The Lost King

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The Lost King Page 5

by Leilani Love

  “Nothing good can come from this. She is beautiful and well above your station. What do you think, Ice Princess will dump her fiancé for a farm boy like you? She is getting married in less than a fortnight, and if you are caught talking to her, you will be hanged.” Lancelot got out of bed, slid into his pants, and checked his weapons.

  “She’s not an ice princess. She is warm and passionate. There is no way you could think she is cold.”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, my friend. You will never find out. All that is going to happen in this pursuit of madness is heartache, and possibly our deaths.”

  Arthur snorted. “Come, let’s go downstairs and wait for our guests to arrive.”

  Chapter 8

  “I can’t believe we are doing this, milady,” Elizabeth said for what felt like the hundredth time in less than an hour.

  Guinevere gave her friend an annoyed look as they pulled up near the Inn. She told him she would meet him, and she would. Her plan was to tell him and his friend to leave and never come back. She pulled the hood lower over her head.

  Elizabeth had borrowed two dresses and cloaks from different maids that worked in the castle. Elizabeth had lied and told the maid she was going to sneak out and meet a man. Elizabeth had stressed their need to be discreet. As the companion to the princess, if she were caught, she could lose her position, so the maids had quickly agreed to keep her secret. Both the maids had understood her need to be discreet.

  Guinevere was not used to going places without both Elizabeth and Bors. When he was around most people avoided them and she found she missed that right now. She took a deep breath and stood straighter as Elizabeth pushed open the door to the Inn and walked inside, leaving her to follow. It was more crowded than she’d imagined so she tried to keep her head down while she glanced around. The room was filled with smoke, making it hard to breathe. For a few moments, she stood just inside the doorway, until someone bumped into her as they tried to pass.

  The room smelled of stale ale and sweat. Elizabeth stood next to her, looking around. “He’s not here,” she whispered between gritted teeth.

  Fascinated by the scene around her Guinevere watched as the barmaids hustled with drinks in their hands, their chests mostly exposed over the tops of their unlaced dresses. One of the maidens leaned over a table, her breast almost spilling out, as she put the drinks down in an obvious open invitation to one of the men playing cards at the table. All four men openly stared at what she was offering. The player closest to her gave her a mostly toothless grin and his hand came up to caress her backside. Pulling her closer, he whispered something that made her laugh.

  She was so engrossed in what was happening around her, she jumped when someone stepped up to her and whispered, “See something that interests you Princess?” His breath was warm against her ear and she shivered.

  Turning quickly, she locked gazes with the man from the woods. She shook her head and he gave her a smile that suggested he didn’t believe her. “Come, I have rented a private room for us.”

  With his hand on her lower back, he started to lead her down a long hall, when one of the bar maids blocked their path. She gave Arthur a bright smile as she batted her long lashes at him and Guinevere couldn’t help but notice how her curly brown hair framed her face, most of it pinned on top of her head. Her lips were painted red and her hardened nipples poked out of her dress. They were also painted red. She put her hand on his chest and grinned. “Can I bring you anything Arthur?”

  With a flirtatious smile, he said, “Would you mind bringing us four ales and some of the wonderful food I have been smelling?”

  The maid leaned in close, whispered something in his ear, and then twirled away.

  Guinevere snorted. “If we are interrupting something, we can always leave.”

  He chuckled. “Nonsense. Just thought you might be hungry and want something to drink while we talk.”

  He put his hand back on her back again and she tensed up. She wasn’t one to play simpering female to a man who clearly enjoyed flirting with every woman he came across. She glanced over her shoulder, searching for Elizabeth, and found her following his friend.

  Arthur opened the door to one of the private rooms and Guinevere noticed how much cleaner it was than the rooms they had passed. There was a private table set up for four, candles, and a lit fire.

  “I don’t think we ever officially introduced ourselves, my name is Arthur and my friend there is also my cousin, Lancelot,” he said, giving her a smile.

  She nodded and returned his smile. It was nice to call him something other than ‘him’ in her head.

  She adjusted her cloak and glided toward the center of the room before turning back to him. “Arthur, thank you for keeping our secret but I came to tell you, you must leave. If any of the guards recognize you and your friend, they will arrest you.”

  “Where were they taking those men last night? And why were you both riding out there like some avenging angels, setting them free?” he asked, stepping closer to her.

  Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door and after Arthur gave Lancelot a glance. He grudgingly walked away and opened the door. The maid from downstairs shuffled in, leading two big men carrying bowls of beef stew, bread, and large pints of ale. The men set everything down on the table, and then turned and quietly left, while the maid stared at Arthur. “Whenever you are ready for anything else, please let me know.”

  He shot the woman a smile that made Guinevere roll her eyes wondering how it was that anyone was stupid enough to fall for his boyish charm.

  “You will be the first person I call if we need anything.” He winked, and the girl giggled on her way out. Lancelot closed the door behind her.

  She was surprised at how good the stew smelled. To make this meeting, she’d told the king she was having women issues and had missed most of dinner.

  Arthur motioned to the two empty chairs. “Why don’t we all have a seat and we can enjoy this lovely meal. The two of you can glare at each other just as well from the table as behind us.” He said pointing to both Elizabeth and Lancelot.

  Guinevere rolled her eyes and waited until Lancelot rejoined them before she spoke. “You seem popular here. Did you also meet her at the whore house the other day?”

  Lancelot made a snorting noise as if he was trying to contain his laughter. Elizabeth stomped on his foot. “Oh, excuse me,” she muttered, the smirk on her face betraying her words.

  Arthur frowned. “No, she was simply polite enough to help me arrange for this room. I didn’t think you would want to be spotted in the front.” Gesturing to the table. “Please, have a seat.”

  She stood still for a moment before finally conceding. Elizabeth right behind her. Arthur took his seat across from her and Guinevere couldn’t help but notice how he kept glancing over her shoulder at Elizabeth. Most men had a hard time believing women were just as capable as men with weapons, or that some were even better.

  She knew Elizabeth wouldn’t be the first to move. She took her position too seriously. Lancelot never took his eyes off Elizabeth until Arthur finally spoke up, “Lancelot, sit.”

  Lancelot let out a low growl as he grudgingly moved and sat in his chair. Elizabeth slowly followed suit and Guinevere bit her lip to keep from smiling.

  “You should try the stew, it tastes as good as it smells,” Arthur said, picking up his spoon and taking a bite, his gaze never leaving her.

  She was raised to be polite, so she nodded, and picked up her spoon. She blew gently on the soup, and then brought it to her mouth, widening her eyes in surprise when the broth touched her tongue. There was a unique blend of herbs and spices, and the meat was so tender that she found herself enjoying the stew, despite how tense she was.

  “It is remarkably good,” she said between bites.

  His brows arched, and the hint of a smile teased his lips. They both took a few more bites, before Lancelot and Elizabeth finally joined in. Arthur leaned back in his chair and
looked at her. “Where were those men and boys in the carriage last night being taken?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  Guinevere hadn’t planned on telling him anything when she’d left the castle. However, something about him in that moment changed her mind. Maybe telling him would encourage him to leave before they found and captured him too. “They had been previously arrested for one infraction or another and are being taken to work in the mines to pay off their sentence.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “That’s not so uncommon, for a man to be sentenced to work for breaking the law.”

  “Most of the men were sentenced for small infractions, breaking a curfew that a guard decided to enact on the spot, or because the man disagreed with him. The boys that were there were most likely in there for stealing food, or heaven forbid, taking a piece of fruit from one of the King’s gardens so he could bring it back to help feed his starving family.” Guinevere said her voice rising with each word as her cheeks pinked and she leaned forward in her seat.

  Lancelot snorted. “So what, you free them and they have to spend a lifetime hiding instead of working for a month or two in the mines?”

  She turned and glared at him “You know nothing. They wouldn’t be there for a month or two. The men and children who go to the mines never come back. We send them away with enough money to get set up in another town where they can start their lives over. We do everything we can to reunite them with their families.”

  “What do you mean, they never come back?” Arthur asked, his eyes narrowed.

  “Most are sentenced for a few months, but when it is time for them to come home they are always accused of starting a fight, which gets their sentence extended.” She thought about the many women who came to her asking her for answers that she couldn’t give.

  “So what, Princess, you two decided to free the men? Wouldn’t it be easier to bring this to the attention of your fiancé?” Lancelot asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

  Elizabeth scoffed, shooting him a look of contempt. “The prince cares about no one. He would never be bothered with the problems of others.”

  “Interesting that the princess would choose to marry such a man,” Lancelot replied with a look of disdain.

  Before she could defend herself, Elizabeth shot up from her chair so fast it hit the floor with a loud crash. “Men always speak of choices as if women have so many. Milady is sacrificing herself to that brute for the sake of her people, and you will address her respectfully or I will make sure you spend the rest of your night wishing you had.”

  Lancelot stood and leaned across the table. “I would love to see you try.”

  One of Elizabeth’s perfect eyebrows arched. “Don’t tempt me sir, I may cut you just to get the satisfaction of seeing that perfect face marred.”

  Before either one of them could say another word, Guinevere hissed, “That is enough. You two can either stop acting like children or leave.”

  Elizabeth’s eyelashes fluttered. “Milady, my job is to protect you and we shouldn’t be here with…with these….”

  Lancelot snorted, interrupting her and Arthur raised his hand, signaling for silence.

  “Pick up your seat,” Guinevere said with a soft smile. “It is no mind what they think of me or my fiancé.” Turning back to Arthur, she added, “They just need to take my warning and leave before it is too late.” For some reason, she couldn’t bear to see this man she didn’t know lose that teasing grin or sparkle in his eyes.

  “Why do you risk your life and reputation to save people you don’t know?” he quietly asked.

  A sad laugh escaped her lips. “I have been promised to marry the crown Prince of Camelot since before I was born. Since before Morgana attacked these lands and killed the royal family. It is the duty of those in power to protect those that cannot protect themselves.”

  “What do you think will happen if you get caught? What will happen to them if you get caught? Do you think they will fight for you the same way you fight for them?” His voice was thick and rough.

  Guinevere thrust her chin up. Why was she defending herself to him? His life was about his pleasure, visiting whore houses, and traveling around with his cousin. She glared at him. “If I get caught, I’ll pay the consequences. Just heed my advice and leave before you get yourself caught, or me, in your quest to play hero.”

  With that, she turned, covering her face with her cloak. Stupid man. Did he really think there was anything that could be done to her that was worse than marrying Greggory? She would rather be forced to work in the mines every day. An image of the queen sitting on her throne, the life gone from her eyes filled her head.

  Before she walked out of the room she heard Arthur call after, “I’ll see you again soon, Princess.” A shudder ran down her spine wondering if that was meant to be a threat or a promise.

  Chapter 9

  Arthur followed her out to make sure she was safe. When she stepped out of the Inn a lad was there holding the reins to her horse, and she slipped him something before taking hold of the horse herself. Without help Guinevere put her foot in the stirrup and raised herself up and into the saddle. He leaned against the doorway as she adjusted her dress. It was a shame that a woman was forced to ride sidesaddle instead of astride. She turned and stared at him.

  Her lips were set in a fine line, and there was a fire in her eyes that he couldn’t help but admire. This woman would fight for her people. She would fight for strangers who didn’t even know her. She would fight for people who called her the Ice Princess behind her back.

  As he watched her ride away with her companion he smiled to himself. She was anything but cold. He had seen Prince Greggory riding through a small village last year. He was spoiled and loud, always demanding attention. A laughing child had come running from between two houses and ran into his legs. It was an accident, but the prince had spilled ale on his clothes. Arthur had never seen anyone get so mad so fast. He turned and started beating the boy. Arthur had tried to pull the boy away when the King’s guard stopped him.

  Two guards, one who had a sick, sadist grin on his face, was obviously enjoying it, while the other had looked like he wanted to puke. The boy’s mother came out and stepped between them as she begged the prince to stop. When the prince got tired he straightened up his clothes and walked away like nothing had happened.

  Once the guards let him go, Arthur and his brother, Tristan, helped carry the mother to her home. Tristan, who was only fifteen summers at the time, had lost all color. One of the villagers went and got the town’s healer.

  Afterwards, Tristan was so riled up he wanted to find Prince Greggory. Arthur agreed with his brother but knew that the prince was untouchable. The thought of Guinevere marrying a man like him made him want to punch something.

  If she was caught, Arthur wondered if the prince would beat her or hang her in the streets for treason. He had asked around about her. There were a few who called her the Ice Princess. Apparently, when she was with the prince she kept to herself and didn’t talk to anyone.

  The street he had seen her on the first time had several homes, a store, the madams house he had visited, and an orphanage. Maybe if he asked around there, he could find out what she was doing.

  “You aren’t going to take her advice and go home, are you?” Lancelot asked from behind him interrupting his thoughts.

  “She’s going to get herself killed,” he said, his gaze still focused on the road as if he could will her to return.

  “That’s her choice, Arthur. She could call off the wedding and find herself a richer husband with a bigger army. Her youth and beauty should give her a few options. Maybe if her companion would quit threatening everyone, she would have found him already.” Lancelot’s voice was harsher than normal.

  “She got to you huh?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “She didn’t get to me. She’s just a lady’s companion, yet she acts like she is better than everyone else. All high and mighty because she what, does the princess�
��s bidding?”

  He laughed and raised an eyebrow. “I was talking about the Princess.”

  He turned to find a priceless expression on his friend’s face opening and closing his mouth as if he were going to say something. Lancelot snapped his mouth shut and glared at him. It was late, and he would rest first. Tomorrow he would find out what she was doing in that part of town. A woman like her would stick out and surely, somewhere, there was someone who would tell him what she was doing.

  Lancelot grumbled the entire way to their room. He couldn’t help but smile at his friend’s irritation. What they were doing was admirable, but Arthur couldn’t see them gaining anything but their death.

  As he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, he thought about everything they had learned that day. He should leave. His mother was hoping he would settle down and give her grandbabies. If he stayed here, his mother would probably be disappointed.

  When he began to think about leaving, there was a sharp pain in his chest. Everything in him told him this was where he needed to be. He felt compelled to help her save these people. Guinevere was willing to sacrifice everything to help them. She was passionate and had a fire in her that he admired. A smile crossed his face as he remembered her standing up to Lancelot about marrying the prince.

  Thinking about the two of them made him frown. A growl of protest escaped him. She was beautiful, inside and out, while the prince was a sadist. How long could she be with a man like that before he killed off the part of her that made her who she was? If he beat children like that for bumping into him, what would he do when he found out that his intended bride had been betraying him?

  Instead of falling asleep, he kept thinking about what Guinevere had told him. He wondered if her warning meant she cared about him. The thought made him happy.

  As he finally drifted off Guinevere was still in his thoughts. She was beyond his reach, but he needed to see her again. He decided to start where he’d initially seen her and hope to get lucky.


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