Complete Works of Edmund Spenser

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Complete Works of Edmund Spenser Page 65

by Edmund Spenser

  But lefte his love to losse, and fled him selfe apace.


  The knight, him seeing flie, had no regard

  Him to poursew, but to the lady rode,

  And having her from Trompart lightly reard, 165

  Upon his courser sett the lovely lode,

  And with her fled away without abode.

  Well weened he, that fairest Florimell

  It was, with whom in company he yode,

  And so her selfe did alwaies to him tell; 170

  So made him thinke him selfe in heven, that was in hell.


  But Florimell her selfe was far away,

  Driven to great distresse by fortune straunge,

  And taught the carefull mariner to play,

  Sith late mischaunce had her compeld to chaunge 175

  The land for sea, at randon there to raunge:

  Yett there that cruell queene avengeresse,

  Not satisfyde so far her to estraunge

  From courtly blis and wonted happinesse,

  Did heape on her new waves of weary wretchednesse. 180


  For being fled into the fishers bote,

  For refuge from the monsters cruelty,

  Long so she on the mighty maine did flote,

  And with the tide drove forward carelesly;

  For th’ ayre was milde, and cleared was the skie, 185

  And all his windes Dan Aeolus did keepe

  From stirring up their stormy enmity,

  As pittying to see her waile and weepe;

  But all the while the fisher did securely sleepe.


  At last when droncke with drowsinesse he woke, 190

  And saw his drover drive along the streame,

  He was dismayd, and thrise his brest he stroke,

  For marveill of that accident extreame;

  But when he saw that blazing beauties beame,

  Which with rare light his bote did beautifyre, 195

  He marveild more, and thought he yet did dreame

  Not well awakte, or that some extasye

  Assotted had his sence, or dazed was his eye.


  But when her well avizing, hee perceiv’d

  To be no vision nor fantasticke sight, 200

  Great comfort of her presence he conceiv’d,

  And felt in his old corage new delight

  To gin awake, and stir his frosen spright:

  Tho rudely askte her, how she thether came.

  ‘Ah!’ sayd she, ‘father, I note read aright 205

  What hard misfortune brought me to this same;

  Yet am I glad that here I now in safety ame.


  ‘But thou good man, sith far in sea we bee,

  And the great waters gin apace to swell,

  That now no more we can the mayn-land see, 210

  Have care, I pray, to guide the cock-bote well,

  Least worse on sea then us on land befell.’

  Thereat th’ old man did nought but fondly grin,

  And saide, his boat the way could wisely tell:

  But his deceiptfull eyes did never lin 215

  To looke on her faire face, and marke her snowy skin.


  The sight whereof in his congealed flesh

  Infixt such secrete sting of greedy lust,

  That the drie withered stocke it gan refresh,

  And kindled heat, that soone in flame forth brust: 220

  The driest wood is soonest burnt to dust.

  Rudely to her he lept, and his rough hand,

  Where ill became him, rashly would have thrust;

  But she with angry scorne him did with stond,

  And shamefully reproved for his rudenes fond. 225


  But he, that never good nor maners knew,

  Her sharpe rebuke full litle did esteeme;

  Hard is to teach an old horse amble trew.

  The inward smoke, that did before but steeme,

  Broke into open fire and rage extreme; 230

  And now he strength gan adde unto his will,

  Forcyng to doe that did him fowle misseeme:

  Beastly he threwe her downe, ne car’d to spill

  Her garments gay with scales of fish, that all did fill.


  The silly virgin strove him to withstand, 235

  All that she might, and him in vaine revild:

  Shee strugled strongly both with foote and hand,

  To save her honor from that villaine vilde,

  And cride to heven, from humane helpe exild.

  O ye brave knights, that boast this ladies love, 240

  Where be ye now, when she is nigh defild

  Of filthy wretch? Well may she you reprove

  Of falsehood or of slouth, when most it may behove.


  But if that thou, Sir Satyran, didst weete,

  Or thou, Sir Peridure, her sory state, 245

  How soone would yee assemble many a fleete,

  To fetch from sea that ye at land lost late!

  Towres, citties, kingdomes ye would ruinate,

  In your avengement and dispiteous rage,

  Ne ought your burning fury mote abate; 250

  But if Sir Calidore could it presage,

  No living creature could his cruelty asswage.


  But sith that none of all her knights is nye,

  See how the heavens, of voluntary grace

  And soveraine favor towards chastity, 255

  Doe succor send to her distressed cace:

  So much High God doth innocence embrace.

  It fortuned, whilest thus she stifly strove,

  And the wide sea importuned long space

  With shrilling shriekes, Proteus abrode did rove, 260

  Along the fomy waves driving his finny drove.


  Proteus is shepheard of the seas of yore,

  And hath the charge of Neptunes mighty heard,

  An aged sire with head all frowy hore,

  And sprinckled frost upon his deawy beard: 265

  Who when those pittifull outcries he heard

  Through all the seas so ruefully resownd,

  His charett swifte in hast he thether steard,

  Which, with a teeme of scaly phocas bownd,

  Was drawne upon the waves, that fomed him arownd. 270


  And comming to that fishers wandring bote,

  That went at will, withouten card or sayle,

  He therein saw that yrkesome sight, which smote

  Deepe indignation and compassion frayle

  Into his hart attonce: streight did he hayle 275

  The greedy villein from his hoped pray,

  Of which he now did very litle fayle,

  And with his staffe, that drives his heard astray,

  Him bett so sore, that life and sence did much dismay.


  The whiles the pitteous lady up did ryse, 280

  Ruffled and fowly raid with filthy soyle,

  And blubbred face with teares of her faire eyes:

  Her heart nigh broken was with weary toyle,

  To save her selfe from that outrageous spoyle:

  But when she looked up, to weet what wight 285

  Had her from so infamous fact assoyld,

  For shame, but more for feare of his grim sight,

  Downe in her lap she hid her face, and lowdly shright.


  Her selfe not saved yet from daunger dredd

  She thought, but chaung’d from one to other feare: 290

  Like as a fearefull partridge, that is fledd

  From the sharpe hauke, which her attached neare,

  And fals to ground, to seeke for succor theare,

  Whereas the hungry spaniells she does spye,

  With greedy jawes her ready for to teare; 295

  In such distresse and sad perp

  Was Florimell, when Proteus she did see thereby.


  But he endevored with speaches milde

  Her to recomfort, and accourage bold,

  Bidding her feare no more her foeman vilde, 300

  Nor doubt himselfe; and who he was her told.

  Yet all that could not from affright her hold,

  Ne to recomfort her at all prevayld;

  For her faint hart was with the frosen cold

  Benumbd so inly, that her wits nigh fayld, 305

  And all her sences with abashment quite were quayld.


  Her up betwixt his rugged hands he reard,

  And with his frory lips full softly kist,

  Whiles the cold ysickles from his rough beard

  Dropped adowne upon her yvory brest: 310

  Yet he him selfe so busily addrest,

  That her out of astonishment he wrought,

  And out of that same fishers filthy nest

  Removing her, into his charet brought,

  And there with many gentle termes her faire besought. 315


  But that old leachour, which with bold assault

  That beautie durst presume to violate,

  He cast to punish for his hainous fault:

  Then tooke he him, yet trembling sith of late,

  And tyde behind his charet, to aggrate 320

  The virgin, whom be had abusde so sore:

  So drag’d him through the waves in scornfull state,

  And after cast him up upon the shore;

  But Florimell with him unto his bowre he bore.


  His bowre is in the bottom of the maine, 325

  Under a mightie rocke, gainst which doe rave

  The roring billowes in their proud disdaine,

  That with the angry working of the wave

  Therein is eaten out an hollow cave,

  That seemes rough masons hand with engines keene 330

  Had long while laboured it to engrave:

  There was his wonne, ne living wight was seene,

  Save one old nymph, hight Panope, to keepe it cleane.


  Thether he brought the sory Florimell,

  And entertained her the best he might, 335

  And Panope her entertaind eke well,

  As an immortall mote a mortall wight,

  To winne her liking unto his delight:

  With flattering wordes he sweetly wooed her,

  And offered faire guiftes, t’ allure her sight; 340

  But she both offers and the offerer

  Despysde, and all the fawning of the flatterer.


  Dayly he tempted her with this or that,

  And never suffred her to be at rest:

  But evermore she him refused flat, 345

  And all his fained kindnes did detest;

  So firmely she had sealed up her brest.

  Sometimes he boasted that a god he hight;

  But she a mortall creature loved best:

  Then he would make him selfe a mortall wight; 350

  But then she said she lov’d none but a Faery knight.


  Then like a Faerie knight him selfe he drest;

  For every shape on him he could endew:

  Then like a king he was to her exprest,

  And offred kingdoms unto her in vew, 355

  To be his leman and his lady trew:

  But when all this he nothing saw prevaile,

  With harder meanes he cast her to subdew,

  And with sharpe threates her often did assayle,

  So thinking for to make her stubborne corage quayle. 360


  To dreadfull shapes he did him selfe transforme,

  Now like a gyaunt, now like to a feend,

  Then like a centaure, then like to a storme,

  Raging within the waves: thereby he weend

  Her will to win unto his wished eend. 365

  But when with feare, nor favour, nor with all

  He els could doe, he saw him selfe esteemd,

  Downe in a dongeon deepe he let her fall,

  And threatned there to make her his eternall thrall.


  Eternall thraldome was to her more liefe, 370

  Then losse of chastitie, or chaunge of love:

  Dye had she rather in tormenting griefe,

  Then any should of falsenesse her reprove,

  Or loosenes, that she lightly did remove.

  Most vertuous virgin! glory be thy meed, 375

  And crowne of heavenly prayse with saintes above,

  Where most sweet hymmes of this thy famous deed

  Are still emongst them song, that far my rymes exceed.


  Fit song of angels caroled to bee!

  But yet what so my feeble Muse can frame, 380

  Shalbe t’ advance thy goodly chastitee,

  And to enroll thy memorable name

  In th’ heart of every honourable dame,

  That they thy vertuous deedes may imitate,

  And be partakers of thy endlesse fame. 385

  Yt yrkes me leave thee in this wofull state,

  To tell of Satyrane, where I him left of late.


  Who having ended with that Squyre of Dames

  A long discourse of his adventures vayne,

  The which himselfe, then ladies, more defames, 390

  And finding not th’ hyena to be slayne,

  With that same squyre retourned back agayne

  To his first way. And as they forward went,

  They spyde a knight fayre pricking on the playne,

  As if he were on some adventure bent, 395

  And in his port appeared manly hardiment.


  Sir Satyrane him towardes did addresse,

  To weet what wight he was, and what his quest:

  And comming nigh, eftsoones he gan to gesse

  Both by the burning hart which on his brest 400

  He bare, and by the colours in his crest,

  That Paridell it was: tho to him yode,

  And him saluting as beseemed best,

  Gan first inquire of tydinges farre abrode;

  And afterwardes, on what adventure now he rode. 405


  Who thereto answering said: ‘The tydinges bad,

  Which now in Faery court all men doe tell,

  Which turned hath great mirth to mourning sad,

  Is the late ruine of proud Marinell,

  And suddein parture of faire Florimell, 410

  To find him forth: and after her are gone

  All the brave knightes, that doen in armes excell,

  To savegard her, ywandred all alone;

  Emongst the rest my lott (unworthy’) is to be one.’


  ‘Ah! gentle knight,’ said then Sir Satyrane, 415

  ‘Thy labour all is lost, I greatly dread,

  That hast a thanklesse service on thee ta’ne,

  And offrest sacrifice unto the dead.

  For dead, I surely doubt, thou maist aread

  Henceforth for ever Florimell to bee, 420

  That all the noble knights of Maydenhead,

  Which her ador’d, may sore repent with mee,

  And all faire ladies may for ever sory bee.’


  Which wordes when Paridell had heard, his hew

  Gan greatly chaung, and seemd dismaid to bee; 425

  Then said: ‘Fayre sir, how may I weene it trew,

  That ye doe tell in such uncerteintee?

  Or speake ye of report, or did ye see

  Just cause of dread, that makes ye doubt so sore?

  For, perdie, elles how mote it ever bee, 430

  That ever hand should dare for to engore

  Her noble blood? The hevens such crueltie abhore.’


  ‘These eye
s did see, that they will ever rew

  To have seene,’ quoth he, ‘when as a monstrous beast

  The palfrey whereon she did travell slew, 435

  And of his bowels made his bloody feast:

  Which speaking token sheweth at the least

  Her certeine losse, if not her sure decay:

  Besides, that more suspicion encreast,

  I found her golden girdle cast astray, 440

  Distaynd with durt and blood, as relique of the pray.’


  ‘Ay me!’ said Paridell, ‘the signes be sadd,

  And but God turne the same to good sooth say,

  That ladies safetie is sore to be dradd:

  Yet will I not forsake my forward way, 445

  Till triall doe more certeine truth bewray.’

  ‘Faire sir,’ quoth he, ‘well may it you succeed:

  Ne long shall Satyrane behind you stay,

  But to the rest, which in this quest proceed,

  My labour adde, and be partaker of their speed.’ 450


  ‘Ye noble knights,’ said then the Squyre of Dames,

  ‘Well may yee speede in so praiseworthy payne:

  But sith the sunne now ginnes to slake his beames

  In deawy vapours of the westerne mayne,

  And lose the teme out of his weary wayne, 455

  Mote not mislike you also to abate

  Your zealous hast, till morrow next againe

  Both light of heven and strength of men relate:

  Which if ye please, to yonder castle turne your gate.’


  That counsell pleased well; so all yfere 460

  Forth marched to a castle them before;

  Where soone arryving, they restrained were

  Of ready entraunce, which ought evermore

  To errant knights be commune: wondrous sore

  Thereat displeasd they were, till that young squyre 465

  Gan them informe the cause why that same dore

  Was shut to all which lodging did desyre:

  The which to let you weet will further time requyre.

  Faerie Queene Detailed Table of Contents

  Glossary for ‘The Faerie Queene’

  Canto IX

  Malbecco will no straunge knights host,

  For peevish gealosy:

  Paridell giusts with Britomart:

  Both shew their auncestry.


  REDOUBTED knights, and honorable dames,

  To whom I levell all my labours end,

  Right sore I feare, least with unworthie blames

  This odious argument my rymes should shend,

  Or ought your goodly patience offend, 5

  Whiles of a wanton lady I doe write,

  Which with her loose incontinence doth blend

  The shyning glory of your soveraine light;

  And knighthood fowle defaced by a faithlesse knight.


  But never let th’ ensample of the bad 10


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