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Housman Country Page 47

by Peter Parker

  MJJ – Moses Jackson

  TCC – Trinity College, Cambridge

  A.E.H. – Laurence Housman, A.E.H. (1937)

  AP – Additional Poems

  ASL – A Shropshire Lad

  ASLOP – A Shropshire Lad and Other Poems, ed. Archie Burnett (2010)

  Bromsgrove – Alfred Edward Housman (Bromsgrove School, 1936)

  CH – A.E. Housman: The Critical Heritage, ed. Philip Gardner (1992)

  CP&SP – Collected Poems and Selected Prose, ed. Christopher Ricks (1988)

  GRH – Grant Richards, Housman: 1897–1926 (1941)

  HSJ – Housman Society Journal

  Letters I and Letters II – the two volumes of The Letters of A.E. Housman (2007)

  LP – Last Poems

  MP – More Poems

  Poems – The Poems of A.E. Housman, ed. Archie Burnett (1997)

  Recollections – Katharine E. Symons et al., Alfred Edward Housman: Recollections (1937)

  TN&NP – ‘The Name and Nature of Poetry’, 1933 lecture


  not a complete biography GRH, p. xi

  I. England in Your Pocket

  epigraph    Birch, Westminster Abbey, p. 29

  sweetness of country life    The Times, 27 March 1896, CH, p. 58

  a very real poet    Review of Reviews, Vol. 14, Aug 1896, p. 187

  the one I most wanted    Richards, Author Hunting, p. 92

  Vanity, not avarice    To GR, 22 June 1903, Letters I, p. 149

  I only stipulate    To GR, 22 July 1898, ibid., p. 109

  perhaps the largest sum    To GR, 24 July 1898, ibid., p. 109

  a pocket edition    To GR, 11 Dec 1899, ibid., p. 114

  gave full weight    GRH, p. 33

  bound to say    To GR, 27 July 1904, Letters I, p. 159; GRH, p. 33

  It was not for its reputation Quoted GRH, p. 34

  in every pocket    Nichols, p. 29

  the last thirty years    To John Coghlan, 8 Feb 1934, Letters I, p. 405

  The particular psychology    To C.W. Orr, 23 Jan 1935, Foreman, From Parry, p. 182

  No contemporary poet    American Services edition of Selected Poems, back jacket

  no book of poetry    Quoted Weber, p. 124

  Yardley could use    See New Yorker, 7 Nov 1931, p. 29

  I was born    Letters II, pp. 327–8

  considered inferior    A.E.H., p. 211

  of a lower standard    Ibid.

  rescued from periodicals    Carter and Sparrow, p. 165

  My chief object    To Witter Bynner, 3 June 1903, Letters I, p. 147

  I don’t know how    Auden, Forewords, p. 332

  the writer who had    Orwell and Angus, pp. 552, 550, 551

  stood for    Ibid., pp. 553, 554

  more healing than prose    To KES, 5 Oct 1915, Letters I, pp. 346–7

  Nothing is less poetical    Quoted Letters I, p. 347

  The blind    To GR, 10 Jan 1923, ibid., p. 533

  not to personal experience    To M. Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 329

  Pray who gave    To GR, 29 June 1907, Letters I, p. 211

  the pompous edition    Letters II, p. 114

  while the book was printing    Letters I, p. 612

  If he reminds us    Fortnightly Review, 1 Aug 1898, CH, p. 77

  cried kinship    Chap-Book (Chicago), 1 Feb 1897, CH, p. 70

  no Arcadia    CH, p. 76

  full of the charm    Orwell and Angus, p. 551

  Like a true Englishman    Anon, Citizen (Philadelphia), 9 Nov 1897, CH, p. 74

  A theme or note Barker, National, p. 229

  Anglo-Saxon genius    Ker, quoted ibid., p. 229

  Best Is Yet to Come    ‘The Best Is Yet to Come’ (1959) by Cy Coleman and Carolyn Leigh

  I followed England    Preface, quoted Schwarz, p. 72

  Amid the uncertainties    Froude, p. 17

  Alfred’s laws    Quoted Schwarz, p. 72

  Englishman proper Quoted Samuel, p. 58

  high-days and holidays    ‘Merry England’ in Rhys, p. 67

  Indian summer    The phrase is used by Girouard, p. 17

  age of chivalry    Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), quoted Girouard, p. 19

  ideal of chivalry    Norwood,    p. 19

  Poets of England    Palgrave, Preface

  deepened our sense    C.H. Herford in Bulletin, Sept 1918, quoted Doyle, p. 27

  mere chatter    Quoted in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography article on A.C. Bradley

  radiantly legitimised    Arthur Quiller-Couch, On the Art of Writing (1916), pp. 139–40, quoted Doyle, p. 21

  Colonisation    Quoted Doyle, p. 30

  has been deeply affected    Barker, Character, p. 3

  Towns came late    Ibid., pp. 3–4

  I feel very sorry    Question Time, BBC1, 14 June 2012

  peculiarly ‘English’ poet    Birch, Westminster Abbey, p. 16

  Englishness of Housman’s poetry    Ibid., p. 26

  a great statement    Ibid., p. 24

  a piece of England    Vickers to author, 18 Dec 2013

  II. The Man and His Book

  epigraph    Letters II, p. 377

  alderman    Keats (Rollins), p. 88

  There is death    Coleridge, p. 184

  in a very sad state    Letters I, p. 76

  with whom any    Quoted Stallworthy, p. 469

  Sodomites    To GR, 9 Oct 28, Letters II, p. 93

  Housman is one    Plimpton, p. 299

  self-loathing    Maas, Spoken and Unspoken, p. 14

  He always seemed    Quoted R.P. Graves, p. 142

  I read Gentlemen    Mark Twain Quarterly, Winter 1936, p. 10

  very pleasant    Page, pp. 105–6

  as he got easier    Ibid., p. 107

  only abominable    Ibid., p. 104

  a good raconteur    The Times, 2 May 1936, p. 9

  odd affectionateness    Quoted Page, p. 152

  damp your ardour    To GR, 21 Feb 1898, Letters I, pp. 105–6

  after the book    To GR, 24 July 1898, ibid., p. 109

  I should like To GR, 11 Dec 1898, ibid., p. 114

  I enclose    To GR, 27 July 1904, ibid., p. 159

  unbecoming    To Messrs Alexander Mooring, 17 Aug 1906, ibid., p. 198

  how atrociously    To GR, 17 Aug 1906, ibid., p. 199

  atrocious production    To GR, 27 June 1908, ibid., p. 223

  usual blunders    To GR, 28 Aug 1911, ibid., p. 273

  more likely to remember    See GRH, p. 223

  flee the country with    To GR, 12 Dec 1920, Letters I, p. 457

  Naturally    To GR, 20 Oct 1921, ibid., p. 474

  As matters stand    To GR, 1 Oct 1924, ibid., p. 573

  exact    To GR, 17 Dec 1926, ibid., p. 641

  Dijon    Title of Chapter XXVI of GRH

  Even deflections    A.E.H., p. 105

  bains de vapeur    See AEH to GR, 9 Oct 1928, Letters II, p. 93 and 22 May 1922, Letters I, p. 494

  puts a stigma    GRH, p. 297

  There is no single    Ibid.

  a shy, proud    A.E.H., p. 13

  This is me    Quoted ibid., p. 99

  He was not a man    Ibid., p. 13

  We may seem    CP&SP, p. 263

  extracted from life    A.E.H., p. 13

sp; implicit in his poetry    GRH, p. 395

  Well, William    Rothenstein 1900–1922, p. 39

  an absconding cashier    Quoted R.P. Graves, p. 116

  grim and dry    Rothenstein, 1900–1922, p. 39

  had never met    Mendelson, Later Auden, p. 440

  more physical    TN&NP in ASLOP, p. 254

  when the trees    GRH, p. 289

  strangely moved    Encounter, October 1967, p. 39

  Only those who    Ibid.

  The English poet    Barker, Character, p. 304

  It ought to be    To Withers, 28 Dec 1928, Letters II, p. 102

  the best portrait    MP, p. 10

  very unlike    To Alice Rothenstein, 16 Jan 1927, Letters II, p. 5

  oblige the artist    To KES, 18 March 1934, Letters II, p. 409

  an undertaker’s mute … maiden aunts    Middleton: quoted Watson, p. 190; Benson: quoted Peter Green, New Republic, 13 Feb 2008

  aged 35    A.E.H., plate facing p. 84

  early manhood    To Percy Withers, 24 Nov 1934, Letters II, p. 450

  the year when    To GR, 28 Sept 1920, Letters I, p. 452

  all clever boys    LH, Unexpected, p. 88

  fell into my hands    To Maurice Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 328

  dark, twisted    LH, Unexpected, p. 23

  Was there ever    Ibid., pp. 19–20

  I was the sun    A.E.H., pp. 22–3

  a science which    CP&SP, p. 260

  roused within him    Bromsgrove, p. 10

  Country influences    Ibid., p. 10

  very pretty streams    Ibid., p. 12

  Many years later    A.E.H., p. 29

  there used to be    To Alice Rothenstein, 16 Jan 1927, Letters II, p. 5

  Summer!    Poems, p. 203

  Yesterday I went    To Lucy Housman, 29 Jan 1895, Letters I, p. 8

  has in it    A.E.H., p. 27

  Give me a land    MP VIIIA

  depth of feeling    LH, Unexpected, p. 73

  Now and then    Ibid., p. 74

  western horizon    To M. Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 328

  spent most    To Lucy Housman, 9 Jan 1875, Letters I, p. 6

  increasing restriction    Bromsgrove, p. 24

  Tristram    Pollard in ibid., p. 30

  generally recognized    Ibid.

  a perfect Philistine     Quoted in Page, p. 41

  lively     Woudhuysen, p. 41

  I believe that     c. Nov/Dec 1893, Letters I, p. 75

  15-mile walks    MJJ to AEH, 23 Nov 1922, in HSJ 36 (2010), p. 45

  simplicity    Woudhuysen, p. 41

  After we had    Bromsgrove, pp. 30–1

  absolutely safe first    Ibid., p. 31

  vowed that    Quoted R.P. Graves, p. 49

  came away    Gow, p. 5

  abstract thought    Ibid., p. 7

  There are few    11 Dec 1885, Letters I, p. 58

  Deliberately    ‘A.E. Housman’ in Auden, Collected Poems, p. 182

  that voice Ricks, Critical Essays, p. 23

  Propertius    Gow, p. 7

  emendation    11 Dec 1885, Letters I, p. 58

  marriage of logic    HSJ 1 (1974), p. 28

  facile and frivolous    Gow, p. 13

  Housman’s chief love    Ibid., p. 12

  a society … intimate comradeship    Quoted Dowling, pp. 85–6

  Every pious parent    Quoted Parker, p. 90

  atheist at 21    To Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 328

  went on believing    To KES, 10 Nov 1935, ibid., p. 504

  abandoned Christianity    Ibid.

  towards the end    Ibid.

  bewilderment    Bromsgrove, p. 31

  refused to consider    Quoted R.P. Graves, p. 54

  on whom he    Quoted Letters I, pp. 261–2

  During those years    LH, Unexpected, p. 95

  He returned home    GRH, p. xv

  blamable    Ibid., p. xiv

  When summer’s end    LP XXXIX

  On miry meads    MP XXXIV

  This failure    John Sparrow, TLS, 16 Aug 1957

  lay me down and die    MP XXI

  Diffugere Nives    MP V

  told him he    LH to Gow, 15 June 1936, TCC, Add MS a. 71–126

  did not much love    To A.F. Scholfield, 16 June 1936, TCC, Add MS a. 71–188

  most familiar friends    F.W. Hodges to Gow, n.d., quoted Page, p. 51

  a photograph of Jackson    Reproduced in Watson, facing page 88

  a Thames oarsman    Page, p. 51

  When he goes    AEH to Lucy Housman, 29 March 1885, Letters I, pp. 55–6

  a most delightful    To Gow, n.d. TCC, Add MS a. 71–191

  Though he would    A.E.H., p. 60

  an irregular life    R.P. Graves, p. 64

  Whether the worst    Encounter, Oct 1967, p. 35

  met daily    Ibid.

  three poems    MP XXX, XXI; AP VII

  The Mills and Boon    Birch, Bibliography, p. 3

  I still think    Encounter, Oct 1967, p. 41

  He looked at me    MP XLI

  Turn East    Poems, p. 139

  I doubt whether    Encounter, Oct 1967, p. 41

  that straight look    MP XLII

  wishful thinking    Naiditch, Problems, p. 140

  My fate    Propertius, p. 16

  Housman would not    GRH, p. 449

  Most of the pages    The diaries are now in the British Library (Add MS 45861), but have been transcribed, with varying degrees of accuracy, by LH in Encounter (October 1967) and P.D. Eaton    in HSJ 8 (1982), pp. 8–12

  After leaving Karachi    This account of MJJ’s life and career owes much to P.G. Naiditch’s    ‘Notes on the Life of M.J. Jackson’, HSJ 12 (1986), pp. 93–114, collected in Naiditch, Problems, pp. 132–44

  held his character    6 Feb 1911, quoted HSJ 36 (2010), p. 40

  I do not want    AEH to MJJ, 12 June 1911, in ibid., p. 41

  cramped    Andrew Jackson, ‘A Pivotal Friendship’, HSJ 36 (2010), p. 41

  grown up    To MJJ, 24 Aug 1918, quoted Jackson, p. 171

  largely responsible    AEH to MJJ, 4 Jan 1923, in HSJ 36, p. 46

  I wrote verse    5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 328

  in his twentieth year    A.E.H., p. 114

  it smacked    Ibid.

  That thing    MJJ to AEH, 23 Nov 1922, in HSJ 36 (2010), p. 43

  I never was    AEH to MJJ, 4 Jan 1923, in ibid., p. 46

  I am going on    MJJ to AEH, 10 Dec 1922, in ibid., p. 44

  As I cannot    AEH to MJJ, 4 Jan 1923, in ibid., p. 46

  Epithalamium    LP XXIV

  Propertius in Ricks, Critical Essays, p. 22

  the voice of    Ibid., p. 23

  dactylic hexameters    I owe this point to A.E. Stallings in the notes to his translation of the poem published in Poetry in March 2012: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poemcomment/243608

  the love of comrades    Cf dedicatory poem in CP&SP, p. 253–5 and AP V

  He said that    Quoted Naiditch, Problems, p. 142

  I did not begin    Letters II, p. 329

  I promise nothing    MP XII

  Literature as Compensation For
ster, Commonplace Book, p. 47

  continuous excitement    Prefatory note to Last Poems

  came to him    GRH, p. 436

  thirteen times    TN&NP in ASLOP, p. 256

  easy reading    Athenaeum, 8 Oct 1898, quoted GRH, p. 27

  Housman is perhaps    New Statesman, 1 Jan 1938, p. 19

  During the last    To the Council of UCL, 19 April 1892, Letters I, p. 72

  picked him out    Quoted R.P. Graves, p. 79

  Having drunk    TN&NP in ASLOP,    pp. 255–6

  The leader of    20 May 1933, Letters II, p. 347

  Poetry is not    TN&NP in ASLOP,    p. 248

  opinions and beliefs    Ibid., p. 247

  Nymphs and shepherds    Ibid., p. 254

  Experience has taught me    Ibid.

  only describe    Ibid., pp. 254–5. AEH is slightly misquoting a letter Keats wrote to Charles Brown, dated 1 Nov 1820: see Keats (Colvin), p. 374

  one passion    Quoted Oxford Dictionary of National Biography entry on Frances Brawne

  seldom written    TN&NP in ASLOP,    p. 255

  rather out of health    Quoted Page, p. 78

  most prolific    To Maurice Pollet, 5 Feb 1933, Letters II, p. 329

  Punctuality    Bromsgrove, p. 23

  had from the first    Ibid., p. 30

  starry sky    Ibid., p. 24

  That his daily    Gow, p. 51

  To burn always    Pater, pp. 210–11

  I am always    ‘Preface: Being a word on behalf of Patchouli’, in Symons, Silhouettes, p. xv

  no very salutary    Ibid., p. xiv

  the High Priest    National Observer, 6 April 1895, quoted Hyde, p. 156

  Here is a writer    CH, p. 65

  pleasant    Ibid., p. 67

  Mr Housman has    Ibid., p. 69

  The little volume    Ibid., pp. 59–60

  the best review    To Houston Martin, 22 March 1936, Letters II, p. 528

  people who had Rothenstein, 1872–1900, p. 281

  Its narrow measure    Epigraph to More Poems

  a biography    Review of Reviews, Vol. 14, August 1896, p. 187

  a persona    Leggett, Housman’s Land, p. 124

  progressively tragic    Ibid., p. 107

  Very little    Letters II, p. 329

  The ‘Enigma’    Quoted Rushton,    p. 65

  It is evident    Idler ix, June 1896, p. 727

  Only the archangel    To LH, 16 Feb 1929, Letters II, p. 111


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