from what Jensen could tell, and a neatly trimmed beard. Jensen wanted to feel that beard on his face, and other body parts.

  Brayden looked over at him and their eyes held. Jensen could feel the lust building and knew Brayden would catch his scent in the air. He wasn’t ashamed as such, mates were attracted to each other, but he wanted to know the man who was his mate and he needed to control his desire in order to do that.

  What now? Did they talk, then fuck? Did they hold off on their mating until after the raid? Would Brayden even want to mate, considering he was merely a human? He had so much going on; his mind was a chaotic mess. Thoughts of the previous night filtered through. Hunter had said Brayden had saved his life. Was it because he was his mate? Did he even know at that point that Jensen was human? Would he have saved him if he had known?

  The past twenty-four hours had been a roller coaster of emotions. The focus required to execute the mission, the shock and horror of the explosion, and the torture of believing his mate was a traitor to humans. Then later, the driving need to protect his mate from the horror he’d experienced at a colleague’s hand, the questions and realization that maybe, just maybe, Brayden wasn’t really a traitor after all, that in fact he was doing what needed to be done to keep his brother safe. If you were living that life day in and day out, eventually your perception of the situation becomes warped, as it appeared Brayden’s had.

  But still he was struggling with the fact that, despite all he knew, he would have just sat back and watched both humans and vampires die. He would have been safe while millions of others died around him. It was a sobering thought.

  This plan was mind-blowing. Never in Jensen’s wildest dreams would he have thought someone would do anything like it. Switch off the power and let the country go to hell? Let millions of people die so they could rule?

  He wrapped his arms around himself as a sudden tremor wracked his body. If Graham had never kidnapped his grandson, Troy, they would never have known what the Corporation had planned. They’d still be in the dark and at some point down the line they would have been as confused as everyone else when everything switched off.

  How would they ever survive with no power? Jensen tried to imagine it. No lights at night except candles, no antibiotics, no way to communicate, no way to keep warm unless you have wood burners, but where would you get the wood from?It takes up to six months for the wood to dry out for a burner, so what would they use?

  Jensen rubbed a hand over his face. So many fucking questions. Too many, and he had a mate who would have stood back and let them die if he had to. Great. Just fucking great.

  Why did he have to be so damn fit too? He wanted to kiss him and touch him, but he had to hold back until he had the answers he needed. His body and mind were fighting for control and pulling Jensen in different directions.

  Sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to block all the chaos out. He needed to think, and rationally. What he was facing was a life-altering decision. He knew vampires only had one mate and if he walked away from Brayden, he’d have to live with the fact he would be denying Brayden the chance of a long-lasting relationship. A connection that was unlike any other. Could he do that? Was he that kind of man to cause everlasting pain to another? Maybe even to himself?

  He opened his eyes and watched his mate stare out of the window. What thoughts were running through his head? Where did he stand on their mating? Did he even want it himself? Jensen was only human, the species his mate was willing to let die in any number of horrific ways as humans fought to stay alive.

  The kettle whistled, dragging Jensen from his thoughts and Jensen took it off the gas. “Coffee?”


  He made them both a cup of coffee, taking his time, trying to gather his thoughts, and walked over to Brayden, passing one of the cups to him. He stood next to him and watched the bustle along Main Street, people rushing about, going about their everyday business. None of them knew what was being planned. None of them knew how close they were to losing everything.

  The enormity of the situation weighed heavily on Jensen, and for a split second, he wished that was him, but he wasn’t one to ignore his responsibilities. He needed to speak to his mate.


  As soon as he entered the apartment, Brayden walked over to the window in the living room and stared outside. He needed a few minutes to come to terms with the changes in his life. He had a mate.

  Never had he thought he’d have one. He knew where certain vampires stood on gay matings, and he assumed because of his position that if he found his mate, he’d have to ignore him.

  He spent years hiding his sexuality, years having quick fucks in the dark, hidden away from everyone. That was all he would allow himself. It was when the need to feel a hard body under his hands became too much that he slipped away and found a man willing to bend over for him.

  He’d craved the tight heat, his body needing the contact that only another man could bring him. Hard kisses, a rough touch, the feel of hair scratching his skin. Sinking inside another man, the smell of sweat, sex and musky man surrounding him as he took what he needed.

  He’d tried with women, but it never felt right, and he hated it, but he had an image to maintain. They couldn’t know his true desires. They would punish him for it and Lincoln would suffer as a result.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his brow. He was tired. Even though he needed less sleep than others, he was still tired. Drained from everything that had occurred over the last day.

  He thought back to the previous night, remembering it with crystal clear clarity. Seeing the man standing in front of him, he’d instinctively reacted, realizing who he was instantly. He had to save him. He’d pushed his fury to one side and saved his mate, only realizing afterwards that he was human. He’d seen the gas tank explode and take the nearest barn up with it. He knew all the food would be destroyed if he didn’t stop the fire.

  He’d scanned the area as he’d run towards the man who was escaping, noticing there was no security around. But when he’d realized it was his mate, and a beam was falling...

  He briefly closed his eyes. For years, he’d followed their plans. Even when part of him had screamed against them, he’d still willingly gone along with them. Lincoln was too deeply involved, and at first, he’d been against them too, but now Lincoln believed, believed in the grand plan.

  Had he been brainwashed into believing everything he was told? Had the proximity to the king and those in the council tainted him? Brayden had to believe a part of his brother, the man he knew before all of this, still existed. If he could be saved, and he was positive he could because he would never betray his mate, could his brother?

  He watched the vampire Donnie enter a bakery and remembered that his mate owned it.
They had ties in this community, friends who accepted them, and the Corporation was going to destroy it all. Adults and children, all would be lost so a few could take over.

  He had no doubt their plan would work if they initiated it. Society was too reliant on power. Everything ran off it. A true weakness that could be exploited.

  Brayden inhaled sharply when he saw a mother and two young children enter the bakery. Innocent people like them would be dead. Brayden knew it. In front of him was the reason why the Corporation needed to be stopped. Hidden away in the mansion, Brayden wasn’t as aware of what the true costs were. Out here in society, he had no choice but to face up to the reality of what would be lost and what his part in all of that would have been.

  It was a sobering experience and one he hadn’t been aware he needed.

  He heard the kettle whistle and Jensen move around the kitchen. His mate. Brayden shook his head. His spiky red—auburn, really—hair drew his eyes and captivated him. His face was perfect. A straight nose, clear pale green eyes and olive skin, a plump bottom lip but thinner top one. All created with Brayden in mind.

  Brayden wanted to lick and suck those lips, bite the bottom one and feel the ripeness between his teeth. He wanted to strip him naked and bury his face in his groin, smelling his true scent, the manliness of his body. He wanted to mark his skin with his beard, dragging the soft bristles over his body.

  His fangs throbbed, and he knew his eyes glowed. His desire for his mate was consuming him, his need to fuck, bite and taste his mate’s blood on his tongue, know his unique flavor.

  He growled softly, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He could smell his mate’s arousal. That lust was a heady aphrodisiac and one he was struggling to ignore.

  When Jensen approached and handed him a cup of coffee, he took it gratefully and searched his mate’s face. He could see the dark circles under his eyes, the fatigue covering his features.


  “Yeah. I feel like I need another ten hours at least.”

  “Go then. I don’t need as much. I’ll stay here while you sleep.”

  “We need to talk first. Want to sit down?”

  Brayden nodded and walked over to the sofa Jensen had pointed at. He sat on the edge, his cup nestled in his hands as watched his mate. He had an expressive face, his emotions were on display for all to see, but somehow Brayden knew when Jensen was on a mission, he’d have his game face on.

  “I’m not sure what to do here?”

  Brayden was glad he’d admitted it, because he felt the same. “Me either. I know you want me, I can smell it, and I want you too.” Jensen’s eyes widened and suddenly, his face went blank, no emotions showing. Brayden couldn’t have that. “Don’t hide your emotions from me. I want us to be open and honest with each other. A lot has happened.”

  “Yeah, the last twenty-four hours have been... strange.” Jensen shrugged.

  “I think more of a head fuck,” Brayden muttered dryly.

  Jensen chuckled, nodding his head in agreement. “So, what do we do about it?”

  Chapter Ten

  Jensen stared down at the cup in his hand, watching the brown liquid swirl around in it. What now indeed. “I guess we talk.”

  “I never expected to have a mate.”

  Jensen lifted his head and furrowed his brow. “Why? All vampires have a mate.”

  Brayden shrugged. “I’m gay, and in certain vampire circles, that’s a sin and we’re taught no gay vampire has a mate.”

  “I don’t think I’ve heard that before. Maybe Silas would know better.”

  “Maybe. I can imagine Graham didn’t take it well when he found out Silas and Troy were both mated to men.”

  “I wasn’t on the team then, but I’ve heard about it. He went ballistic apparently. At least something came out of it. Jacques is free and happily mated to Miguel and we now know what’s going on.”

  “I was an active part of their plans. You need to know that.”

  “Do you believe in them?” He had to know the truth, and as they were being honest, he had to trust Brayden would tell him.

  “Not at first. I thought it was a joke, but Lincoln was climbing up the ladder and I followed. I think being immersed in that culture warped my perception, and in time, I started to believe too. The same with Lincoln. I’ve never hated humans and I don’t now, but I do see the damage that’s being caused by their selfishness and neglect. The wanton destruction of land, the runaway pollution. The hunting that goes so far as to cause the extinction of another species.”

  “Shit, when you put it that way, I kinda agree with you, but wouldn’t education be better?”

  “The information is out there now. How many people believe in it? How many people are adapting their ways to limit the harm caused to our planet? Earth is the only place that supports our way of life, yet we are systematically destroying it. Where will we go when we’ve fucked her up? Jump on our rockets and travel to another Earth-like planet? Does one even exist?”

  Jensen didn’t interrupt or counter what Brayden was saying. He spoke the truth, and it was a slap in his face. “I know what you’re saying is true, but--”

  “Why can’t we live in harmony with Earth? She provides us with what we need. People forget that we don’t own this planet, we are merely caretakers for now until the next generation is old enough to take over. She is so beautiful and majestic in her wonders, but for how long? Is her destruction worth it, so we can switch on a light?”

  “No,” Jensen whispered. In a louder voice, he said, “What about us? Where do you stand on that? We’re mates. Do you want me?”

  He held his breath waiting for Brayden to answer and realized that he needed the answer to be yes. The thought that he didn’t want him was like a knife to his heart, a physical ache in his chest, and he cleared his throat trying to dislodge it.

  “Of course I do. As soon as I knew who you were to me, I saved your life.”

  “You didn’t know I was human.” Jensen pressed the issue. If he was trying to erase humans, then surely having a human mate would horrify him?

  “No, I didn’t. But that doesn’t matter because you are the one I’ve been waiting for all my life. The mate I thought I would never have but have dreamed of. Human or vampire means nothing to me.”

  “I want to believe you, I really do, but it’s hard considering what you have spent years planning my people’s destruction, Brayden. What if we hadn’t met yesterday? Would you still be planning our death? Mine, my friends, my family?”

  “Yes, I would be, but I’m not now. I did what I had to do, and somehow, I began to agree with it. I know what I did was wrong, and I understand if you hate me for it. But you are my mate and I’m never giving you up, Jensen. I’ll protect you and everyone you care about. I won’t betray you. Will you betray me?”

  Jensen sat up straight. “What? Betray you?”

  “How do I know you won’t hand me over to the authorities when this is all over? How do I know you’re not stringing me along now until you get what you need and then you’ll discard me like trash? We both have something to lose in this, but we have so much more to gain.”

  “You think I should give you a chance.” It wasn’t a question. He wanted to, desperately. He could feel the pull, the need to mate with Brayden. He wanted to feel him all over his body, smell him on his skin. He didn’t care who fucked who, he just needed that connection, the closeness only a mate could bring.

  He was fighting a losing battle with himself, he knew that. The clawing need for his mate pulled at him and he wanted to follow it. He closed his eyes, his body strumming with need as arousal rushed through his veins, bringing his body to life.


  He heard his name but didn’t acknowledge it. When he felt a hand touch his face, he opened his eyes to the intense glow of Brayden’s. Brayden knelt between his legs and then he leaned in, closing the distance between them and Jensen closed his eyes again as he felt Brayden’s lips slide ac
ross his.

  When Brayden pulled back, Jensen frowned. Why had he stopped at a simple kiss?

  “Too much?” Brayden asked, the red glow shimmering in his eyes.

  “Too little,” Jensen responded and leaned in to kiss him again.


  Brayden closed his eyes as his mate’s lips touched his. The moment he’d been dreaming of since he’d first found out mates existed was finally here and he wanted to savor every single second of it.

  He moaned quietly as Jensen’s lips slid across his repeatedly and he opened his mouth to lick the sweet, plump, bottom one. He felt the rush of breath across his mouth as Jensen’s tongue touched his.

  He moved closer, still kneeling between Jensen’s legs, and opened his mouth, sucking Jensen’s tongue inside. He heard his moan and tilted his head further to deepen the kiss, his own moans filling the air.

  Jensen’s hand slid over his bald head before closing around the back of his neck, pulling him closer still. Brayden went with it and wrapped his arms around Jensen’s waist. They both groaned as their hard dicks brushed against each other, their bodies making full contact.

  Jensen’s other hand gripped his hip and rotated them, deepening the contact. His dick pulsed in his joggers, and he rubbed against Jensen, pushing their arousal higher. He moved his hands and slid them under the hem of Jensen’s T-shirt and slid them over his heated skin. The touch settled a part of him he hadn’t known he possessed, and he sighed into the kiss.

  He slid his hands back down Jensen’s back and grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, lifting it up. He leaned back and watched his mate’s face as he slowly lifted his arms. He pulled it up and off, dropping it to the floor next to him, then ran his hands back over Jensen’s chest.

  He had a small spattering of dark auburn hair on his chest and his fingers ran through it. Touching his mate, a mate he thought he’d never have, was almost too much, and he pulled his hands away.

  “Shh. We don’t need to rush this. We have all the time we need.”


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