Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1) Page 8

by Ace Gray

  “Oh my God. You’re so wet and tight and perfect.”

  His other hand moved from my body to the window and he began rolling his hips against mine. My fingers curled tighter into the silk of his jacket. After a few tentative strokes he set a punishing pace. I could do nothing but hold on and dig in deeper with my heel.

  My view was consumed by Nicholas as he enveloped me. The delicious friction of his suit was making me build quickly. Or maybe that was just the way we were together. Every time he’d made me come it was frantic, almost brutal, and downright delectable. This time would be no different as he became rougher, racing to orgasm. My moans and gasps proved I was right there with him.

  Before I could catch my breath, the fire building inside me exploded and sent shockwaves racing throughout my body. He had to feel them rolling on his shaft. As it was, I felt like I was pulling him in deeper.

  “Fuck!” He cried out and came.

  I struggled to stay standing as I grazed my teeth along his jaw. Right up next to his ear I murmured his name. He was panting against me when he whispered, “Say it again.” He pulled back so he could look into my eyes. “Please.” He took my face in his hands, carefully cocooning it.

  “Nicholas,” I breathed.

  He pressed his lips to mine, careful not to flex his fingers against my cheeks. He was still inside me, and I was still clinging fiercely to him. The longer our lips mingled the more he twitched inside me. I kissed him deeper, and he slowly became harder than he’d been moments ago. It took all my concentration to pull away and whisper across his lips.

  “I want to feel your skin against mine.” I reached my hands up to his tie, loosening it.

  “Yes,” he nodded.

  I didn’t realize my hands were shaking until I started undoing his vest buttons. He kept kissing my hair and my neck. He bit gently on my ear lobe, making it difficult to move quickly. My body would betray me every so often, forcing me to meet his mouth and kiss him back. As soon as I could, I shoved his jacket and vest to the floor. His lips caressed my throat and I finally had a chance to take a deep breath. This man had made me orgasm three times and I still didn’t know what was hiding under those perfectly tailored pieces. I had to get him naked.

  I pulled his tie free and began fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. I finished them quicker than the vest, finding a little merciful dexterity. When I slid off his shirt I was rewarded with a perfectly defined muscular torso. Broad, athletically sculpted shoulders tapered down to chiseled abs and ridged definition around his hips. I couldn’t help myself when I leaned in and kissed his chest then licked his nipple. His answering groan was husky, almost pained.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck,” he ordered.

  I obeyed, and he lifted my standing leg to his hip. He quickly carried me to the couch I’d run my finger over earlier. We fell onto the gray herringbone, the blue accent pillows fluffed up behind me. Only then did he pull his hard cock out of me so he could remove his pants, socks, and shoes.

  When he was fully naked, I gaped at what a truly gorgeous man was crawling up the couch toward me. His hair was slightly disheveled and his mostly blue eyes were focused intently on me. Those eyes—the almost blue ones—pierced me. They sent tremors through my body, but rather than shocking the apex of my thighs, they quite unexpectedly jolted my heart.

  Before I could even think about the implications of those tremors, he wrapped his hand around my thigh and pulled my legs open, distracting me completely. His tongue started assaulting my inner thigh the way his fingers had in the car. He kissed and nipped and circled with his tongue. He deftly unbuckled my shoes and threw them to the floor. My fingers balled into the fabric beneath me. When his tongue flicked inside of me, my back arched and I cried out. He started to tease and suck on every sensitive spot between my legs.

  He shot his tongue into me with quick, teasing pokes, proving somehow more talented than his fingers. It was so hot, and he was so good, that he had me on the brink of orgasm—and consciousness—again. He’d said it earlier, but I thought he might actually kill me.

  Nicholas could read my body, and at the last moment he shifted up to kiss me. I could taste myself, salty and sweet, on his lips and tongue. When I sucked unabashedly his bottom lip he moaned against my skin. Still kissing me or my skin, he blindly searched for his pants on the floor.

  I hadn’t noticed before but the condom he’d had on earlier was gone. He held a new wrapper up to my lips and his sultry voice commanded, “You tear this time, Sweets.”

  Sweets? I like that.

  Once again I did as I was told, and he handed the condom to me.

  “Put your hands on me.”

  Taking my cue, I stroked him a few times—gripping, twisting and pulling—making him moan and throw his head back before I slid the rubber on. As soon as my hand fell away he moved inside me.

  It was different this time. Instead of the frantic rhythm from before he moved slower, deeper. He hit the end of me each time then slowly pulled almost all the way out. I moved my hands to his back, feeling his muscles pull and flex under my fingertips. I focused on the sensations he built inside me this time, delectable as they were. He filled and even stretched me. When the ridges of his tip glided in and out, I arched my back again. He caught a nipple in his mouth and pulled.


  I couldn’t help myself, and he smiled against my skin at his favorite sound. He moved to the other nipple, still sucking and biting.

  “Put your hands over your head,” he breathed.

  I moved them from his body and he laced his fingers into mine. Nicholas stretched over me and every sinuous muscle on his frame was highlighted. Our legs tangled and our lips pressed together until we had to gasp for air. He began picking up pace again, creating friction in his delicious way. My eyes fluttered shut as I relished the sensations coursing through me.

  “Open your eyes. Look at me.”

  His soft, gravelly command sent me into overdrive. It wasn’t very long before I was shattered by another intense orgasm. I felt the ripple from head to toe. When I lost control I shut my eyes again only to hear him beg, “Please, look at me.”

  My eyes flew open without giving it a conscious thought. His were perfectly clear; all of the troubles from earlier were gone. As I watched they softened further; unnamed and unfamiliar emotions danced across his face.

  Nicholas thrust deeply, stilled, and came with a harsh cry. He had trouble staying focused on me but I kept my eyes locked on him as he finished. Our arms and legs were wrapped up in each other and gradually more of his weight rested on me. We both grasped for steadying breaths as we laid quietly, covered in sweat. His lips pressed against my dewey skin and kissed my forehead reverentially.

  When Nicholas’ breathing calmed he slid out of me. I couldn’t help but wince.

  “Are you OK?” he noticed.

  “Better than OK. I miss you already.”

  I smiled widely and the boyish grin I was rewarded with floored me. It was at odds with everything else I knew of him. He stood and rounded the couch allowing me to appreciate his perfect ass. He had a certain swagger after sex that I found downright mouthwatering. I turned over onto my front to continue watching as he turned a corner.

  When he returned, he grabbed a throw blanket and slid between the cushions and my lounging body. He tucked a single finger under my chin to turn my head toward his. He kissed me deeply, passionately, then relaxed as he twisted onto his side to watch me. I rested my chin on my hands and admired the room. He began tracing small circles on my spine; I closed my eyes and smiled.

  “Why did you come home with me tonight?” he asked.

  “You mean besides the obvious?”

  “If you wanted to get laid I’d wager you could’ve slept with anyone in that restaurant this evening. The suit you were with was practically drooling.”

  His voice was edgy and I questioned how that was even possible after what we’d just done.

  “Nicholas, d
on’t be ridiculous. I was referring to the fact that we’ve had serious chemistry since the moment we met. I thought that was the obvious part.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, but,” he hesitated, “I haven’t exactly been good to you since that moment.” His voice was thick.

  “Do you really want to talk about this right now?”

  I opened my eyes and looked into his troubled gaze. Some of the darkness had returned. I returned my focus to his fingertips, which were still tracing circles on my skin. I didn’t want to ruin the afterglow.

  “Kate, I wasn’t lying when I said I was bewitched by you. That’s new for me. It sent me a bit…how should I put it…off-kilter. If I hadn’t been so worked up over you, I would’ve taken you home that first night and been done with it.”

  That was an answer I’d give. I rolled my eyes.

  “You were there with someone as I recall. Why didn’t you take her home and be done with it anyway?”

  It was an honest question. I was no saint and had acted similarly on more than one occasion. I was also morbidly curious as to whether he had gone home with her.

  “She was filler. After you, I had zero desire to actually fill her.” Anxiety rolled off him, making his shoulders quiver.

  Real classy, Bryant.

  I shifted away and studied him for a while. The deep creases across his face and his terse tone made me wonder if he’d enjoyed himself. Had he fucked me simply to get it over with?

  Thinking back over our past two weeks, I’d had some of the most erotic moments of my life with him, but each time he’d been distant afterward. Was this his way of pulling away again? Taking a deep breath, I sat up. The wall of windows greeted me as I swung my feet off the couch; my toes curled in the soft carpet and I exhaled deeply.


  He didn’t reach for me but he shifted on the couch cushions behind me. For just a moment, I contemplated storming off like his blonde at the auction. I wanted proof he wanted me. It didn’t hurt that he’d get a dose of his own medicine in the process.

  But I couldn’t and my shoulders slumped in defeat. My feelings were so strong with such little cause. I barely knew him. I hadn’t learned anything about him that wasn’t in print. Or about his body. I should have calmly grabbed my things and walked away without giving him a second thought, but when I searched my heart, none of that mattered.

  I wasn’t going to let him go, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with this, either. I stood without a word and walked away from the couch.

  “No. Please don’t go. Please!”

  He scrambled off the couch, knocking into the nearby furniture, then stopped short when I turned toward the kitchen rather than my clothes. With my back to him I waved him off.

  “Relax. I’m just getting some water. I may grab some more of that champagne.”

  “You aren’t leaving?” It was a small, boyish voice asking.

  “Wasn’t planning on it. Unless I’m being asked to?” I did my best to sound exasperated, but it was hard when he sounded so unsure.

  “No. No, God, please stay.”

  He followed me into the kitchen. I started aimlessly opening cabinets looking for a water glass. He pressed up against me and threaded one arm around my waist. I pretended not to notice, still looking through the cabinets. He opened the one I was reaching for and handed me a glass. I snatched it from him and filled it.

  He bent to kiss my shoulder through my hair.

  He’s going to act like nothing happened just now?

  I knew he was temperamental, but this was unacceptable. I pushed his arm away and turned to face him.

  “I don’t know why you just tried to push me away, but I won’t be jerked around. You didn’t have to call me the last two weeks; I never asked you to. I didn’t call you, either. But I told you to figure out how you felt about me, and what you wanted from me before I saw you again.”

  “I know exactly how I feel about you.” His face crinkled.

  “Care to share, Bryant?” I arched an eyebrow. “Because from where I’m standing, you’ve frozen me out three times now. I won’t put up with a fourth. If you just want this to be a one night thing, say so now. It was great, but I’ll grab my clothes and be on my way. No hard feelings.”

  I prayed I was calling his bluff. If I wasn’t—as much as it would tear at my insides—I’d walk out just to save face.

  “I…Kate…I…” he stammered. “I told you to call me Nicholas.” Apparently, it was the only thing he could think of; he smirked when he said it.

  “Fine, Nicholas, is this a casual fuck or not?” I was a little angry, mostly from having to lay down the gauntlet post-orgasm.

  “Just come to bed with me?” His voice got husky.

  I eyed him suspiciously as I leaned against the countertop. His brow knit further and further together until I grumbled, “Fine,” and batted his outstretched hand away. He pulled me into the private elevator anyway and pressed my naked body up against the cold paneling before hitting the small floor three button. He leaned in to kiss me and I shifted away.

  His answering snarl rumbled in the small space and he shoved his knee between mine, effectively pinning me against the wall. I craned my neck, purposely avoiding eye or lip contact. When the doors opened I wiggled out from under him and strode out like I knew where I was going. Bryant let me lead, adding only a quiet, “Left,” as he watched my backside stride away.

  As soon as I stepped into the master bedroom I was transfixed by the new wall of windows, these ones encasing a plush, brushed steel and pillowy white bed. I was attracted to them immediately and inadvertently imagined waking up in this room. From behind me a champagne cork popped. I turned to see Nicholas and found myself infinitely more curious about waking up next to him.

  Don’t forget, you’re pissed at him.

  I flipped up the comforter and jumped under the covers. I humpfed and tangled with the soft white sheets as I spun away from him and the door. I heard two glasses of champagne being poured but I still didn’t turn to look at him.

  The air was growing thick with our tension. Eventually, glass scraped against wood and the bed shifted as he crawled on. His breathing was the only sound besides the slight hum of the building and fizz of the bubbles. I was staring out the window when he shifted up toward the headboard. After a few deep breaths his head softly hit the metal behind him.

  “I don’t usually get involved. I know you heard Jaime ask if I needed to keep a car out front. That’s the normal protocol when, no, if, I bring someone home. Jaime has had to wait at the wheel before.”

  He sighed and I fidgeted with the covers.

  “I waved him off, thinking only of myself. But deep down I don’t think I can be who you need. I’m fucked up, and bad things happen to the people I care about.”

  I let those words hang heavy in the air.

  “Kate, I don’t want to push you away, but it gets overwhelming. I realize how much I care and how risky that is for you. Being without you hurts, but I feel like it’s the only way to protect you.”

  I had no idea what he meant but his vulnerability pulled at my very soul. I turned over and sat up to face him, letting the sheets fall away. His eyes didn’t even wander over my bare skin. They were that ominous, flat gray again.

  “I don’t think you’ll hurt me.”

  I crawled toward him and took his lips in a strong kiss. I pulled away but lingered close enough to nuzzle along his jawline.

  “You’re right. I would never intentionally hurt you. Inexplicably, you mean more to me than you’ll ever know. Seeing you in pain is worse than my own. That’s not what I’m talking about, though.”

  “Elaborate, then.” I knelt close, searching his eyes for the words he had trouble saying.

  “The people I care about, they get hurt. It always happens.”

  He shrugged and frowned. It didn’t make sense but he sure believed it. The clench of his jaw and narrowing of his gaze were severe to say the least.

  “Bullshit,” I said quietly but firmly. “I know first hand that life happens, which means bad stuff happens, but it’s not your fault.”

  I sighed and straddled him; his hands instinctively went to my hips. Before Nicholas they were my least favorite feature, but I was beginning to like his grip on them.

  “You don’t know what you’re saying, Kate.”

  “I do. I could say the same thing, but I won’t use my misfortunes as an excuse.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair again, combing it back. It was only just long enough to tuck behind his ears.

  “Nicholas, you never answered. Do you want me? For more than the next few hours?”

  I moved forward so I could graze his lips as I spoke. His eyes slowly lightened again. I gathered blue had some correlation to happy, relaxed, aroused. Gray was troubled, angry, or serious. He took a while to respond but his eyes said it wasn’t because he didn’t care for me.

  “Of course I want you. I want every inch of you.” His fingers clutched into my hips. “I want you to stay tonight, and selfishly, much longer than that.”

  That was all I needed. I kissed him again and tried to pour every bit of emotion I had into it to reassure him. I kept my lips moving, and eventually he responded, moving from hesitant to passionate. One of his hands held my hip while the other moved up and through my hair. I had one arm around his neck and the other gently stroked his ribs. When he hardened between my legs I took control.

  “Condom?” I breathed into his open mouth.

  He nodded to the bedside table and I reached for the drawer. When I slid it open I saw much more than condoms. There were handcuffs, dildos, a whip, and that was just what a glance revealed. I bit my lip and blushed. He noticed and any remaining doubt faded from his eyes. He grabbed my nipple and pulled. Hard. I cried out and slammed the drawer.

  I rolled back and settled across his legs to roll on the condom. He was smiling as he watched me. I positioned myself over his cock and purposely hovered, teasingly, above him. I smiled my most wicked smile as his fingers dug deeper into my hips. Electricity charged between us again, and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I slid slowly down his penis, taking in as much of him as I could. I would have been uncomfortable if he didn’t turn me on so damned much.


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