A Man's World 2: Detective Shea (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Man's World 2: Detective Shea (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Becca Van

“Shit, Colby, we’ve only known her a couple of days,” Ward said. “We’ve started, but we need to give her some time to process what we want with her and if and when she accepts that, then we can tell her we want to be with her always. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Colby and Scott replied.

  “Let me go get her keys and then you can get settled. Be back here for breakfast. The more the three of us are around her, the more she’ll accept us.”

  Colby nodded and Ward headed toward the bathroom, where he’d seen Lori’s jeans folded on the vanity. He picked up her bra and T-shirt and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply of her wonderful honeysuckle and feminine scent. He groaned when his flaccid cock twitched and quickly pulled them away from his face, shook out her jeans, and pulled her apartment keys from her pocket. He took her clothes back into his room and draped them over a chair and couldn’t help but look at her beautiful sweet face as she slept peacefully. Although he knew it was probably going to be a long, torturous night with her sleeping next to him, he could hardly wait to get to bed. After a last look at her, he turned on his heels and hurried back to the kitchen where Colby was no doubt waiting.

  He handed over the keys and after Colby checked his weapon and made sure the safety was on, he snagged an overnight bag he must have packed while Ward had gone to fetch the keys and then headed out. He and Scott followed him to the door.

  “Call if you hear anything. One of us will have your back.”

  Colby nodded. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Well, now, that leaves a wide range of play for us,” Scott smirked.

  Colby grinned. “Just don’t scare her away.”

  “We won’t.”

  Scott locked the door behind Colby and then walked slowly across the living room as if he didn’t have a care in the world, but Ward knew he was as eager as he was to get to bed, but they hadn’t told Lori his brother would be sleeping with her, too. He’d said that she would be sleeping in his and his brothers’ beds from now on and was worried that she would baulk at waking up between them.

  But maybe if she was ensconced in the middle of him and Scott, she wouldn’t wake up from the nightmares she’d been having.

  It hadn’t taken a genius to figure out she wasn’t sleeping with those dark smudges beneath her eyes, and then Darius had asked her outright if she was still having them and she’d nodded her head. He’d figured out that Lori was a very compassionate person and felt things deeply. Now he just hoped he could direct that benevolent heart his and his brothers’ way.

  Ward didn’t bother telling Scott he couldn’t sleep in his bed next to Lori because he knew his brother wasn’t about to back down and he wouldn’t have either if she’d been in Scott’s bed.

  Without making a noise, he and Scott stripped down to their boxer shorts and then climbed into bed on either side of Lori. He could feel the heat coming off of her body and wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms, but he didn’t want to disturb her from what he thought was the first decent sleep she’d had in months, so he stacked his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

  Lori sighed and whimpered in her sleep, and after moving around restlessly, her body moved closer to his, and then she placed her head in the crook of his arm and chest, snuggled her cheek against his skin, and slung a leg over one of his before sighing again and settling back down.

  Ward slowly removed his hands from behind his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her tight. He felt the mattress move and heard the rustle of the bedcovers shifting and lifted his head to see that Scott had moved in against Lori’s back and was no doubt spooning her.

  Lori sighed and when he looked down at her face, he saw a small smile on her lips.

  That had to be a good sign. Didn’t it? She’d moved toward him, not the other way around. Surely that meant she trusted him, even if it was an unconscious action.

  Please trust us, baby? I don’t think I could survive watching you from afar and not being able to be with you.

  Chapter Seven

  Lori woke up feeling warm and comfortable and didn’t want to open her eyes. She couldn’t believe she’d slept the night through without being plagued by gruesome nightmares. She frowned when she didn’t remember coming to bed, but she was still too sleep hazy to think much of it. As she became more aware, she realized there was a heavy arm wrapped tightly around her waist and a hot heavy thigh was pushed between hers.

  And that’s when she remembered she was in Ward, Scott, and Colby’s apartment. She tensed up as more memory from the night before flitted across her mind. She had gone to take a bath and didn’t remember anything after that, and felt heat creep up her face as she realized that one of them must have seen her naked.

  The arm around her waist loosened and then a large warm hand splayed across her belly underneath whatever she was wearing. She shifted slightly and sighed with relief when she noted that she was wearing undies. But then she held her breath as the hand slid across her skin and up and up until it was cupping one of her breasts. Her breath left her mouth in a rush and as she inhaled, fingers squeezed her sensitive nipple. It was all she could do not to moan out loud as sparks of pleasure zinged down from her breast to her pussy, causing moisture to form and coat her lower lips. Her legs flexed involuntarily as she pressed them together, trying to appease the ache between her thighs, but she only ended up squeezing the large muscular leg between hers.

  A gasp left her mouth when that leg shifted and pressed up firmly against her weeping, throbbing mound. A whimper escaped when that leg applied more pressure right on her sensitive, engorged clit. Lori wanted to open her eyes and see who besides Ward was in the bed with her, but she squeezed them tighter and hoped they were still asleep. As she inhaled each panting breath their colognes assailed her and then she didn’t need to look. Scott’s spicy mineral-scented aroma assailed her senses as did Ward’s citrusy aroma.

  Lori felt so protected between the two men and she was so turned on she wanted them to continue touching her. In fact, she wanted them to touch her where she ached the most, but she’d never been with a man and had no idea how to get what she wanted.

  She’d spent her whole life studying and working hard and keeping the opposite sex at an arm’s length and now she was totally clueless. Although she knew it could be disastrous for her to get involved with Ward since he was her partner, and his brothers because they worked in the same precinct as she did, she wanted to.

  Never in her life had she even been attracted to one man, let alone three, and that worried and scared the crap out of her. Over the last six years she’d had to deal with men who had tried to belittle and humiliate her at every turn and she wasn’t sure she could handle that if they ended up having sex and then they dropped her like a sack of spuds after they got what they wanted. But no matter how hard she tried to rein in her arousal, the need to have them touching her superseded what her brain was trying to tell her, and she couldn’t stop the way she ached. Her body seemed to have ideas of its own.

  The mattress behind her shifted at the same time the hand kneading her breast moved over to the other one and then she moaned as the other throbbing peak was plucked and pinched.

  A finger stroked down the side of her face and then caressed over her chin and nudged it up. Warm fingers threaded through her hair until they were cupping the back of her head and neck and then firm, yet soft lips brushed back and forth over hers.

  When Ward’s tongue swiped across her lips, she groaned and then he pushed it into her mouth, swirled it around as if trying to taste all of her and then back to glide along hers. She never felt or tasted anything so damn good, and she wanted more. Without conscious thought her arms moved and her fingers gripped his head, then they threaded through his soft, silky hair. He moaned and she felt that sound reverberate throughout her entire body, making her toes curl under.

  The quilt and sheet slid over her skin as they were pulled away and she shivered when the cooler ambien
t air touched her heated flesh. Goose bumps rose up all over her body and a shudder wracked her frame.

  The mattress dipped near her feet and when large masculine hands began to caress up and down her legs she broke the kiss and gasped in great lungfuls of air, and her eyes popped open.

  Ward was leaning up on his elbow, looking down at her with such heat in his eyes it was a wonder he hadn’t singed the skin from her body. She took another deep breath and looked over her shoulder to find Scott in much the same pose as his brother, but in the mirror image. And that was when she realized that Colby had to be near her feet.

  Swiveling her head, she looked down the length of her body and connected with his hungry gaze. She closed her eyes and slumped back onto the pillow and tried to get her raging arousal under control, but it seemed an impossibility when three sexy, handsome men were looking at her as if she was the answer to all their prayers.

  Ward’s hand left the back of her head and neck and then he stroked a finger down her nose. Her eyelids lifted and she was once more looking into his heated gaze.

  “We want to show you how good it can be between us, baby. Will you let us make you feel good?”

  As much as she knew she was probably setting herself up to be knocked on her ass, a world of pain after they got what they wanted, she couldn’t deny them. The sexual chemistry between them was so intense she couldn’t refute Ward’s request. She wanted to know what it was like to be touched by a man, men. She wanted to know what all the poets and songwriters wrote about and what the women so often talked about.

  Lori knew she was setting herself up for a fall, but she needed their touch right now more than she needed her next breath of air. Her body was on fire and had been simmering from the first moment these three men had walked into her office, but it wasn’t just physical desire for them that had her wanting their touch. Although that was electric and sparked her body whenever they were close. They had somehow managed to get under her skin, and even though she still had the walls up around her heart, she could feel them worming their way into that organ. The ice was slowly melting and she didn’t think she could do a damn thing to stop it.

  But right now her desire was so strong it felt like it was consuming her, and she wanted them touching her.

  “Yes,” she finally whispered her reply.

  “Thank you, baby.” Ward kissed her softly on the lips. “We promise you’re safe with us.”

  Lori just hoped that what he said was true, but then he leaned down and started kissing her and all thought fled.

  This time his kiss was rapacious and fierce as his tongue pressed into her mouth, tangled with hers, and she kissed him back just as hungrily. The T-shirt she was wearing was pushed up and over her breasts and she actually felt her areolae ruche and her nipples harden. When a hot wet tongue laved over one sensitive peak, she cried out only to have it swallowed up by Ward’s mouth.

  Colby’s hands had been still on her legs while he awaited her answer, but they weren’t still anymore. One hand caressed the top of her foot, making her toes tingle and the other one slowly rubbed up over her shin, knee, and thigh.

  Ward broke the kiss this time and then between him and Scott they eased her from her side and onto her back.

  “Help her up,” Scott said.

  Ward lifted her shoulders from the bed and then the T-shirt she was wearing was pulled up and off over her head and then she was eased back down again.

  “Fucking incredible,” Ward said in a husky voice.

  “So sexy,” Scott rasped. “I love those hard dusky berries. I wonder if they taste as good as they look.”

  That was all the warning she got, because Scott swooped down and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and drew on it firmly. Lori arched up into his mouth and cried out as zings of pleasure raced through her veins, heating her blood until she thought it would start boiling. But when Ward leaned down and started doing the same to her other nipple, she thought she would go insane from the interminable ache which intensified inside her.

  When she felt Colby’s fingers dip under the waistband of her panties on either side of her hips, she lifted them up to help him get them off. And then his hands were on the inside of her thighs, pushing her legs apart. Cool air hit her wet heated folds and then the mattress dipped and hot air was blown across her dripping pussy.

  And then she was floating on a cloud of pure sensation as Colby licked her cunt from top to bottom and back again. She whimpered when he flicked the tip over her engorged pearl and cried out with need as her pussy clenched and wept more cream.

  “Fucking delicious,” Colby panted against her vagina, his warm breath wafting over her soaked petals.

  And then he lowered his head again, licking, nipping, and sucking on her cunt. Ward scraped his teeth over the tip of her breast and she moaned as more shards of bliss shot through her body. She whimpered with frustration when he removed his mouth from her breast with a pop after taking a final draw on her nipple, and then he cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers.

  Colby rimmed a finger around her hole and she arched her hips up, trying to get it inside her. He chuckled against her pussy, which sent more bliss vibrating inside, and then she mewled as the tip of his finger pressed into her.

  Ward’s tongue twined with hers. Scott’s mouth sucked on her breast and Colby’s tongue lapped at her clit while he slowly penetrated her with his finger. Three mouths, three sets of hands, three men were touching her, and she was melting for them.

  Once more Ward broke the kiss, but this time he licked his way down her neck and scraped his teeth over a sensitive spot on her neck. She groaned and then he was sucking on that skin, sending her up higher into a world she’d never known existed.

  Colby’s finger began to slide in and out of her drenched pussy and each time he pressed back in, he gained depth and speed. Then her cunt felt like it was being stretched more and she realized that he added another finger into her pussy.

  In and out he pumped, deeper, faster, harder, and his tongue flickered back and forth over her clit, and she realized that the sounds she could hear were coming from her. Pressure began to build inside her, sending her higher and higher up the slope, and she had no idea where it ended. She should have been frightened by the way they made her feel, but she wasn’t. The rapture was engulfing her but she wanted more. Her legs began to tremble, fire raced through her blood, and even though she felt like she was melting, tension invaded every muscle, every pore and strand of hair.

  Her pussy rippled around Colby’s fingers and then Ward sucked her nipple back into his mouth and gently bit down on the tip. And then she was flying. Flying so high she couldn’t see the ground or the clouds or the stars.

  Lori screamed as the pressure broke, nirvana slamming into every cell of her body, tearing her apart until she felt like she was an ephemeral being with no substance. Lights flashed before her eyes and then she crashed back into herself, her body jerking and quaking and shuddering as her cunt clenched and released, clamped down and let go, in what felt like a never ending cycle of euphoria. And then she was floating back down to the bed, her breath sawing in and out of her mouth as she tried to get her breath and equilibrium back.

  Hands caressed and soothed as they smoothed over her dew-coated skin, and finally she lifted her heavy eyelids to see that all three men were smiling at her so tenderly. The emotion she could see in their eyes was nearly her undoing, and she felt tears burning the back of her own.

  And that was when she realized she was in danger of falling head over heels in love with them.

  * * * *

  Colby was so hard right now his balls were aching and his cock was leaking a continuous stream of pre-cum, but none of that mattered. What did matter was that Lori had trusted him and his brothers to touch her, make love to her, and give her what looked like a mind-blowing orgasm.

  He’d been home long enough to make a pot of coffee and drink a cup, but then he hadn’t been able to stay away from he
r. He’d needed to see her and make sure she was safe. When he’d walked past Scott’s open bedroom door and seen that his bed was empty, he’d felt a little jealous, but he’d pushed that down deep and then it had faded away when he’d seen her sound asleep between his two brothers. He’d been aware the moment his brothers had awoken, and when he’d seen Scott moving his hand beneath the covers he’d known he was touching Lori’s breasts, and his cock had instantly filled with blood.

  Moments later Ward had woken up and he must have felt his presence because he looked up and met his gaze. He’d quirked his eyebrow at him in query and he’d shaken his head to let him know that his night had been quiet. Then he’d shifted and he’d seen Lori tense and she’d squeezed her eyes shut even tighter and knew that she was also awake.

  He’d wanted to crawl on the bed with them but he hadn’t wanted to scare or overwhelm Lori, so he’d taken a seat near the wall and watched her reactions as his brothers had started touching and kissing her. It was the hottest damn thing he’d ever seen in his life and he’d had to grip the arms of the chair so he wouldn’t get up and join them.

  But his hunger to touch her and feel her warm, silky skin beneath his hands had been too much to ignore and he’d gotten up onto the bed with them.

  He was damn glad he had, because he still had the taste of her delectable cream on his tongue and he wanted more. So much more, but he knew that Lori wasn’t ready for that yet, so he and his brothers needed to bide their time and hopefully she would end up caring for them the more she got to know them.

  He got up onto his knees, leaned over on his hands, and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Thank you, darlin’. You are such a special, sexy woman.”

  Lori frowned and shook her head, but he wasn’t about to let her go on thinking she wasn’t special to him and his brothers. He had a feeling the walls she’d built up to protect herself from malicious remarks were because she had a low self-esteem and it was his and his brothers’ job to prove to her how wrong she was to think she wasn’t worthy.


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