Mark of Truth (Wicked Kingdoms Book 1)

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Mark of Truth (Wicked Kingdoms Book 1) Page 1

by Graceley Knox

  Praise for

  Graceley Knox

  “Graceley Knox debuts with a fantasy that will immerse the reader into her world, and make them never want to leave.”

  – Once Upon an Alpha

  “Graceley Knox turns adrenaline into words, then combines them with a true storyteller’s magic into a novel I couldn’t put down. Her alternative world is richly drawn but passionately explored, and occupied by characters now woven into my heart…”

  – USA Today Bestselling author, Angel Payne

  “Graceley Knox has blown me away… This tale will take you on a magical journey that brings Fae and Goblins to life. Definitely the best Faery book that I have ever read.”

  – Tina at Bookalicious Babes Blog

  “Mark of Truth was absolutely spellbinding! It held me captive from the start. Ever and Dare have such a strong force of animal attraction and I cannot wait to see what happens next! So, I say, bring on more Elves, Goblins and Fae my friend!”

  – Mindy, Talkbooks

  Mark of Truth Copyright © 2017 by Graceley Knox

  Kindle Edition

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the author is unlawful piracy and the theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Edited by Helen Hardt

  Cover design by Desiree Deorto

  To my Mom, who told me “You had better not fucking quit” every time I was ready to give up. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for you. I love you.

  Mark of Truth


  Graceley Knox

  Table of Contents

  Praise for Graceley Knox

  Copyright Page


  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Author’s Note


  About Graceley


  Álainn – Lovely or beautiful

  Elven/Elf – The Elven are a separate caste of the Fae and don’t fall under the Seelie or Unseelie rule. Instead they rule themselves. Unlike Goblin where they are all under one ruler, a smaller sect of Elves branched off to become known as the Dark Elves. This book focuses on the Light Elves. The Light Elves are very proper and tend to have high opinions of themselves.

  Fae/Faery/Fairy – The Fae are an ancient race of all things mythical and mystical, usually hailing from Celtic roots. Typically, they are ruled by two courts—the light and the dark, or the Seelie and Unseelie (See Seelie and Unseelie for further explanation of those courts).

  Goblin – The Goblin are a separate caste of the Fae that don’t fall under the rule of the Seelie or Unseelie. Instead they have their own King and Queen and stay out of the politics not regarding their own or those they have brought under their wing.

  Iontach – Magnificent.

  Leath Cine – Half breed

  Máistreás – Mistress.

  Máthair – Mother.

  Mac baile fáilte de Goblin – Welcome home, son of Goblin.

  Mac soith – Son of a bitch.

  MECA – Magical Enforcement and Containment Agency. MECA was created by the leath cine who were displaced after the Light Elven Declaration. They now train children that are half human half Elf or Goblin and give them a place in society after they have completed training.

  Mo ghrá – My love

  Seelie or Light Fae – The Seelie are more commonly known as the Light Court or the Light Fae. They typically don’t harm humans and are similar enough in appearance that they can blend in easily with humans. Known to be extremely snobby.

  Sift/Sifted – The ability to move between worlds, realms, and places in the blink of an eye. Most Fae have the ability once taught around adolescence.

  Soith atá suite – Lying bitch

  Soith dúr – stupid bitch

  Tine – Literally fire. As in my little fire.

  Tíre cothrom – Fair folk, fairy, or the Fae.

  Unseelie or Dark Fae – The Unseelie are more commonly known as the Dark Court and typically get up to mischief and cause trouble. They are home to the more grotesque creatures and are known for taking in anyone who is considered outcast, much like the Goblins. They are also the home of the Sluagh, which are equated to the hell hounds of the Fae.


  Four Hundred Years Prior

  Excerpt from the Declaration of Light Elven Breeding

  As of this moment, inter-breeding of any Goblin and Elven species is considered treason against the Light Elven Kingdom. Any interaction of intimate nature between Goblin and Elf will be punishable by death for both participating parties. The abomination of the crossing of both species has produced a new branch of horribly unpredictable creatures that are too unbearable to look upon, let alone live within our society. Any fraternization or suspected fraternization will also be punishable by death. Any children previously born of one Goblin and one Elven parent will be allowed life outside of the Elven Kingdom, but not inside its walls or inside the walls of Kingdoms allied with the Light Elven Kingdom. Those of sullied blood will be exiled forevermore as will any found to be hiding or aiding them. Children born of any union between Goblin and Elf will be sentenced to death upon birth if death before birth is not achievable without harm to the Elven mother. We must strengthen our own kind, and sullying bloodlines with impure Goblin blood will only lead to the destruction of the Elven Kingdom rule and the end of our race.

  King Bale McEver

  Three hundred and seventy-seven years later, reading the declaration again, Callista knew only one option remained. She must keep her precious child hidden from discovery. Think, Callista, think. She couldn’t leave the child at the Goblin Kingdom, for surely those brutes would destroy the babe for being weak. The horror stories of babies not surviving long there unless they were born to cruel and harsh parents were numerous and she couldn’t damn her child to an existence of fighting for her life. Her child was forbidden. Her sullied bloodline considered treason. No one could ever know what she was. Callista, would bear this secret for the rest of her life, and the father would never know of their child. Now she must ensure that her little girl kept the appearance of a normal full-blooded Elven baby.

  She stroked the points of her daughter’s little ears, humming to her softly as she rocked her. She must act as though her child were of inferior birth and leave her to grow in the human realm. It was the only way to keep her hidden from those who would harm her. Luckily, she had the creamy s
ilver skin of a higher elf, and her emerald green shimmer was starting to become apparent. No disfigurements or added limbs as could happen with certain Goblin species, thank the Goddess. She was perfect, and she had to stay that way. Shielding her was the only way to ensure her survival. Callista would ensure her daughter was protected from discovery.

  Her heart breaking, she sifted out of her chambers in the Elven Kingdom to the crowded and iron-filled streets of Indianapolis. Before she stepped foot in the city, she grimaced. The overpowering taste of metal filled her mouth. Plastic and rotten food perfumed the air with a pungent odor. The cramped spaces between buildings almost overwhelmed her determination to leave her baby here. Prolonged exposure to iron was harmful to full-blooded Fae, especially Elves. Due to Callista’s heritage, her precious daughter might have a better tolerance in this city than she did. Either way it would help dampen her abilities once she reached maturity.

  Walking the short distance to the compound founded by similarly displaced elves, goblins, and other magical beings from centuries ago, Callista called forth a basket to lay her baby girl in. She wrapped the child in a hunter green silk baby blanket. Before she turned away, she placed a feather soft kiss on her babe’s forehead.

  “You will be safe here, my little darling, and always remember, Mother loves you.”

  She placed her into the basket and allowed herself one last tearful look before sifting back to her rooms within the Light Elven Castle. The soft sounds of her sleeping baby no longer with her left her chambers hauntingly silent. Sitting on the large chair she kept next to the baby’s crib, she wept silently. Callista’s chin trembled as she pressed her hand to her quivering lips. Pain washed over her as she clutched her stomach in one hand, her baby’s blanket in the other.

  As she fell asleep, she vowed to do everything in her power to ensure her daughter would survive no matter what the foolish declaration stated.

  The previous Light Elven King was delusional anyway.



  Present Day – 23 Years Later

  “Shit! God. Effing. Damnit!”

  I pick my ass up off the pavement and run after the ancient higher elf gone mad. Brushing the hair that escaped from my ponytail out of my face, I take off after him. Figures, the night I, Ever Leath, actually have plans, I’m chasing after this asshole who’s hell bent on wreaking havoc all over downtown Indianapolis. I grumble under my breath. Doyle’s deep rumbling laugh echoes in my ear. I’m not paid enough to deal with this shit. But it keeps people safe and keeps the peace between species, so I do it.

  I pant as I chase after the rogue elf. “Laugh it up, asshole. First round is on you.” I run full speed ahead after the spry older elf. He stops dead at the end of the trash-filled alley. The rogue spins around and locks eyes with me. His body is visibly shaking.

  His hysterical laughter bubbles up from his thin and cracking lips. My ears are pierced with pain every time I hear the incoherent babbling that emerges when he opens his mouth. His once dual-colored eyes flash between flat slate grey and green and blue. He looks left to right looking for an escape.

  He won’t find one. My team has me covered, but I get the fun task of getting up close and personal with the poster child for unstable and psychotic elves. I’m lucky enough to have the job of hauling his ass back to the Light Elven Kingdom, where they will deal with him in whatever way they deem fit. My job at the Magic Enforcement and Containment Agency, or MECA for short, is to guard the fragile humans from the darker side of being goblin, elf, Fae, or magical being in general. Sounds awesome, right? Tell that to my now bruised ass. Being a Guard isn’t easy, and even though I complain about it I love every second of it. Well, most of the time I do.

  Humans know we exist, but they only know about those who look similar enough to pass as human.

  Half-human, half-elven, or half-goblin children are common. Fae love to take advantage of their effect on the human race, and they leave a string of children behind that their human parents have no idea what to do with. Thus MECA was created to teach and employ those considered leath cine—literally translated as half breed—to work as members of a little piece of society that understands who we really are. MECA raises us as warriors, scholars, and political ambassadors to the full blooded Fae who employ us to do their dirty work.

  I’m damn good at corralling these little fuckers. So here I am, my ass sore from being knocked on it and my elbow scraped. I look down. My new pair of jet black combat boots are scuffed. Oh, hell no.

  I point at my boots and then the demented elf in front of me, snarling. “You’re going to regret that, asshole.” If there is one thing I am girl about, it’s my shoes. I hate the anxiety that comes with the first scuff appearing on them. Something so beautiful shouldn’t be scratched.

  “Catch me if you can, little girl.” He shifts from foot to foot.

  I brace myself for his next move. The only way out of this is through me, and he knows it, if the determined glint in his eye is anything to go by. He lunges at me, and I brace myself for impact. I grab his bony shoulders, flip him to the ground, and land on him. We both let out an oomph as we struggle on the ground.

  All the while his mumbling is making less and less sense. “It’s the entirety of life that doesn’t make sense, you know.” He focuses on something behind me. “Eyes like your father’s you have, my dear.”

  “Stay still, dude. It’s over.” I ignore his comment about my eyes for now, storing that for later. Any information about my father warrants further investigation but now is not the time.

  “Augh!” I lose my breath as his elbow digs into my kidney. I struggle to drag in air.

  “Fuck! Any time would be nice, guys.” I know they can hear me through my ear piece. “But just take your time. I enjoy playing ‘what shape is my newest bruise?’”

  Boots slap the pavement, and two of my team of five other Guards appear around the corner, distracting me.

  The elf swings at my eye making contact. “Son of a bitch!” I grapple for the rogue elf’s hands and pin him down as Doyle gets down on our level. I grind my teeth at his face-splitting grin.

  “You’re lucky I love you or I’d slap that smug smile off your face.” I grit my teeth as the elf continues to struggle to break free beneath me.

  “Having fun, Ev?” Doyle asks, his playful grin still twisting his lips.

  “Oh, you know, just bunches of it,” I snap back, frowning.

  Leaning closer, he lays his hand on the elf’s. Instantly the elf goes lax under me.

  Being able to control people’s movements with his hands is his greatest asset. Mine is speed and glamour. My own personal glamour is undetectable to most people, but being able to make people see things that aren’t really there is the other part of it. Houdini didn’t have shit on me.

  Doyle and Kirin haul up the elf and place cold iron shackles on his wrists. Both of them drag him toward the large black van idling at the entrance of the alley. I look around and make sure nothing is left behind from our scuffle. I limp toward the van with my hand on my sore ass and glance back to make sure there are no scuff marks on my leather pants.

  “That looks like it’s going to leave a mark.” Eryn says. She’s one of my best friends and the only other girl on our team of five. She’s in the front passenger seat of the van. She points at my face and winces.

  “I’m sure it will. Dude could pack a punch.” I lightly press against my eye to make sure nothing is broken. I nod to Axel, twisting my lips into a semblance of a smile.

  He is the quietest one and he prefers to keep his commentary to a minimum. Axel and I have a lot in common. His mother abandoned him at a young age too. The only difference is he couldn’t care less about having a relationship with her, and I can’t blame him. After how she treated him, I might think the same way. On the other hand, I would love to have a relationship with my mother—someone to talk to about my strange elven abilities or even about how I’m doing, but every time we talk
we end up fighting. Usually it’s about my position as a MECA guard. She disagrees with my choice of employment, instead wishing I were a researcher, something less physical and more suited to a lady. But I want to keep people safe, not hide behind a desk.

  Axel smiles back, wincing a bit as he searches my bruised face, his own face still sporting a bruise over his right eye. The bruise extends to his chiseled cheek bones, adding to the black-and-blue he got from a fight a few days ago with another MECA guard.

  I settle back into my seat and wait. Doyle and Kirin are securing our rogue elf in the back of the van. I lay my head back against the head rest and close my eyes. I’m going to destroy a bottle of vodka at the club tonight. I smile and wonder what type of music will be playing at our favorite spot this week.

  “I know that look.” Doyle’s booming voice cuts into my fantasy. “You ready to get plastered, Ev?”

  “Hell, yeah. Let’s get rid of him and get there already.”

  Axel starts the van and sets us on the route to the closest entrance of the Light Elven Kingdom. Most Fae hate anything modern or metal, so the hour long ride to the middle of nowhere Brown County to the giant tree that serves as their entrance will be spent relaxing and recharging. Doyle and Kirin joke about who will go home with a woman from the bar first, and I’m examining the new scuffs on my boots. These were expensive. Both practical and sexy, the practical part allowing me to work in them. Stupid insane elf. I look behind me and give the guilty elf a dirty look.

  Turning around in her seat, Eryn catches my annoyed expression and her eyes flick down to my boots. “Just think of it this way, they are now officially broken in, so you can stop trying not to scuff them.”

  Eryn always looks for the positive in any situation. She’s the gentlest of all of us and her patience knows no bounds. She is always trying to instill some semblance of manners into us. She’s an empath, so she knows how each of us feels at any given moment. We try to tone down our emotions around her so we don’t overwhelm her. Empathy is a useful ability in the field, though. She can tell when someone is lying to us.


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