13. DFP, September 1, 1956.
14. For Al Kaline, see Jack Olsen, “The Torments of Excellence,” SI, May 11, 1964, http://www.si.com/vault/1964/05/11/607197/the-torments-of-excellence; Robert Shaplen, “On the Lookout for a Kaline,” SI, May 14, 1956, 32–39; H. C. Butler, “The Tigers’ Million-Dollar Kid,” SEP, September 3, 1955, 66–69; Tommy Devine, “Kaline Can Be King in Detroit,” Sport, August 1955, 34–35, 60–62. Some sources list Kaline’s batting average at Southern High as .462.
15. Olsen, “The Torments of Excellence”; Shaplen, “On the Lookout for a Kaline,” 32–34.
16. Shaplen, “On the Lookout for a Kaline,” 32–34.
17. Olsen, “The Torments of Excellence”; Shaplen, “On the Lookout for a Kaline,” 32–34; Devine, “Kaline Can Be King in Detroit,” 62.
18. Bradlee, The Kid, 423.
19. NYHT, September 12, 1956.
20. BG, September 10, 1956.
21. BG, September 10, 1956.
22. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 169, 173.
23. DFP, September 4, 1956; BH, September 4, 1956; NYP, September 4, 1956; NYHT, September 5, 1956.
24. NYWTS, August 6, 1956; Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 174.
25. NYWTS, October 3, 1956.
26. DFP, September 12, 1956; BG, September 10, 1956.
27. BG, September 14, 1956; TSN, October 10, 1956.
28. DFP, September 15, 1956, September 16, 1956.
29. DFP, September 16, 1956.
30. BH, September 14, 1956; BH, September 20, 1956; Bradlee, The Kid, 423.
31. TSN, September 26, 1956; Williams and Underwood, The Science of Hitting, 26.
32. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 176–177.
33. NYHT, September 19, 1956; NYT, September 19, 1956.
34. NYHT, September 19, 1956.
35. NYHT, September 19, 1956.
36. TSN, September 26, 1956.
37. Cincinnati Post, October 2, 1956; NYDN, September 20, 1956.
38. BH, September 20, 1956; NYDN, September 21, 1956; Williams and Underwood, The Science of Hitting, 14–15, 24.
39. NYT, September 21, 1956.
40. BG, September 24, 1956.
41. NYT, September 22, 1956.
42. DFP, September 20, 1956.
43. NYDN, September 20, 1956.
44. NYP, September 23, 1956.
45. NYT, September 22, 1956; BH, September 22, 1956.
46. BH, September 23, 1956.
47. BH, September 23, 1956; NYHT, September 23, 1956.
48. NYT, September 22, 1956; NYHT, September 23, 1956; NYP, September 23, 1956.
49. NYHT, September 24, 1956.
50. NYHT, September 24, 1956; BH, September 24, 1956.
51. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 181–184.
52. Halberstam, Summer of ’49, 266.
53. NYP, September 27, 1956.
54. NYHT, September 29, 1956.
55. Bradlee, The Kid, 423.
56. NYDN, October 1, 1956.
57. For the clubhouse scene, see TSN, October 10, 1956; NYP, October 1, 1956; NYWTS, October 1, 1956; NYHT, October 1, 1956.
1. Pennington, Billy Martin, 114; Paul O’Neil, “The Damndest Yankee of Them All,” SI, April 23, 1956, 69.
2. NYP, October 3, 1956; Roy Campanella as told to Milton Gross, “How I Catch a Ball Game,” SEP, May 26, 1956, 118.
3. Lanctot, Campy, 335.
4. NYP, October 3, 1956.
5. Prince, Brooklyn’s Dodgers, 57; Golenbock, Bums, 394.
6. Hughes, Literary Brooklyn, 2, 105.
7. Hughes, Literary Brooklyn, 233.
8. Golenbock, Bums, 440; “Brooklyn Rolls, the U.S. Rocks,” Life, October 17, 1955, 38–39.
9. Golenbock, In the Country of Brooklyn, 193; Frommer and Frommer, It Happened in Brooklyn, 38–39; D’Antonio, Forever Blue, 39–40.
10. Prince, Brooklyn’s Dodgers, 102, 106–107; Gay Talese, “There Are Fans—and Yankee Fans,” NYTM, June 29, 1958, 18; Golenbock, Bums, 65, 387.
11. Goodwin, Wait Till Next Year, 61.
12. NYT, October 8, 1952.
13. NYDN, October 3, 1956; NYHT, October 3, 1956; NYP, October 3, 1956.
14. NYT, October 2, 1956; NYHT, October 2, 1956.
15. NYHT, October 3, 1956; NYP, October 3, 1956.
16. “New York Yankees,” SI, October 1, 1956, 18.
17. NYP, October 3, 1956.
18. NYT, October 3, 1956; NYWTS, October 3, 1956.
19. Goodwin, Wait Till Next Year, 45–49; Frommer and Frommer, It Happened in Brooklyn, 36.
20. NYT, October 4, 1956; NYDN, October 4, 1956; NYWTS, October 4, 1956.
21. Jay, More Than Just a Game, 20.
22. NYWTS, October 4, 1956; NYHT, October 4, 1956.
23. NYWTS, October 4, 1956; NYHT, October 4, 1956.
24. NYP, October 5, 1956.
25. NYWTS, October 4, 1956; NYDN, October 5, 1956; NYT, October 5, 1956.
26. “He Throws Hard,” Time, September 19, 1956, 52; Robert Creamer, “Subject: Don Newcombe,” SI, August 22, 1955, 51.
27. Don Newcombe as told to Milton Gross, “I’m No Quitter,” SEP, March 9, 1957, 27, 90; BG, October 2, 1956.
28. NYDN, October 5, 1956.
29. Arthur Richman and Milton Richman, “Is Larsen a One-Game Wonder?” SEP, March 30, 1957, 83.
30. NYDN, October 6, 1956.
31. NYWTS, October 5, 1956.
32. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 230; NYWTS, October 6, 1956.
33. NYT, October 6, 1956; Roger Kahn, “Whitey Ford Is His Own Boss,” Sport, December 1958, 54; Robert Creamer, “The Pitcher Who Could Win the Series,” SI, September 10, 1956, 14.
34. NYHT, October 7, 1956; NYDN, October 7, 1956.
35. NYHT, October 8, 1956.
36. Robert Creamer, “The Name Is Yogi,” SI, October 22, 1956, https://www.si.com /vault/1956/10/22/670462/the-name-is-yogi.
37. Paper, Perfect, 5; Larsen with Shaw, The Perfect Yankee, 33–35.
38. Larsen with Shaw, The Perfect Yankee, 27–30; Kahn, The Era, 331–332.
39. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 262–263; Corzine, Team Chemistry, 19–26.
40. Creamer, “The Name Is Yogi”; Barra, Yogi Berra, 218.
41. Larsen with Shaw, The Perfect Yankee, 162–163.
42. Frank Graham Jr., “The Great Larsen,” Sport, April 1957, 54; Barra, Yogi Berra, 218.
43. Larsen with Shaw, The Perfect Yankee, 179.
44. Graham, “The Great Larsen,” 54; Richman, “Is Larsen a One-Game Wonder?” 83; NYWTS, October 9, 1956.
45. Richman, “Is Larsen a One-Game Wonder?” 83.
46. NYT, October 9, 1956; Graham, “The Great Larsen,” 54.
47. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 275; Richman, “Is Larsen a One-Game Wonder?” 83; Larsen with Shaw, The Perfect Yankee, 181; Robert Creamer, “The Curtain Rises,” SI, October 15, 1956; NYT, October 9, 1956; Graham, “The Great Larsen,” 54.
48. Barra, Yogi Berra, 223.
49. Graham, “The Great Larsen,” 55.
50. NYT, October 9, 1956; NYDN, October 9, 1956; NYHT, October 9, 1956.
51. Creamer, “The Name Is Yogi.”
52. Barra, Yogi Berra, 226.
53. NYHT, October 10, 1956.
54. Mantle and Pepe, Mickey Mantle, 293; Golenbock, Dynasty, 188.
55. Golenbock, Dynasty, 188.
56. Barra, Yogi Berra, 227.
57. Gross, “I’m No Quitter,” 90.
58. NYHT, October 11, 1956.
59. Golenbock, Dynasty, 189–190; NYDN, October 11, 1956.
60. NYHT, October 11, 1956; NYDN, October 11, 1956.
61. NYHT, October 11, 1956.
62. NYHT, October 11, 1956.
63. NYP, October 11, 1956.
1. Gerald Holland, “All Hail Mighty Mickey,” SI, March 4, 1957, 53.
2. Holland, “All Hail Mighty Mickey,” 53.
3. Holland, “All Hail
Mighty Mickey,” 54 (emphasis in the original).
4. Mantle with Gluck, The Mick, 143–145.
5. Mantle with Gluck, The Mick, 143–145.
6. Mantle with Gluck, The Mick, 143–145.
7. Mantle with Gluck, The Mick, 146–147; “Penthouse Interview: Mickey Mantle,” Penthouse, September 1986, 86.
8. Holly Brooke, “I Own 25% of Mickey Mantle,” Confidential, March 1957, 32; Gabler, Winchell, 468.
9. Castro, Mickey Mantle, 150.
10. Alfred Garvey, “There Was No Umpire Around When These Yankees Had a Ball,” Confidential, September 1957, 29–30; Jim Hanks, “Have Those ‘Damn Yankees’ Ruined Mickey Mantle?” Suppressed, October 1957, 15–17, 50; Gabler, Winchell, 81.
11. Unless noted otherwise, this section on the Copacabana incident and its aftermath is drawn from Corzine, Team Chemistry, 14–16; Barra, Yogi Berra, 235–239; Leavy, The Last Boy, 163–167, 180–181; Pennington, Billy Martin, 126–129.
12. NYJA, May 16, 1957, June 24, 1957; NYDM, May 17, 1957.
13. Roger Kahn, “Why They Broke Up Billy Martin’s Gang,” Sport, October 1957, 20.
14. NYP, June 24, 1957; Irv Goodman, “You Think You Know Billy Martin?” Sport, August 1958, 57.
15. NYP, May 17, 1956; Stanley Frank, “The Yankees’ Southpaw Wizard,” SEP, May 12, 1956, 33, 101; Roger Kahn, “Whitey Ford Is His Own Boss,” Sport, December 1958, 55.
16. “Mantle’s Breaks and Yours,” Popular Science, October 1964, 100.
17. NYT, June 9, 1969.
18. Castro, Mickey Mantle, 238; Bouton, Ball Four, 30, 37–39.
19. Bouton, Ball Four, ix.
20. Elias, The Empire Strikes Out, 263.
21. Falkner, The Last Hero, 188–189.
22. Canale, Mickey Mantle: The Yankee Years, 22.
23. This description of the fishing trip is drawn from Canale, Mickey Mantle: The Yankee Years, 80–95; Canale, Mickey Mantle: Memories and Memorabilia, 11; “Sweet Memories,” SI, October 16, 1991, 27–28; Pennington, Billy Martin, 130–131. A few of the photos were published in various issues of Sport in 1957. See Kahn, “Why They Broke Up Billy Martin’s Gang,” 19; Ed Linn, “If You Were Mickey Mantle,” Sport, August 1957, 62.
24. Mantle with Gluck, The Mick, 161.
“It is not hard to believe that if Mickey Mantle had been healthy and took better care of his body, he would probably be remembered as the best baseball player ever. This excellent book proves why.”
“A Season in the Sun is the best book on Mickey Mantle that I’ve read by some margin. It succeeds in answering the three big questions: how he became an icon, why 1956 was so important, and especially how the ‘mythologizing’ of Mantle can only be understood in the context of the 1950s. Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith stitch together not only a damn good baseball story—I found the game-by-game arc very compelling—but also link Mantle to his times in a way that really makes the book stand out. It’s informative, thoughtful, and without being hokey or hagiographic, it is almost a love letter to a lost and often misunderstood period of baseball history.”
—NATHAN CORZINE, author of Team Chemistry: The History of Drugs and Alcohol in Major League Baseball
Aaron, Hank, 73, 122, 131
Adair, Robert K., 1
All-Star Game
1956, 142-144
Allen, Lee, 85
Allen, Mel, 37, 77, 176, 223-224
Alston, Walter, 214, 217, 229-230
Angell, Roger, xix, xx, 54
Atkinson, Brooks, 21
Bainbridge, John, 95
Ball Four (Bouton), 240-241
Baltimore Orioles, 150, 162-164, 170, 188, 196
Banks, Ernie, 73, 122
Baseball cards, 120-121
Baseball Digest, xiii, 41, 51
Barrow, Ed, 77
Bauer, Hank, 19-21, 55, 62, 93, 97, 103, 110, 114, 151, 168, 170, 188, 192-193, 196, 215, 221-222, 225, 236-238
Bell, Gus, xix
Berra, Carmen, 237
Berra, Yogi, xii, xix-xx, 52-53, 55, 77, 90, 92, 95-97, 101, 114, 122, 125-126, 132, 137-138, 142, 144, 151, 159-160, 172, 183, 188, 196, 200, 212, 217, 219, 225-226, 229, 234
Bernstein, Carl, 241
Bessent, Don, 208, 217
Boston Red Sox, 48-49, 78-79, 84, 106, 133, 136-137, 139, 156, 159-162, 168, 188, 190, 192, 201-202
Boudreau, Lou, 103, 109-110,
Bouton, Jim, 240-241, See also Ball Four
Bradley, Hugh, 106, 111, 115, 163,
Brewer, Teresa, 164-165
Briggs Stadium, 26, 105, 126-127, 153, 185, 196,
Bronx, 20-21, 69-71, 73-74, 125, 210
Brooke, Holly, 156-159, 235-236
Baseball culture of, 208-211
Brooklyn Dodgers, 18, 37, 39, 42, 50-51, 54-55, 169, 182, See also World Series of 1956
Broun, Heywood, 75, 80
Brownell, Herbert, Jr., xviii
Byrne, Tommy, 145, 161, 198, 203, 227
Campanella, Roy, xii, 54, 73, 114, 122, 208, 215, 217, 223, 226
Cannon, Jimmy, xiii, xx, 12, 37, 79, 104-105, 144, 241
Carbo, Frankie, xvii
Catton, Bruce, xiv,
Cerv, Bob, 202, 222
Chicago White Sox, 41, 75, 90, 103, 128, 130, 145,
Clemente, Roberto, 121
Cleveland Indians, 144-145, 152-153, 171, 180-181, 192-193, 201
Cobb, Ty, xv, 14, 85, 129, 143, 204
Cold War, xvii-xviii, 16, 96, 215, 230-231
Coleman, Jerry, 11, 109, 166,
Collier’s, 149
Comiskey Park, 103, 127, 130, 142
Commerce, Oklahoma, xii, xiv, 4, 7-9, 27, 34, 44, 46, 105, 115, 152, 165, 204
Como, Perry, 119
Confidential, 235-236
Coolidge, Calvin, 59
Cooperstown, New York, 58, 143
Copacabana, 116, 236-239
Corum, Bill, 88
Creamer, Robert W., 16, 70, 108, 142, 145, 149, 207, 217, 227
Crystal, Billy, 107-108
Daley, Arthur, xiii, 12, 47, 72, 111, 195, 212, 225-226
Damn Yankees, 122-123
Daniel, Dan, xiii, 22, 57, 68, 76, 80, 111, 116, 147, 166,
Danny’s Hideaway, 93, 116, 157, 173, 236
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 237
Dempsey, Jack, 76, 84, 89
Detroit Tigers, 125-126, 145, 146, 153, 184-187, 191, 196, 201, 203
DeWitt, Bill, 52
Dexter, Charles, 25, 41, 125
Dickey, Bill, 11, 63, 129, 191-192, 195
DiMaggio, Joe, xiv, xv, xviii, xix, xx, 11-15, 17, 20, 22-24, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 47, 48, 50, 63, 65, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 88, 89, 94, 96, 97, 104, 108, 119, 123, 128, 163, 164, 173, 182, 185, 204, 234, 241
Doby, Larry, 36-37
Doubleday, Abner, 58
Drebinger, John, 170, 196
baseball players and, 174-177
Dulles, John Foster, 214
Dunaway, Donald, 38-39
Duren, Ryne, 100
Eagle-Picher Mining Company, 3-4, 15, 19, 40, 204
Ebbets Field, 39, 42, 50, 65, 74, 193, 210-211, 213-214, 216, 218-219
“Ed Sullivan Show,” 164, 202
Effrat, Louis, 41,
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 57, 61, 96, 168, 182, 183, 190, 209, 213-215
Ennis, Del, xix
Erskine, Carl, 42, 54, 169,
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), xviii, 23, 116, 140
Feller, Bob, 152
Fenway Park, 133, 160, 162, 197
Ferrell, Jackie, 113
Ford, Whitey, 45, 55, 72, 77, 78, 79, 88, 93, 97, 102, 125, 140, 148, 167, 172, 177, 183, 193, 216, 220-221, 229, 236, 238-239, 243
Foxx, Jimmie, 11, 40, 63, 64, 87, 108, 129, 134, 141, 170, 171, 184
Frick, Ford, 77, 214
Furillo, Carl, 54, 216, 225
g, Bill, 69
Gabler, Neal, 236
Gallico, Paul, 80
Gaynor, Sidney, 33, 144
Gehrig, Lou, xiv, xv, 2, 11, 15, 20, 23, 40, 48, 63, 64, 75, 77, 83, 86, 99, 101, 108, 126, 129, 185, 198, 204, 240
Giles, Warren, 68-69, 129,
Gilliam, Jim, 228
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 210-211
Graham, Frank, xiii, 52, 77, 80
Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 4, 20
Greenberg, Hank, 11, 63, 87, 108, 129, 134, 170, 171, 180, 184,
Greene, Graham, xviii
Greenwade, Tom, 2, 9
Griffith, Clark, 59, 69
Griffith Stadium, 38, 61-63, 142, 163, 182
Grim, Bob, 243
Gross, Milton, xii, xiii, 48-49, 51, 207
Halberstam, David, xiv, xv, 53, 200
Hamill, Pete, 209
Harding, Warren, 59, 218
Harridge, Will, 77, 128,
Harriman, Averill, 214
Henrich, Tommy, 29, 105
Hodges, Gil, 54, 216, 223-224,
Hoffer, Richard, xiii
Holland, Gerald, 233-234
home runs, 128-130
Babe Ruth’s single-season record, 84-88, 90, 129
Mickey Mantle’s in 1956, xviii, 63, 79, 89-90, 106, 112, 114, 126, 130, 132-133, 135, 141, 143, 152, 182, 185, 193, 204, 231
Hoover, J. Edgar, xviii,
Hoover, Herbert, 214
Hopp, Johnny, 21
Hornsby, Rogers, xv, 129, 195, 204
Howard, Elston, 72, 122, 145, 228, 229, 237
“I Love Mickey” (song), 164-165
Irvin, Monte, 114
Isaacs, Stan, 14
Jackson, Joe, 63
Jackson, Reggie, 241
Jacobson, Max, 176
Jensen, Jackie, 137
Kaese, Harold, 131, 135, 148, 189, 191
Kahn, Roger, 38, 71, 131, 178, 238
Kaline, Al, 153, 185-188, 189, 191, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 203-204, 205
Kansas City Athletics, 89, 105, 109, 185, 191, 239
Kansas City Blues, 26-28
Kelly, Grace, 51, 63
Kempton, Murray, 107
Kiner, Ralph, 170, 175
King, Larry, 210
Kluszewski, Ted, 129, 144
Koppett, Leonard, 70, 127, 168, 216
Korean War, xvi, 16, 209
Krichell, Paul, 2, 72
Kubek, Tony, 73, 99
Kucks, Johnny, 88, 136-137, 229-230, 236
Kuehn, Harvey, 153
Kuhn, Bowie, 241
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