Changing Fate (Endgame #5)

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Changing Fate (Endgame #5) Page 22

by Leigh Ann Lunsford

  “Careful.” I steady her and decide I’d rather hold her. She points to the cake, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Just one.”

  “Onez.” She agrees. As I said, her tempermant is great . . . except for the little treats on her cake. And that’s all my fault. I bend and snag a gummy bear, handing it to her, laughing as she gobbles it and searches my pocket for another.

  Julie, at almost fourteen, seems to wrangle the other kids and get everyone settled for cake and ice cream but I’m not ready to let her go. Avery stands next to me and covers my hand resting against Willow’s back. “Love you, Picasso.” I feel the need to tell her all the time. I look around our kitchen, hear the laughter of our friends, feel the love that expands the walls— and I thank her.

  Her other hand brushes her stomach and it’s something she doesn’t realize she’s doing. “Have something to tell me?” I waggle my eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” she chuckles. “Another.” I whoop and startle my little girl.

  “Daddy.” She covers her ears.

  “Sorry baby. Mommy just told me you’re gonna have a little brother or sister.” Willow squeals and makes quick work of announcing it to the entire room.

  “Me, too.” Saylor shouts.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  How the hell did we get here? The originals hit the thirty-two mark this year, Brody a few years older and Brecklynn younger. I rub my protruding stomach and close my eyes, letting the sun warm my face.

  “Not fair. I’ve shared an entire pregnancy with Saylor and some with Brecklynn . . . Avery I feel cheated.” Emberlee accuses.

  “Don’t know what to tell you.” I yawn.

  “I don’t feel like I got the full experience.” Emberlee keeps yammering.

  “I’m calm when I’m pregnant.” And nobody could argue with me. My hormones don’t surge, I don’t get irrational— my sex life doesn’t suffer.

  “Fucking blow hard.” She crosses her arms. “Are you gonna tell us what you’re having?”

  “A baby.” I affirm the obvious.

  “Bitch. Saylor is having another girl— bless Deacon. I don’t know why you and Caden insist on being surprised.” She’s still complaining.

  “Because you aren’t the boss of me.” I assert.

  “All this time.” She fake mocks.

  “Aunt Lee Lee, can I swim?” Nolan hollers and I see her looking for his parents.

  “I don’t care.” She shrugs.

  “Cannonball.” He shouts as he jumps into the water— fully fucking clothed.

  “NOLAN!” Shit, Breck is mad.

  His head bobs and he shoots Emberlee a wink. “You’re my favorite.”

  “I thought I was. You told me that this morning when I gave you another donut.” I tease.

  “Love you, Aunt Aves. You’re my favorite.” Fucking Mason Adler Jr.

  “He doesn’t have any shame. Like father like son.” Emberlee laughs.

  “What is happening here? You tell me I’m your favorite.” Poor Saylor is crestfallen over this news. Nolan at least looks guilty for hurting her feelings.

  “You make my dad crazy so that makes you number one. Plus, we have dates. I’m waiting til’ I’m bigger and can kick Uncle Deacon’s butt. You’ll be my girl, Aunt Saylor.” He dives under the water as Breck storms outside. Nine years old and he may be a better player than Mason.

  Saylor doubles over as Breck reaches the edge of the pool. “Uh, someone get my husband. We have a problem.” She points to the water at her feet but Nolan splashed so much I can’t tell.

  “Saylor Douglas, you best not be playing games so I don’t beat his ass. He knows we have dinner with his grandparents and he jumped into this pool wearing his good clothes. I told him no.” Breck sasses.

  “Dude, not cool. I’ll go against your dad but not your mom.” Lee Lee chides him.

  “I’m not fucking playing. DEACON!” Her agonized cry spurs us into motion.

  “Shortstop.” He’s lifting her and she grunts with the movement. “Okay. Baby time.”

  “We’ll cancel dinner and stay with the kids.” Breck narrows her eyes at Nolan who is cheering. “Call.”

  Emberlee and Brody stayed back because there are too many kids for two adults. Well, one if you consider Mason in the equation.

  I’m squirming in the uncomfortable chairs as we wait for news. “You okay?” Caden rubs my leg.

  “Fine. My back hurts. These chairs suck.” I complain. He starts massaging my neck and I try to stay still but my fucking back is killing me.

  “She’s here.” Deacon appears beaming with pride. “Laurel Katherine. She’s tiny at six pounds seven ounces but we are two weeks early.”

  I stand and hug his neck. “Congrats.” Caden and him do their thing and tell him to call us if they need anything. “We’ll keep Julie and Kinsley with us.”

  “My parents may come get them.” He shrugs. Which means as soon as they’re rushing here, meeting their new granddaughter and then speeding to my house to get Kinsley and Julie. And that bodes well because when I cross the automatic doors my water breaks . . .

  “Uh, Caden. Call our parents. Someone needs to get Willow and we need to go back in.” He turns, notices the water and laughs.

  “Fuck, Picasso. You’ve got perfect timing.” Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

  Leif Trey is born within three hours and weighs a whopping nine pounds six ounces. But still doesn’t have a huge head. Breck barely made it in time to be in the room— but ya’ know, B comes before E.

  And Emberlee tells me she expects a turn. I tell her to fuck right off.

  Emberlee is like a scorned woman. Leif and Laurel share a birthday so we’re celebrating together. But that isn’t what burns her butt. It’s the fact that Saylor and I can greet each other— again— with bumping bellies. Two years later and we’re knocked up at the same time once more. “I swear y’all conspire.” She’s pointing at Caden and Deacon.

  “Yep. I call him right before I decide to have sex.” Deacon rolls his eyes.

  “What’s sex?” Nolan pries into the conversation.

  “Go ask your dad.” I push him to the other room. “Can someone go record that conversation?”

  “Mason! What the hell do y’all discuss when I’m not home?” I pinch Caden so I don’t laugh and Saylor looks proud that her husband got Mason in trouble.

  Thirty-four years. Eleven kids. Two still incubating.

  And we’re still side-by-side. Stronger together than apart.



  “You sure we have to let her do this?” Uncle Mason grills my dad. I refrain from rolling my eyes. My mom says it’s rude— but where does she think I learned it?

  “Hush, Mason. She’s sixteen.” My mom rolls her eyes. “After the stunt Nolan pulled, don’t question my parenting.”

  “What? The magazine fiasco. Don’t tell Breck, but she over reacted.” Uncle Mason defends Nolan.

  It seems my cousin, at age eleven, had a nudey magazine that Aunt Breck found. I can say he’s scarred for life from my Aunt’s punishment. She didn’t confiscate it— instead enacted her revenge. She took photos of herself and all my aunts, cut their faces from the pictures, glued them over the models and replaced the magazine. Uncle Brody said she ruined his spank bank fantasies but that thought is disgusting and I won’t let myself go there.

  “Uncle Mace.” He turns to look at me, his eyes softening as usual. “It’s fine. Roman’s a pitcher. You’ll like him.” I’ve been surrounded by baseball my entire life.

  “That’s my issue. Fucking players.” I suppress a giggle. “I know. Starbucks.” He stomps off as the front door opens. Jesus. Is everyone showing up for my first date? Uncle Caden and Aunt Avery stroll in with their brood. And her rounded belly. I smile as I glance between her and my mom.

  After Kinsley, my parents were content for a bit with just us. Two years ago we added Laurel to the family and now she’s pregnant with another little girl. My dad is gonna lose his mind.
  The cousins aren’t balanced to say the least. Me, Kinsley, Laurel and Maisie (expecting) make up my brood. Four girls. Uncle Mason and Aunt Brecklynn have three boys. Nolan, Nash, and Nathyn. Aunt Emberlee and Uncle Brody have two girls; Darby and Holly with Holt finishing their family. Hard to believe Holt and Holly are twins— total polar opposites. Aunt Avery and Uncle Caden have Willow and Leif with another girl joining their family soon.

  Total: Girls— Eight. Boys— Five.

  “We’re here. Where’s the victim?” Uncle Caden teases.

  “Can you believe they’re okay with this? I’ve tried talking sense into Shortstop but she ignores me as usual.” Uncle Mason is pacing, shooting death glares at my mom. “And what the hell— we need more boys in the fold. There’s a hell of a lot of girls gonna be dating soon.”

  “Jesus. Can you fix him?” My dad looks to Uncle Caden for help. “You’re a doctor.”

  “Pussy isn’t a diagnosis. Therefore, there is no treatment.” Uncle Caden is crass— but speaks the truth.

  There’s been a special bond with Uncle Mason and me as long as I can remember. He’s a bit over the top and he’s the reason I hate lollipops— although I don’t dare tell him that.

  “Honey, ignore them.” My aunt Avery fluffs my hair.

  “Let me get a picture.” Aunt Brecklynn is smiling, her camera at the ready. “Saylor, stand with Julie.”

  “You wanna fucking document this shit?” Uncle Mason is sputtering.

  “Hush, Ace.” My aunt Brecklynn warns.

  “Doll, it isn’t right. You shouldn’t be encouraging this.” He won’t stop.

  “Everyone— on the count of three, shut your eyes, cover your ears and if the police interrogate y’all— Mason fucking Adler just walked through the door to never be heard from again. One. Two . . .”

  “Doll, don’t be like that.” Uncle Mason is grinning at her.

  “Then shut up.” He pouts but obeys.

  Kinsley comes from the kitchen and shoots me a wink. She’s the brave one outta us two and we’re super close, two years separate us. “You look great, Jules.” She grins and turns to the rest of the family. “Just think, in two years, this will be me and Darby.” Uncle Brody turns green and growls.

  Darby is his little girl, but Kinsley and him have a tightness like Uncle Mason and me. He will lose his mind.

  “You may be whipping out your prescription pad for some blood pressure medicine when that happens.” My dad tells Caden.

  “Or sedatives. That works for me.” Aunt Emberlee deadpans. Darby joins Kinsley and we step to the side to let the bickering commence.

  “Roman is so cute. His younger brother is hot.” Darby whispers and I see Kinsley frown.

  Reese, Roman’s younger brother is the same age as these two and I know they’ve noticed him. Darby is more outspoken than Kinsley— but in this crew it’s easy for your voice to be lost. I’ve got it easier as the oldest, but the younger ones seem to shout over each other.

  “Princess!” Mason hollers to me.

  I peek my head around the corner. “Any car. Name it. You can have it. All you have to do is call this boy and cancel. And don’t ever date.” I do roll my eyes this time and my mom punches him in the stomach.

  “Dickless wonder.” She punches him again. “I’m gonna ask you to leave if you don’t stop.”

  “Ask all you want. I don’t listen.” He smiles at her.

  “No shit.” Breck punches his arm.

  Nolan, Holt, and Nash run into the room, almost colliding with my mom. “Is he here yet?” Nolan screeches. “Fifty right, dad? I just gotta nail him in the nads?” Kill me now.

  “MASON!” Breck shrieks.

  “MASON!” My mom shouts.

  Uncle Mason holds his hands up in surrender meeting my eyes. “I’m sorry.” He isn’t, but I love him anyway. I narrow my eyes and see him swallow. He hates me being mad at him. In the past I used it to my advantage, now I try to set an example to the others, so I can’t do it.

  “Please.” I beg of him. “Don’t embarrass me.” He drops his head and sits down.

  “This is hard.” He is solemn.

  “No shit. It is my kid. And I have three left.” My dad grumbles.

  “She’s your kid but she likes me better.” I won’t step into this argument. My daddy knows it isn’t true. I love my Uncle Mason but I’m a daddy’s girl through and through. My dad winks at me and acquiesces with Mason. He does have a fragile ego according to my mom.

  The doorbell sounds and I have to fight to catch my breath. “How’d you meet him?” Mason starts grilling me.

  “He’s a new transfer this year. From Texas.” I wink at Aunt Breck hoping she’ll save me.

  “Shit.” He groans. He knows he doesn’t have a chance.

  My mom opens the door and I see Roman hand her some wildflowers and I get this weird sensation in my chest. As he steps into the living room Uncle Caden gasps. “Roman?”

  “Dr. Monroe?” His grin is genuine but everyone else is confused. “I still have your card. I was gonna give you a call next week.”

  “Wait. How do you know my Uncle Caden?” I needle him.

  “Uncle Caden? He’s your uncle?” His eyes scan the room. “Holy shit. That means your Uncle Mace is Mason Adler?”

  “You realize you just cussed in my living room and haven’t made it through the door with my daughter?” My dad drones.

  “Sorry, Sir.” Roman stammers.

  “How do you know this chump?” Mason cross-examines Caden.

  “Confidential. But it’s good to see you kid.” He steps to him, shakes his hand and pulls him into a side hug.

  “You, too. Good to be back.” He turns to Mason. “I dislocated my shoulder a few years back and Dr. Monroe popped it back in.”

  “You pitch? Julie said you did.”

  “Yes sir.” Roman nods.

  “Any good?” Mason is doubtful.

  Roman lists his stats and Mason whistles through his teeth. “Damn boy. Like your skills. Don’t like you dating my Princess.”

  “Are we gonna whip out dicks and measure next?” My mom is frustrated.

  “Shortstop.” My dad barks.

  I’ve witnessed this scene time and time again with my grandparents and parents. My aunts and their parents. My uncles and their parents. And pretty much my entire family. “I think he’ll fit in just fine, honey.” My Aunt Avery kisses my cheek and pushes me towards Roman.

  “I’m waiting up for you.” Mason reminds me.

  “Okay, old man. My curfew is eleven. Can you manage?” I blow him a kiss and leave for my first date.

  Family Tree:

  Deacon and Saylor Douglas:

  Julie Cassidy (16)

  Kinsley Shey (14)

  Laurel Katherine (2)

  Maisie Ashley (TBA – still incubating)

  Brody and Emberlee Collier:

  Darby Ellington (14)

  Holt Gerald (t) (10)

  Holly Beth (t)(10)

  Mason and Brecklynn Adler:

  Nolan Cason (11)

  Nash Lawson (7)

  Nathyn Drew (5)

  Caden and Avery Monroe:

  Willow Kate (4)

  Leif Trey (2)

  Waverly Bree (TBA – still incubating)

  Endgame Series Jr. anyone? Only time will tell…


  Readers – Thank you. Two words that say so much. And not enough.

  I write for me. I write for you. I write because without an outlet for the characters talking to me I’d be institutionalized. I appreciate each and every one of you reading the tales I weave. For recommending me. For reviews. For all your kind words.

  My readers group – When I get the chance I love giggling with you girls… I’m trying to get better.

  CB – Thank you for taking me on escapes. Feeding me. Making me giggle and for understanding this crazy world.

  Betas – I couldn’t do this without you.

  Angel and
Rebecca – You came on board this series and blew my mind with each creation. All my PITA messages . . . you either ignore or you do love me by reading them. Thank you. XOXO

  Samantha – You jumped on board mid way with this series and continued to cheer me on and fix my mistakes. XOXO


  Leigh Ann Lunsford is a stay at home mom turned author. She writes Romance/New Adult and loves her happily ever after in all books and movies. She lives with her husband, son, and four dogs in Fleming Island, Florida. When she isn’t writing or reading you can find her stuck in front of really bad reality shows. Leigh Ann has a filthy mouth and a huge amount of sarcasm that knows no end. She hopes to give the voices in her head an outlet with many more novels to come.

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  Not Enough (Parker Siblings, #1)

  Brielle Parker has her life in front of her; she just does not know how to live it. After years of not being enough for her parents, or the dreams she once had, how did one man Colby James show her she was actually more than enough?

  Raised by her grandparents with her three siblings, Brielle was loved, no doubt. However, her grandparents were taken too soon, and she was left with her older sibling to try to raise her younger ones. She couldn’t help but let the doubts take over her life. Would she ever be enough? Then Colby walked in and changed everything, and just when she was facing her fears and falling in love for the first time, Colby ripped her heart out.


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