Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1)

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Strictly Business (Mixing Business With Pleasure Series Book 1) Page 15

by Ace Gray

  “The feeling is mutual. You’ve gotten pretty far under my skin.” Our words themselves were romantic, but there was an underlying discomfort to them. On both our parts.

  “Tell me something?”

  “Anything.” My eyes fluttered shut, fearful of what Nicholas might see there.

  “Did you prefer when you were in charge or when I was?”

  “I hate myself for it, but when you were,” I answered without hesitating.

  “Good.” He leaned down against my forehead. “I’m uncomfortable when I lose control.” Something about his look told me we weren’t just talking about the bedroom anymore, but before I could question him, he continued. “Trying to keep my hands off you damn near killed me.”

  That pulled a genuine smile across my face. “Nicholas, relax. We can do it your way. We can do it anyway you want.” I whispered into his ear before giving it a small nip.

  He moaned a heart-clenching sound then locked his lips on mine. I could feel his grip tightening and our bodies bowing together. The electricity between us crackled as if it had been multiplied by my words.

  Nicholas made a point to leisurely consume me until the wee hours of the morning. Worship poured through his kisses and expert movements. He pushed me and pulled me in any direction he pleased and they were all perfect. When I’d come twice he tucked me into the crook of his arm and purposely entangled our legs. As I drifted off, I remembered thinking he was holding on a little too tight, almost like he expected me to wiggle free.


  A blaring phone ring shattered the silence and my eyes flew open. Blazing sunlight momentarily blinded me. I squinched my eyes shut and groaned. When the incessant ringing continued, I pried one eye open and banged around for the receiver next to the bed.

  “Hello,” I managed.

  Not. Enough. Sleep.

  “Ms. Elliott, there’s a package here for you. We were asked to deliver it immediately.” It was my doorman.

  “OK, would you mind bringing it up? I’ll meet you at my front door.”


  I didn’t even want to move. I tried to sit up but I was still tangled up in Nicholas.

  “Bryant, get off, my doorman is coming up with a package.” I shoved at his arm.

  “Don’t call me Bryant, Kate,” he answered groggily. “And it’s my package. I’ll grab it.”

  “Why the hell are you getting deliveries here?”

  “It’s Tuesday morning, I didn’t bring an overnight bag. I have to go to work.”


  Nicholas slowly unwound from me and stood. He grabbed a blanket from the chair near the bed and wrapped it around his naked waist. I didn’t have the brainpower to be concerned that he was meeting my doorman in nothing but.

  Fuck mornings.

  They made me more grumpy than anything.

  Even grumpier than Gerald at the bank yesterday.

  I swallowed. The comparison came unbidden to my mind. All the questions returned and started pounding in time with my headache all over again.


  That was the only thought I could muster. I didn’t know if I was tired or just off balance; either answer was Nicholas’ fault. Part of me wished he wasn’t here and part of me just wanted to taste him all over again.

  Apparently, I need to make that a cold shower.

  Confused and thoroughly upset at being so, I darted into the bathroom when Nicholas started back up the stairs. I slammed on the water without any forethought and bolted into the stream.

  “Sweets?” My shoulders shot up at my nickname. “I was hoping you’d wait in bed but the shower isn’t half bad, either.” That husky chuckle laced his voice.

  His blanket hit the tiled floor a moment later. My hands flew to the glass door, wanting to hold it shut. But I didn’t try hard and Nicholas stepped in.

  “Whoa, shit! This water is freezing. Why the fuck are you taking a cold shower?” He reached around me for the knob.

  “Hey! This is the way I like my shower. If you don’t like it, get out.”

  I swatted his hand away. My stomach, heart, and head were all back to shouting conflicting messages.

  “Well, I’m certainly not getting out,” he sighed. “But it’s going to be tough to get it up, even with your wet body in front of me. They don’t say take a cold shower for nothing.”

  He was playful, my favorite version of him, and my stomach and shoulders relaxed. He came up behind me and started kissing my neck and wrapped his strong arms around my middle.

  “Guess you’ll just have to keep me warm.”

  My head finally relented and my heart took over. His smile unfurled against my skin. I was ready to turn up the temperature and fool around when the front door slammed.

  “Kate?” Laura called up the stairwell. “Kate!” She screeched when she heard the running water. “What are you doing in the shower? We’re supposed to be leaving in fifteen minutes for that workout. You’re the one who begged me to come! I cleared my morning. You wouldn’t need a shower unless you had dirty, sweaty sex last night!”

  I swore under my breath at the same time Bryant tensed. Laura rounded the corner and I knew she saw two bodies through the frosted glass.

  “Well looky here. Guess I should buy a lotto ticket because I just hit the jackpot!”

  She cackled like a wicked witch.

  “Shut the fuck up, Laura. I forgot.” My eyes bugged at her even though she couldn’t see. “And I’m taking back your stupid key.” My threat was empty; my chest and shoulders both got lighter the moment I realized Laura’s diversion meant I could postpone thinking about the Bryant-Vesper clusterfuck that was my life.

  I had to bite my lip not to exhale too sharply.

  “Look Laura, go downstairs, or better yet, the coffee shop across the street. I’ll be there in twenty.”

  “We won’t make it if you take that long,” she whined.

  Something was off if she was this moody. If I was interpreting correctly, she needed to talk.

  “I’ll make sure you have a car, that should cut your commute time.” Nicholas found his voice, tension obvious and thick in it. He kissed my shoulder but didn’t linger against my skin.

  “Well gee, thanks, Mr. Bryant. Good to know it’s you in there.” Whether something was up or not, I was going to punch her. “Now if you could send her out, that would be fantastic.”

  “Get the fuck out, Laura, or I will purposely stand you up.”

  “Language,” she scolded as she turned on her heel and headed out.

  “I’m sorry. I completely forgot about this.” I scrambled to rinse off and follow her.

  “Kate, stop.” Nicholas spun me in his arms, his grip uncomfortably tight. I couldn’t help but wiggle. “Is something up?” He scrutinized me closely.

  “I’m just trying to hurry.” Dodging him was my best bet.

  “You’re lying, which is something I don’t tolerate.” His voice was icy, and my temper bubbled up in response.

  “I don’t tolerate it either. You’d do well to remember that, Nicholas.” I pointed my finger sharply into his chest.

  “Two things, Kate. One, I have never lied to you. Ever. Two, I don’t like being threatened.”

  He wrapped his palm around my outstretched finger and shoved my hand down to my hip.

  My growl surprised even me. “I don’t like feeling threatened either.”

  I couldn’t tell if he understood that I was bringing Vesper into the conversation.

  “Do I threaten you?” He pushed me back to study my body language. His voice changed; it creased with worry.

  Maybe I was imagining it all. Maybe Gerald had put the thought in my head because he wanted to put a wedge between us. He had hit on me. It wasn’t very cunning, but then again, I didn’t suspect Gerald was cunning. It could have been to throw me off the scent of the real culprit, which seemed to fit his personality better. He—and everyone else—knew Bryant was my weakness. Page Six had seen to that.

/>   I looked up into Nicholas’ eyes. They were bright. This seemingly custom-built-for-me man wanted me as badly as I wanted him. My swirling questions quieted.

  “No.” I laid my head against his chest. “No, you don’t. I just let my temper get the better of me.”

  I kissed his skin under my cheek after I spoke and he let out a deep breath.

  “I only aim to threaten those who oppose me in business. Not you. Never you.” He bent to kiss me. It was soft and sweet. “Let’s get you out to Laura.”

  I threw on gym clothes and grabbed a garment bag for later. Nicholas slipped into another perfect suit. Would I ever tire of the way he filled out a tailored jacket? I sincerely doubted it. He caught me looking and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “The cars will be waiting.”

  Everything was off this morning, and the feeling that settled in my stomach confirmed it every bit as much as his steely eyes. I cleared my throat and walked over to fix his tie. I leaned in to kiss his cheek but he shifted and caught my lips. His arms wrapped around me tightly and pulled me to his hard chest. He kissed me earnestly, his grip viselike. I sighed and let him have his way with my lips; he pressed his tongue into my mouth and leisurely explored.

  I don’t know how long we stayed like that. But my lips went numb. Nicholas. I couldn’t breathe. Baby.

  “Can I see you tonight?” He only whispered the words as he pulled away.

  “If I’m free.” I tried to steady my breath.

  “Don’t make plans.” He was adamant.

  “What you may not realize is Laura’s little show this morning was a plea. Something’s happened and I don’t know what.”

  He nodded curtly and allowed me to pull away. As soon as we left the apartment he reached for my hand. We got into the elevator and I couldn’t help that my free hand reached for my lips. His haunting kiss was playing with my senses.

  Nicholas kissed my palm one last time at the car door. A few flashes snapped in the background but they didn’t pull my attention away from him. Not even when he turned and walked away.

  “I cannot believe you made it down here in eighteen minutes,” Laura snarked as she leaned against an idling Bentley.

  “Me neither.” I shook my head as I watched a severe Bryant fold into his car.

  “Everything OK?” She raised one eyebrow.

  “Fuck, if I know.” I rolled my eyes then turned to her. “What about you?” I patted her shoulder and frowned as we moved to the waiting car.

  “Am I that transparent?”


  “I broke up with Malik.”

  “What?!” I stopped short.

  “Hope this class is a real butt kicker.”

  That was the only answer I was going to get for the time being.


  She looked as tired as I felt.

  The class did kick my ass, and I relaxed because of it. I could tell Laura did too. As predicted she wanted a girls night and I begrudgingly agreed. The idea of not seeing Bryant made me jittery, but mercifully my day passed quickly.

  As soon as I made it home, Laura and I were laughing together in Louboutins and everything fell back into place. She helped me regain my footing and pre-Bryant fortitude.

  Laura had told Malik it was over because their relationship lacked passion. He’d buy her anything, dote on her, take her to all the social events; he was always kind but there was something more missing. For the first time in my life I understood this elusive more everyone kept talking about.

  Of course I told her to stay at the apartment as long as she needed, and eventually fell asleep snuggled next to her on the couch. When my eyelids finally drooped I’d been thinking about the difference between the two of us and wondering whether a balance between comfort and passion was even possible.

  I woke with a start, panting. Laura was fast asleep on the other half of the couch. It was still dark outside. Very dark. What had woken me? I stared groggily at the television which played muted infomercials full of too-bright colors and over-animated actors. The only sound was a phone buzzing in the other room. I ignored it at first, only to get up to grab it when it started buzzing again.

  Was it the phone that had woken me? No, it was something different. It was unease deep down in the pit of my stomach. My mind flew to Bryant and I was flooded with a sense of relief when I saw it was the office calling.

  Wait, the office? At four in the fucking morning?!

  I had something else entirely to worry about.

  “This is Kate.”

  “Kate, I’m sorry to wake you.”

  I recognized Durant’s voice right away. He was the head of my security team and generally protected all aspects of my business. His specialty was tech surveillance and defense.

  “It’s fine, Durant. Is everything OK?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m detecting a hack into the system.”

  “What? Fuck! How? Can you trace it?”


  I was up, tripping and banging around the living room.

  “I’m trying, but I’d like you to get down here as soon as possible.”

  “Of course.”

  This was going to be a long morning—probably my worst yet. I pulled on something resembling an outfit as I tore through my apartment. I shook Laura to tell her what was up and to make herself at home. She groaned before rolling over on the couch cushion to go back to sleep.

  My throbbing head could only be soothed by caffeine, but I didn’t stop for it. As soon as we pulled up to Vesper I ran through the revolving door. Security nodded as I hurried past. I pounded on the elevator call button but it was taking far too long. In a fit of impatience I trucked up the stairs to find Durant in the server room.

  “What’s the situation?” I asked breathless, more from anxiety than the stairs.

  “It’s contained now and was pretty amateur even by corporate espionage standards. Sorry I woke you.” He was focused but managed to smile warmly.

  “No, it’s fine, I’m glad you did.” I meant it, even if I couldn’t shake the grogginess from my voice. “How does something like this happen?”

  He held up a tiny little metal object that obviously plugged into a USB port.

  “This device was planted in the main server. It transmits information to this.”

  He pointed to another little metal-bug-looking gadget that gripped tightly to a thick black cable.

  “An offsite computer has control of the setup. Once they run the proper programming the USB device kicks on and transmits any desired information via the cable they’ve hijacked. It can basically send an exact duplicate of our server down the line.”

  “How did you detect it? And how long has it fucking been there?” I was trying not to let my temper take over.

  “We track all access to the server, and when anything out of the ordinary is detected, I receive a warning. I set it up so server activity can’t be pushed to a background function, and all access is logged. Any unauthorized users are flagged.”

  “How long, Durant?”

  “I’d guess it’s been here less than twenty-four hours because a hack like this, from an offsite computer at 4:07 in the morning, is very suspicious with the parameters I set up. If they’d activated it before, I would’ve caught it. And I can’t see someone placing this here and leaving it for days. Whoever is behind this did it in broad daylight and thought they were pulling one over on us. I don’t believe they got any pertinent information, though.”

  “Are you suggesting an employee was in on this?”

  I shouted then immediately swallowed my words. Durant was not to blame; he’d saved me and my property.

  “Sorry, Kate, but all signs point to yes.” He cringed as he answered.

  “Can you figure out where the information was being transmitted to?”

  “Well, that’s the thing. I already have.”

  He hesitated; his brow crinkled and his mouth opened a few times, starting
to speak but nothing came out. Pins and needles jabbed at my skin.

  “And?” Did I even want to hear the answer?

  Didn’t I already know?


  The last time someone had looked at me with that particular mix of hesitation and sorrow, my parents had died. Just like then, my heart sank.

  “Kate, it came from a building on Avenue of the Americas in Midtown.” Durant took an ominous breath. “One owned and occupied by Bryant Venture Group.”

  “Why would someone…” Dread filled my bones and choked my words. I already knew why. I even knew which someone.

  “Procurement of inside information is the only real reason to pull something like this.” He shrugged as pity filled his eyes.

  Durant’s words twisted up with Gerald’s from Monday. They mixed horribly well with the uneasy feeling that’d been haunting me. I’d willfully pushed my instinct aside, pretending Bryant couldn’t be responsible.

  Now I had proof and my stomach, heart, and head violently fought each other. I was woozy and nauseous; my breathing was short, my chest constricted.

  You’re going to hyperventilate.

  I couldn’t let Durant see how destroyed I was.

  “Do whatever the fuck you have to so this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.” I tried to hide my shaking voice and trembling hand. “Do you need coffee?”

  “No, I’m good.” He smiled a weak smile. “Here’s a report on the hack and the trace. You can take the USB piece, too. I’ll add my upgraded security measures to the file once they’re complete.”

  I vaguely recall nodding and taking the offered items. My words were flimsy when they finally tumbled out. “I’ll be in my office then.”

  My world tunneled and my head felt underwater. Everything was out of focus as I walked out of the server room. I made it all the way to my office and shut the door before I crumpled completely to the floor. I curled into a ball. I couldn’t breathe. The sucker punched feeling wouldn’t go away.

  I don’t know how much time I spent in that position. At some point I touched my cheek, finding a trail of tears.


  I didn’t remember crying. Something about the wet tracks brought me back to the present. I sat up so my back was against the office door and started systematically processing the morning’s events.


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