Taken Hard (The Hard Boys Book 2)

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Taken Hard (The Hard Boys Book 2) Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  He remembered what he’d promised her and had yet to deliver.

  “How long is dinner going to be?” he asked, nibbling on her ear.

  “As long as we want it. It’s in the slow cooker. What do you have in mind?”

  He walked her toward the door, then up his stairs, taking her through to the bedroom. “You’ll see. Strip naked.”

  Caleb stepped back, removing his clothes at the same time she did. Her hands shook a little, and as she got naked, he wrapped his arms around her body. He pressed a kiss to her neck, sliding his tongue across her pulse.


  “I want to fuck you, Lilly. I want to own your ass. Tell me you want that too,” he said.

  She moaned her answer and he smiled against her neck.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes. It’s a big yes.”


  He moved her to the bed. Flipped her over so that she lay on her back, and he spread her legs wide.

  Cupping her pussy, he trailed his finger through her slit, using his thumb to stroke over her clit. He loved how wet she got for him.

  “You want this?”


  “First, you’re going to give me your orgasm.”

  He replaced his thumb with his tongue, sucking on her nub.

  She cried out.

  His name echoed around the room like so many times before. She pressed her pussy up against his face, and he grabbed her ass as he ravished her pussy, rubbing his face against her as he brought her closer to orgasm.

  When she came, he swallowed it down.

  His cock already releasing pre-cum, he ordered her to get on her knees.

  She did so, and he grabbed a condom and the tube of lubrication. With her waiting for him, he slid the condom over his length and spread a copious amount of lube to get himself nice and slick.

  He’d take his time, wanting her to like this just as much as him.

  Approaching the bed, he climbed onto the edge. He was taller than her and he got her to sink to the right angle. He spread some more gel onto her anus, sliding it over, giving her enough to make it an easy entrance for him.

  Once he was satisfied she was ready, he put the tip of his cock to her anus and slowly began to press against her.

  She let out a whimper, and he gripped her hip tightly, refusing to let her go as he started to work inside her.

  “Push out. That’s it, baby. Fuck, you’re so tight.”

  “Please,” she said.

  He paused. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. No. please, I want this.”

  He worked his cock until his balls slapped against her pussy. He was deep, and he closed his eyes. Her ass so much tighter than her pussy.

  Staring down at her ass, the way she held his cock, he was close to blowing inside her. Gripping her hips, he retreated, taking his time and working his cock out. She gasped. He thrust back inside. Small strokes, designed to prolong both of their pleasure. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  In and out, he reached between her thighs and stroked her swollen clit. She was still sensitive from his previous touches, and she pulsed around his dick. He worked a steady pace, keeping one hand on her hip as the other brought her to a second orgasm.

  She cried out, and her orgasm set off his own. He filled the condom as he slammed deep into her ass, never wanting to leave.

  Afterward, they both panted for breath.

  “I think you just killed me,” she said.

  He pushed her hair off her face and kissed her. The angle was all odd, but he didn’t want to let her go.

  “Did you like that?” he asked.

  “I loved it, Caleb.”

  He wanted her to love him.

  Taking possession of her mouth, he slowly began to withdraw from her. “I’ll be right back.” He entered the bathroom and drew them both a bath.

  Caleb turned as Lilly walked toward him. She cupped his cheek and smiled at him. “There’s something I want to tell you, but I’m scared to,” she said.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. Whatever you’ve got to tell me, tell me.” He stared into her eyes, and she glanced down at his chest.

  She shook her head. “It’s fine. It’s not important.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

  Tell her.

  He had the engagement ring on order at the jewelers. It wasn’t due to arrive for another couple of days. He’d gone to his father in hopes of being prepared. Now as he stared at Lilly, he wanted to tell her how he felt, but it wouldn’t be perfect unless he had the damn ring.

  Chapter Ten

  Caleb had been acting strangely.

  Lilly glanced over at her man as they stood in the town square. It was a small picnic that was often advertised far and wide to attract tourists to their pretty town. Food and trinkets were on offer. Joanne’s diner had the main doors wide with tables spread out. Menus were everywhere. The bakery also did the same.

  So much delight to be offered.

  “Are you okay?” Eliza asked.

  Darla was being looked after by Jane and Theodore, who’d gone out toward the high school’s field to have their picnic. They’d all started out arriving together. As a family, they’d hugged, and that was when Lilly had seen Jane steal her granddaughter.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, why?”

  “No reason.” Eliza looked away.

  Lilly saw she was looking toward Caleb. “Do you know something?”

  “What? What could I possibly know?”

  Lilly turned toward her friend, tilting her head to the side. “You asked if I was okay. What gave you the idea that I wasn’t?”

  Eliza pushed some hair off her face and shrugged her shoulders. “I was just, you know, making perfectly reasonable conversation. Can a woman not do that anymore? I’ve just seen someone I need to go talk to.”

  She was gone before Lilly could say another word.

  His family was acting so strange around her.

  Was he wanting to break it off?

  Turning her back to him, so she didn’t keep staring, she paid for a single doughnut, thanking the woman and taking a bite as she turned back to the square. She’d always loved this fair. It wasn’t as large as the main summer fair, the one that came to town during graduation. This one was always small, offering only the very best of everything.

  Caleb joined her seconds later, his arm circling her waist. His lips brushed across the top of her head. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yeah, it’s great. You want some?” She offered up her doughnut and he took a bite.


  She gave him half as she finished off hers with a single bite. Lilly went to lick the sugar off her fingers, but Caleb captured her hands, doing it for her.

  “There’s something I want to ask you,” he said.

  “There is?”

  “Well, well, well, if it’s not the town whore’s daughter and the manwhore himself.”

  Lilly turned to see Tiffany, the waitress, standing in front of them. She had a bottle of beer in her hands. Even though it was only two in the afternoon, the woman looked wasted.

  “It’s time you moved on,” Caleb said.

  “Who do you think you’re both kidding? You’re both a big joke. Whatever this is, it’s not going to last. There’s no way you two can love each other.”

  With each word she spoke, she got louder, and Lilly noticed people had started to take notice.

  Aunt Betty made her way toward them.

  “You’re just using each other. No one is ever going to love you. No one can ever love you.”

  “I think it’s time you left,” Aunt Betty said.

  “You’re just offering her charity. She’s scum.” Tiffany spat at the ground near Lilly’s feet.

  Much to her surprise, Eliza and James came over, standing in front of her. “You insult her, you insult all of us.”

  “Oh, please, you’re all one big joke we all know it. He will never love he
r because he’s in love with me.”

  Lilly turned to look at Caleb, who shook his head.

  Jane and Theodore came into view, carrying Darla. Everyone was here to see her humiliation.

  “Lilly,” Caleb said. “This is how much of a joke we are.” He lowered himself to one knee, and the town went from mumbling their gossip to silence.

  He’d gotten down on one knee in front of the entire town.

  Her gaze went wide as she looked at him. “Caleb? What are you doing?”

  He smiled at her. “What I should have done the past couple of days.” He took her hand within his, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “Lilly Jewel, I wasn’t looking for love. I didn’t even think I was capable of it. You know my past. You know there have been countless women before you, but they mean nothing to me. You, everything about you, is perfect. When I look into my future, the only woman I see is you. You’re the only woman I think about. The only woman I love.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “You love me?”

  “More than anything. You own me, Lilly. All of me, and it’s yours.” He reached into his jacket pocket. “I wanted to ask you this days ago, but I didn’t have the ring. I finally picked it up this morning.” He pulled out a small velvet box. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “You love me?” she asked, repeating his words.

  “More than anything. I’ve loved you for a long time, but I’ve been too scared to say the words. I didn’t want to scare you off.”

  She covered her mouth. “I … I love you too, so much. I’ve wanted to tell you so many times, but I’ve been afraid.”

  “Will you marry me?” he asked for a second time, and she nodded.

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  He slid the ring onto her finger, and it was the perfect fit.

  Caleb got to his feet and pulled her into his arms, kissing her lips.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, not caring the town saw. Across Caleb’s shoulder, she saw Edward.

  Her father struggled with social events but for her, he’d been trying. She offered him a wave and he stuck his thumbs up and she laughed.

  Caleb pulled back, and she pointed toward her father.

  “I asked for his blessing, and he gave it.”

  “He did?”

  “At first, he didn’t think it was his place, but I finally got him convinced that he needed to step up in all areas.”

  “I can’t believe you love me.”

  Caleb stroked her cheek. “I can’t believe you said yes.”

  She pressed her face against his chest.

  During his proposal, Tiffany had been moved along. With his very public proposal, for the rest of the day, she and Caleb were congratulated.

  “I don’t suppose we could start not using condoms now,” Caleb said, whispering against her ear.

  No one was close to them, and she slapped his chest. “Be careful, anyone could hear.”

  “I don’t care. Do you think we can leave them out?” He pulled her in close, his hands resting on her back.

  “What about kids?” she asked.

  “I want a whole flock of them.”

  “A flock.”

  “Don’t you want a bunch of kids running around our feet?” he asked.

  “Why don’t we start with one and see how we go?”

  “So no condoms?”

  “Kiss me and we’ll see.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, and she knew deep in her heart, no matter what he asked, she’d give it to him.


  Three months later

  “You’re nervous,” Rome said.

  “Shut up, I’m not nervous.” Caleb glanced at the time, aware of the church full of people. Time was ticking on by.

  “You’re jumping around.”

  “I’ve got some energy.” He tapped his fingers against his pant leg and waited. Rome had been left with him at the altar while James went to go see what the delay was. It was no problem. His future wife who was rarely late hadn’t shown at their allotted time. She was currently ten minutes late. No call from Edward who was with her, or Eliza.

  He wanted to hunt her down himself.

  “Do you think she’d made a run for it?” Rome asked.

  Caleb turned to his baby brother. “Fucked your teacher lately?”

  “Someone’s being an asshole.”

  “Yeah, and for a change, it’s not me.” He shook his head. “You’re the only single Hard boy left. Make the most of it. One day, you’re going to be standing right here.”

  Rome smiled at him.

  “You’re supposed to be making me feel better, not wanting me to murder you.”

  “But I am making you feel better. Rather than wonder where Lilly is, you’re plotting my death. I’m being the perfect distraction.”

  Fifteen minutes.

  In the past three months, Lilly hadn’t displayed any worries or fear. They’d been happy, content to plan their wedding together. Neither of them was in a rush to waste their day.

  So long as they had each other, they didn’t care about anything else.

  “You don’t think she’s gotten cold feet, do you?”

  “Lilly, no. Of course not. She wouldn’t do that to you.” Rome stood close beside him. “So, your proposal, did you do it how you planned?”

  Caleb glanced over at his brother. “You were there.”

  “I know I was there, but I also know you’d been practicing it for a little while. Did it go how you hoped?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Totally. I hoped the woman I loved would be insulted in front of everyone, just so I could turn the moment into a good one.”

  “That’s sarcasm.”

  “I always knew you were the clever one.” He checked the time and still no show. This was starting to make him nervous.

  Glancing back, he saw people were watching him.

  “Can you go and check on James?”

  “He told me to stick with you.”

  “I need to know what the hell is going on,” Caleb said.

  He was about to go himself when the doors of the church flung open. “Patience, everyone. It will be just a few more minutes.”

  Caleb turned toward his brother, who headed down the aisle.

  “I need you to come with me,” James said.

  “Is she not coming?”

  “Lilly is here, but she … she won’t come down the aisle until she has talked to you. Edward and she arrived on time, but she wants to talk to you.”

  Caleb checked the time, and he didn’t understand why they hadn’t come and gotten him.

  Leaving his position, Rome and James followed right behind him.

  “We’ll be right back,” James said.

  His heart raced as he made his way toward Lilly’s rooms. Eliza, Edward, Jane, and his father were all outside of her room.

  “We’ll give you some time, son,” Theodore asked.

  Everyone but his two brothers left. Even when their father gave him a stern look, they refused to leave him.

  He knocked at the door.

  “Caleb?” Lilly asked.

  “It’s me, baby.” He went to push open the door, but she stopped it.

  “No, you can’t see me. Er, you know how we said we didn’t really want a perfect wedding and so long as we’re both together that was all that mattered?” Lilly asked.

  “All I care about is you, Lilly. What’s the matter? Baby, talk to me.”

  Lilly let out a sob. “I can’t cry. Eliza did such a good job with my makeup.”

  “You’re starting to worry me here. Do you not want to marry me?” Caleb didn’t want his brothers to hear her answer, but they wouldn’t leave. In truth, he needed them. If she rejected him now, he didn’t know if he’d be able to handle it.

  “Yes, of course, I do. I want to marry you. I’ve looked forward to this day for so long.”

  He smiled, and his brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Then, why are yo
u still in your room?”

  The door opened slightly, and her hand appeared, offering him something.

  He took it and she closed the door.

  Staring down at it, he saw it was a pregnancy test. “Lilly, I don’t know what this means unless you tell me what the lines are for.”

  “It means I’m pregnant, Caleb. Three months. We’re going to be parents. I’m walking down the aisle pregnant.”

  “No one needs to know that.”

  “It’s not just about the pregnancy. Damn it. I had the perfect dress, Caleb, but someone at the shop ruined it.” She let out a sob. “I won’t cry. I won’t cry.”

  “I don’t care what you look like, Lilly. I want you. The woman I love. The mother of my babies.”

  “But it looks a mess.”

  “Let me see,” he said. “I’ll repeat it, Lilly. I don’t care what you look like. Today is going to be the best day of my life, regardless of what your dress looks like. You could be in a potato sack and I’ll still love you.”

  She was silent for several moments.

  Caleb just wanted to marry her.

  “Okay, but don’t laugh.”

  She opened the door and then allowed it to go a little wider until he finally got to see her.

  She looked beautiful. The white veil rested behind her head. Her long raven hair hung around her in curves, but he saw the problem.

  The dress was a pale pink.

  “Er, what happened?”

  “The lady at the store put down the wrong instructions. I was waiting to see if she had one in my size, but she doesn’t.” Her lips wobbled. “I look ugly.”

  “No,” he said, closing the distance between them. “There’s no way you could look ugly. Don’t even for a second believe you can.” He pressed his head against hers. “Does this dress mean so much to you?”

  “Well, no, I wanted to look beautiful for you.”

  “A dress is not going to make you look beautiful to me, Lilly.” He smiled at her. “No, that’s going to come straight from you. You’re who I’m marrying, not a dress.”

  “You don’t think I look silly?”

  “Lilly, to me, you could never look silly.” He kissed her lips and he groaned. “I’d hoped the next time I kissed you, it would be as my wife.”

  “You look beautiful,” Rome said.

  “You really do, and if anyone says anything, point us in their direction. We’ll put them straight.” This came from James.


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