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I Like That About Her 2

Page 6

by Aleks Mitchell

  “It’s hard not to,” Faith sighed, ringing the doorbell.

  “Just give Olivia a chance,” Chandler said. “And be nice to Caroline. She’s actually really nice. There’s no actual reason you shouldn’t like her.”

  Faith rolled her eyes as the front door swung open, revealing her smiling father.

  “Hey, Dad,” Faith smiled.

  “Faithy!” Todd exclaimed, pulling Faith into his arms for a hug.

  Chandler smiled as she watched the father and daughter greet each other. She always loved watching Faith with her father. They had a really great relationship. She was glad that her girlfriend was able to put what her father did in the past.

  “Hey, Chandler!” Todd said, hugging her as well.

  “Hey, Todd,” Chandler greeted.

  “Come on in guys,” Todd said. He was very eager for the two to meet the new addition to the family.

  Faith hadn’t seen her father this excited about anything since she and Andy started soccer.

  “There’s someone in here that I’d like you to meet.” Todd led the couple into the living room.

  Caroline was holding baby Olivia on her chest.

  “Hello, there,” Caroline grinned. “Olivia, there’s some very special people here to meet you.”

  As soon as Faith saw Olivia, she stopped in awe. All anger that she had previously had quickly dissipated and was replaced with an immense warmth. She had never seen a baby this young before up close.

  “What do you think?” Todd asked happily.

  Chandler looked over at Faith and had to do a double take at what she saw. Faith literally had tears building up in her eyes.

  When it became clear that Faith wasn’t going to respond, Chandler spoke up. “She’s beautiful, guys.”

  “Faith?” Todd questioned.

  Faith snapped out of her trance and turned to her father with a smile on her face. “Um, sorry. She’s wonderful.”

  Todd smiled at his daughter and pulled her into a tight hug. “Do you want to hold her?”

  “I mean should I?” Faith asked concerned. “I don’t want to ruin her or anything.”

  “You won’t,” Caroline laughed, getting up from the couch with Olivia in her arms. “Trust me; I thought the same thing when they handed her to me in the hospital.”

  “And then she thought that I would ruin her,” Todd rolled his eyes.

  Caroline laughed softly as she carefully placed the baby into Faith’s arms.

  Faith held her breath as she looked down at the little human being in her arms. Olivia was awake, staring right at her. She looked into the baby’s eyes and couldn’t help the huge grin that appeared on her face.

  “I think she looks a lot like you, Faith,” Todd said.

  “Really?” Faith asked tearfully.

  “He’s right,” Caroline smiled. “I saw baby pictures of you and you two are practically identical. Good for her, though. She’ll really be something when she gets older.”

  Faith blushed as she continued staring down at her new sister.

  Chandler looked at Faith’s face and smiled at the sight. Watching Faith hold her baby sister was so breathtaking. Faith looked so at peace holding Olivia. It was clear that she was a natural. She knew Faith would make an amazing mom one day.

  As Faith looked at the baby in her arms, she couldn’t stop herself from wanting a baby of her own. Up until now she hadn’t given much thought to having children, but holding Olivia just felt so right. She and Chandler hadn’t talked about starting a family. She wasn’t even sure if Chandler wanted kids. But, Faith knew one thing was certain. She wanted to be a mom.


  The next morning Faith and Peyton slept in together. They had been up well into the early hours of the morning.

  Faith turned over and jumped as she saw icy blue eyes staring back at her. She wasn’t used to waking up next to someone.

  “Do I look that bad in the morning?” Peyton flinched.

  “No,” Faith laughed. “I’m just not used to waking up to someone next to me.”

  “You better get used to it then,” Peyton responded.

  “Morning,” Faith smiled.

  “Morning,” Peyton responded.

  Faith rolled over onto her side, causing the thin sheet that was covering the two of them to come down, exposing her breasts.

  Peyton’s eyes traveled to Faith’s breasts. She smiled as she looked back up at Faith’s face. “Did I mention that you have amazing boobs?”

  “About five times,” Faith smirked.

  “Just making sure,” Peyton said as she slid her hand up Faith’s arm. “Any regrets about last night?”

  “And this morning?” Faith joked. She smiled at the brunette. “No, no regrets. You?”

  “Do I regret sleeping with a beautiful blonde with amazing boobs?” Peyton said. “No, not a chance.”

  Faith giggled softly at the brunette’s compliment. “You have amazing boobs too by the way.”

  “I know,” Peyton answered slyly.

  “Is it possible to be too confident?”

  “Nope,” Peyton answered. “Listen, I don’t know how you feel or what it is you’re ready for, but we don’t have to move too fast. We can go as slow as you want. I really like you and I don’t want to mess things up by going too fast.”

  “I think it’s a little too late for that,” Faith teased.

  Peyton smiled as she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but I just mean in terms of putting terms on what we are to each other. If I’m being honest, I’m not the type of girl to hook up with someone unless I really like someone and see a future with them.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” Faith said genuinely. “I’m the same way. I’ve actually never had sex with anyone other than Chandler.”


  “Yeah, I know nowadays sex is just sex for a lot of people. But, for me sex is something special that I only like to share with someone that’s really special to me.”

  “And I’m special to you?” Peyton asked.

  “Yes,” Faith smiled. “You are. I know we just met, but I do see a future with you too Peyton.”

  Peyton grinned at the blonde in response.

  “Do you have to work today?” Faith asked.

  “I do,” Peyton grimaced. “I should actually get going. I’m already running late as it is.”

  “That’s okay,” Faith assured her. “I have to go too. I’m supposed to meet up with Craig at the gym for a meeting with the staff.”

  “Okay, when can I see you again?”

  “Tomorrow night?” Faith asked. “We can go out to dinner if you want.”

  “It’s a date!”

  After the meeting at work, Faith and Craig had lunch together in his office.

  “This is so great!” Craig exclaimed. “We’re going to be one big happy dysfunctional family.”

  “Craig, we just started dating.”

  “And you slept with the girl on the first date. You never do that, which means you really like her.”

  “Things are easy with Peyton. She’s so easy to talk to and we just get along so well.”

  “I’ll bet,” Craig teased.

  “Shut up,” Faith said.

  “In all seriousness, I think it’s great. Peyton is really sweet. She’s literally Jackson with boobs.”

  “Didn’t need that image,” Faith grimaced.

  “What was that phone call about earlier?” Craig questioned. “Are you working again?”

  “Technically I didn’t stop working,” Faith pointed out.

  “I mean working at something you should actually be doing,” Craig added.

  “It was just Barry. He’s a friend of mine that’s a director. He’s working on a new project that he wanted me to be a part of.”

  “That’s great!”

  “Yeah, but I can’t do it.”

  “Why not?” Craig asked dumbfounded.

  “I would have to spend the next six months in LA shooting.”<
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  “I can’t do that,” Faith said. “I can’t be away from Ky for that long.”

  “So then take her with you.”

  “It’s not that easy. Shooting would take a lot of time out of my day so she’d be with a sitter a lot of the time. Plus I won’t do that to Chandler.”

  “Chandler wants you to be happy, remember?” Craig reminded the woman.

  “I know my happiness is important, but not at the expense of her happiness. Or Ky’s for that matter.”

  “Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for your career. With the technology we have now I don’t see why you can’t still see Ky and be in this movie. Acting is your dream job. You should find a way to make it work.”

  “I told him I’d think about it so it’s not like I declined the offer yet.”

  “You can make it work Faith,” Craig said sincerely. “I know you can. Even if I have to fly back and forth with Ky so that she can see both of her moms.”

  “That’s sweet, but I’m not going to make you do that.”

  “You wouldn’t be making me do it. I’m offering. As the mother of my child and my best friend, your happiness is important to me Faith.”

  “Thanks,” Faith said emotionally.

  “Don’t cry about it,” Craig rolled his eyes.

  Faith laughed at the man. She was glad she had Craig in her life. They couldn’t have chosen a better father for their baby.

  As much as Faith wanted to work in the project, she didn’t see a realistic way of making it work so that all of Ky’s parents had equal time with her. Her happiness was important. But her daughter’s happiness would always come first.

  Chapter 11

  Faith had made Chandler’s favorite dinner. She would be getting home from her shift soon. The blonde needed everything to be perfect for tonight. She needed to discuss something very important with her girlfriend. She had been putting it off for over two months, but she couldn’t hold onto this any longer.

  After much thought and soul searching, Faith came to the conclusion that she wanted to have a baby with Chandler. Obviously not biologically with Chandler since science hadn’t come that far yet.

  As Faith heard Chandler unlocking the door to their apartment, she jumped as she scrambled towards the door. She was so nervous that tonight wasn’t going to go as planned.

  “Hey,” Chandler smiled, closing the door behind her.

  “Hey,” Faith grinned.

  Chandler could tell the second she laid eyes on the blonde that something was going on.

  “Everything okay?” Chandler asked.

  “Why wouldn’t it be? I made dinner!”

  “That was sweet,” Chandler said, kissing her girlfriend. “You sure everything’s okay?”

  “Yes! Why do I seem like something is wrong?”

  “Not wrong. You just seem frazzled. A little happier than usual too.”

  “I can’t just be in a good mood without there being something wrong?”

  “Not usually,” Chandler said suspiciously. She looked at the blonde with an expectant look. She knew something was up and she wanted to know what.

  Faith quickly cracked under the scrutinizing eyes of her girlfriend. “Oh, alright, there is something I want to talk to you about. But, it can wait until after dinner.”

  “Just tell me now,” Chandler said, leading the blonde over to the couch. She sat down on the couch and pulled Faith on top of her lap.

  Faith was suddenly having second thoughts about the whole thing. What if this ruined what they had together? What if Chandler didn’t want kids? She didn’t want to lose Chandler, but she knew she wanted a baby.

  “What is it?” Chandler asked sweetly, hugging the blonde on top of her.

  “Okay, you have to promise to keep a really opened mind about this. I’ve thought about this a lot. This isn’t something that I’m just jumping into. I know that this is what I want. This isn’t some phase. It’s the real deal.”

  “Faith, honey, slow down,” Chandler said calmly. “Whatever it is, just tell me. I promise I’ll keep an open mind about whatever it is.”

  Faith took a deep breath as she moved herself off of Chandler and sat right next to her. She held her hands in her hands and gazed into the brunette’s eyes. “I want to have a baby,” Faith said tentatively.

  Chandler gazed back at Faith, her facial expression unchanging.

  “I want us to have a baby,” Faith clarified. “Together. I know we haven’t talked about it before, but I’ve really been thinking about this a lot and I feel like we’re ready.”

  “We’re not even married yet,” Chandler said carefully. “Or engaged for that matter. Don’t you think we’re skipping a couple of steps here?”

  “We haven’t talked about marriage either. I wasn’t sure if that was something you wanted.” Faith looked so small in that moment.

  Chandler looked taken back at the timid tone that Faith was using. She was always so confident when she spoke to her. This was obviously something that Faith had been struggling with. She felt terrible for not noticing it sooner. The truth was she could see it on Faith’s face the day that they met Olivia. She could tell that Faith was awestruck with the baby. She knew this conversation would be coming. She just hadn’t expected it so soon.

  “Chan, I don’t need to be married to you to know that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I want that too, Faith,” Chandler smiled lovingly.

  “I just really feel like we’re ready for a baby.”

  “I don’t know,” Chandler sighed. “I’m still a resident and I will be for the next three years. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until closer to then to have a baby?”

  “Three years?” Faith asked sadly.

  Chandler was torn. The look of disappointment on Faith’s face brought tears to Chandler’s eyes. She loved making the love of her life happy. The thought that she was making her sad made her feel sick to her stomach.

  “Faith, please don’t make that face,” Chandler whined. She pulled the woman into a tight embrace. “I don’t want to make you sad.”

  “I’m not,” Faith tried to lie.

  “You are,” Chandler said, pulling away to look at the blonde. “I didn’t give you the answer you were hoping for.”

  “No, but that’s okay. I’d rather you be honest. Having a baby together is special. I want it to be something we both want and are ready for.”

  Chandler contemplated the blonde’s words. A baby with Faith was something she wanted. More than Faith knew. But, she wasn’t sure if they were ready. Relationship wise she knew they were ready. They had a very strong relationship together. It was the timing that concerned Chandler. If it weren’t for her job, she’d jump at the opportunity to have a baby with Faith.

  Was her job really a good reason not to have a baby? Plenty of doctors had babies when they were residents and they survived it. If she thought about it, they were ready to have a baby. Besides, was anyone ever truly ready to have kids? They were more ready than a lot of other people that had kids.

  Chandler wanted a baby with Faith. They were ready to have a baby. So what reason was there not to?

  Chandler slowly held Faith’s face in her hands and kissed her softly. As she pulled away she smiled adoringly and looked into green eyes. “I would love to have a baby with you.”

  “But?” Faith asked expectantly.

  “No. No buts. I want us to have a baby together, Faith.”

  “Now?” Faith asked surprised.

  “Yes, now,” Chandler grinned.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I love you Faith and I’m going to love our baby.”

  Faith smiled tearfully as she kissed and then hugged the brunette.

  Chandler could tell that Faith was crying softly. “It just sucks that biology takes the fun out of the baby making process for us,” Chandler joked, trying to lighten the mood.
r />   “I don’t know about that,” Faith said. “We can still have plenty of fun celebrating.”


  Faith was in a great mood. Everything seemed to be falling into place for her. She had met a great woman that she could envision a future with. She had an amazing daughter and the best friends and family she could ask for. She had even been offered a job, though she probably wouldn’t be able to take it. It was nice knowing that people still thought about her for roles after so long of having not worked.

  When Faith came to pick up Ky from Chandler’s apartment, she couldn’t help the huge smile on her face.

  “You’re awfully chipper for this early in the morning,” Chandler commented.

  “No more chipper than usual,” Faith said.

  “Faith, you’re never chipper in the morning. You hate the mornings.”

  “Not when I get to see Ky,” Faith said. She was grasping at straws trying to downplay her good mood. Unfortunately, Chandler knew Faith better than anyone.

  “I’m guessing things are going well between you and Peyton,” Chandler said knowingly.

  It was no use trying to hide anything from Chandler. The brunette was very perceptive when it came to Faith. She’d spent over a decade with the blonde. She knew everything about the woman, inside and out.

  Faith wasn’t sure how much she could say to Chandler without it being weird. She definitely didn’t want to mention that she’d slept with the model on the first date. From their previous encounters, Faith could tell that Chandler was bothered by the fact that she was seeing someone else. She didn’t want to hurt Chandler by talking about how much she hit it off with another woman.

  “Things are okay,” Faith said, trying desperately not to make a big deal about how she felt for the woman.

  “Just okay?” Chandler questioned. “Faith, I can tell when you’re lying.”

  “I’m not lying,” Faith defended.

  “But you’re not being completely honest, either.”

  “Chandler,” Faith sighed. “I don’t want this to be awkward.”

  “Oh come on,” Chandler smiled. “You can go into a little more detail with me Faith. It’s not awkward. It’s not like you two hooked up yet or anything.”


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