In the Arms of the Beast

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In the Arms of the Beast Page 23

by K. A. Merikan

  “Second time’s the charm?” he whispered, indicating the playground where he’d first gotten the idea to kiss Laurent after they met. Quite presumptuous, considering they’d known each other for a day at that point.

  Laurent pressed against Beast and indulged in a kiss that still tasted of his lover’s cum. “I even got us Chinese.”

  Beast petted Laurent’s cheek with such tenderness it gripped Laurent’s heart. “You are perfect. Hope you got the order right,” he said, and sat to help Laurent back into his clothes. So thoughtful of him.

  Laurent stole another kiss before getting the paper box from the corner. “It’s hard to make a mistake. You always get the same thing.”

  Beast bumped his temple against Laurent’s forehead as if he were a cat seeking affection. “Is Marcel all right?”

  Laurent stroked the egg with a smile, feeling so much more relaxed than he’d been throughout the past few days. “He’s doing very well. Thank you for coming with me. I know this isn’t… ideal for you,” he finished in a smaller voice and once they both had food, he cuddled under Beast’s arm.

  Beast went quiet over his paper container, as if he were hesitant over breaking apart the disposable chopsticks. He exhaled, put down the wooden utensils and looked at Laurent. “I’m sorry.”

  Laurent stroked his chest. “I understand. I’ve assumed our outlook on the future is the same instead of asking.”

  Beast gently enfolded Laurent’s hand in his. “I still think it would have been better if we talked about this, but I should have insisted on that instead of just saying yes. I kept being angry inside while you had no idea. And when I finally said what I thought, it was too snappy and harsh. I shouldn’t have acted that way.”

  Laurent kissed Beast’s jaw. The compromises they needed to agree on weren’t always easy, but it was possible to come to an agreement that satisfied them both to a degree, at least. “I might have been too hurt to think clearly and speak to you with more kindness. But you understand that I can’t and won’t give up Marcel?”

  Beast swallowed, and his grip on Laurent’s hand tightened. “Gay men have children sometimes. With women, or they can hire a surrogate to carry the baby, but I never felt those options were for me. Even if I found someone who wanted to be with me after the accident, I thought no kids would be involved. But then you came into my life and… well, you had different ideas. You found a way to make them a reality, and I didn’t know what to do about it.”

  Laurent listened to every word, eager to understand Beast’s point of view now that they’d cleared the air. “When you said you didn’t want your own son… I thought about my family, and it hurt so much I couldn’t think clearly. I’ve been given away, with only my employer between me and destitution.” He cuddled up to Beast. “I will never again see the family I lost, but I always craved one. Creating a family of my own felt like an unachievable dream before I met you.”

  Beast massaged Laurent’s hand. “You’re right. I should have thought about this. You never said you felt this way about what your father did. I thought you accepted it, because it was normal back then.”

  Laurent shrugged and opened his food. “I accepted it because what else was I to do? But I resented it, especially on days when I didn’t get on with my employer. Deep down, I always hoped for word from my family, to see them again, to have any of my siblings come into Mr. Barnave’s store one day and… I don’t know, save me, I guess.” He rubbed a tear out of his eye with his wrist.

  Beast pulled him closer, his warm arms so secure and tight Laurent knew that Beast would save him from any dangers coming their way. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about it when we argued. My family life wasn’t ideal either, but… it was still there, you know. My mother was wonderful. It’s a shame you never met her, but King? He didn’t deserve her, and he didn’t deserve me either. How am I to even be a good father if I run this club? If Marcel wants to be a part of it, should I be happy for him or try to change his mind? What I do… it can be dangerous at times, and it’s not an easy life. I have no answer.”

  Laurent nodded. Even thinking about Marcel growing up in the club and of all the dangers that posed made him anxious, but he also knew what kind of man his husband was. “I don’t know either, but I know we’ll figure it out. I never assumed it would be simple, but perhaps I didn’t anticipate all the difficulties either. I took care of Xavier earlier today and failed so miserably. I had no idea what I was doing.”

  Beast chuckled. “Oh, sweetie, that’s because you always assume you know what to do,” he said, but softened the jibe with a kiss.

  Laurent shook his head and poked Beast’s chest with chopsticks. “You do that all the time, so I suppose we’re even. I’m… I’m scared that I will fail as a father, but I still want to face the challenge. But if you don’t, I respect your decision. I’d hate to force you into a responsibility that made you resent me in the end. If that is your choice then consider me Marcel’s sole parent. I am sure we will still find a way to be together.”

  Beast groaned and let go of Laurent to rub his face. “I know I might have given you the impression that I hate everything about this. I can be explosive sometimes, and I am jealous of your attention. I know that. But I have been thinking about this even before our argument. You were right that asking Magpie was our only way to make a baby together, and maybe it would have been stupid not to jump on the opportunity. I’m scared that I’ll make a bad father. Set a bad example. But you’re my family, and I want to give you one too. I’d hate it if you felt you were missing something so important because of me. And I might not be as... enthusiastic about parenthood as you hoped, but it is kinda exciting. You know, to raise this little person who’s made of you and me,” he said, twisting his thick fingers.

  Laurent smiled at him, his heart overflowing with joy. “Yes. To see a part of you in him, to know that we’ve strengthened our bond through this being we’ll bring up. And I actually think you will make a great father if you choose to. You can be very patient.”

  Beast smiled and rested his head against Laurent’s. “And you can be the moral compass I can’t be.”

  Laurent chuckled. “I’ve lost my moral compass when I found erotic pictures in Mr. Barnave’s books. Or…” he poked Beast. “When I married you.”

  Beast shook with laughter. “Speaking of moral compasses. How about we keep Magpie in the dark about us making up for a day longer? He’s losing his shit over this.”

  “Oh! That truly is evil. Let’s do that. He is unbelievable. Remember how just the other day, he sent me a bouquet of flowers and had me think it was from you? It’s been so uncomfortable to find out the truth, but I suspected something wasn’t right from the start. Flowers aren’t like you at all. His audacity knows no bounds.”

  Beast pushed a wonton into his mouth. “Right? Or how he insists that one of the walls in the baby room should be painted red. My child’s room won’t look like a fantasy brothel.”

  “Beast?” Laurent gave him a kiss. “Can we start with the fortune cookies just this once? You know how much I love them.”

  Beast smirked and took one from the paper bag. “Sure. You go first.”

  Laurent cracked the cookie open, but frowned as he read the fortune. “Don't worry about the stock market. Invest in family. Lucky number: 7. What’s the stock market?”

  “It’s… people buying things that don’t physically exist and then either lose or gain money. It’s like gambling, but for those people it’s work. At least that’s how I understand it,” Beast said, cracking open his own cookie, but Laurent didn’t let him read it just yet.

  “So, instead of gambling, invest in family?”

  Beast nodded. “Maybe this is a sign that we should invest in a rich godfather after all?”

  Laurent snorted. “You have to admit he’s going out of his way to charm us. Okay, what does yours say?”

  Beast unwrapped the roll of paper. “A ship in harbor is safe, but that’s not why ships are built
. Lucky number: 7. What does that mean? That the baby will be born in July?”

  “Ha! Better focus on the wisdom of the prophecy. I am the ship, and you keep trying to save me from myself. But I need to saaail!” Laurent laughed and kissed Beast’s cheek.

  Beast kept him close for a few more seconds before breaking the kiss. “Okay, that’s enough sentimental bullshit. I’m starving.”

  But the cogs in Laurent’s mind wouldn’t stop working. “Wait. Seven. Like seven deadly sins. I’ve been trying to crack it. The pattern in Baal’s requests. I was talking to a colleague about it just earlier today. He mentioned vices. That’s what it is. Orgies for lust, feasts for gluttony, Knight’s fights for wrath, and so on. It all fits. I should have thought about it sooner, it’s obvious.”

  Beast stuffed his face with meat and chewed. “And… what of it?”

  Laurent kneeled, too excited to sit still, and he put his hand on Beast’s shoulders. “In theology there are seven virtues that correspond to the sins. If Baal gains his power from sins committed on club grounds, maybe virtuous activity could drain him of it.”

  Beast swallowed the food. “I mean… it’s a thought. But I’m not sure the answer to our problem can be so straightforward.”

  “Worth a try, though. It’s not like we have anything to lose.”

  “But we’re working on bringing down the trees, which is much less complicated, since they’re a physical thing. Otherwise, what are you gonna do? Enforce chastity on everyone? That’s not gonna work, I can tell you that much already.”

  Laurent wouldn’t be so easily dissuaded when he felt like he hit the nail on the head. “No, but I’ll think of something.”

  “Okay, but for now, we focus on the trees.”

  Laurent nodded. “We will. Because I trust and respect your judgement. But this ship will be sailing from that harbor one day.”

  Chapter 20 - Beast

  Beast lived for quiet mornings in bed with Laurent. And after being deprived of them for so long, he was even greedier for lazy kisses, quiet words whispered into his ear, and the gentle touch of Laurent’s beautiful hands.

  Too bad Laurent was already getting out of bed.

  Beast groaned but was too sleepy to talk yet, so he rolled over and pushed his face into the pillow. He listened to the faint rustle of clothing, and the tap of bare feet on the floor, but once the door opened and shut, he knew sleeping was over.

  Beast laboriously opened one eye and glanced at his alarm clock, which confirmed his worst suspicions—there was no point in trying to fall back to sleep when there were important matters to attend to in just two hours’ time.

  At first he thought Laurent was only using the bathroom, but when the distant doors closed, he realized his husband left the apartment. What a shame.

  Perhaps he was hungry after the long, eventful night fueled by the need to reconnect that still lingered between them after they’d talked things through in the playground. It had allowed Beast to forget how much still needed to be done about the trees.

  Beast didn’t want to worry Laurent with problems he could do nothing about, especially after Nick had gotten hurt in the disastrous attempt to weaken the trees. Laurent had a tendency to recklessness when he believed he was right, so despite initial pushback Beast was glad he had the café job to keep him busy. Beast didn’t want Laurent anywhere near those demonic trees after seeing what the sap inside them could do.

  He found it strange that Laurent hadn’t changed into day clothes before leaving their apartment, when usually he was very conscious of such stuff. ‘Propriety’ he called it. Beast snorted, rolling his head on the pillow.

  He dragged himself out of bed, took a quick shower and was already grabbing a T-shirt when Laurent stormed back into the apartment, huffing in annoyance. Through the gap left by the bedroom door, Beast heard the unmistakable crack of a can opening.

  But instead of padding around in anticipation of his breakfast, Hound dashed into the bedroom and stared at Beast, his body rigid as if he’d spotted an intruder and couldn’t be bothered with mundane things like delicious meat chunks in jelly.

  “What’s up, buddy?” Beast asked, adjusting his clothes. Beyond the open door, Laurent glared their way while spooning dog food into Hound’s bowl. His movements were jerky and tainted by impatience, but regardless of Laurent’s apparent annoyance, all Beast saw was the frizzy locks of hair creating a halo around his husband's head and the pert shape of his ass in the tight pajamas.

  It made a wonderful picture already. And underneath the soft pants? Sweet like a peach.

  “He’s being a pain, so don’t be so nice to him. All needy and annoying. He ripped my pajama and growled at me.” Laurent reluctantly placed the bowl on the floor, but there was no reaction. Strange. Hound was one of those dogs who needed their portions controlled—a difficult feat in a house full of people.

  Beast patted Hound’s head and scratched him behind one of his ears. “Why would you do that?”

  Hound let out a sharp bark and moved behind Beast before shoving him forward with all the strength he had. “Whoa. When did that start?” Beast asked.

  Laurent crossed his arms on his chest. “In the kitchen. I’ve always considered cooking women’s work but noticed at the café how men prepared food and didn’t consider it strange at all. Even Elliot makes those silly sandwiches of his, so I wanted to make you breakfast, and he spoiled everything.”

  He was adorable. The reason for Laurent’s absence in the morning was adorable.

  Beast pulled Laurent close and kissed the top of his head through the fuzzy hair. “Oh, come on. Let’s just make it together. There can’t be many people down there after last night’s craziness.”

  Laurent hugged Beast and pressed his cheek to the soft fabric over Beast’s pec. “No, it’s deserted. You must promise to let me do everything on my own.”

  Beast laughed. “Fine. He can eat with us downstairs. I bet that whatever you’re planning to make will be the best breakfast of my life. You know, right after your famous Pop-Tarts,” he said, taking the dog bowl from the floor and making his way to the exit. He still remembered how excited Laurent had been when he first learned to make things in the toaster.

  Laurent frowned, leading the way. “Are you mocking me? If you wish to know, I have obtained a very good pancake recipe, and I have no doubt I will succeed, because baking requires skills I have plenty of—diligence, accuracy, and attention to detail.”

  Beast shrugged as they made their way downstairs, occasionally disturbed by Hound, who kept standing in their way or making noise like the worst of pests. “I never had baked pancakes. Wouldn’t that be like an omelet or pie?”

  Laurent stalled with the answer. “I’m… not sure. They require frying, but they are sweet, so I think they exist in the realm of ‘baked goods’.”

  “Fuck me! Beast? Is that you?” Knight yelled when they got close enough to the kitchen to hear him. His tone was alarming enough, but when they spotted Xavier’s Moses basket at the door and heard him squeal, the mood sobered.

  Beast’s heart sped up, and he ran into the kitchen, instantly assaulted by the dense smell of gas. Knight stood on a chair, yanking at the old window, which was jammed by rust, so Beast put down the dog bowl and joined him, climbing to the windowsill and pulling on the handle.

  For a moment, the piece of brass creaked, and he worried the force broke it off from the wooden frame, but the window budged at last. A couple more synchronized pulls opened it all the way, and cool, fresh air blew into Beast’s face.

  Knight jumped off the chair and removed his leather jacket, using it to usher the fumes outside. He dropped it to the chair and opened the door again, revealing Laurent, who stared down at Xavier with a forlorn expression.

  “What the actual fuck? Which idiot left the gas on? We could have all gotten blown up!”

  Hound barked, as if he wanted to point their attention to the obvious culprit, who wordlessly gravitated toward the stove.
br />   “Laurent?” Beast asked.

  Knight had a sip of bottled water and fanned the gas away from Xavier’s basket. “He doesn’t cook.”

  Laurent cleared his throat, but his face was reddening already. “I don’t understand. One is supposed to turn the gas on if one is to cook.”

  Beast’s lips pressed together, and his chest was already getting heavy from the magnitude of what might have happened. “Was there a flame?”

  “Not yet… Hound was distracting me, and then I had to wash my hands—”

  “What the fuck?” shouted Knight, rubbing his head through the messy hair, and rocking the basket when Xavier’s squeal got slightly louder. ‘Hungover’ was not his best look. “Beast, maybe you should fucking install a baby gate in the kitchen? I guess it’s gonna be needed soon enough anyway.” He stood up and hovered his hand right above Laurent’s head. “About five-foot-six would do.”

  Laurent clenched his fists. “Five-seven.”

  Beast swallowed, staring at Laurent in punitive silence before finally opening his mouth. He would not continue the topic of height though, since that was far too touchy. “If you must cook, I’ll get you an electric stove. That way at least you won’t poison yourself or cause an explosion.”

  Laurent had nothing to say in his defence, and it gave Beast no pleasure to see him so defeated. He sank to his knees and embraced Hound. “That’s why he made me leave.”

  Beast took a deep breath and stroked the top of Laurent’s head. Maybe this little ship wasn’t yet ready to leave the harbor just yet. “I’m glad you’re fine.”

  Knight must have gotten over the gas scare, because he was already grinning as he shut the door again, leaving just a small gap to keep an eye on his nephew. “Once again, humiliated by the modern era. Saved by his trusty companion, aged sixty in dog years.”

  Laurent pulled Beast into a tight hug, and glared at Knight from the safety of his husband’s arms. “You should be ashamed of yourself for mocking me in such a manner. I would love to see how you fared in my time. You would have been a farm hand at best.”


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