Alien Rights

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Alien Rights Page 3

by Nicole Austin

Emily gasped as she began to move, floating from a somewhat reclined position, cushioned by air, to fully upright. She stared down at her feet, which hovered an inch or two above the floor, black cuffs also adorning her ankles, holding her aloft.

  “Wow, that’s really cool.” The cuffs were a simple concept yet far beyond any Earth technology. Her mind spun in crazy circles as she wondered what other amazing advancements the Ralosians had over Earth’s inferior technology.

  The light touch of a warm hand to the small of her back brought an abrupt halt to thoughts of scientific marvels. Shivers of need raced along her spine.

  “So soft and delicate, like the petals of a rare flower.”

  Delicate? Me? At six feet tall and lushly curved, nobody considered her delicate. At least, nobody on Earth. She had to remember the rules in space were different.

  Warm air wafted over her neck a heartbeat before firm lips kissed the tender spot behind her ear. She moaned, tilting her head to the side, an invitation for more. Kalgron didn’t disappoint. His lips brushed over her, slid to the curve of her shoulder and parted for an open-mouthed kiss. The damp tip of his tongue teased her skin, tasting her.

  “Oh Emily,” he groaned. “My need for you is so strong.”

  “Then take me.” She wanted him so much, nothing else mattered. She didn’t care what he looked like as long as he eased the fire burning in her veins. “Kalgron, please.”

  His fingers flexed before gliding across her back and over the curve of her hip as he moved to her side. The hand touching her felt large, easily spanning her lower abdomen. And considering he’d reached her ear with his lips, he couldn’t be short. She held her breath, anxious for her first glimpse of the alien who touched her with such tender care.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered.

  She didn’t want to but felt compelled to do as he asked. Kalgron moved again, placed both hands on her hips, his long fingers gently stroking the upper swells of her ass. She breathed deeply, drawing his heady scent into her lungs. A whimper escaped her lips as she sensed him stepping away from her.

  “Be at ease, Emily, and open your beautiful eyes.”

  “I-I can’t.” Oh god, she wanted to see him so bad she was dying inside but a sudden rush of apprehension held her immobile. She didn’t put a lot of stock in appearances and tried to judge people on their actions and personality instead. But what if he truly was hideous and she screamed? He’d dragged out the moment, made her wait too long. She couldn’t be sure how she’d react.

  “It’s all right, Emily. Open your eyes.”

  His wonderful voice melted her fears. She lifted her lashes while keeping her gaze cast downward, starting at his feet.

  Holy crap, those are some damn big feet.

  She recalled comparisons women often made about men on Earth. If urban legend were to be believed, there was a direct correlation between the size of a man’s feet and his cock. If that applied to aliens—

  Emily gulped, bit back a nervous giggle and directed her gaze upward. Kalgron’s skin—deliciously bare skin—carried warm olive tones and was hairless. His calves were firm and his thighs, corded with muscle, were thicker around than her waist.

  She hesitated, took a deep breath then lifted her gaze to his groin. Having a mere handful of examples in her past for comparison, Emily didn’t have much to go on. Kalgron’s erect cock was massive in both girth and length, bobbing happily above the heavy, solid weight of his taut balls.

  The helmet-shaped head was broad, a bead of fluid seeping from the slit to roll over the flushed, angry-looking flesh. Uncut flesh. Apparently aliens didn’t share the propensity for circumcision that the people of Earth did. As Kalgron’s fist stroked his length, the extra skin slid back and forth enticingly.

  Despite her desperate desire to continue her visual survey, Emily’s gaze remained locked on his groin. The slow pumping of his fist and the copious drops of clear liquid he gathered in his palm mesmerized her.

  She had to have that hard flesh. First in her mouth; she’d devour his taste. Then in her pussy, stretching her, pounding into her, taking her over and over until neither of them knew where one began and the other ended.


  The urgent need in his voice freed her gaze, which skated over miles of beautiful, chiseled torso and broad shoulders. All the way up to his handsome face framed by dark hair…

  And the scariest damn pair of eyes she’d ever seen.

  Rich, golden eyes that glowed and had elongated pupils like an animal’s.

  Oh crap! She bit her lip to hold back a scream.

  Chapter Four

  The hungry way Emily’s stare ate up his cock pleased Kalgron immensely. Her titillating thoughts on what she’d enjoy doing with him heated his blood. And yet her gasp upon meeting his eyes tore open his chest and ripped out his still-beating heart.

  She did not scream or become hysterical as other Earthers had upon seeing a Ralosian, but he felt her fear as a physical blow.

  Releasing his wilted cock, Kalgron closed his eyes and hung his head. He’d had such high hopes her brave, adventurous spirit would be able to accept him. Having that hope dashed washed him in depression. Her rejection weighed heavy on his shoulders as he began a hasty retreat.

  “Kal— No, wait.”

  He continued walking toward the anteroom.

  “Please, Kal. Wait! Listen to me. It’s not like that, dammit.” She huffed out a sigh. “You’re huge…all over. And your face is incredibly handsome but those eyes—”

  His heart clenched and breathing became difficult. He didn’t want to hear the rest and wasn’t certain why he paused.

  “You have the most stunning, arresting eyes. I confess, a bit scary and breathtaking and absolutely amazing.”

  “Is this good or bad?” He spoke in a low tone and was surprised she heard him.

  “Good, Kal. It’s all good. Different, yes. And also beautiful. The gold color is stunning and I love how they radiate a warm glow.”

  “Why do you call me Kal? My name is Kalgron.”

  “We’ve been pretty intimate and you’ve been nice to me. On Earth, we often use a shortened, less formal version of someone’s name when we feel close to them.”

  He turned toward her, still careful to keep his eyes averted. “You’re afraid of me,” he accused.

  “No, Kal, I’m not afraid of you. Please don’t go. D-don’t leave me alone in here. That does scare me.”

  “You’re afraid of the dark? I’ve heard of this phobia before.” He touched her mind, seeing that her fear rested on him leaving her alone and aroused.

  “No, I’m afraid of being alone here in this strange room. And um…well, I’m horny.”

  Frowning, he looked at her from the corner of his eye. “You look the same. There are no horns.”

  Her laughter was a soft tinkling sound he found very pleasant.

  “I guess that word doesn’t translate into your language. Watching you…touch yourself. It was sexy and arousing. It got me hot and um…wet.”

  Her earlier reaction forgotten, Kalgron looked up, his gaze shooting to her face. The side he could see was flushed. Her breast rose with each rapid breath, taut nipple standing proud and erect.

  “I need you, Kal. Please don’t leave me like this. Or if you don’t want me, at least undo the cuffs so I can take care of myself.”

  He glanced back at her face, his eyes narrowing in confusion. “What does this mean…to take care of yourself?”

  “To fuck— You probably don’t know that word either. To uh…pleasure myself…with my fingers. To masturbate. Get myself off.”

  He mentally directed the exomed to move her arms and allow her control. Emily gasped as her hands were repositioned close to her sex. “Show me,” he demanded.

  “Uh-uh. You first, big guy. Come back over here and let me see you.”

  He hesitated, not sure he could take another rejection on the heels of such a recent devastating blow.

  “Please, K
al. I’ll show you but I want to watch you too.”

  His feet were in motion before his brain accepted her invitation. When he stood before her, Emily tilted her head and stared deep into his eyes without flinching.

  “Your eyes are extraordinary. Rather feline.” A pretty smile spread across her lips. “You naughty boy. You can see in the dark, can’t you?”

  He scowled at her upturned face. “What does my ability to see in the dark have to do with a disobedient child?”

  “Now that look…” Emily shivered. “Damn, Kal. I can understand why other people from Earth would have been afraid.”

  “You are not afraid?” It wasn’t really a question. He could see amusement in her expression, not fear.

  “No, I’m not afraid. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  He wouldn’t but how could she know that? As if sensing his confusion, Emily reassured him.

  “Other than the human rights violations—which we will discuss in detail later—you’ve treated me well. My instincts about people are usually right on and they’re telling me you’re a good man.”

  Emily’s belief in him made Kalgron feel ten feet tall and invincible. Hope swelled in his heart. Being granted this special woman’s trust restored some of his dwindling faith in humanity.

  Throat tight with emotion, Kalgron nodded. Then movement drew his gaze down to Emily’s hands and he nearly swallowed his tongue. Her fingers held the swollen folds of her sex wide open, giving him a great view of one fingertip circling her clitoris.

  He moaned as his cock surged to life, filling with blood and demanding attention. Wrapping a fist around the shaft, he matched her rhythm.

  Emily’s sharp cries echoed in his ears as the piquant flavor of her warm juices exploded over his tongue.

  Kalgron blinked a few times, startled to realize at some point he’d dropped to his haunches for a better view. Only he did a lot more than watch. His tongue had joined Emily’s busy fingers, following her example, learning how to send her soaring with reckless abandon.

  At his command the exomed adjusted her position, spreading Emily’s legs wider, draping them over his shoulders. He prepared to spend a long time ravishing her.

  “Wait,” she cried. “Kal. Let’s sixty-nine.”

  He scowled again, his irritation at being kept from doing as he wished almost laughable, what with her cream covering his lips and strong chin. Emily racked her brain for a way to explain sixty-nine to her alien.

  She chewed on her lip, deciding not to wonder when she’d started thinking of Kalgron as “hers”. There were more important matters to consider.

  “Sixty-nine is a sexual position where we can both give and receive oral sex at the same time.”

  He added a snarl to the scowl, his darkened amber eyes shining eerily. Kal was scary as hell when worked up and she totally understood why he’d kept abductees in the dark.

  “Dammit,” she huffed. “Fine, I’ll get down and dirty and explicit. I want to suck your cock while you lick my pussy.”

  She shrieked as the world spun on its axis, causing her stomach to drop somewhere in the vicinity of her toes. Coming to an abrupt halt, she blinked a few times in an attempt to refocus on the up-close-and-personal view of Kal’s one-eyed monster bobbing merrily a few inches from her nose.

  Looking along her torso to where his mouth was once again poised between her wide-spread legs, she groaned. The ankle cuffs kept her hanging upside down in the perfect position. “A little warning next time unless you want me tossing my cookies on your cock.”

  “Less talk, more action, woman.”


  “Wait, all the blood’s rushing to my head and making it hurt.”

  He moved her again, thank goodness not so quickly. As she came to a stop, Emily realized he’d laid her down on the comfy lounger.

  Kalgron straddled her face, thrust his hips and tapped her mouth with his damp cock head. She licked her lips and sighed in delight over his sweet flavor, tempered by a salty tang. The perfect combination.

  Twining her tongue around the crest, she licked up all the pre-cum he had to offer before drawing him into her mouth. Hollowing her cheeks, she drew him to the back of her throat in a demand for more. She had to taste all of him.

  Kalgron dove in, eating out Emily with gusto, almost as if he’d been starved for her. His nimble tongue flickered over her clit, which he held prisoner between his teeth. Two extremely long fingers thrust into her pussy, stroking over the wonderful bundle of nerves on her upper wall before knocking on her womb.

  Her pussy spasmed as her clit pulsed. She wasn’t going to last. Emily struggled to hold back, wanting to bring him along for the wild ride. Doubling her efforts, she teased with her tongue while applying firm suction. She cupped his heavy balls in her palm and slid a fingertip over the shallow groove leading to his anus. As she circled his tight pucker, Kalgron’s cock expanded and his balls tensed. She had him right where she wanted him, on the edge.

  Abandoning herself to the pleasure, Emily pressed against his anus until her finger breached his tight sphincter and thrust shallowly into his warmth. Her efforts were rewarded by a warm blast of scrumptious cum filling her mouth. Shuddering with bliss, she greedily drank down all he gave her as a stunning orgasm blasted through her in wave after wave of scorching-hot ecstasy.

  Instead of using the cuffs to turn her, Kalgron jumped up and flipped her around, putting her head at the opposite end of the lounger. Emily clamped her eyes shut, waiting for the dizzying flash of motion to stop. “Damn, Kal,” she panted through the aftershocks rippling along her clit. “Didn’t I ask you to warn me first?”

  She hadn’t suffered from motion sickness in years but something about being in space exacerbated the condition.


  “Oomph.” The air rushed out of her lungs as ten tons of alien dropped down on her chest. “Kal,” she wheezed.

  Her eyes popped open to a big goofy grin and golden eyes shining with affection, his pupils dilated to plump ovals.

  “You are the naughty one, Emily. I like sixty-nine and we’ll practice the position again. But right now we’re going to fuck.”

  Still coming down from the fiery orgasm, she gaped at him, wondering how the hell he could be ready for more. “Don’t you need some recovery time?”

  His chest puffed up and his chin jutted out proudly. “I am Ralosian. We can fuck for hours without rest, like your Energizer Bunny.”

  Oh crap, he was going to kill her.

  But what a wonderful way to go.

  Kalgron’s knees moved between hers, spreading her legs as his hot, silken crown notched at her entrance.

  “Let me in, Emily.”

  His raspy whisper alone had her primed and ready. She lifted her hips, wrapping her legs around his waist. Kalgron’s enormous cock eased into her, stretching her delicate pussy almost to the point of agony. Pleasure and pain mixed, morphing into staggering sensations of rapture. It was too much.

  “Wait.” She clutched at his shoulders, her nails digging in for purchase as her body fought to accommodate him. “Too big,” she whimpered.

  Kalgron shook his head. “The scans proved you can take me. Breathe, Emily.”

  She followed his command, the breath she’d held blasting past her lips and she sucked in huge gulps of air.

  “Good,” he praised. “Now a little more.”

  “There’s more?” The high-pitched, whiny squeak sounded foreign to her ears but Emily had bigger things to worry about. Much bigger than she’d anticipated. Her head thrashed from side to side in denial. “No more.”

  As if he hadn’t already torn her in half with that huge battering ram he called a cock, Emily felt something slick and rubbery press against her back door. “What the fuck,” she yelped and struggled to get free.

  Kalgron easily kept her pinned to the lounger, which she realized served purposes other than a place to rest. Even the damn furniture was subject to the alien’s mind control, function
ing as a sex toy with a hidden probe currently seeking entrance in her rear end. His fingers brushed along her temple, calming her, and she suspected he was using mental manipulation as well because her muscles unclenched and the thin device snaked its way deeper into her ass. The foreign sensations stopped her from wondering what other feats the furniture could perform. She was already on overload.

  With her eyes closed tight, she focused on taking slow breaths as her body adjusted to Kalgron’s complete possession. Okay, she was stretched to the limit but in a good way. He was right, she could take him.

  Just as she began to believe she might actually survive, he started to move. The forward drive of his cock coincided with a retreat of the anal probe, ensuring Emily remained stuffed. He set a rapid, steady pace, which increased the concentrated friction over all those wonderful nerve endings.

  Damn, her alien knew exactly how to bring her intense bliss. Kalgron angled his hips, causing his pelvic bone to tap against her clit with each plunge, overwhelming her with sensation. There was no way to resist the multiple stimulations.

  Emily gave herself over to the extreme pleasure that sent her skyrocketing through space without a tether. Her entire body vibrated as her pussy and ass spasmed. Brilliant points of light streaked past as Kalgron took her to heaven and beyond, sailing with her through the stratosphere.

  She was distantly aware of a woman crying “yes” over and over until her hoarse voice finally gave out.

  Chapter Five

  Stretching sore muscles, Emily cracked her eyes open and stared out at a vast, inky-black horizon dotted with a million points of light. The walls and ceiling of the chamber were still intact but had turned transparent, providing an awe-inspiring view that seemed to go on forever.

  Her arms and legs moved freely and she realized the cuffs had been removed. The knowledge made her chest tighten. Being restrained had infuriated her but did the sudden disappearance of the bonds have significance? Was Kalgron finished with her?

  This was basically the morning after and Emily wondered what would happen now. Would Kal kiss her cheek, promise to call sometime and beam her back to the diner? Would he then continue to explore the galaxy, sharing sex with other female “subjects” along the way? The thought made her nauseous.


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