Educate Me

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Educate Me Page 6

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Yes,” she moans rubbing her ass against my dick as my finger slips back and forth. I can feel her pussy quivering, needing me inside her. But fuck me, she’s rubbing and pinching her own nipples while I fuck her ass. “Inside me. Oh God, Mason.”

  The head of my cock is deep red and leaking like crazy, she has me so excited. I pinch the head between my finger and thumb trying to control the lust running through my body.


  Taking hold of my shaft, I enter her pussy. I can feel my cock through the thin piece of skin separating her ass from her pussy and I grit my teeth with the pleasure of it. “This is going be quick. I’m sorry.”

  “I want… I need quick.”

  She flattens herself on top of the table, pushing against me. Without any more encouragement, I start moving back and forth with both my dick and finger. The friction of being inside her wet sheath and my finger rubbing against the walls of her ass and my cock has set fire to my balls—a fire that’s about ready to erupt.

  Using my other hand, I start playing with her clit, and within seconds, she’s thrashing around under me, clamping her pussy around my dick, her ass around my finger. Grinding back on me. The sparks been lit, and the fire in my balls starts to shoot up my cock and out through the tip, over and over again. Not stopping. Bianca can’t stop squeezing me in aftershocks, which is milking more cum out of me.

  Before I collapse, I have the sense to withdraw from her and drop down on my ass, pulling her with me into my lap.

  “You’re going to kill me,” I breathe into her neck.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Having carried me to bed after our lovemaking session, Mason climbed in behind me, spooning against my back and proceeded to fall asleep. I think I drifted on and off, but for the most part, I’ve been lying in his arms trying to think how to carry on seeing him without anyone finding out. I’m not sure I have the strength to walk away from him.

  “Bianca. What’s wrong?”

  I snuggle more deeply into his arms. “I thought you were asleep.”

  “Hmm.” He buries his face into my hair. “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  Rolling over, I wrap my leg over his hip as he puts his hand on my bottom to pull me in flush to his arousal. “Mmm. You’ll have to wait. We can’t avoid talking and I’ll feel better, I hope, if we get it out of the way.”

  Mason kisses my forehead and says, “I’ll go first seems as most of the answers you’re looking for need to be from me.”

  He pulls me against his chest so I wrap my arm around him, getting comfortable, as he starts talking.

  “My face, well, that kind of happened when I left here last week, and can we leave it at that?”

  What the hell? “No we can’t just leave it at that. Who did this?” As he stares at me, I start to get the feeling that I should know. “Please tell me it wasn’t because of me.”

  “It wasn’t because of you. He’s sick,” he says, brushing my hair behind my ear.

  My stomach feels as though it’s dropped to my toes. “Was it Tim?”

  “Yeah. Don’t cry.” He pulls me into his arms as my tears leak out from my eyes. It is my fault. He was hurt because of me. Why can’t anything ever be straightforward?

  “Bianca, babe. I meant it when I said it wasn’t your fault. It’s his because there is seriously something wrong with the bastard. Please don’t blame yourself. I don’t blame you.”

  Mason holds me tight, feathering kisses along my shoulder while he caresses along my spine.

  “He’s been following me.” Mason freezes at my words. “Sometimes, I’ll be shopping and turn a corner and he’s there watching me. Other times, he’ll be sitting in his car outside school. I’m not sure what he wants, but I haven’t seen him for a couple of days. I don’t know whether that’s good or bad.”

  “Shit, Bianca. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  I laugh. “How could I? I don’t even have your cell number and you haven’t exactly been around.”

  “Fuck. Well as soon as we’re dressed, we are going to exchange numbers and I’ll give you my address as well. Hell, you can come over and see my mom again.”

  He kisses me…long and hard. I wiggle trying to get closer and feel his erection between us, growing harder by the second. Feeling wicked, I slide my hand between us and rub the mushroom head of his dick. He groans, pushing into my hand before removing my fingers. “Not yet. I want to talk about college. We might as well get it out of the way at once.”

  Since he mentioned college the other week, I’ve been thinking about heading off to college with him. I have enough money saved, which I’ve not wanted to touch and deep down I knew I was saving it to finish college. I have my teaching degree, but I’ve always wanted to do a master’s program, but I was stupid and let Tim talk me out of it. I let him fill my head with nonsense really about not having enough money. He knows one of my biggest fears is not having enough money to live, having grown up with my parents’ living paycheck to paycheck. I’m just damn lucky I received a scholarship to college so every penny earned, I saved what I could and that’s been topped up with my salary.

  “Hey, where’d you go?” Mason asks me smiling.

  “Sorry, I was lost in thought... So college,” I mention quietly.

  He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and looks at me, saying, “Come with me. I’m not willing to let you go. I’ll stay here and drive the hour to the closest college if you don’t want to move…”

  I cover his mouth with mine, letting my tongue slip between his lips. He tastes so good and I struggle to pull away. “I’m coming with you,” I whisper.

  Until this very moment I hadn’t realized that I’ve made my mind up. I don’t want to stay here. In a few months he’ll graduate and our relationship can be open, but staying in the same town will be awkward. Everyone looking at us as wondering if we’ve been together since Mason was in school.

  “I want to get my masters in education. I wanted to do this when my degree program came to an end, but I listened to Tim. I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t have met you. But things have changed and I really want to be with you. So there isn’t any reason why we can’t live together at school and I plan on getting a part-time job around my studies.” My heart is in my mouth while I wait for him to reply.

  His dick swells against me so I move closer and press into him.

  “I need to be inside you. And I agree with everything.”

  He has me lying on my back with my legs open as he slides inside me where he stills. “Don’t move. Every time I enter you I feel as though it’s my first time…and so does my cock. It just wants to release.”

  Mason rests his head against my forehead and just breathes me in while the muscles in his back tighten up as my hands caress him. Leaning down, he rubs his chest softly against my aroused nipples making them throb for more of his touch.

  Straddling my thighs, he closes them so he’s snug inside my pussy. I moan, and arching up, hear him cuss before he drops his mouth to one of my nipples. The sensation of having him so snug has my eyes rolling back in pleasure.

  “Fuck! I’m gonna come.”

  Taking hold of my wrists, he holds them above my head in one hand, keeping himself off the top of me and uses his other to hold my bottom closer to him as he pounds into me.

  I’m falling in love with him.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The last three months have been the best and the most difficult of my life. After the night I told Bianca everything, we’ve kept our distance at school and never spent time together in town. We drive over an hour away in our own vehicles on the weekends, just so we can spend the time together. We’ve become the best at car sex because Bianca wanted us to save our money for college instead of spending it on a motel each weekend. She’s right, but I’m ready to get her under me in a damn bed, and tonight that’s going to happen. Not only will I have graduated and no longer be her
student, but I don’t really give a fuck anymore.

  I can’t wait until the whole graduation thing is over with so I can shove Bianca in Jessica’s face. Jessica has done everything she can to find out about Bianca and me and if it hadn’t been for her, we could have been seeing more of each other. But like Bianca said, if we stay apart and are never seen talking together then she won’t have anything to report.

  “Hey, get your head in the game, Mason.” Mr. Fuck Anything brings me out of my thoughts only to see my mom waving like crazy at me while my brother, Linc, tries to act like he isn’t with her. I grin, knowing Mom’s doing it deliberately because she knows how he hates it.

  Taking my seat in the hall, I continue to look around waiting for Bianca. She promised she’d be here and until I see my girl I can’t settle. I sure as hell don’t want to get up on that stage without her. My family being here isn’t complete until she gets her sexy ass in this hall.


  Fuck! Just my luck having Jessica sitting beside me.

  “What do you want, Jessica?” I ask, letting my feelings toward this girl show as I turn to face her.

  She moves slightly back in her chair. “I wanted to know if you have plans for after graduation. I mean tonight. Are you going to a party?” she asks.

  Looking around me again over the audience, I catch Bianca slipping through everyone before she takes a seat beside my mom. Luckily, my mom isn’t concerned about our age differences considering my dad is eleven years older than she is. The only thing I thought she’d have a problem with was Bianca being my teacher. But she was cool. Thank fuck.

  “What’s she doing here?” Jessica asks before moving her attention back to me.

  She narrows her eyes. “You’re together. Oh my, God. I should have known. I haven’t seen you with anyone… This isn’t happening. There is going to be so much trouble.”

  What a bitch!

  Bianca and I have talked about this, and the fact is, although she has been my teacher I was eighteen and now, as of a week ago, I’m nineteen. We haven’t done anything in the past three months to cause suspicion to land on us, and if asked, I’ll just say the attraction has been there for the both of us, but because of the situation we have waited until after my graduation to be together, which is a half-truth.

  I grab Jessica’s arm as she goes to leave, no doubt to find the principal, who as luck would have it has just started his speech on the stage.

  Instead of listening to him going on about the school and how proud he is of us students, I switch off thinking about getting my girl alone tonight. Over the past couple of weekends, we’ve been taking our belongings to the one bedroom apartment we’ve rented close to the college so that we don’t have too much left, mainly expensive things, like our computers and a few other electronic things. Linc and I went up to the apartment two nights ago to put the king-sized bed up as a surprise for Bianca, and I can’t wait to christen it. In fact, I can’t wait to christen the rest of the place. We’ve already made good use of the wall in the lounge and the counter top in the kitchen. My girls a frisky little thing.

  “Mason, move,” Jessica hisses bringing me out of my lustful thoughts.

  Walking toward the stage, I watch as my fellow classmates walk across to collect their diplomas from the principal, some of the girls look to have tears in their eyes. I don’t feel emotional about leaving this place, about starting the next phase of my life with the girl I love without fear of being pulled apart.

  Hearing my name, I jog up the steps and shaking the hand of the principal, I look out toward my family and grin when I see both Mom and Bianca taking my photograph. Making my way off the stage and taking my seat again, I blow Bianca a kiss and grin at Jessica who is looking so damn pissed.

  Before I know it, the ceremony is over, everyone is tossing their hats up in the air and all I want to do is go and claim my girl before everyone. I’ve waited so long to be able to touch her in public here in town and I can’t wait another minute.

  One thing I haven’t counted on is everyone else trying to get outside into the sun at the same time. Patience isn’t something I’m good at, although I think I’ve done pretty well over the past few months.

  Now that I’m outside the sun’s so fucking bright I can’t see a damn thing. Jumping down the steps, I start walking down the path, only to stop and head over to my right when I hear a piercing whistle. Linc.

  Unable to stop myself, I run to Bianca, wrapping her up in my arms. “I love you. God, I love you, babe,” I whisper, burying my face into the curve of her neck.

  She shudders and holds me close. “I love you, too. So much.”

  We continue holding on to each other until Linc decides to interrupt. “Um, guys. You’re not only attracting a lot of attention, but Mom’s gonna piss herself if you don’t hug her real soon.”

  Chuckling, I pull slightly away, kissing Bianca on her cheek before pulling my mom into my arms for a hug.

  “I’m so proud of you, and I love your girl.”

  “Me too.”

  I find myself holding back tears. It isn’t everyday my flamboyant mom tells me that.

  “Um, Mom. Mason. Principal Dick is on his way over here along with Jessica and some guy,” Linc tells us wrapping his arm around Bianca in an effort to protect us.

  “Mason. Jessica and Tim here, tell me there’s something important I need to know about you and Ms. Daniels. Is that true?” he asks, looking between Bianca, Linc and me before focusing on my mom. “Mrs. James, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  That fuck! The bastard whose been frightening my girl, and the fucker who was too much of a coward to try and take me on his own. I snarl at him.

  “Thank you. Can you tell me what is going on?” Mom stands with her hands on her hips.

  “I’m not entirely sure.” He turns to Jessica who has now turned an ugly shade of red. “Jessica, now you have me here, would you care to enlighten me as to the problem?”

  “They’ve been having sex behind everyone’s back,” she blurts out, a sneer of disgust on her lips.

  “Damn straight,” Tim sniggers.

  As I open my mouth to defend our actions, Jessica interrupts, “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but it’s the truth.”

  You could cut the silence with a knife while the principal takes in what she’s said. No one moves and all eyes stay on him, waiting and waiting…

  Tim does nothing except glare at Bianca who has her face buried in my brother’s chest. My fists clench at my sides wanting to beat the fucker into a pulp.

  Back to the situation at hand, if we deny being together then it will be obvious we’re lying considering a lot of people around here saw us wrapped up in each other. So it’s better being partly truthful, as we’d planned.

  “You know what,” I say moving toward Bianca unable to stay away from her any longer especially as she looks nervous as hell. Taking her hand, I pull her into my arms, “I’m not going to lie.”

  Jessica shifts from foot to foot in an agitated little dance. Excitement dances in her eyes as her sneer turns to glee. The principal shifts and a wrinkle forms between his brows with worry. “We’ve waited months to be together. We were waiting until I’ve graduated. Well, I’ve now graduated. I’m no longer a high school student and Bianca is no longer a teacher here at the school or any school for that matter. So I honestly don’t see what the problem is.”

  “Hmm. So you’re both saying you’ve waited to be together until now?” he asks.

  “Yes,” we both reply, holding our breath.

  Tim takes a step forward, and shouts, “You’re not going to believe them? What kind of pussy are you?”

  The principal looks about ready to burst a gasket, but pulling himself together he turns to meet Tim, chest-to-chest. “I suggest you back the hell off. This is my school and Bianca is no longer a teacher here, and Mason is no longer a student. So there isn’t anything to deal with and whether or not I believe them is irrelevant as o
f fifteen minutes ago when the auditorium emptied.”

  Ignoring Tim altogether now, he says to Bianca, “I do believe you’re going back to college,” with a smile on his face.

  “I am,” she replies as I wrap my arm tightly around her waist. I grin and barely resist smoothing my hand over her bottom. Not the right time.

  “Well then. All the best to you both,” he shakes our hands before turning to Jessica and Tim. “Jessica, I wish you all the best for college, and you, I think you better leave because as far as I can remember you’ve never been a student here and you don’t have any family graduating today.” And with that he walks off to greet other parents.

  Jessica stomps off like a spoiled brat toward her friends while Tim stays standing in front of us.

  “You’re mine,” he growls.

  That’s it. I shove Bianca at Linc. “Look after her,” I tell him as he’s ready for her and before I can take another breath, I tackle the fucker to the ground. Nothing can stop me as my fists fly at him; kidney’s, face, ribs. Anything I can reach, but it’s over all too soon as hands grab hold of me and pull me off him.

  “You stay away from her, you fucker,” I spit out, still mad as hell.

  I watch as he slowly gets up from the ground.

  “This ends here. You stay away from us, and we’ll stay away from you.”

  After a few seconds standoff, he nods his head in agreement before leaving the school. I don’t trust him, but I guess time will tell.

  As I watch him go, Bianca buries her face into my neck and lets out a shaky breath, sliding her hands inside my graduation gown and clinging to my shirt.

  “Hey, baby. Are you, okay?” she murmurs into my chest.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I ask Mason if he’s okay, but I’m not. Seeing him so angry and ready to defend me was frightening. My legs are still shaky after watching first the principle heading in our direction, and then his fight with Tim. I’m a grown woman, but the thought of being in trouble with the principal is kind of hard to get over, and if he so chose, he could have caused a lot of trouble. I’m just thankful he probably didn’t want the trouble.


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