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A Question for the Ages (Questions for a Highlander Book 7)

Page 24

by Angeline Fortin

  “He showed himself a coward tonight.”

  Tam nodded in agreement with Ian’s statement. “Aye. Like father, like son.”

  “Dormer’s proving himself to be like his da,” Ian went on. “They crow about subduing women and relish in their fear.”

  “But they willnae stand up to a man in a fair fight,” Tam finished his twin’s thought with a sneer.

  “Bottom line, he’s unpredictable,” Temple offered. “We don’t know how far he’s willing to go to achieve what he views as justifiable revenge.”

  “His fixation makes him vulnerable, doesn’t it?” Piper argued. “You could use me as bait to—”

  “Nay.” Connor covered her mouth before she could say anything more. “Ye may be his one weakness, but I’ll no’ risk yer safety against his manic obsession. I have another idea.”

  The four men continued to make plans while she fumed in silence, the decisions taken out of her hands. She could argue all she wanted, however her wishes would be overridden in this particular democracy. When it came down to it, she couldn’t fight Rutledge and his men on her own.

  Her irritation didn’t extend so far as to deny the twins a pleasant farewell when they prepared to find their rooms for the night a short while later. In turn, they enveloped her in tight bear hugs and planted exuberant kisses on her cheeks. She couldn’t help but feel as if she’d gained two new brothers that night. Three, if one counted the more reserved Lord Temple.

  “Fine lass ye got here, Connor.” Ian slapped his brother on the shoulder. “Shame we dinnae have a fair chance to give ye some competition before ye won her for yerself.”

  “What makes ye think I won her?”

  Connor’s grumbled comment caught Piper’s attention and she turned to him with a frown. He’d drawn a step back from them, arms crossed over his chest and a glower marring his gorgeous face.

  “Ye get to be the one to carry her across the border, aye?”

  “Obviously, he disnae ken how fortunate he is, the galoot,” Tam complained with soft solemnity.

  Ian nodded and cast her a wink. “If ye grow weary of his taciturn moods, ye let me know. Dinnae wait too long. Scotland isnae far away.”

  * * *

  “What does crossing the border have to do with it?” Piper asked when they were gone.

  “Ye wisnae listening to the plans?”

  “I was busy silently fuming over my lack of control over my own fate. Why?” she inquired. “What is the plan?”

  “We discussed this option last night, aye?” He spun away and retrieved the small valise of clothing and personal items Edith had secreted from the cottage from the bed. “If ye wed, Rutledge will have nae advantage over ye.”

  Had that been only last night? A single day since she’d experienced the greatest joy of her life? Their night of passion had wiped her mind clear of much of the conversation preceding it, although now that he mentioned it, she did recall his suggestion that marriage would solve the majority of her problems. “The plan is for us to elope?”

  “Ye dinnae listen at all?” Connor shrugged a bit too nonchalantly as he read the realization on her face. “It’s the simplest course of action.”

  “Just like that?”

  He set the bag she hadn’t even had the chance to unpack yet next to the door in anticipation of her grand escape. “If the idea vexes ye, it need no’ be me.”

  Needn’t be him? The previous night, she’d briefly determined it couldn’t be him for reasons that no longer made any sense to her. Plan or not, as far as she was concerned, it could be no one other than him.

  Given his mulish expression, he did not agree. “Is this the reason for your taciturn mood, as Ian put it?”

  “Ye can tell them apart?” He arched a brow and set about removing some of his own clothing from the wardrobe. “My mood isnae taciturn. I’ve more weighty matters to consider than their roguish flummery.”

  “Yet you would have me wed one of them instead of you?”

  His head jerked, though he merely lifted his shoulder again and focused his gaze over her head. “They are all good men. If they had been here instead of me, any of them might have been the one to—”

  “To what?”

  His lips curled into a grimace, and at last, she understood what bothered him. When it came to his family, he never thought he measured up. Slipping her hand into the crook of one of his arms, she tugged until he lowered his eyes to hers.

  “You were right when you said you didn’t win me.” His body tensed, and she entwined her fingers with his. If only he could see how grand he was when he stood alone. “I consider it quite the opposite, you see. That I am fortunate enough to have won your esteem. Your brothers are amusing, however, they aren’t the ones I want to laugh with each night. Lord Temple is kind and inspires confidence, though it is not his arms I want to comfort me. You are the one I place my faith in. I chose you. I cannot help but wonder how you don’t see that.”

  “It wisnae a choice, lass. It was a lack of options.”

  Winding her fingers through his hair, she caught a lock and gave it a firm tug. “I could have every lord lined up before me or the whole of the British army to pick from, and I’d still prefer you above them all.”

  “Ah, Piper.” He took her hand and flattened it between his, kissing her fingertips.

  “What? Unless you’re disposed to argue the night through, I would refrain from debating me on the matter. I could expound for hours on all the reasons I’d choose you.” His expression softened into tenderness and she let her fingers brush across his cheek, enjoying the prickle of his whiskers. Enjoying touching him. As she always had. And always would. “There is no chance, given a hundred years, another could compare. My fear is that I have not proven myself worthy of one day winning your heart in turn.”

  “One day?” He shook his head and tugged her into his lap as he lowered himself into the armchair where he’d held her earlier. “God help me if ye put more effort into it. Mo chridhe. My heart.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in the crook of her neck. His hand swept up her back, over her shoulder, and down her arm in a light caress that summoned a sigh of sweet exhilaration from deep within her. In his arms, she’d found confirmation of what she already knew. That there was beauty in the world to outweigh the ugliness. Pleasant memories to be made to override the bad. What more could she ask for than to revel in all that he’d brought into her life for as long as she could?

  Urging his head down, she kissed him, pouring her heart and soul into it until her head swam. She paused, gasping for breath, and he took advantage of the moment to sweep his tongue between her lips. Tasting, teasing until her pulse raced.

  Could he see it? Understand it?

  Once upon a time, she would have thought nothing could banish the darkness in her life. Then Connor had come like the morning sun, bright and dazzling. He’d chased away shadows and brought the dawn of optimism to her heart and mind.

  As for her body…

  Well, he hadn’t necessarily proven to her something she didn’t already know on an intellectual level—that all men were not the same, that the joining of two bodies did not have to entail pain and distaste. She’d known as much in theory. What he’d done was encourage her to explore the possibilities for herself. He’d shown her the way to unimaginable rapture.

  He inspired her to take what she wanted without hesitation, but in doing so conversely demonstrated that in sharing both mind and body, there was something far greater than ecstasy to be found.

  Catching his hand, she guided it to her breast. He drew back, brows aloft. “Are ye certain, mo chridhe?”

  Chapter 27

  In the light of day, my new cottage is a haven where I can live some semblance of a normal life. In the dark of night, I’ve learned that there are worse things than being alone. Like being lonely. They are not at all the same thing.

  ~ from the diary of Piper Brudenall, July 1893

�m happy enough to hold ye in my arms, lass. It needn’t be anything more than that.”

  “We should all be able to make our own choices,” she told him. “However, if that’s what you decide, I’ll be most put out.”

  At long last, Connor smiled and the corner of her lips twitched with the beginnings of one in response. Because how could she not smile when she beheld him? Not love watching the emotion in his expressive eyes and know he cared about her?

  His mouth returned to hers, continuing his leisurely exploration. The smoldering heat of his kiss laid her bare, scoring her heart more than he already had. She’d never known such undeniable intimacy. Her soul wasn’t simply touched by him. It was lured by some unassailable power to dance with his.

  A more profound surge of bliss suffused her when he cupped her breast. She let it all go. Come what may, she was his. Anticipating a visit from him this morning after the passionate night they’d shared, she hadn’t worn a corset today. The heat of his hand seeped through her blouse and chemise, her flesh pliable under his kneading fingers.

  The brush of his palm over her nipple made her breath catch in her throat. Connor’s slight hitch echoed it. His mouth left hers, returning to draw lightly on first her upper lip, then the lower. His slow exhale brushed like a whisper across them.

  His fingers ran along the buttons of her blouse, and releasing them, slipped inside. Her breath paused in wonder, every touch—even the most delicate brush of skin against skin—did the same. Perhaps it would always be like this. She hoped so. For now, each caress roused a moment of surprise. Astonishment sent her pulse racing and delicious shivers down her spine.

  Connor ducked his head and the rough, wet stroke of his tongue replaced his fingers. He drew her nipple between his lips, flicking it with his tongue. Pleasure streaked down to her core and she couldn’t bite back a throaty cry.

  “Ye’re so responsive, mo chridhe,” he murmured in his husky brogue. “I cannae tell ye how it delights me.”

  He rolled her turgid nipple between his fingers and Piper gasped. “I can’t tell you…how it…delights me.”

  Her halted confession elicited a low chuckle that shook his chest. Another softer cry escaped her as his rough palm glided up her leg, teasing behind her knee until she bent her leg to trap his fingers. With a silky laugh, he watched her as he continued his path upward between her thighs. She hadn’t donned her typical layers of undergarments, either, and was glad for it now. His fingers grazed the curls between her legs, barely brushed them, yet she flinched anyway, enthralled by the power he held over her. A light circle traced around her pulsing core. Heart pounding, Piper held her breath.

  “Look at me, lass,” he demanded hoarsely.

  Opening her eyes, she met his hot gaze. His eyes dark, swirling with passion. With a groan, he dipped his head and kissed her with an open mouth as if he were as helpless against the pull of their desire as she.

  “What ye do to me, mo chridhe.” He shifted, precisely what she had done to him apparent by the hard length straining against her bottom.

  Piper couldn’t help but squirm. “What I do to you?” Her huff of laughter ended in a groan. She tangled her fingers in his shaggy hair and tilted her hips, eager to hurry him along. “Within a matter of minutes, you have me helpless and begging for you.”

  Connor lifted his head, the fire in his eyes scorching her before they grew heavy. Labored breaths expanded his chest. “I’ve no’ heard ye beg.”

  “Do you want me to?” His eyes flared in response. Wetting her lips, she whispered in his ear. “Please.”

  With a sob of relief, she clenched around his finger as he pushed inside of her. A savage rumble reverberated in his chest and through her. She clamped down when he withdrew. With gentle thrusts, he returned then retreated. A desperate moan worked its way up her throat. A second finger joined the first, curling inside of her. His thumb circled her throbbing nub until the heat coiled there spread like wildfire.

  Her head fell back. Her lustrous tresses spilling over his arm in a soft caress. Every moan and sob to pass her kiss-swollen lips licked at his desires. Each cry she strove to subdue was heaven to his ears. They drove him mad with lust and wanting. Her sweet body began to convulse around his fingers, and for an instant, Connor thought the force of her orgasm would ignite his own.

  Steeling himself, he caught her lips so that no curious ears would hear her as she came, denying himself the luxury of her exultant scream. The rhythmic pulses around his fingers were their own reward.

  With gentle strokes, he caressed and soothed until her lips melted against his with a rapturous sigh of satisfaction.

  “Lovely,” she exhaled, stroking his cheek. “Not entirely what I had in mind, though. I intended for us to make love together.”

  “Did ye now?”

  His body ached with such carnal need, the quip was a painful one. Every beat of his heart called for him to take her, plunder and possess. Hefting her in his arms, he stood and carried her to his bed. He tossed her into it and nearly fell on top of her, determined to do just that, when his rational, contrary mind admonished him not to abuse her vulnerability. To give, not take.

  Unaware of his conflict, Piper smiled up at him, tousled, inviting, and undeniable. A compromise between desire and good sense was needed.

  Connor shrugged off his coat and vest. Dragging his shirt over his head, he crumpled it up and tossed it aside. He toed off his shoes and reached for the fastenings on his breeks as she followed suit and shed her blouse. Kicking up her skirts, she bared her long, luscious legs to him as she removed her shoes.

  All thought fled him until they were hidden as she slipped out of the garment. Only her chemise and stockings were left to cover her then. The shadow of every rise and hollow showed through the thin white shift. The curve of her full breasts. The dark valley between her thighs. His mouth watered at the strain of her pink nipples against the taut fabric.

  “Nay,” he rasped when she reached for the hem. “Leave it on.”

  She cast him a curious glance but complied and motioned for him to finish his task. Connor shed his trousers and crawled over her, skimming his palms up her sleek body as he went. Under her chemise. His hands dark under the fine linen.

  Her thighs parted, inviting him to tumble her thoroughly, and he recalled himself. Looping an arm around her waist, he rolled onto his back, carrying her with him. Her lips parted in surprise and he couldn’t help but kiss her, though he kept it brief. Positioning her legs on either side of his hips, he urged her up. Her hair trailed over his chest in a tantalizing caress, although not one as provocative as the heat nestled against his groin.

  With a hum of appreciation, Piper spread her hands across his chest, fanning outward then down as every muscle clenched in automatic response. “This is nice.”

  “It can be far nicer,” he growled. Involuntarily his hips nudged up, seeking the paradise that awaited him. He clenched his teeth and caught her hips to hold her.

  “Your heart is beating so hard,” she whispered.

  Aye, and he was breaking out in a sweat fighting to restrain himself. Her wet lips brushed his chest and up his neck until his body quaked beneath her gentle ministrations.

  “Aren’t you going to make love to me?” she asked when he made no further move of his own.

  “Nay, lass.” Taking a deep, bracing breath, he let her breasts filled his hands. “Ye’re going to make love to me.”

  “I am?” She rotated experimentally.

  “Aye, mo chridhe,” he groaned. “Take what ye want. I want the choice to be yers. As it should have been all along.”

  She bent over him, her wicked gaze taunted him as did her silky tresses. Her tongue traced his lips. “You know what I want, Connor.”

  “Aye. It’s yers to take. Always.” His member throbbed impatiently, cursing him for such nonsense and begging him to ravish her. “Bugger it, this once, at least.”

  Grasping her waist, he hefted her until she was poised over hi
m. He slipped one hand between her thighs, gliding his fingers over her dewy entrance. With a gasp, she rocked against his hand. He positioned himself in place of his fingers. “God help me. Take me, lass.”

  Her sapphire eyes returned to his, bold and beguiling. She lowered herself, testing her position and the result. Her full lips rounded into an O and mischief sparked in her eyes. By agonizing degrees, her tight, honeyed flesh encased him. He bowed with the rush of euphoria. When she withdrew, a harsh shout was wrenched from deep within and his control nearly slipped.

  It was madness, this fervent, frantic passion between them. Combustible, as quick as a flame to kindling. It licked at him, threatened to consume within seconds.

  To burn within him forever.

  His hands clamped down on her breasts. With a shudder, Piper arched her back and slid down his thick length with a wrenching moan. “Oh, my God.”

  “Aye, mo chridhe,” Connor urged her on.

  She repeated the motion, drawing it out until her thighs trembled. His hands left her breasts bereft then his fingers dug into her hips.

  “All the way.”

  His hoarse brogue was pleading, begging as she’d begged him not long before. She wanted to give him everything he’d given her. Everything he wanted and more.

  Piper dropped down until she was seated to the hilt and was rewarded not only by his hoarse groan but by a sensual rush of her own. Rising, she repeated the motion with more force. It was exhilarating, taking her pleasure on him. Giving it in return.

  He met her with an upward thrust of his hips, his hands guiding her into a rhythm that left her delirious. Blood thrummed through her veins, tension coiled low in her belly.

  “Oh, Connor, Connor.” His name was both a refrain of appreciation and a plea for more.

  His fingers slid into her wet folds and ecstasy shot through her.


  Catching her by the nape of her neck, he pulled her forward to muffle her screams as nirvana called out to her. With a harsh curse, he slammed into her once more, flooding her with the searing heat of his release.


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