The Irin Chronicles Box Set

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The Irin Chronicles Box Set Page 18

by T. G. Ayer

  "She died." Evie's whispered words echoed around the angels cell, reflecting back on her the sad inevitability of a human woman's life should she chose to love an angel.

  "No." He got to his feet and shook his head, a smile curving his lips. In that smile she saw a little of the happiness given him by the woman he'd loved. "It happens sometimes. The woman survives. She was weak after the birth, but alive. We went away, thought we could hide our little family. But they found us. They came for us. They killed her and took the child. And I fled. I searched for her. All over the world. But I never did find her. I searched until I was captured and brought here." His words came out short and hesitant, as if telling the story hurt him deeply, as if just speaking it out loud ripped open the old scars of loss and pain. During their conversation, Gavriel had kept moving around, his chains clinking as he shuffling along on dirty bare feet.

  But Evie was no stranger to loss and pain. "I think I can understand some of that. My father left me with a friend. My guardian was good to me, told me much about my own father and his deeds. He didn't know my mother though. I've searched too. But my father seems to have disappeared. I'm so afraid he's dead and I may never know who my mother was. Or what kind of a person she was." Evie was unable to hold back the raw pain in her voice. But strangely enough it didn't embarrass her to reveal this part of her heart to Gavriel. He was the only person around that could understand what she felt.

  The angel lifted a rickety broom from the ground and busied himself, sweeping up most of the feathers which littered the floor, gathering them into a small metal dustpan. Gavriel glanced up at Evie, his hooded eyes seemed darker as he spoke, "What is his name? I may have an idea of where he might be, provided I know his name."

  Gavriel was busy tipping a dustpan filled with feathers into a black bag. Evie hesitated only a moment before answering. "Gabriel. That's the only name I have." At Evie's words, he froze, the muscles in his back stiffening, the cords in his neck tight. The angel turned to Evie as she spoke her father's name.

  "What did you say?" He hesitated as he met Evie's eyes then tried to downplay his surprise by concentrating on sweeping up a far corner of the cell.

  Evie repeated the name a little louder and kept a solid eye on the angel's expression. The muscles in his face remained relaxed, giving away nothing. He hid his emotion well, but not well enough for Evie to miss the expression that flickered in his eyes.

  "Who is he? Your foster father ... what is his name?" His cleaning task all but forgotten, Gavriel stared at Evie, his voice filled with a desperation unlike any she'd heard before.

  "Patrick Duarte. He was an Immortal."

  "The Grand Master of the Irin. Yes, I remember Patrick. He is good man. You are lucky to have him as a guardian."

  "Was," Evie said flatly the loss of Patrick still easily striking her to the core.

  "Was what?"

  "Patrick was a good man. He's dead." The words fell from her lips, each one weighed deeply with her loss. Evie felt tears fill her eyes as memories of her good friend and mentor visited her.

  "Patrick is dead?" The angel whispered, the pain in his voice clear to Evie. So he'd known Patrick well enough to care that he'd died. She watched as Gavriel frowned, then asked, "How?"

  Evie blinked back her tears. "Marcellus Bactor is how. He was the new master of the Irin. He ousted Patrick in what seemed like a 'peaceful' coupe," Evie said, forming quotation marks with her fingers when she said the word peaceful. "I'd suspected he had something to do with Patrick's death, but nobody believed me. Just before I discovered Patrick's body I overheard Marcellus tell his assistant that the deed was done. Only later did I realize the deed was murder." The single word echoed around the cell like an accusation. "Now, with Patrick dead, I'm totally alone. I'm more sure than ever that I want to find my parents. I need to know who they were as people..." Evie trailed off into silence.

  Gavriel sighed. "What did Patrick tell you about your father?"

  Evie twisted her fingers again. "That he was an angel who had fallen when Lucifer made his stand. That he longed to go back home, and had to adapt to living on Earth because of that longing. That he dedicated himself to eradicating the evil spawn of angels and humans, as part of his penance. And that he fell victim to the same emotion he despised in other angels. Patrick told me my father brought me to him because he was certain that my life was in danger. That was the last he heard of him."

  When Evie looked up she saw the angel's expression and her stomach twisted. She recognized pain and grief on Gavriel's face.

  "Did you know my father? He was also an angel. You may have known him." Evie looked at him hopefully, her gaze urging him to tell her something, anything she could hold on to.

  But Gavriel just shook his head and said nothing, his eyes now devoid of any emotion. Maybe the armies of angels were too numerous for everyone to know each other, Evie thought. Or maybe Gavriel had other reasons for not admitting he knew her father.

  She straightened, throwing her shoulders back despite the weight of her glamored wings. It didn't matter that he refused to help her. It didn't change her purpose. "I will find him. Even if I have to search my whole life, I will find him." She clenched her jaw, tamping down the strangest need to burst into tears. She'd always considered herself strong, stronger than most, if not all, her fellow Nephilim in the brotherhood. But now she felt helpless, nothing more than a lost child.

  "That is a whole lot of years to spend searching. What if he does not want to be found?" he asked, challenging her with his pale eyes.

  "That's preposterous. Why would he not want his daughter to find him?" Evie was incensed at the thought. More than that she was furious with Gavriel for even suggesting such a thing.

  But he seemed oblivious to her fury as he shrugged a bare shoulder and said, "Things happen, sometimes people want different things. Have you thought about what you would do if you did find him and he wanted nothing to do with you? You need to be prepared for all possible scenarios."

  Evie shook her head, every cell in her body denying the possibility that he'd just voiced. But even as she denied it she recognized the truth he spoke. She didn't have to like it but he was right, although the thought that her own parents would not want her was too hard to accept, especially now that she was feeling exceptionally lonely in the wake of Patrick's death.

  She stared at Gavriel but there wasn't even a hint of apology in his eyes. She tried to cover the hurt she felt with a small smile.

  "I know it is difficult to accept but you must be prepared for anything. Those who search may not always find exactly what they are looking for."

  Evie nodded then mumbled an excuse about having to see Julian before she hurried out of the icy cell.

  Hurrying away from the one place that had drawn her so many times. She didn't think she'd want to visit with Gavriel again any time soon.

  Chapter 3

  Evie made her way back to Julian's study, suddenly looking forward to sitting in front of the fire, looking forward to forgetting everything for a while. Gavriel's words had sown a frigid seed in her heart, for the first time making her feel unsettled about her relentless search for her parents.

  She pushed the door open and smiled when she saw Julian pouring himself a drink, standing beside a cart laden with the lunch spread. "Hey. You're back." When the words left her mouth she blushed and felt a little stupid.

  Talk about stating the obvious.

  Julian returned her smile. Leaving his drink on the bar he walked slowly toward her. They stopped within inches of each other, Julian's eyes staring at Evie's face, as if he'd hungered just to see her. "How are you?" he asked softly his gaze flitting over her lips.

  "Bored," she said with a grin. She felt awkward standing there in front of him. Until he rested his hand on her arm. The touch of his skin to hers set off a million tiny sparks, sending a shiver of anticipation up and down her spine.

  She moved forward and so did Julian, until their lips were a hairs-breadth
from meeting. Electricity sizzled between them and for a moment Evie's legs wobbled. She tipped forward toward him, reaching for Julian's shoulder to help steady her. Only touching his hard, muscled arm didn't help to steady her in any way.

  Touching him set her body on fire, and she felt him shift, move toward her. He cupped the back of her head, tilting her face, giving him access to her lips.

  And then he kissed her.

  This time his exploration was not tentative. He kissed her hard, with a pent-up passion that felt dangerous and delicious all at the same time. Evie's heart thundered against her ribs as she kissed him back. She curled her arm around his neck and pulled him closer.

  Julian’s lips pulled away and Evie was about to protest when she felt him kiss her just below her ear. The warmth of his lips and the heat of his breath sent electric sparks surging through her limbs.

  The door slammed open, the sound thrusting Julian and Evie apart. Pollo rushed into the study. In his excitement he'd thrown the door open without knocking. An oversight he didn't seem to notice.

  "Trespassers, Your Highness." He took great big wheezing breaths and bent over, looking like he was about to fall flat on his face. He stuck his fingers into his side, poking at a stitch while trying to get his breathing under control.

  "Trespassers? Pollo, Hades does not have trespassers. Everyone has a reason for being here," Julian said with a smile as he touched Evie's back tenderly, a silent apology for the intrusion. Evie hoped the rosiness of her cheeks was not obvious. Then Julian stepped away from her to face Pollo's agitation.

  Pollo shook his head as if to shake off his fatigue. The fiery thatch of his hair fell away from the pair of dark brown filed-off horns that sat on either side of his head. The faun's excitement was infectious and Evie had to admit she was now dying to know who'd managed to enter the Underworld and get Pollo's knickers in such a knot.

  "Very well, Pollo. Lead the way so that we can see these intruders for ourselves." Julian waved a hand at Pollo who blinked then nodded before spinning on one hoof and trotting out the door.

  Julian followed the faun, giving Evie a conspiratorial smile over his shoulder. Evie stayed close to him, her footsteps adding to the urgent sound of hooves and shoes on the smoothed stone floor of the tunnels.

  Up ahead, Pollo's ears twitched and he glanced over his shoulder at Evie. He threw her an odd look, one she wasn't sure how to define. Was he irritated with her? Of course, technically she was the interloper. Was Pollo one of Persephone's sympathizers? She wasn't sure about that. He'd never shown the goddess more than the required respect. And besides, Sef had her own minions willing enough to do her dirty work. Perhaps Pollo was judging her for her friendship with Gavriel?

  Evie's jaw tightened. She reminded herself that in the greater scheme of things the faun and his loyalties were the least of her concerns. Getting back topside was the most important thing to her. That and surviving the next two weeks.

  They followed Pollo back through the warren of tunnels while Evie tried not to spend too much time studying a certain shapely rear end just in front of her. Tried and failed.

  She hid a smile as the walked out into the central cavern where Cerberus had left Evie her first day in the Underworld. The same place she'd received the news from her half-demon half-human friend Caster that led to the death of Marcellus, Master of the Irin.

  Evie stiffened at the sight. Huddled and chained together in the center of the cavern sat two girls, surrounded by a quartet of guards whose spears were aimed directly at the pair. A little spurt of joy trilled through her, followed suitably quickly by a wave of worry. Both black haired and fiery eyes, the girls glared at their captors, their eyes promising vengeance as soon as their bonds were untied.

  None of the guards knew the power they faced as they pointed their weapons at two very powerful, and now very angry, Nephilim. Evie was both shocked and overjoyed to set eyes on them though.

  "Evie. Oh my, Evie. We thought you were dead." Ling struggled ferociously against her bindings only pausing when the sharp end of a spear was pointed perilously close to her eye by an over-enthusiastic faun guard. Way too close for Ling's comfort. And Evie's. A burst of irritation at the guards rippled through Evie. She was beginning to lose patience with the bumbling idiots.

  Ling threw Evie a questioning look, waggling her eyebrows at the pointy bit hovering near her cheek. Ash on the other hand, sat still and stiff beside the struggling Ling. Uh-oh. Evie knew the guards wouldn't have much chance if she didn't prevent Ash from taking her fury out on them for her imprisonment, however short it was.

  Ash stared down the fauns, her nostrils flaring as if they hadn't bathed in days and she found the odor revolting. Bound as they both were they'd been unable to shuck out their wings to escape the faun's clutches. A good thing as far as Evie was concerned. She rushed to their side. And when the spears were turned onto her in unison, she brushed them aside just as she heard Julian bark his orders to the guards to hold off.

  Julian moved forward as Evie made quick work of the rope, releasing both girls within seconds. She helped them to their feet to a chorus of groans and massaged butts and knees. Hugs were exchanged before the two harassed Nephilim turned dangerous glares at their former captors.

  Evie smiled and ignored the tension simmering between Nephilim and slightly embarrassed guards. "Julian, these are my friends, Ling Han, and Ashika Deva." Although the girls bowed their heads, neither offered their hands to Julian. That may have been construed as bad manners had they not so recently been abused at the hands of his own guards.

  He smiled at them, not in the least bit offended. "I see Evie's friends are as industrious as she is."

  "We try," Ash said dryly, giving Evie the my-what-a-hunk look behind his back. Ling's lips just turned up in a silly, infatuated smile that brought an answering grin to Evie's lips.

  A burst of joy filled her now that they were both here. The last thing she'd have thought possible was to have company while stuck in Hades. And at last she could share some of her fear and worry with her closest friends.

  Julian cleared his throat and said, "Come, you must have some refreshments. I fear our hospitality leaves a lot to be desired." He threw a furious glare at Pollo and his guards who all had the grace to stare at the ground. "Pollo, follow me. I'll deal with you once the ladies are safely in my rooms."

  Julian walked ahead and Evie followed with her two friends bringing up the rear. They said nothing as they traveled through the tunnels and Evie was aware that this would be a new experience for the girls.

  At last they reached the study and Julian shoved the door open and waved them inside. "Pollo, I trust you will ensure that sufficient refreshments will be provided for our visitors. Immediately." Julian's tone was clipped and cool as he stared at the faun, whose face remained implacable now.

  Julian left the room with Pollo in tow and Evie suspected the faun would be getting a solid telling off very soon.

  Ling sighed and snuggled into the cushions at her back. Ash cleared her throat. "So, that is the reason we haven't heard from you in two months?" Her tone dripped ice but the look in her friend's eyes told Evie that Ash had missed her. And been worried.

  "Two months? But I've been a little over two weeks," Evie protested, but even as she spoke she knew the Ash was right. Time moved slower down here in the underworld. Evie clenched her hands, curling them into fists. She'd wasted so much time.

  "Nuh-uh. It's been two whole months. And we couldn't take it anymore. Marcellus was getting out of hand and then he up and disappeared a few days ago. We had no idea if he'd found you and killed you."

  Though tempted to tell the girls of Marcellus' happy demise she wanted more information out of them first. "How did you guys know where to find me?"

  "Did you see Castor yet?" Evie understood.

  "You followed Castor? He will be hurt if he thinks you didn't trust him," said Evie wondering where the half-demon had gotten to. She made a note to send him a message
so he could meet the girls.

  "Trust is not an issue," Ling said shaking her head. "Marcellus' fury was something to behold. He focused on Castor for some reason and shocked the entire Brotherhood when he burned the poor guy's hut down. Castor was acting a bit strangely, and mentioned something about Marcellus coming for you. So Ash and I kept an eye out on him because we knew you'd want us to. Then we saw him run off to meet a certain albino demon. A little bit of prodding later we had the location to the entrance to this underground resort." She waved a hand airily around her head.

  "I hope you left him in one piece," I said, grinning.

  Ash snorted. "Don't worry, he still has all his parts. And for the record I do have eyes. That's a pretty hot demon if you don't count the albino part. And the demon part."

  "That's good. I kinda need him in possession of all his parts. Or else I risk losing his cooperation."

  "My pleasure. Although you should be happy we didn't have the old kill first ask questions later rule," said Ash as she studied her manicure.

  Ling snorted. "More importantly, we've found you. We knew it wouldn't be long before Marcellus got to you too. That imp is too unpredictable for my liking. We needed to do something. I couldn't stand sitting around on my butt anymore."

  "So... new rules? What about your missions?"

  "What missions? Once Marcellus found the Seals gone he ceased the seek and destroy missions and all we've been doing is school and nothing." Ling twisted her lips in distaste. "We aren't even allowed to leave the compound.

  "Not even the Humanitarian missions?" I asked hopefully.

  "Discontinued. Don't look at me like that. You have no idea what that pygmy has put us through. He knew he couldn't touch us, but we've been moved out of our rooms into dormitories in the old wing."

  Evie had to choke on her laughter. Marcellus, the pygmy? Too funny.


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