“I only knew today,” she said calmly. “I watched you sitting on that deck looking so blasted pleased with yourself that I wanted to murder you, and I knew that I'd love you forever.” Her lips twisted wryly. “It came as quite a shock to me.”
“And you say it's not gratitude,” he scoffed. “Let's face it, Jane, you were in a highly emotional state and you convinced yourself that you were feeling something that just wouldn't exist under normal conditions.”
She shook her head, her lips curving in a tender smile. “If you want to believe that, I can't stop you. I just know what I feel, Jake.”
His eyes were diamond-hard as he looked up again. “Then you'd better get over it damn quick. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a safe person to care about. You'd come out of any relationship with me covered with battle scars. I don't think you could survive the game the way I play it.”
She smiled sadly. “Don't worry about me—I'll survive,” she said gently. “You're not responsible in any way.”
He muttered a curse beneath his breath and crushed the cigarette out in the ashtray. “Charming,” he said savagely. “So I'm to take what you offer and when I tire of you, simply cast you aside?”
“I hope not,” she replied tranquilly. “I'm going to work very hard to make sure that I always have a place in your life.” Her expression was endearingly earnest as she continued. “I promise I won't make things uncomfortable for you.”
“You're not going to get the chance,” he said roughly. “I've never found the idea of seducing innocents particularly appealing, and I have no intention of assuming the responsibility of your brand of commitment.” His lips tightened ruthlessly. “I admit that I have a yen for that alluring little body of yours, but I can satisfy that urge with any number of women.” His eyes were merciless on her suddenly pale face. “Benjamin said I should have sent you home, and he was right. You leave tomorrow.”
She had listened to him silently, pain gradually dulling the gold of her eyes. She shook her head. “I won't go,” she told him quietly. “I won't be a bother to you, but I won't leave you either, Jake.”
“God, what a little fool you are!” he said brutally. “Don't you know when you're fighting a losing cause? I use women, I don't love them. What makes you think that a fresh-faced college kid is going to change my mind?”
“I don't expect you to love me,” she answered passionately. “I only know that I love you and want to be with you. I don't know what place I'll find in your life. But whether it's as your mistress or your friend or just a steward on the Sea Breeze, I won't stand any chance at all if I let you send me away. I'm not leaving you, Jake!”
“I think you will,” he said coolly, “when you find what a mistake you're making.”
She shook her head, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “I told you once that there is only one way for me. It's still the truth, Jake.”
His dark eyes were burning fitfully as he stared into her woebegone face. “Damn it to hell.” His tone was exasperated. “You know I'll hurt you if you stay. Why can't you be sensible and put a few thousand miles between us? You just might be safe then.”
She shook her head again, and suddenly two tears brimmed over and ran silently down her cheeks.
“Oh God, not again!” he groaned, and pulled her into his arms, rocking her as if she were a child and pushing her face into the soft velour of his robe. He stroked her hair gently for a long peaceful moment before he pleaded huskily, “Won't you please go away, redhead? I don't want to hurt you.”
Jane nestled closer to his strong, warm body, her hand tangled intimately in the wiry dark patch of hair on his chest. She pressed her lips lovingly to his shoulder. “I have a chance,” she whispered. “You like me.” She kissed him again. “You want me. That's quite a bit to start with.”
His chuckle reverberated under her ear. “You're so blasted determined,” he said softly, his fingers gently rubbing the sensitive cord behind her ear. “I'm going to get rid of you, you know. I won't stand by and watch you mess up your life for an infatuation.”
“You can try to discourage me tomorrow,” she whispered teasingly. “But will you hold me tonight?”
He laughed again and shook his head ruefully. “Not on your life, redhead,” he told her firmly. “I'm not about to let you consolidate your position in that particular fashion. We both know that you'd be my mistress by morning.”
“Exactly,” she said, grinning.
He slapped her lightly on her bottom and then pushed her firmly away. Pulling back the covers, he motioned sternly. “Get in, brat, and stay on your own side from now on.”
She scrambled happily under the covers and scooted obediently to the far side of the bed. Without removing his robe, he also slipped beneath the covers, and flipped out the lamp. Jane sighed with contentment as she curled up on her side and prepared to go to sleep, which she did in only a few minutes.
On the other side of the broad expanse of mattress, Jake Dominic listened to the girl's even breathing with a grim smile on his face and eyes that were alert and wide awake. It was several hours later before he too fell asleep.
SIMON WAS WAITING FOR HER ON DECK A few mornings later, and, as he turned to watch her hurrying toward him, Jane felt a thrill of uneasiness as she noticed the troubled expression on his usually sunny face.
“What is it, Simon?” she asked, puzzled.
“Look, Jane, it's none of my business,” he burst out abruptly, running a hand through his blond hair. “But I thought someone should tell you.”
Jane felt a cold finger of fear run down her spine at Simon's words. Her mind jumped immediately to the subject that dominated her life these days. She turned away to stare sightlessly at the sparkling sapphire sea. If Jake insisted, how could she prevent him from physically ejecting her from the Sea Breeze? Was this why Simon was so embarrassed and hesitant this morning?
Simon drew a deep breath. “Jane, I don't know how deeply you're involved with Jake Dominic, and I won't ask you to confide in me,” he said awkwardly. “But I think you should know that he sent a radio message yesterday morning.”
She turned to look at him, her body tense. “Yes, Simon?” she whispered.
He frowned unhappily, his blue eyes warmly sympathetic. “Oh, damn!” he said desperately. “The message was to Lola Torres. He invited her to join the cruise. He's sending a launch this afternoon to pick her up at Cozumel.”
Lola Torres. For a moment Jane couldn't place the name, and then it clicked depressingly. Lola Torres was a very well known personality—though in some circles she was considered more notorious than famous. The gorgeous Spanish-American woman had clawed her way up from the barrios of Los Angeles to become one of the highest-priced call girls in the world, but this hadn't satisfied her. She had wanted to be her own woman, and at twenty-six had written an autobiographical novel entitled, Kiss and Tell, wherein she had not only revealed the bedroom secrets of her famous lovers but had had the gall to rate their sexual techniques from one to ten. The book had become a best-seller, and made Lola Torres not only rich but famous. Her warm beauty and razor-sharp wit had made her a favorite on the talk-show circuit.
Jake had definitely brought out the big guns, Jane thought with a pang. He not only intended to show her her own relative unimportance in his life by flaunting another woman before her, but he'd chosen one of the most desirable women in the world to accomplish his aim.
Jane's expression was miserable as she tried to smile at Simon's worried face. “Thank you for telling me, Simon,” she said dully. “You're a good friend.”
Simon's blue eyes were filled with sympathy as he continued reluctantly, “That's not all, Jane. Captain Benjamin posted a new duty roster last night. You've been replaced as Brockmeyer's helper. Besides acting as Jake Dominic's meal steward, Benjamin has given you duty as Miss Torres's personal maid.”
So he not only intended for her to observe his affair with Lola at agonizingly close quarters; he'd
placed her quite deliberately in a humiliatingly subservient position to his mistress. He had wanted to hurt her and drive her away, and he'd chosen a method worthy of the Borgias.
She patted Simon's arm comfortingly. “It's all right, Simon.” She spoke quietly, with a little ghost of a smile. “Jake's really not being as ruthless as it appears. He probably believes he's being quite benevolent. I'll be fine.”
That afternoon as she watched a launch speed across the water toward the Sea Breeze, Jane was not quite so confident. At lunch Jake had arrogantly ordered her to be on deck to meet Miss Torres and show her to her cabin. His dark eyes had been alert for any sign of rebellion or distress on her pale heart-shaped face. She would not allow him that victory. She had merely nodded gallantly and carefully assumed a smooth mask to hide the anger and misery this new taunt had caused.
Surprisingly, Kahlid had exhibited a warm sympathy in the brief moment before she had collected the dishes to return to the kitchen. His dark eyes glowing gently, he had leaned closer to whisper in an undertone, “Never mind, ma petite, his little flings with the lovely Lola never last more than a week or so. He will soon return to you.”
Jane had smiled warmly at the sheikh, glad even for this meager comfort. She had murmured a shy farewell in Arabic and quickly left the lounge.
Jake Dominic strolled casually to the rail, his eyes on the approaching launch. He was dressed in close-fitting dark trousers and a gray jacket, a black-and-white ascot knotted around his strong brown throat.
Jake's eyes darted to where Jane waited, her face pale and tense, her body straight and stiff in the steward's uniform. He said in an undertone that only she could hear, “I could order that launch to take you into Cozumel, you know.” He continued persuasively. “In two hours you could be on a plane to Miami.”
She shook her head silently, her eyes fixed on the launch with strained pain-filled eyes.
There was a flicker of frustration in the dark eyes as he muttered impatiently under his breath, “Then it's on your head, redhead.” His face resumed its usual cynical expression.
Lola Torres was even more ravishing than she was reputed to be, Jane thought wistfully as the launch drew close enough so that she could see the brunette woman standing upright in the boat, her eyes fixed eagerly on Jake Dominic's figure at the rail. Her tall voluptuous body was garbed with understated elegance in black slacks and a white silk blouse that bore the unmistakable cut of a famous French couturier. The long lovely line of her throat was exposed as she tilted her dark silky head back to look at Dominic. Her brilliant smile lit up the olive perfection of her face, and the great dark eyes sparkled eagerly as the launch came alongside.
“Jake, you consummate beast, how dare you summon me like some little harem girl?” she called merrily. “In case you haven't heard, I'm no longer in that business.”
Dominic grinned mockingly as he lifted her onto the deck and kissed her lingeringly. “The thought has infinite possibilities, Lola,” he said lightly. “You'd make a fantastic harem girl. In six months you'd not only be queen of the seraglio but in all probability you'd be running the country.”
Dominic kissed her again on the forehead before turning her around in his arms to face Jane, his hands resting lightly on the woman's waist. “This is Jane Smith, Lola. Knowing what wardrobe you consider minimal, I took the precaution of arranging maid service for you.”
There was a look of surprise in Lola Torres's eyes as they met Jane's tormented golden gaze, but her smile was warm. “Buenas tardes, Jane. I'm sure that we'll get along very well together.”
“Jane will show you to your cabin,” Jake went on smoothly as he released her. “I'll see you at dinner, Lola.”
Again there was a flicker of puzzlement in Lola's face, but she nodded agreeably. “As you wish, querido. I am a bit tired.”
Jake grinned wickedly, his eyes meeting Jane's over Lola's satin head. “Be sure you rectify that before you join me for dinner,” he said caressingly. “I want you to be well rested before tonight, Lola.”
Jane's eyes blazed with anger at the sheer cruelty of the taunt, her fists clenching with helpless fury. She dropped her gaze hurriedly as her eyes met the shrewd, speculative gaze of the other woman. “If you'll follow me, Miss Torres, I'll show you to your cabin.” She spoke huskily, trying to blink back the tears of rage and pain.
“But of course,” Lola Torres replied absently, her eyes still on Jane's unhappy face, and with a final flashing smile at Jake, she followed Jane's swiftly moving figure.
The cabin that Lola Torres had been allocated was only a short distance from Jake's, Jane noticed morosely. Though smaller than the master cabin, it was a good size, and the decor was clearly aimed at pleasing a woman's taste. The thick carpet was a dusty rose, and the white satin spread on the bed and the cream velvet Queen Anne occasional chairs were elegant.
Jane opened the adjoining door to show the older woman the pretty pink vanity and shower area, before crossing to the porthole and throwing it open to let in the fresh coolness of the ocean breeze.
“Your luggage will be brought down shortly, Miss Torres,” Jane said with an effort, trying not to look at the warm beauty whom Jake had so recently held in his arms. “I'll unpack for you as soon as they arrive.”
“Call me Lola,” the other said casually, closing the door and crossing to the bed to stretch out on the white satin coverlet. “Sit down and talk to me, Jane.” Her eyes were fixed searchingly on Jane's vulnerable face. “Now, I want to know what game Jake is playing. Will you tell me?”
Jane smiled ruefully. Those gorgeous black eyes evidently concealed a perceptiveness that was positively intimidating. “Jake knows that I love him,” she confessed simply, surprising even herself with her frankness. Perhaps it was the gentle warmth that Lola exuded that made her so easy to confide in.
“Yes, he would realize that in short order,” Lola said impatiently. “You're fairly transparent.” She bit her lip in perplexity. “But Jake usually doesn't find it amusing to be cruel to those who develop an infatuation with him. He merely ignores them. He was really quite vicious to you up on deck.”
“He wants to send me back to college,” Jane explained quietly. “I don't intend to go.”
Lola nodded, comprehension lighting her eyes. “So he sends for me to discourage you,” she said wryly. “It's not the greatest compliment I have received.”
Jane rushed to reassure her. “It's a very great compliment, Lola.” Her tone was earnest. “Who else could show me, just by comparison, how inadequate I am. You're quite a woman.”
Lola smiled gently. “You're a generous child, aren't you? I can see why Jake is going to so much trouble over you.” Her face was serious as she continued. “He's quite right, you know. He's much too tough and ruthless for a nice infant like you.”
Jane shrugged. “Sometimes you can't pick and choose the things that are good for you. Sometimes things just happen.” She smiled sadly. “If Jake had to choose anyone to try to discourage me, I'm glad it was you, Lola.” She stood up and walked to the door. “I'll go and see what's holding up your luggage.”
Jake wouldn't have been pleased at the result of his Machiavellian machinations. Far from being aggravated, Jane's agony and jealousy were inexpressibly soothed by her forced association with Lola Torres. Though both women avoided any further conversation of a personal nature, they got along quite companionably in the hours preceding dinner.
As Jane had expected, this period of tranquillity was to be shattered that evening at dinner. In honor of Lola Torres's arrival, both Jake Dominic and Ahmet Kahlid wore white dinner jackets and black ties, while the lady herself was lushly alluring, in an orange chiffon gown that clung lovingly to each generous curve.
Brockmeyer had outdone himself to provide an epicurean delight fit for the gods. The table was set with Royal Doulton china and fine white damask linen, and lit by soft, romantic candlelight. These accoutrements formed an ironically civilized background for Jake's ruth
less campaign to savage Jane's raw emotions.
He was nothing if not thorough in his tactics, Jane thought almost hysterically at the end of dinner. He was absolutely charming and unfailingly attentive to Lola and coldly impersonal and brisk with her. He spoke only once to Jane during dinner, giving her a curt order to refill Miss Torres's wineglass.
As the meal progressed, Jake's sexual innuendos as he lingeringly caressed the Spanish-American woman became almost too much for Jane to bear. It was with heartfelt relief that she finished serving the after-dinner coffee and prepared to leave the lounge. But it seemed that she wasn't to be allowed even that small mercy.
Jake looked up with the sharp eyes of a hawk as she was walking quietly toward the door. “Wait, Jane,” he ordered peremptorily as the trio rose from the table. His eyes were fiercely mocking as he said softly, “I think you had better stay. We may need something.”
Jane's golden eyes held the same dumb misery as an animal in pain when she returned his mocking look. She swallowed hard and turned back obediently.
Lola Torres cast a shrewd glance at Jane's shadowed face and then placed a caressing hand on Jake's sleeve. “Send her away, querido,” she murmured, pouting seductively. “You know I'm not at all fond of sharing the attention of handsome men.”
There was a flash of displeasure in Jake's eyes before he smiled down at Lola's entreating face. “She would hardly qualify as competition for you, Lola,” he said silkily. “She's only here for your convenience.”
Jane flinched as if she had been struck, and she grew even paler. How much more of this could she survive? she wondered desperately.
Unexpectedly, Ahmet Kahlid came to her rescue. “Send the little one away, Jake,” he said gallantly, his teeth flashing white in his bearded face. “I wish to wait on this enchanting creature myself. Who knows? By the time the evening is over, she may discover that I'm far more irresistible than you.”
Jake frowned and opened his mouth to protest, but Jane had taken advantage of Ahmet's first plea to slip quietly out the door.
Stormy Vows/Tempest at Sea Page 30