Legends of Marithia: Book 2 - Darkness Rising

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Legends of Marithia: Book 2 - Darkness Rising Page 5

by Peter Koevari

  He took a few steps forward and began to regain his senses. Remembering that he had placed his sword by the fireplace, he ran to its place and ground to a halt in front of the crackling fire. His sword was gone.

  An icy cold shiver danced down his spine, and then… he heard her.

  From the darkest corner of the room, he could hear the sound of a woman whimpering. He turned to see Helenia, her head and shoulders hunched over her knees, harshly rocking. She shook violently, her legs drenched in blood, contrasting with her ghastly pale white skin.

  He ran to her side, his voice breaking when he called, “Helenia!”

  He crouched beside her, his stomach sickening from worry.

  “My love, what is happening?” he asked.

  Her head twisted sideways unnaturally, the sound of her vertebrae sharply snapping filled his ears and her face jerked up to his. Vartan almost fell backward as the face of Kassina stared at him with glowing red eyes, blood pouring from her mouth when she cackled with laughter.

  She sprung to her feet and launched at his direction, her words spat from her lips, “You, little, insect!”

  She flew unnaturally through the air and collided with him. The force of the blow sent him crashing to the ground—Kassina straddled his body, grinding against him mockingly.

  “Is this who you want?” she growled, tiny droplets of blood splattering on his face with each word. Her head shook with such ferocity that it blurred until he saw Kassina’s face change to Helenia’s.

  “By the gods,” said Vartan.

  The skin on her back ripped open as eight spider-like legs expanded to pound through the floorboards around him. Two of them pinned his hands to the ground. Her other arachnid legs stroked his body. Blood from her mouth now dripped and oozed over his neck, the heat and stench of it bringing bile to his throat. As much as he struggled, he couldn’t break free from her tight hold.

  Her face shifted back to her own and gazed at him with piercing eyes.

  Kassina laughed through blood soaked teeth. “You think you can defeat me?”

  “I will take your precious little Helenia from you and drag her into the underworld from which she will never return! She will become our toy, something to amuse us when we are bored. And you, will be mine!” she growled.

  She leaned in to kiss Vartan, forcing his mouth open with her hands and sliding her elongated demonic tongue deep into his mouth. Blood filled his throat and he began to choke.

  “No!” yelled Vartan, jerking upright and striking the air before him. Suddenly awake, the glow of crystals and Trisa’s worried face quickly reminding him that he was in Trahoterra.

  Vartan let out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  “I must have been dreaming,” he said through a pale face.

  He turned to Trisa, pulling her close to him in a flurry of panic. “But this wasn’t a pleasant dream Trisa… it was horrible,” he said, releasing her. “It had better not be a vision, or I think I am really going to lose my mind.”

  She gently pat his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile as she said kindly, “That may be a side effect of the herbs that I had to use to heal you. Don’t worry, they will ease over time.”

  He stood up slowly, rubbing his eyes. “That side effect as you called it, was awful,” he replied.

  Vartan stretched out carefully, trying hard to forget the images still fresh in his mind.

  “I don’t see myself sleeping again for some time yet. Do you care for a walk? I could use some fresh air,” he asked, his voice betraying his feeble attempts to mask his worry.

  Trisa sensed his distress, and realised that he needed her help to calm his nerves and calmly suggested with a smile, “Of course, let’s head to the Fang Cliffs, the dragons are all out hunting and it’s been a while since I’ve been there. Leon can tend to my duties for a short time while we are gone. Now that I only have one of you to save, I can venture out of this cave.”

  Vartan started heading to the passage that led to the surface, but stopped when he saw Nymira’s body lying in a pool of water.

  Vartan slowed his walk, staring at Nymira’s body, “Trisa, why is the dragon queen on display like that?”

  “She is not on display; she is being preserved as best as my powers can preserve her. It is all I can do to assist Karven in his mission,” she answered.

  Vartan raised an eyebrow and asked, “Mission? What mission?”

  “Karven believes that there is a way to bring her back to life, an artefact from another star. But for it to work, he says that her body must be well enough for her to return to it. I don’t know if that artefact exists, but I am sure we will find out one way or the other.”

  Vartan’s eyes widened at the news and his voice turned serious, “He has gone to She’Ma’Ryn on his own?”

  Trisa nodded.

  He sighed, shaking his head and his voice strained as he spoke, “I should be there with him, not laying around here, completely useless to anyone.”

  Trisa laid her hand on his shoulder gently.

  “Vartan, I know you feel the pressure of the world on these shoulders. Karven told me himself that when you woke, I was not to let you follow. The woman you love is still alive and waiting for you, and Marithia needs you. You need to save your strength. I’ve done all I can, but the rest is up to you and it should not be long until you’re back to your old self.”

  Vartan smiled at her and spoke warmly, “Your kindness reminds me of Helenia. Thank you for your generous words, but back to my old self will not be good enough. I need to be stronger if I am to save our people. I have been beaten by Kassina once, so unless I am able to become more than what I was, how can I ever hope to save Marithia?”

  A familiar voice entered his mind like a long lost pet returning home, “Then we have a lot of work to do, and where have we been? I feel like I’ve been asleep for some time, but I remember nothing since the Battle of the Elven Woods.”

  Vartan stopped in his tracks and beamed.

  “What is it?” asked Trisa.

  He held up the necklace to come face to face with Keturah and placed a friendly kiss on her head. “An old friend has returned to me and I’m glad to have her back.”

  “Now, let’s not get carried away. You will make a girl blush,” she giggled.

  Trisa’s face contorted in a combination of confusion and concern. She softly asked, “Your necklace is an old friend? I don’t understand. Vartan, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

  Vartan put his arm around Trisa’s shoulder as they continued their walk and spoke with confidence, “We have a long walk ahead of us, let me tell you about my own mission I had at She’Ma’Ryn and the artefacts I found there.”

  Chapter 6 : Birds of a feather

  “Doubt is a poisonous emotion that can infect the soul.

  It is in these times, where our hearts are wounded, that we are most in need of a sign.

  May the gods bring us the hope we need to strengthen our resolve.”

  (Queen Andrielle of Veldrenn)

  The island of Trahoterra was run like a well-defended fortress. Dragons circled day and night, keeping a watchful eye for anyone foolish enough to attack them. Others searched the surrounding lands for food, supplies and spread the word to humans and elves that Veldrenn needed them.

  Karven could not bear the loss of Nymira. With the loss of his soul mate, he was driven by the burning determination to seek out a way to bring her back to him. Other dragons did their best to console Karven and encouraged him to change his mind and to accept the events that had taken place. They feared their king was on a swift path to disappointment, but had to tread lightly to avoid having their loyalty questioned. They may have eventually succeeded, if it weren’t for a messenger dragon rekindling the fire in the great dragon king’s heart.

  The messenger had made an advanced trip to the council of She’Ma’Ryn, the City of Wonders.

  She’Ma’Ryn was a trading port for visitors from other
worlds, and brought many artefacts, weapons, and foods to Marithia that otherwise would never be found there. It enriched their world in ways that they hadn’t imagined possible. The city was built by dragons in the time of the ancients far before any Marithian could remember, and was fiercely protected by magic and guardians who nobody would dare to cross.

  Its location was commonly known by Marithians due to a great beam of light emanating from the city’s centre and reaching high into the heavens, shooting into the blackness among the stars.

  The messenger dragon made a special request on behalf of their king, which the council reluctantly agreed to in Karven’s absence, given the nature of the request. A desperate message describing Nymira’s fate and asking for help in restoring the dragon queen’s life was sent out into the stars. Within seven days, a response had been received and a message was brought to Karven.

  In a race against time, he abandoned the protection of the island to travel to She’Ma’Ryn. He was determined to resurrect Nymira at any cost and he knew his window of opportunity was swiftly closing. It would not be long before her body could no longer be saved.

  Karven was unaware that Nymira had observed all of these events and now held onto this new glimmer of hope with every thread of her being.

  She’Ma’Ryn’s inhabitants had become restless with the changes in Marithia. The Blood Red Moon unsettled them and many traders had already fled the city in fear. Their port to this world was not feeling as safe as it once had been. The traders all knew something awful had happened once Karven had arrived so hastily to meet with the council. It had been quite some time since the dragon king had made an appearance, and word of the war with the Forces of Darkness had spread like wildfire in the trade city after Vartan purchased a bounty of weaponry fit for an entire army.

  Trade was becoming scarce and prices of goods soared with the lack of competition. Not even the annual trade festival could revive the city’s profits. As a result, less traders were coming to She’Ma’Ryn and were opting for safer destinations in the stars.

  Makya, the trader who had provided Vartan with the cache of supplies, smoked his pipe, deep in thought. His phoenix quietly nestled on his shoulder, resting her head on his. Every so often she squawked in his ear.

  Makya blew a ring of smoke into the air, then sighed as he breathed out his words, “I know Shanka, you can feel it too. But it’s not so simple, and how do I know if they will even let us leave the city?”

  Karven, the great dragon king walked slowly by the District of Bloodshed, the deep thuds of his steps echoed throughout the almost deserted building that housed Makya and a handful of remaining traders. His giant head hung low and the scales on his back glittered under the glow of the great beam of light. The guardians of the city bowed as he passed them.

  Makya eased himself up, brushed some dust off his shoulders and began walking toward the entrance to his district. His hands rested behind his back and his pipe poked out of the corner of his mouth. Shanka squawked excitedly at him, gently stretching her wings.

  He reached up to pat her back and whispered to her, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, they may not even let us near the building.”

  Makya trailed the dragon king on his journey through the trade city. Once they turned onto the forbidden street heading toward the council building, Makya knew he had to act now or he would miss his opportunity. Two guardians posted as sentries to the council building were having a discussion with Karven as to his business there. Makya, fearing he wouldn’t reach the dragon king in time, launched into a run. Shanka, startled by her master’s sudden flight, instinctively leapt into the air and burst into a ball of flame, preparing for an attack.

  An alarm was sounded throughout the city and the guardians in their vicinity quickly drew their swords in response.

  A commander guardian sprung to attention and ordered his subordinates from a nearby watch tower, “Protect the dragon king!”

  Karven spun around, sensing the danger behind him. Seeing the fiery bird readying itself for attack, he filled the air between them with flaming dragon’s breath. Makya’s cries at Shanka to stop were drowned out by Karven’s booming voice, “There will be no conflict here! Enough blood has already been spilled in Marithia without any of you adding to it. Put away your weapons!”

  The commander raised an open hand to signal for them to sheathe their now extended swords and the alarm was stopped. Shanka shook off her flames and returned ashamedly to Makya’s shoulder, hiding her head in his coat.

  Karven glared at the trader and said pointedly, “Makya, if you wanted to gain my attention… you could have simply spoken with me. There is no need for theatrics or to test my patience.”

  Dropping swiftly to one knee, Makya spoke softly, “I offer my sincerest apologies to you, great dragon king. Please trust that it was not my intention to be theatrical. It was merely a misunderstanding with Shanka.”

  “However, I was hurrying to reach you, my lord, before you entered the council building where I cannot follow. I wish to make a presentation to the council, but my request would depend completely on having your approval, as per the council rules. I only seek to aid your cause… and that of Marithia,” he said humbly, hopefully.

  Karven had known Makya for many years and had considered the usually quiet trader to be honest and trustworthy.

  “If that is the case, then my curiosity gets the better of me. I will hear your request. Follow me, and stay close. You can explain yourself on the way to the council,” said Karven, continuing his journey.

  Makya hurried to keep up with Karven and his voice resonated as he spoke, “Your reputation is well founded, great one. Thank you for your trust in me. You are both kind and wise, as always.”

  The guardians, not happy that the trader had been granted entry, reluctantly returned to their posts, watching Makya’s every step.

  Guardians were heavily armed beings of enchantment and twice the size of any human or elf. Their armour shone a shade of blue which adjusted in light and darkness to blend in with their surroundings. Their blades were famed throughout the lands for their seemingly small size that allowed some foes to make the grave mistake of underestimating them. Their swords were magical and would extend to double their length by the flight of their wrists. The last sound attackers would hear was the strange metallic ringing of the blade activating before they were dispatched.

  They could never be caught unaware as they had no need for sleep and their devotion to the protection of the city was their sole purpose. Their existence was a necessary double edged sword of both security and intimidation.

  The guardians rested their hands on the hilts of their swords, watching closely for any signs of aggression. Makya shot them a proud glance, then continued to quietly relay the details of his request to the dragon king as they progressed.

  Once they had reached the council chambers, Makya was pleased when Karven did not stop him from entering. He didn’t know whether the dragon king approved or disapproved of his request, but it seemed that he was going to let Makya make it.

  They entered the council chambers slowly, taking care to not make much noise. Karven turned to whisper to him, “Do not speak until spoken to, and never make eye contact with the other council members. Not all of them are as understanding as I.”

  Mayka nodded and followed Karven to his post, staring at the ground and not daring to look around. From what little he saw, the council building was a magnificent sight to behold. Gaining entry to the room was a rarity, and all rights, including the ability to walk freely inside, had to be earned. After all, there were not just the laws and traditions of this world to adhere to, but of other worlds as well. This truly was universal ground.

  The council began its session as if it were any other day, and discussed various matters of trade, and matters important to each council member. Makya listened as they discussed events from both near and far. Planet Gra’tuer had been the victim of widespread damage from meteorites, and was seekin
g shelter on other planets.

  Gra’tuer was famed in She’Ma’Ryn as it was the newest world to open a trade port. Little was yet known of their advancements and knowledge was yet to be shared. This was a great opportunity for She’Ma’Ryn to build a relationship with the inhabitants of the planet. It was decided that sanctuary would be offered to Gra’Tuerians and they would be allowed entry to She’Ma’Ryn while their home planet worked on recovery.

  When it was Karven’s turn to speak, he addressed the room, “Fellow councillors, before I proceed with my own matters, I have taken the opportunity to follow one of our most cherished traditions of allowing a chosen guest to speak and make a request of the council, if he may.”

  The master of ceremonies was a tall, green reptilian with skin that always appeared moistened. He blinked with his large eyes, cleared his throat and croaked with a deep guttural voice, “As you wish.”

  Karven turned to Makya and whispered. “It is your time, step forward to the speaker circle in front of you and make the most of this opportunity.”

  Makya raised his eyes for the first time and took in the overwhelming view of the room. His mouth dried instantly from fright. It was far greater in size than the rumours said it to be. Long flags from various worlds and cultures hung from the ceiling. They were within a great circle and in the middle was the master of ceremonies. It appeared as if the master’s seat was floating in the air.

  He knew that he had to focus, and continued quickly to the glowing red speakers circle. He swallowed painfully as the master addressed him.

  The master ordered nonchalantly, “Please state your name and what matter you wish to discuss with the council.”

  Relieved to feel his mouth moist again, he spoke, “Thank you kindly, great master, for allowing this intrusion to your proceedings. My name is Makya Joushika, and I am a trader in the District of Bloodshed. I come to you today with a heavy heart. As I am sure all of She’Ma’Ryn has noticed, things are not all well in Marithia. A great war looms on the horizon and I fear that our trading port will be caught in the midst of it,” he said, pausing to take a deep breath.


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