A Girl by Any Other Name

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A Girl by Any Other Name Page 20

by MK Schiller

  “I didn’t know she was dating anyone.”

  “I’m glad I can clear it up for you. Is she here?”

  “She’s teaching a class in the back.”

  I didn’t ask if it was all right, I made my way to the back. Luckily, Jim Morrison was busy with new customers so he didn’t stop me.

  I stepped into the small classroom area and there she was with about twenty kids of various ages surrounding her. “All right, ladies and gentleworms, let’s finish up.” They all laughed at her joke.

  “Miss Sophie, I got the paint on me!” one girl in pigtails cried. As I looked around the room, it was clear that these children were disabled. Sophie wiped the girl’s fingers and spotted me in the corner.

  “Almost done, Cal.”

  I nodded. “Take your time. Is it okay if I sit here?” I asked, gesturing to an adult-sized chair in the corner. She nodded.

  I watched as she treated each child’s painting as if it was the next Picasso or Rembrandt. Sylvie would make a great mother. It hit me that I really didn’t know how that would work. I had no doubt that I wanted a life with her, but how would I explain to Mandy and Momma that they couldn’t meet my wife? We’d have to talk about that, but now was not the time. There had been so many bombshells that I wanted to hold off on any more serious discussions.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket and I checked it. Tony’s name popped up asking me if I wanted to meet for drinks. I responded back that I was too busy. The fact was I didn’t like being away from Sylvie, even though she insisted we keep living our lives. I just felt a sense of dread when I wasn’t with her.

  Busy with what, Ringo?

  Tony texted back.

  None as in none of your business, Doc.

  Come on, Tanner.

  I have a new girlfriend.

  Can I meet her?

  I don’t want to scare her off yet.

  I replied as a joke, but the truth was I wanted to keep Sylvie to myself a while longer.


  I’m done with my quest. It was a dumb idea anyway.

  Let me know when you’re free.

  Will do.

  The class dispersed and an ambush of kids rushed out of there, leaving paints, brushes and half-done projects in their wake. Sylvie started cleaning up.

  “Let me help,” I offered.

  “I won’t say no. The paints go in there. Make sure the caps are on tight,” she said, gesturing to a drawer.

  “How does a girl with a degree from UCLA work here?”

  She shrugged. “I tried the nine-to-five thing. I really did. I got a job in the marketing department of a huge company, but it just wasn’t for me. This isn’t my ideal profession, but I love teaching the classes, and the discount on supplies is a nice fringe benefit too.”

  “Maybe you should get certified as a teacher and do it full-time. You’re very good at it.”

  “Thanks, but this is my favorite class so you’re seeing me at my best. These kids really love being here. They communicate differently and I think expressing themselves through art helps them.”

  “What kind of class was this?” I asked, putting away the last of the paints.

  “It’s for autistic children. There is a school nearby and I used to walk by there on my way to work. I asked my boss if we could do a free class if any of them were interested.”

  “It’s free?”

  “Yes, I told him it would be good publicity for our store.”

  “Has it worked?”

  She smiled coyly. “No, but don’t tell him that.”

  “You’re amazing, sweetheart.”

  She shook her head. “They’re amazing.”

  “You’re very good with them.”

  “They’re good for me, Cal.”

  We finished putting away the supplies and cleaning off all the tables. I wrapped my arm around her waist as we made our way out of the store. “Bye, Rome,” she said, waving to the man who had greeted me. Of course, the Jim Morrison-looking fellow would have a name like Rome.

  “Taking off?” he asked as if it wasn’t obvious.

  “Yeah. Oh, um, this is my—”

  “We’ve met, but not officially. Like I said earlier, I’m her boyfriend, Cal Tanner.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he replied, with a suspicious glance toward my arm around her waist, telling me he was not at all pleased. Yeah, back off, buddy. He cast his attention toward Sylvie, turning on a bright smile. “Are you still coming to my exhibition? I really need you there. After all, you’re the star of the show. There’s already buzz about the painting I did of you.”

  She smiled. “Of course, I’ll be there.”

  “Call me later,” he yelled out as we exited.

  “What’s your deal with Jim Morrison in there?” I asked when we were on the street.

  “Who—Rome? Wow, he does kind of look like Jim Morrison, interesting. He’s just a friend and co-worker.”

  “You posed for him?”

  “Yes. It’s my body, but my face isn’t in it.”

  “Is it a nude?” I asked, barely able to unclench my fist as I opened the door for her.

  “Would it upset you if it was?”

  I made my way to the driver’s side before answering her question. “Very much so. I’m not particularly keen on a bunch of strangers viewing you that way, especially Jim Morrison in there.”

  “Tex, it’s not a nude like you’re thinking. It’s more abstract than that, not a literal interpretation.”

  “But you were naked in a room with him alone, correct?”

  “Yes, I was, and nothing happened. We are friends. You have to quit being so jealous, Tex.”

  I took a deep breath, “In case you didn’t know, I’m pretty much a caveman, at least when it comes to you. I don’t like other men looking at what’s meant for my eyes only.”

  She shook her head, putting her arm on my shoulder. “I love you, and it’s really not that big of a deal. It was professional, and I think you’re overreacting.”

  “He’s got a crush on you.”

  She looked down. “I know. He told me afterwards, but nothing happened between us. I’ve let him know I don’t share his feelings.”

  “And you think that’s going to stop his pursuit?”

  “I think the smug way you introduced yourself in combination with your arm around my waist will do the trick.”

  Despite the intensity, I laughed. “I hope so, but don’t pose for him or anyone else again. It’s really hard for me to deal with.”

  “You have to get over this, Tex. I would never cheat on you. Don’t you trust me?”

  “It’s not you I don’t trust. Let me give you a counterpoint to crystallize my reasoning. Are you okay if I pose nude for a female artist?”

  Her face fell so suddenly that I smirked in response. She swallowed. “Point taken. I won’t do it again.”

  “Thank you, we can drop it now, but I’m going with you to this exhibit.”

  “Of course, I was going to invite you.”

  “Good, now enough salt in the wound. How about some sugar?”

  She leaned in and I met her halfway, pausing before I crushed my lips into hers. She moaned against me. We were both breathless when I pulled away. “I have to talk to you about something,” I said, starting up the car.

  “I’m listening, but I really hope we’re off the topic of Rome.”

  “Oh, I’m totally off Rome, and I’m glad to hear you were never on him.” She punched me in the arm lightly. “Will you go to church with me next weekend?”

  “That would be nice. There’s one I go to that’s not far—it’s non-denominational. Or we can go to yours too, I don’t care either way.”

  “You started going to church?” She nodded. “We’ll go to yours. I don’t have a church. I actually haven’t been in a long time.”

  “How long?”

  “Almost ten years.”

  Her eyes widened with my admission. “Did I make you lose your faith?” />
  I put my hand on her knee, squeezing it. “No, baby, nothing like that. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever prayed so hard in my life. Of course, Momma would have said I was doing it wrong. I made a lot of bargains that if God let me find you again, I would bring us both back to the church.”

  “Why didn’t you go?”

  “The church at Prairie Marsh reminded me too much of you, especially the swing set. When I left I just never found another. I didn’t want to go without you.”

  “Well, I guess we should make sure to go every week then, to make good on those promises since you found me.”

  “Actually, you found me, and I knew you would. I shouldn’t have spent all those years acting like such a fool. It was the way it was meant to happen, right?”

  She nodded. “What did you do to find me, Cal?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I shouldn’t have brought it up. I knew it would only make her feel guilty.

  “Please, I’d like to know.”

  “I annoyed everyone at the police station, the FBI and the hospital. Over the years, I hired three private detectives. They never found anything, but then again, I couldn’t afford anyone that good. Oh, and I wrote a book. I even stopped random girls on the street to ask if I knew them.” I chuckled cynically. “They all thought I was trying to pick them up.” When I turned back to her, I immediately regretted the honesty. She was crying. I pulled over into a vacant parking lot and rubbed her arm. “Hey, it’s okay. I—”

  “No, it’s not. I’m so sorry I caused you so much pain.”

  I wiped her tears. “I told you, it’s in the past. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  * * * *

  I made sure I was with her when I wasn’t teaching. I really didn’t like leaving her alone at all, but she insisted. I would have gone straight to her place tonight, but I had to change into my suit for Rome’s exhibition. When she opened the door, I had a hard time not insisting we stay in. She was wearing a snug fitted maroon dress that hugged all her curves perfectly.

  “Dayaaamn, girl, that’s a sexy dress,” I said, letting my eyes roam her luscious body.

  “Thanks, you look handsome too,” she replied, adjusting my tie.

  “Turn around for me.”

  She backed away curiously.

  “I just want the full view,” I added, twirling my finger in the air. She pivoted gracefully and I had a hard time trying not to get hard. I thought the front of the dress was sexy, even with its high neckline, but each angle revealed more skin and made me shift somewhat uncomfortably. There was a deep slit on the side, showing off her shapely right leg, and it looked exceptional, especially in the high black stilettos. It was also sleeveless, and…backless. I swallowed hard, wondering how she could turn me on as much dressed as she did when she was naked. Her backside was framed perfectly, like a work of art itself. I followed the curve of her spine as it declined into that sweet dip at the small of her back, before jutting out in the plump perfection of her ass.

  It was dangerously low where the dress started again, right above her ass. I placed my hand in the area, rubbing small circles. A woman’s body was all peaks, valleys and curves…and Sylvie had more than her fair share. I kissed the nape of her neck, inhaling her fresh scent. Her hair was up, but soft curls draped around her face. I had an urge to release all the safety pins holding it in place. I pressed into her body, running my hands down the length of each arm, and sucking on the soft, delicious skin of her shoulder.

  “We should go before I need to change my panties,” she said breathlessly.

  “You’re killing me in this dress. I’m going to be hard all night,” I whispered against her ear.

  “Let’s hope so,” she giggled. I smacked her bottom, playfully.

  I led her out, placing my hand on the small of her back, occasionally letting it slip lower.

  Before we entered the gallery, I took off my jacket and draped it around her shoulders. She looked at me quizzically. “I thought you might be cold,” I replied, trying to feign innocence.

  She shook her head, knowing exactly what I was thinking. She looked too damn delicious for me to let her walk in there like that.

  I got us some wine, and we walked through the exhibit. It was very modern art, and most of it was abstract. There were several artists on display and the theme of this event was the female form. It appeared as if the artists were taking something that was beautiful on its own and trying to make it look conceptual bordering on erotic…to the point where it was just a cloaked cliché.

  Rome stopped to chat with us when we reached Sylvie’s painting. “You look amazing, Sophie. That’s a very nice dress.” Nice? It was damn sexy as hell, and I didn’t appreciate his eyes lingering on the swell of her breasts. At least she had kept my jacket on. “Do you like the finished product?” he asked only her. He was wearing a taut paisley shirt and jeans so tight that I almost winced in sympathy pain.

  “It turned out really well,” she replied.

  I hesitated, finally looking at it, knowing it would piss me off no end to see her naked body on display. I blinked in confusion, perplexed by the large canvas. She had told me it was abstract, but I wasn’t prepared for this. It looked more like a landscape scene than the gorgeous girl beside me. I had just thought about how a woman’s body was all peaks, valleys and curves, and that was literally what Rome had painted without any clear perspective. Well, at least I didn’t have to worry about anyone else seeing this.

  “How many hours did she pose for you, Rome?” I asked him.

  “About six in total,” he replied, not taking his eyes off Sylvie.

  “It’s very…interpretational, isn’t it?”

  “It’s modern abstract, so yes.” He turned his attention back to Sylvie. “I have to walk around, but have a drink with me later, okay?”

  “’Kay. Congratulations, Rome.” She smiled at him and somehow this jackass took that as a sign to hug her. My hands twitched, but I let it pass. She was a beautiful girl and if I went around punching every guy who developed a crush on her, I’d be a pretty busy man.

  I stared back at the painting, putting my arm around her. “So, what do you think?” she asked.

  “Six hours, eh?”

  “Yeah, it would have been less, but he kept getting the lines wrong and had to start over a few times.”

  I felt the grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. I bit my lip to keep her from seeing it, but I failed miserably.

  “What’s so funny?” she demanded. I choked on a laugh. She narrowed her eyes at me, “What?”

  I couldn’t control it anymore. I full-out laughed so hard, people turned to look.

  “I’m glad you find this so amusing.” She clenched her fists.

  I bent down to whisper in her ear so we wouldn’t be overheard. “Baby, isn’t it obvious to you? That guy just wanted an excuse to see you naked.”

  She released my hold. “No, that’s not true. This is his interpretation of me. Jesus, Tex, that’s very petty of you to say.” She hissed the words in my direction, managing to keep her voice to a very low level, although she was shaking mad.

  I pulled her back against my chest and put my arms around her so I could have full access to her ear and she could clearly see the painting while I explained myself. “I know you’re an artist, and you know art much better than I do, but I’m a guy, and I know the male head—both of them—much better than you. Right now, I’m struggling whether to kick Florence’s ass or pat him on the back.”

  “His name is Rome,” she replied, trying to keep her composure.

  “Whatever. I’m not trying to be a jerk here. In fact, I think the idea was fucking genius as hell and very creative, but then again, he is an artist. I’m just being honest with you when I tell you that this”—I gestured to the painting—“has no resemblance to this.” I ran my hand down her neck, over the swell of her breasts and down her trim waist. We were in a corner and the way I was hovering I knew we wouldn’t be seen, not tha
t I cared, but she would. Her breath hitched with my touch. “I know I’m way too possessive of you, but it’s not something I’ll ever apologize for because I love you so damn much. And the fact is, you are too free-spirited and look at the good in all people. It’s the thing I’ve always loved most about you and the very thing that scares the hell out of me too. Do you understand?”

  Her body was melting into mine, and I knew from the way she shivered it wasn’t from the cold. “Rome wouldn’t hurt me, if that’s what you’re afraid of. He wouldn’t try anything.”

  “Did you ever date him?”

  “Is this your way of asking if he was my first?” She knew me so well.


  “No, we’re just colleagues and friends.”

  I was hoping for more information, like maybe who the first guy was. The fact that it bothered me made me a douchebag on some level, so I kept it to myself. But my curiosity and resulting jealousy generated from the way her eyes softened when she talked about that man as if he was very special to her. “I’ll let it go, especially since you agreed not to pose again. You can’t blame me for asking, though, since you’ve always liked artistic types. Isn’t that why you went out with Matt Sampson in high school?”

  She cocked her head, grinning at me. “I can understand why you might be upset about Rome, but you really never had a reason to be pissed about Matt Sampson.”

  “Why is that, baby?”

  “He’s gay.”

  I released her and spun her around. “Are you serious?” She nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me? You knew I was crazy jealous.”

  “It wasn’t my secret to tell. It was his and he trusted me with it, but I can tell you now since he’s out of the closet.”

  I pressed my mouth in a grim line, trying to make sense of what she’d told me. How did she know that? She put her hand on my shoulder. “No, Tex, I haven’t talked to him. I just know it because it’s on his website and Facebook. He lives in California now. I stalked him just like I stalked you and Mandy.”

  I nodded, chiding myself for thinking Sylvie would have revealed herself to someone else. I relaxed and broke out into a smile, remembering my interactions with Matt. “You know, I threatened him for asking you out. I wish I would have known.”


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