Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five)

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Wings of Vengeance (Hidden Wings Series Book Five) Page 6

by Cameo Renae

  “Today was the first time I’d ever seen you weak, and it scared the hell out of me. When you fell, the thought of losing you flashed through my mind, and it nearly shattered me.”

  I ran my fingers through his thick hair. “I'm okay though.”

  He sighed, closing his eyes. “If I ever lost you, it would kill me.”

  Tears burned my eyes and spilled down onto my cheeks. “I know. I lost you once.” I found myself sobbing, remembering the pain.

  His strong hands framed the sides of my face.

  “I’m here,” he breathed. “And I’m yours forever.”

  His touch, his breath, his scent was pure seduction, like a drug. Waves of desire rolled through me.

  I knew he felt it as strongly as I did. The bond was calling to us, feeding our need.

  His full, soft lips brushed against the nape of my neck, connecting an electrical current between us. Then his lips found mine. One of his hands drifted to the curve of my lower back, pulling me closer against his rock hard body. His fingers grasped my hair, holding me steady as he deepened the kiss.

  I moaned in pure pleasure, and he smiled against my lips.

  “Kade,” I breathed.

  Before I could speak another word, he swooped me into his muscular arms and carried me into the bedroom. Laying me on the bed, his strong, lean body pressed on top of mine. Holding himself above me, his liquid hazel eyes glimmered, piercing straight through me.

  “Did you want something?” he asked.

  There was only one thing in the world I wanted at this very moment. It was everything I’d ever needed.


  His lips softly brushed against mine. “I am yours. Completely.”

  KADE HEADED INTO THE BATHROOM while I packed a bag to take to the main house. His sweet scent still swirled around me, making me smile. As the shower turned on, a foul odor permeated the room.

  My chest became heated and as I glanced down, the amulet around my neck glowed brightly. Something was in our cabin.

  I was just about to scream for Kade when a Darkling stepped in the room, followed by four more. The last one held Miss Lily hostage. One of its filthy hands covered her mouth while the other pressed a dagger firmly against her neck.

  Her eyes were wide, her breathing was heavy, and her entire body was shaking.

  How the hell did they get into the cottage undetected, and how did they get Miss Lily?

  They couldn’t have been here when Kade and I came in…

  An unfamiliar, female voice sounded from the living room.

  “If you scream, she dies. If you grab a weapon, call your wings, or fight back, she dies.”

  In the next room, dozens of Darkling eyes were aimed at me.

  “I don’t know why you’re doing this. I didn’t kill your father, Lilith.”

  From around a dark corner, a dark-eyed, blonde-haired girl stepped into the light of the bedroom. She had an exotic face, aside from the murderous scowl. She slowly strode toward me, her eyes scanning my body from head to toe. A few feet away, she stopped with her arms crossed in front of her chest, her head tilted to the side like I’d seen the schoolyard bitches do.

  “This is what I’m supposed to fear? You don’t look powerful,” she hissed. “Too bad you killed the only person I’ve ever loved. The only person in this entire world who loved me. For that, I will make you, and everyone you love, pay.”

  “Your father killed many innocent Nephilim, almost to the point of genocide. He came after me and my family. He was the murderer,” I bit out. I knew I shouldn’t have because it would escalate the problem, but I was sick and tired of bullies.

  “Liar!” She screamed, inches from my face. “He was a good man. He was my father!”

  I took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I needed to let her rant and try to remain calm.

  “Please, just let her go,” I begged, gesturing to Miss Lily. “She’s our cook and has nothing to do with all of this. I’ll leave with you, if you let her go.”

  Miss Lily struggled against the Darkling’s hold. I knew she thought I was making the wrong decision. I could see it in her eyes. But I had no choice. I was the one Lilith wanted. If Miss Lily weren't in danger, I would’ve called my wings and fought back. But Lilith seemed to know that. She somehow knew I wouldn’t put any innocent lives at risk, and because of it, she had the upper hand.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? I call the shots here. I say who lives and who dies. You think you’re strong? Let me let you in on a little secret.” She leaned in close. “You aren’t the only one who transformed with more than one gift. You have no idea how powerful I am.”

  It was apparent, wings were one of her gifts, and it was rare for a Nephilim to attain them during transformation. The only other one I knew who had wings was Ethon, and he was very powerful, and skilled in war. Lucian must have trained her as well.

  She slowly stepped around me, her movements calculated. I could feel her wicked, observant eyes scrutinizing me.

  “I know you’re probably wondering how I got in here, and it’s simple. I’m a Nephilim, not completely Fallen, which makes me undetectable to your barrier. Plus, I’m much smarter than your lame mortal alarms. And now you’re asking yourself why would I tell you all of this?” She pulled one side of her lip up into a sneer. “Because there is nothing you can do to keep me away. I am your worst nightmare.”

  The shower shut off and I heard Kade humming. When he suddenly stopped, the room fell into an eerie silence. I hoped he wouldn’t come out, but I knew it was only wishful thinking.

  “Emma?” he called. He must have sensed something.

  I didn’t answer. I couldn’t.

  The Darkling holding Miss Lily was looking to Lilith for instruction, and her eyes were burning with an itch to kill. She wanted me to give her a reason, but I wouldn’t give it to her. If she killed, it was all on her.

  She was young and I doubted she’d killed yet.

  A wicked smile grew on Lilith’s lips as she watched my reaction to Kade’s call. She silently ordered four Darkling to stand outside the bathroom door. Then two others came and stood next to me, with blades pointed at my chest.

  I scanned the area, calculating my risks. There was no way I could fight my way out of this one. I wasn’t stupid. I may have had gifts, but not one of them would help me get out of this mess alive.

  The bathroom door swung open and Kade stood with a towel wrapped around his midsection. As soon as he saw me his eyes went black. Just before he called his wings, I stopped him.

  “Wait,” I said, holding up my hand. “They have Miss Lily.” I pointed near the bedroom doorway.

  His eyes darted toward her and he stood down, his hands in tight fists. He was at his most vulnerable state as two Darkling grabbed hold of his arms and dragged him out of the bathroom. Two more held swords on either sides of his chest.

  Every cell in my body wanted to charge over and help him, but we were outnumbered, and I didn’t want him or Miss Lily to become victims of my rash judgments.

  I was in a living nightmare.

  Lilith’s eyes widened with lust as she laid eyes on Kade. Stalking toward him like a lioness seeking her prey, she seductively stood in front of him, licking her lips.

  “Mmmm. You look good enough to eat,” she hummed, running her finger down his wet chest. His muscles tensed under her touch, his onyx eyes glaring at her. “Quite the catch.”

  It took everything inside of me to hold back the wrath burning deep within. In my mind, I imagined snapping her finger off, followed by her head.

  I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breath.

  Lilith cackled. “Is someone jealous?”

  I didn’t answer, but hated that she knew she was getting to me. She slowly strode around Kade, her eyes violating his body, her fingers tracing his midsection.

  “So pretty, so sculpted.” She peeked over his shoulder. “He must be dimwitted then…God rarely gives with both hands.”

>   “What is it you want?” I asked, breathing deeply through my nose.

  I knew Kade was remaining calm because he also saw the risk of fighting back.

  “I already told you what I want.” Her evil eyes targeted back onto Kade’s backside. Leaning forward, she placed her lips to his ear. “Oh, I could satisfy you in more ways than she ever could.” She then turned her attention to me. “And in no time, he’d forget all about you.”

  “If you touch him—”

  Something snapped in her, and in a split second, she was in front of me.

  “What? What will you do? Enlighten me!” Spittle flew from her mouth as she screamed in my face.

  I stood calmly, gazing directly into her eyes. I didn’t show fear, and I didn’t raise my voice. I truthfully spoke four simple words.

  “I will kill you.”

  Her eyes faltered, and then she narrowed them, trying to cover the momentary weakness.

  I knew her flaw. She was still half human, and I could take her down. The look in her eyes was the same as I’d seen in the bullies back in LA.

  “He’s coming with us,” she said pointing to Kade, her lips rising in a wicked crescent.

  “No!” I screamed, right as deafening alarms blared outside. A bright spotlight shone through the living room window.

  Lilith cursed and stepped forward, pressing her cheek tightly against mine. “You are nothing. You are weak, and all of these loved ones make you vulnerable. Every single time you drop your guard, I will be there.” She kissed my cheek hard and pulled away with an evil laugh. “Until next time, dear Emma.” She turned and walked out. “Let’s go.”

  With a flick of her head she was gone, the Darkling following behind her. Rushing to get out, they left Kade and shoved Miss Lily to the ground.

  It was only then I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. When I looked down, there was a dagger stuck in my side and blood soaking my shirt.

  “Emma,” Kade yelled, running toward me.

  Everything muted. The world around me spun out of control, and my legs weakened. My knees finally gave way and buckled underneath me. Kade caught me in his arms and ran toward the front door.

  Outside, the Guardians were chasing the Darkling fleeing over the fence and into the surrounding trees.

  “What happened?” Alex asked, running in our direction with his sword in hand. It had Darkling blood dripping from it.

  “She’s been stuck with an immortal blade,” Kade answered.

  “Take her to my office, now,” Alaine urged. She was at my side, trying to assess my injury.

  “I’m sorry,” I said to Kade. “I should have warned you.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. They would have killed Miss Lily. You did the right thing.”

  “How did they get past the alarms?” Alaine asked.

  “I don’t know,” Kade answered. “When I got out of the shower, they were already in our cottage.”

  “How many were there?” she asked.

  “A few dozen? Maybe more. And she was there too.”

  “Lilith?” Alaine’s face twisted. “How?” she said to herself.

  “I’m sorry. I stepped outside to take the trash to the can, and they grabbed me,” Miss Lily panted, following behind us. “Emma saved me, but that demon girl is just as dangerous as her father. She slipped into the barrier because she’s half human.”

  I was glad she could explain. The pain in my abdomen continued to grow.

  I grabbed hold of Alaine’s arm. “Please, check Miss Lily,” I said between shallow breaths. “They had a blade to her neck.”

  “Oh, I'm all right, darling. Just a little shaken up is all,” she said. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Sharp, stabbing pains shot through my gut, making me curl.

  “What do I do?” Kade’s stressed voice called to Alaine.

  As we entered her office, she cleared her desk.

  “Set her down here.”

  I tried to be strong, but it was nearly impossible. The pain was agonizing. It felt as if my insides were burning.

  Kade laid me down and held my hand while Alaine cut my shirt away from the blade.

  “Oh God.” Her voice trembled.

  “What is it?” Kade asked.

  “The blade’s been poisoned.”

  “How do you know?”

  When she didn’t answer, I assumed whatever they were looking at was too alarming. I was so weak I couldn’t raise my head to look.

  “Shouldn’t we take the blade out of her?” Miss Lily asked.

  “Yes, but not until I can assess the damage. Removing it might make it worse. Right now we need to keep it in and stabilized.”

  “She’s in pain.” Kade’s voice was burdened.

  Alaine gently lifted my head, making me sip from the blue vial. I expected something magical, but it did nothing to ease the pain. Sweat coated my body and dripped down my face.

  I could hear Alaine whispering to the others. It must have been pretty serious.

  “Emma,” Kade’s voice in my ear brought comfort. “I’m going to put you to sleep. I can’t bear to watch you suffer, but I promise I’ll be right here. I love you.”

  I opened my mouth to reply and let out a shriek of agony.

  He kissed my cheek, then whispered, “Sleep, my love.”

  I AWOKE IN MY OLD bedroom. My eyes ached, and I could barely move without effort or pain. The curtains were shut and a small lamp on the nightstand was the only light in the room. As I rolled my head to the side, my heart fluttered. Kade’s handsome face was inches from mine, sound asleep. His eyes moved under his long lashes, and I wondered what he was dreaming about.

  I smiled, watching his chest rise and fall with each precious breath. My heart swelled, thankful for every single moment, of every day, he was alive. I wanted to curl up next to him, to place my head in the crook of his arm where it fit so perfectly, and stay there forever. It was and would forever be my safe place.

  I leaned over and kissed him. His eyes fluttered open.

  “Emma?” he whispered softly, taking my hand. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m fine,” I breathed. “Go back to sleep.”

  His eyes glimmered as he traced the lines of my face with the tips of his fingers.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to open your eyes for the past three days. There is no way I can sleep, now that you’re awake.”

  “Three days?” I gasped. A stinging pain where the blade entered made me cringe.


  “Why is it taking so long for me to heal?” Typically, an injury like this would take a day, but it had been three days and I still had pain.

  “Alaine had to perform some minor surgery. The tip of the blade was poisoned, but she managed to get most of it out. It’s the poison keeping you from healing.”

  “How long will it take before I heal completely?”

  His eyes fell. “She said it could take a few weeks.”

  My stomach twisted. Lilith knew I was stronger than her, so she found a way to weaken me.

  “Hey,” Kade snapped my attention back.

  I smiled and grabbed his hand. “You stayed with me.”

  “Of course I did.” He grinned. “You hungry?”

  “A little, I guess.”

  “I’ll run down and see if Miss Lily has anything for you.”

  My memory of that night flooded back. “How is she doing?”

  “She’s okay. She’s a tough woman.”

  Kade jumped out of bed and pulled a shirt over his head.

  “It’s not fair,” I sighed.

  “What?” He paused, his arms in the air, his muscles flexed.

  “How you can look so amazingly hot in the mornings.”

  “Speak for yourself.”

  I grabbed my pillow, burying my face in it. “You’re a terribly good liar too.”

  “I’m not lying.” He laughed.

  I p
eeked out from the corner and moaned. “I don’t think I can handle waiting for my body to heal. Two weeks is way too long.”

  “You don’t have a choice.” His brow furrowed. “It all depends on how quickly your body heals itself. You’re one of the strongest people I know, so I’m banking on sooner than later.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I sighed. “Or I’ll just have to whip my body back into shape.”

  “You need to rest. And eat. I’ll be right back.” He winked and ducked out the door.

  I pushed the blanket off of me and lifted my shirt. My abdomen was neatly bandaged, and as I ran my fingers over the spot where the evil witch plunged her poison dagger, it was still tender.

  With a bit of pain and effort, I raised myself up off the bed. My legs were weak and wobbly. “Get yourself together, Emma.” I sighed out loud.

  There was a knock at the door and before I could answer, it swung wide open.

  “Hey,” Lia said, popping her head around the corner. “Kade said you were up and that it was okay to see you.”

  “Of course, it is.” I was happy to see her bright and cheery face. “Come in,” I waved, sitting back down.

  She came over and plopped next to me, throwing her arm over my shoulder.

  “You’re looking lovely this morning,” I said.

  “Thanks. And you’re looking…” her eyes scanned my face, “nice.” Her lips turned up into a wide, fake smile.

  “I do not. I look ghastly. I know what my hair looks like in the morning.”

  Jeremy popped in the room behind us. “Hey, Emma. You look like the walking dead.”

  “Jeremy!” Lia shot him an evil look. “Why are you being rude to our injured best friend? She almost died, you know.”

  “Well, she didn’t die. She’s alive and knows I speak the truth. She asked how she looked, and I gave my honest opinion.”

  “Oh God,” I sighed. “I’m afraid to look in the mirror now.”

  “Emma, you were stabbed, had surgery, and were out for three days. You deserve to look like crap,” Jeremy added.

  “Thanks?” I squeaked. “I don’t know whether to hug or punch you.”

  “Hit him, Emma!” Lia cheered, clapping and hooting.

  Jeremy made his way over and sat on the other side of me. “You know I love you,” he said.


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