I Like That About Her 2

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I Like That About Her 2 Page 5

by Aleks Mitchell

  “Honey, are you really going to let a silly thing like work get in the way of your family?”

  “Mom, she was working all of the time. I want her to have the career she wants but I need to feel like I’m in an actual relationship. Chandler and I didn’t even talk anymore. It was hurting to be with Chandler and not truly be with her.”

  “All I’m saying is that you two loved each other so much,” Vanessa said. “That kind of love doesn’t just go away.”

  “I still love Chandler, but we both need to be happy. Ky deserves two moms that are both happy.”

  The door bell ringing ended the intense conversation. Faith turned towards the door and smiled as she opened it to Chandler and a smiling Ky.

  “There’s my granddaughter!” Vanessa exclaimed. She went forward and practically pushed Faith out of the way in order to grab hold of Ky.

  “Jeez, Mom,” Faith stated.

  “Gamma!” Ky yelled.

  Faith and Chandler were pretty sure that Ky loved Vanessa more than them. In their defense, she did spoil her rotten, just like Craig.

  “Hi, Chandler,” Vanessa smiled as she held onto Ky. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “You too,” Chandler said as she gave the woman a hug. Chandler had gotten much closer to the older woman. She still saw her as family, even if she and Faith weren’t together anymore.

  “How is everything?” Vanessa asked.

  “Good!” Chandler responded. “How’s John?”

  Vanessa had remarried a fireman named John a few years ago. She was truly happier than she had ever been. She was even friendlier with Todd now that she had John in her life. She was actually grateful for Todd cheating on her and effectively ending their marriage. If he didn’t she wouldn’t have met John.

  “He’s good,” Vanessa said. “He’s still a firefighter. He scares me half to death every time he goes to work, but it’s what he loves.”

  “I’m sure he’s extremely careful,” Chandler assured Vanessa. “He wouldn’t do anything to risk not coming home to you.”

  “He’s at the top of my prayers every day,” Vanessa said. “Along with something else.” Vanessa shared a look with Faith. She was talking about her relationship with Chandler.

  She’s really come a long way if she’s praying to God to restore my lesbian relationship.

  Faith gave her mother a look that told her she needed a minute with Chandler. Vanessa quickly took the hint.

  “Kylie and I will just be in the kitchen. I brought your favorite cookies honey.”

  “Cookie!” Ky exclaimed.

  “Cookies for breakfast Mom?” Faith asked.

  “It’s a special occasion,” Vanessa insisted as she walked away with Ky.

  Chandler smiled awkwardly at Faith.

  “Your mom seems really happy,” Chandler said, trying to make small talk.

  “She is,” Faith said, “especially now that Ky is here. I swear she loves her more than me now.”

  “Could you blame her? Ky is pretty special.”

  “Agreed,” Faith smiled.

  Faith could feel the awkwardness radiating between her and Chandler. She didn’t like it one bit.

  “So, how was the rest of your date with Peyton?” Chandler asked. She saw no reason to make small talk when what she really wanted to know was how serious things were between her ex and the new woman.

  “It wasn’t really a date,” Faith said. “We were just getting coffee. Craig pretty much threw her on me. She was already at the gym when he convinced me to go out with her.”

  “She seems nice,” Chandler said. “She must be if she’s anything like Jackson.”

  “She was really nice.”

  “And really pretty,” Chandler said quietly. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel a little insecure in the model’s presence.

  “Yeah, that too. But aside from being pretty, she was actually really nice. She’s easy to talk to.”

  “Do you like her?” Chandler asked carefully.

  Faith wasn’t sure if she should be talking about this with Chandler. She did really like Peyton, but she didn’t want to hurt Chandler by telling her all about it.

  “I do,” Faith answered honestly. “We’re going on a second date.”

  “So it was a date,” Chandler smiled.

  Faith rolled her eyes as she looked down at the floor.

  “Hey, I’m just kidding,” Chandler said. “I’m happy for you.”

  Faith looked back up at Chandler. She could tell that there was something wrong in the way Chandler was speaking. She didn’t press her on the issue though.

  “Well, I should get going. I have to be at the hospital soon.”

  “Okay, have a good day,” Faith said. She could still feel the awkwardness in their conversation. They were never this formal with each other.

  “You too,” Chandler said. “Enjoy your time with your mom.”

  “Thanks,” Faith rolled her eyes.

  “Bye,” Chandler said as she left the house and closed the door behind her.

  Faith felt terrible. It was obvious that Faith moving on was hurting Chandler. But she was hurt when she saw her moving on with Megan. This was just something they needed to get used to. They had been together for so long. This was unfamiliar territory. Faith hoped that with time, it would become the norm. The awkwardness of it all would dissipate. She just hoped it wouldn’t take too much time.

  Chapter 9

  “Alright, Dr. Reynolds, what would you like to do to celebrate?” Faith asked as she and Chandler walked into their apartment.

  Chandler and Faith had spent the entire day out with Chandler’s family after her graduation from Columbia Medical School. This was the first time the couple had been alone together all day.

  “Faith, you really have to stop calling me that,” Chandler smiled.

  “Are you kidding? I’ll be calling you that all of the time from now on. Especially, in bed.” Faith smiled slyly at Chandler.

  “I have to admit, that does sound hot.”

  “Just like you, Dr. Reynolds.”

  Chandler laughed as she plopped down onto the couch and sighed in relief. “I am so happy to be home. Today was fun, but I am literally wiped out.”

  “Get used to it,” Faith smiled, sitting down with her arm around Chandler. “Soon you’ll be working so much you’ll probably fall asleep standing up.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Chandler whined, leaning her head onto Faith’s shoulder.

  The two spent the next few minutes in silence, enjoying each other’s presence. These were the moments they lived for. Neither of them had to say anything for them to know how the other was feeling.

  “Okay, gift time,” Faith said, breaking the silence.

  “I said no gifts!”

  “What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t get you a gift?”

  “Faith, you have to stop spending so much money on me.”

  “Said no person ever,” Faith joked. “Listen, I’m fine with money. I made a lot on that last movie, which is shocking considering how terrible it was.”

  “Still, you shouldn’t be spending it on me.”

  “Shut up,” Faith said nonchalantly as she got up from the couch and pulled a small box out of the middle ottoman.

  “Faith, one day I am going to get you to stop saying ‘shut up’ so much!”

  “Probably not,” Faith shrugged.

  Faith sat back down next to Chandler and handed her the box.

  Chandler exhaled as she unwrapped the present.

  As soon as Chandler saw what was inside, she smiled tearfully at Faith. Inside was a stethoscope with Chandler’s initials engraved on it.

  “Faith, this is amazing,” Chandler cried.

  “Do you like it? I wasn’t sure if there was a specific one you wanted.”

  “I love it! Thank you!”

  Chandler pulled Faith into her arms and kissed her passionately.

  “You are going to be an amazing d
octor, Chan,” Faith smiled as she caressed her cheek.

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.”

  Chandler kissed Faith in response.

  “Now, time for your next present.”

  “No more presents, Faith!”

  “Relax, this one is free of cost and something only I can give you,” Faith said, smiling slyly at the brunette.

  Chandler quickly caught on to the blonde’s thinking. “Oh, well that’s even better than the stethoscope.”

  Faith giggled as she held Chandler’s hand in hers and led her towards their bedroom.


  Faith and Peyton decided to go out for drinks at a bar near Faith’s house. They wanted things to be casual and relaxed for their first real date.

  “Let me get this straight,” Peyton started, “we’re out for drinks, but you don’t drink.”

  “I usually order a club soda,” Faith shrugged.

  “I’ll only have this one then. I’m not going to drink if you’re not drinking.”

  “No, you should drink whatever you want. This works out better. I can get us home safely.”

  “We walked here from your house,” Peyton stated obviously. “We can clearly get home okay.”

  “Peyton really, just because I don’t drink doesn’t mean I have a problem with other people drinking.”

  “Is drinking a problem for you?” Peyton asked carefully.

  “No,” Faith assured her. “I just don’t like how it can affect people. I’ve never had a problem with it but I have a family member that has. I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  “Well, you won’t ever get any pressure from me. I think it’s great that you don’t ever want to lose control.”

  “I don’t have to drink to lose control,” Faith smiled slyly. “I can do that well enough sober.”

  “Really?” Peyton asked seductively. “You’ll have to show me some time.”

  Faith laughed softly at the brunette. Peyton sipped on her wine, looking away from the blonde.

  “How long were you and Chandler together?”

  “Seven years,” Faith answered. “But we were together for a year before that. We took a break during college.”

  “Wow, so you guys were together for practically all of your adult lives.”

  “Yeah, practically,” Faith replied.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, why did you two break up?” Peyton asked. “You guys seem to still get along really well.” Peyton didn’t want to pry, but she needed to know what she was getting herself into. She already liked Faith. She needed to know if she was just setting herself up to get hurt.

  “We do still get along. We’re still friends. There wasn’t ever really a time when we didn’t get along. It was just that we didn’t spend enough time together anymore. She has her job and I love that she’s so passionate about it. But, her job takes a lot of her time. Not being with her took a toll on me. I know that makes me kind of selfish…”

  “No it doesn’t. It’s completely understandable to want to be with someone you can actually be with. That’s why I haven’t dated seriously until now. My job required a lot of travel and it makes it hard to be in a lasting relationship. Relationships take work. If you don’t have time to put in the work, it makes it hard to sustain the relationship.”

  “So this is serious for you?” Faith asked, grinning at the brunette.

  “I want it to be,” Peyton replied. “Is that something you would want?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “But I do have to ask,” Peyton said carefully, “is there any chance you and Chandler might get back together?”

  “I love Chandler,” Faith answered honestly. “A part of me will always love Chandler in some way. But, no, that’s not going to happen. Chandler and I are at a place in our lives where we can both still be there for Ky like she needs us to be. We’re not interested in reliving the past.”

  “I admire your honesty,” Peyton said. “Here’s the thing, I really like you Faith, a lot. I’m sure the more I get to know you the more I’ll like you. I don’t want to set myself up to get hurt. I also don’t want to get in between two people that still love each other.”

  “You’re not,” Faith said gently. “And I really like you too.”

  “Yeah?” Peyton asked with a huge grin.

  “Yeah,” Faith laughed.

  Peyton placed her hand over Faith’s hand on the table.

  Faith bit her bottom lip as she looked into the brunette’s piercing blue eyes. Her stomach was doing somersaults again. She was so attracted to the woman sitting in front of her. She was excited to see where things would go with Peyton.

  After having another drink and talking for hours, Faith and Peyton went back to Faith’s house.

  As soon as they were through the front door, Faith took her jacket off and began peeling off Peyton’s jacket.

  As soon as Peyton’s jacket was dropped to the floor, Faith attached her lips to the brunette’s.

  “Are you sure want to do this?” Peyton asked, pulling back from the kiss.

  “Why? Do you not want to? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  “No!” Peyton insisted. “I want to. I just want to make sure you want to. This doesn’t seem like something you usually do.”

  “It’s not,” Faith admitted. “But I really like you.”

  That was all Peyton needed to hear to make her pull Faith back into a passionate kiss. Peyton grabbed hold of the hem of Faith’s shirt and pulled it over her head, leaving Faith’s breasts exposed.

  “I knew you weren’t wearing a bra,” Peyton said as she kissed the blonde.

  “I forgot,” Faith shrugged.

  “You forgot to wear a bra?” Peyton laughed.

  Faith ignored the question and pushed Peyton backwards until they were in the living room. Faith wasted no time in pulling Peyton’s shirt over her head. She moved on to unbuttoning Peyton’s skinny jeans.

  Peyton did the same with Faith’s jeans, only breaking their kiss to take short breaths.

  “Is there anything you’re not comfortable with?” Peyton asked as Faith lowered herself to peel Peyton’s jeans off of her.

  “Nope,” Faith replied breathlessly. “I’m pretty versatile.”

  “Same,” Peyton smiled, kicking off her shoes and allowing her jeans to slide off of her feet.

  Faith took her own jeans off before standing in front of the brunette. Faith reached behind Peyton and unclasped her black bra. Peyton allowed the lacy material to fall to the floor.

  Both women looked over each other’s bodies. Peyton took a step closer to Faith. She raised her hand and touched Faith’s right breast.

  Faith felt her arousal rising at Peyton’s touch. She leaned into Peyton. Peyton moved forward and pushed Faith back onto the floor.

  “You know, I do have a bed,” Faith breathed.

  “We can do it there later,” Peyton smiled, kissing at Faith’s neck. She gently sucked on a spot that drove Faith crazy.

  Faith leaned her head back, giving the brunette more access to her neck.

  Peyton slowly moved her hand down Faith’s body until she was able to slide her hand into Faith’s panties. She dragged her finger along Faith’s slit.

  Faith moaned in pleasure at the intrusion.

  “You’re so wet,” Peyton commented, lowering her mouth to Faith’s breasts. She gently sucked on each nipple. The brunette bit down lightly on her nipple, eliciting a gasp from the blonde.

  “Sorry,” Peyton apologized, coming back up to look down at Faith. She removed her hand from the blonde’s panties.

  “You’re fine,” Faith smiled up at the woman. “I liked it.”

  Peyton smiled down at Faith and slowly crawled back down her body.

  Peyton grabbed hold of Faith’s panties sliding them down the woman’s legs and taking them off.

  Peyton spread Faith’s legs apart and looked up at the blonde.

  Faith bit her lip as she watched Pe
yton get closer and closer to her core. Peyton slid her tongue up the blonde’s sex. Faith threw her head back as her body exploded with pleasure.

  Chapter 10

  Faith and Chandler were going to visit Faith’s new baby sister. She couldn’t believe she was even saying that. She was twenty-six years old. She was practically ready to have children of her own. How was it possible that she was now the big sister to an infant baby girl? Her father remarrying a much younger woman made that possible.

  Todd had married a woman that was just five years older than Faith. Obviously the woman wanted kids and luckily for her, men didn’t have a ticking biological clock.

  “This is so absurd!” Faith exclaimed. She and Chandler were walking towards the entrance to her father’s house.

  “Faith,” Chandler warned. “You said you’d be nice.”

  “I am going to be nice! I just want to make sure you are aware of how absurd this is!”

  “Yes, Faith. I’m well aware. It’s the only thing you’ve been talking about for the entire drive here!”

  “I’m twenty-six years older than my baby sister! That’s not right!”

  “But, it is what it is. Go with the flow, honey.”

  “One can only take so much flow, Chandler!”

  Chandler laughed at Faith’s antics. She knew she shouldn’t be laughing. This was clearly something that was bothering her girlfriend. Truthfully, she thought Faith was just jealous that she would no longer be her father’s only daughter.

  “Olivia is going to grow up wondering why her father could actually be her grandfather!” Faith exclaimed dramatically.

  “Faith, I’m sure she’ll get over it. It’s not really that uncommon. Plenty of men marry younger women and have kids later in life.”

  “It’s gross!” Faith grimaced. “My father should be starting Viagra! Not changing diapers!”

  “Faith, aren’t you the least bit excited about having a sibling?”

  “I have a sibling. Andy! He makes more sense. If I walk down the street with Olivia people are going to think she’s my daughter, not my sister!”

  “She’s a baby, Faith,” Chandler smiled. “Just be happy that you have a new member of your family. Don’t worry about the age difference between you two.”


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