I Like That About Her 2

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I Like That About Her 2 Page 2

by Aleks Mitchell

  “Faith, you were the one that ended things,” Craig gently reminded Faith.

  “No, it was more of a mutual decision. I may have brought it up but we both agreed it was best to end things.”

  “Why was that again?” Craig asked dumbfounded. “You both clearly still care about each other, a lot!”

  “We weren’t spending enough time together. Chandler’s career takes a lot of her time up. I don’t wish anything but happiness for her, but I have to think about my happiness too. I want to be in a relationship with someone that has time for me; as childish as that sounds.”

  Faith spent her teen years doing things according to other people. With time she finally learned to consider her own feelings and wants rather than worrying about everyone else. Little by little she wasn’t happy in her relationship with Chandler. They came to the conclusion that it would be best that they ended it while they were still at least friends for the sake of their daughter and their friendship.

  “It’s not childish. It makes sense. It’s good that as an adult you’ve learned that your happiness matter too.”

  “But what about Ky’s happiness?”

  “Ky is the happiest little girl I’ve ever seen. She has practically four parents between you, Chandler, me, and Jackson. I don’t think you have to worry about Ky being unhappy Faith.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “Always,” Craig smiled. “Now, I think it’s time for some ice cream.”

  “This is why she loves you more than me and Chan.”

  “If you’d just give her the things she wants she’d love you the same,” Craig joked.

  Faith had to admit that Craig was right. Not about the ice cream, but about Chandler. She needed to move on from Chandler. Maybe dating someone else was the only way she could do that.

  Chapter 3

  Faith and Chandler were both home for their first winter break. Faith had been looking forward to it. Or rather she was looking forward to it up until she saw the gloomy look on her girlfriend’s face.

  “What’s going on?” Faith asked, coming into Chandler’s bedroom and closing the door behind her.

  “We have to talk,” Chandler sighed.

  “About?” Faith asked. “Is something wrong?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Did I do something?”

  “No,” Chandler answered quickly. “You didn’t do anything.”

  “Okay, that’s good,” Faith said relieved. “Whatever it is you can tell me anything, you know that.”

  “I know, it’s just this is going to be hard for me to say.”

  After what seemed like an eternity, Chandler looked into Faith’s eyes and took a deep shaky breath.

  “I think we should take a break.”

  “A break?”

  “Yeah, from each other.”

  Faith didn’t know what to say. As far as she knew everything between them had been going great. She wasn’t sure where this was coming from.

  “I don’t understand,” Faith said honestly. “I thought you said I didn’t do anything.”

  “You didn’t. Neither of us did. I just feel like we’re drifting apart.”

  “Obviously, Chan. We’ve both been at school. But that’s why we were so excited for winter break. Now we can catch up and spend time together again.”

  “Until we have to go back to school and then we have to keep doing this all over again. Do you really want to have to keep going through this cycle?”

  “Until we graduate, yeah. I thought you did too.”

  “I did, but I just didn’t realize how hard it would be with both of us at different schools.”

  “Chan, there’s no other way. Its four years. We can get through this.”

  “Faith, I just think it would be easier for both of us to get through school if we weren’t together for now. I’m not saying it has to be forever. But for right now, we have to break up.”

  Faith sighed as she looked down and away from Chandler.

  “Please say something.”

  “I don’t think there is anything to say. It sounds like this is something you really want.”

  “It’s not what I want, it’s what I need,” Chandler said. “Please don’t hate me for this.”

  “I could never hate you,” Faith said adamantly. “We’re still friends, Chan. We were friends before we were girlfriends. That’s not going to change, ever.”

  “So, then you’re okay with this?”

  Faith wasn’t okay with this. But if it was one thing she learned from all of those years of doing what other people wanted, it was that your own happiness needed to matter most. If Chandler wasn’t happy, she wasn’t going to try to convince her to stay with her.

  “For now, yeah,” Faith said. “But I’m still hoping that this is only temporary. I mean there’s still a chance for us right?”

  “Of course, Faith! I still love you so much. I just think that right now it’s best that we’re not spending every moment missing each other.”

  “I’m still going to miss you, regardless if we’re together or not.”

  “Me too,” Chandler smiled sadly.

  “Can we still make out?” Faith joked.

  “Um, yeah,” Chandler answered obviously.

  Faith was really trying to make light of the situation. She didn’t want to show Chandler that inside this was her worst fear coming true.


  “I just don’t understand why she always gets movie picking rights,” Andy commented as he sat down on the couch next to Faith and Ky.

  “Because she’s two,” Faith answered obviously.

  “What’s your point?”

  “She falls asleep half way through anyway, Andy.”

  “Yeah, but so do I because of how boring this movie is. Not to mention I’ve seen it about a hundred times now. She always chooses the same movie!”

  “Come on, you have to admit you love Frozen.”

  “Yeah, maybe the first time I saw it. After the fifth time it becomes rather irritating.”

  “Yeah, I agree,” Faith whispered. “But it’s her favorite.”

  “Ollie!” Ky yelled.

  “Yes, Ky,” Faith started. “It’s coming on now.”

  “After she goes to sleep I’m choosing the movie!” Andy insisted.

  “You act like such a child sometimes Andy.”


  As the movie turned on Faith turned to look at Ky.

  “Hey, Ky, what did you think of Mommy’s new friend? You know, Megan?”

  “What was that about me being childish?” Andy asked.

  “Shut up, how else am I supposed to find out about this woman?”

  “Bad word!” Ky exclaimed.

  Faith sighed as she narrowed her eyes at Ky.

  “You could try asking Chandler, instead of your two year old daughter who won’t be able to tell you much anyway.”

  “Ky is very smart for her age. I’m sure she can tell me plenty.”

  Andy looked down at Ky and saw that her eyes were already getting heavy.

  “Shh!” Andy whispered. “She’s about to fall asleep! We won’t have to watch this damn movie for the umpteenth time!”

  “Andy we’re talking about Chandler’s girlfriend here! This is important!”

  “No, you’re talking about Chandler’s girlfriend. I’m trying to watch a different movie!”

  “Andy this is serious.”

  Andy sighed as he looked at his sister compassionately. “You’re right. I know this has to be weird for you. It’s definitely an adjustment. Even saying Chandler’s girlfriend feels weird.”

  “Seriously! I was always Chandler’s girlfriend.”

  “Well, not always. There was that break during college.”

  “But that didn’t feel so permanent. This time it does.”

  “You don’t know that for sure. Maybe this is just another break for you guys.”

  “She wouldn’t have had this woman spend the night if
it wasn’t serious,” Chandler said. “Not with Ky there.”

  “Chandler being with this woman doesn’t mean you and her still won’t end up together. In fact, it could bring you guys together again.”

  “I don’t know,” Faith said. “You didn’t see them this morning. Chandler seems happy with her.”

  “Do you not want her to be happy?” Andy asked.

  “No I do. I want all of us to be happy. It’s why we broke up in the first place. It’s just weird seeing her be happy with someone else.”

  “Maybe you should tell her that,” Andy said.

  “No, I shouldn’t. This is what I wanted. I can’t hold Chandler back from being happy just because I’m having a hard time meeting someone new.”

  As much as it hurt Faith to see Chandler moving on, she was kind of glad. She wanted Chandler to be happy, which she obviously was. She just needed to focus on making herself happy now.

  Chapter 4

  Faith was beyond drunk. She was celebrating with Craig, Andy, and Chandler. The four had just graduated from college.

  “Faith, you are going to have such a headache tomorrow,” Andy warned.

  “It’ll be worth it,” Faith shrugged, a goofy look planted on her face.

  “You probably won’t think that tomorrow,” Chandler grimaced.

  “Probably not! But, the next round is on me!”

  “No,” Craig said. “No more rounds for you.”

  “Oh come on, don’t be such a buzz kill.”

  Craig, Andy, and Chandler looked at each other in question. So far, Faith didn’t seem to have a drinking problem, but when they went out she did tend to go a bit overboard. According to her, she didn’t party often so when she did she partied hard.

  “Maybe you should let me take you home,” Chandler suggested.

  “Nope,” Faith smiled. “I can’t go home. My mom is there.”

  “Okay, how about my apartment?” Chandler asked.

  Faith raised her eyebrows at Chandler. “Do you even have furniture yet?”

  “I have a couch and a bed,” Chandler said. “Doesn’t a couch sound really nice right now?”

  “Oh come on, I’m not that drunk yet,” Faith whined.

  “You’re drunk enough, Faith,” Chandler declared. “Come on; let me take you home before you make yourself sick.”

  Faith looked at Chandler seriously. It was obvious the brunette was worried about her. She hated making people worry. Especially, Chandler. She didn’t like making other people take care of her. She wanted to be an independent strong woman.

  “Fine,” Faith groaned. “We can go.”

  “Good! It’s only a few blocks from here so we can walk.”

  “Walk?” Faith questioned. “As in with our feet?”

  “You could use the fresh air, lazy!” Chandler joked.

  Faith rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat and waved goodbye to Andy and Craig. She followed Chandler out of the bar and started walking alongside her on the sidewalk.

  “Are you happy that school is over?” Chandler asked, trying to make conversation.

  “Very! You?”

  “Yes and no. Now I have to worry about passing my MCAT’s and getting into a good medical school.”

  “You’ll do great!” Faith exclaimed.

  Chandler smiled at the blonde’s enthusiasm. “Thanks, but I’m not so sure. This test covers so much information.”

  “Chan, you are the smartest person I know. You’ve got this. If anyone can do this it’s you.”

  “Thanks,” Chandler said. “You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Yeah, friend,” Faith said with a bit of an edge to her voice.

  Chandler picked up on the tone and looked at Faith puzzled. She smiled softly as she realized what the blonde was thinking. She’d found herself thinking the same thing at times. She missed being with Faith. But, she didn’t want to risk ruining the friendship they had developed. Things were finally at the point where it wasn’t awkward to be alone together.

  School was over, which got Faith thinking about where they stood. They had talked about trying again after college was over. Now that it was, she was afraid that Chandler may have changed her mind.

  Faith suddenly stopped walking. Chandler turned around and looked at the blonde. Her face looked conflicted.

  “What’s wrong? Are you going to throw up?”

  “No,” Faith said emotionally. “Not yet anyway.”

  “Then what is it?” Chandler asked in concern. The blonde’s sudden mood change was worrying the brunette.

  “I don’t want to just be your friend,” Faith whined. “Being your friend sucks!”

  “Well, thanks,” Chandler joked. She knew what Faith meant. She was just trying to lighten the blonde’s mood.

  “You and I aren’t supposed to just be friends, Chan.”

  “Faith,” Chandler sighed.

  “I still love you,” Faith said. “So much that it hurts for you to call me your friend.”

  “I love you too,” Chandler admitted.

  “You do?” Faith asked.

  “Of course,” Chandler said. “But, I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  “Our friendship’s not even that great. I hate being your friend.”

  “Faith,” Chandler laughed.

  It was clear that Faith was drunk and everything she said was coming out wrong.

  “I’m serious. I love being your girlfriend. Don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Chandler admitted.

  “Alright then,” Faith slurred. “We should do something about that.”

  “How about we do something about it tomorrow when you’re sober?” Chandler suggested.

  “Fine,” Faith compromised. She continued walking with Chandler. “But if I forget this conversation you better remind me!”

  “I will, trust me,” Chandler smiled, throwing her arm around the blonde.


  It was the time of the week that Faith dreaded. It was time to drop Ky off at Chandler’s place. Faith hated that Ky had to be handed back and forth between the two of them. But, there was no other solution. Both women wanted to spend as much time with the toddler as they possibly could. Faith already got more time with Ky due to Chandler’s work hours.

  Faith wasn’t looking forward to seeing Chandler. She knew that Chandler was going to bring up what happened the day she came to pick Ky up. All she wanted to do was forget that it happened and move on. She didn’t see a reason to dwell on it. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. Chandler was moving on and soon she would be too.

  “Hey!” Chandler greeted Faith and Ky.

  “Hey,” Faith smiled, handing Ky to Chandler.

  “Did you have fun with Mama?” Chandler asked Ky.

  “Yes!” Ky exclaimed.

  “And with Uncle Andy,” Faith added.

  “Oh, did he spend the night again this weekend?”

  “Yeah, practically every weekend now,” Faith said.

  “He’s really getting out there in the dating world huh?”

  “Yeah, he claims he’s looking for the right one. Though I’m not sure he’s going to build much of a relationship on a one night stand.”

  “Hey, you never know with Andy,” Chandler joked. “Did you want to come in?”

  No, not really.

  “Sure,” Faith smiled.

  Faith closed the door behind her as Chandler put Ky down in the living room next to her toys.

  Faith could sense the awkwardness between her and Chandler. She didn’t like the feeling. Things were never awkward between them, ever after they broke up. They were always friend’s first, girlfriends second. It’s what made their relationship so strong for so long.

  “So, I wanted to apologize for what happened the other day with Megan,” Chandler started.

  “You don’t have anything to apologize for, Chan. We’re supposed to be seeing other people.”

nbsp; “I do,” Chandler insisted. “I should have had you meet Megan before having her around Ky.”

  “It would have been nice to have known you were seeing someone. It was a little bit of a surprise.”

  “I’m sorry about that. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  “Chandler you can tell me anything. Friends first, remember?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to hurt you, ever.”

  Faith smiled at that. It was amazing how great their relationship still was, even if they weren’t together romantically anymore. Chandler would always be her best friend, no matter what. It’s what made their break up so hard. Chandler was who she ran to with everything. She wasn’t sure if she could do that anymore now that Chandler had someone new in her life.

  “I’m not hurt,” Faith said. “I’m fine. It’s just going to take some getting used to, that’s all.”

  “Well, even so next time she’s spending the night I’ll make sure I give you a heads up beforehand.”

  “Chan, that’s really not necessary,” Faith said, moving closer to the brunette. “Megan seems really nice and she’s a doctor so I’m sure she’s great. Now that we’ve met you have nothing to worry about. You can just be happy.”

  Chandler smiled sadly at the blonde. “You can be happy too Faith. I really want you to be happy.”

  “I am happy,” Faith assured Chandler. “I promise. Do I seem unhappy to you?”

  “No, but I just worry about you still. That will never change.”

  “How could I be unhappy with Ky in my life? Trust me I have plenty of things in my life to be happy about. You don’t have to worry about me so much. It’s not your job anymore.”

  “It will always be my job, Faith. Like you said, friends first.”

  Ugh, friends.

  “Mommy play!” Ky exclaimed from across the room. Ky was building a tower with her blocks.

  “I’ll be right there, Ky,” Chandler smiled. “She’s so bossy!”

  “Ugh, I know right! She’s getting it from you! Do you have any idea how many times she scolded me for saying shut up?”

  “Good! I told her to! Maybe she can get you to stop saying ‘shut up’ so much.”


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