All I Wanna Do (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 1)

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All I Wanna Do (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 1) Page 10

by Kristine Dugger


  “I hate you.”

  I smirk, “You fucking love me.”

  Her bloodshot brown eyes look up at me. “What I meant was, I hate that you are right.”

  “Babe, Charlie and you are my world. I’m not afraid to say it. But I will hold off until another time.”

  She pushes me away and says, “You get our son back and I will show you how I feel about you.”

  I cusp her face. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  “Get going. You’re wasting time.”

  I let my beautiful woman go. She is right. We are wasting time. I look over at Ajax and he nods his head, signaling me to go. Frankie, Goldie, Ralphie, Smith, and I head out to our bikes and are on our way to get Charlie.


  This fucking sucks. I wish I could be with James as he finds our son. I want Richard’s balls. I want to rip each one off one by one. He will die a slow and painful death. Mama bear is ready to protect her cub. But the one problem with that is, I am told to stay here. James says I am safe here. But I am useless. All I am doing is sitting here worrying about my son. It has always been Charlie and me. I took care of him. There was no man to protect us. Now, all of sudden, we are needing to be protected. Nope. I need to get out of this place and get my son. Despite James being in our lives, this does not change how I take care of my son.

  Ajax is sitting on the couch talking with my mother. I need to get out of my house without him noticing. I walk over to the living room window and look out. My car is being blocked by Ajax’s bike. However, my mother’s sedan is parked on the street. Plan is forming. I can sneak to the kitchen and escape from the back door, run from the backyard to my mother’s car. First, I need to grab my pistol. The only thing holding this plan up is not knowing where my mother put her keys. I skim the living room. I spot her keys hanging by the front door. How to get those keys without being suspicious of what I am doing?

  Then it dawns on me. My mother leaves a set of spare keys in the junk drawer in the kitchen. I start to walk to my bedroom to get my gun. Ajax interrupts me, “What’s up?”

  I answer, “I’m just going to my room to get a sweater. I’m cold.”

  My mother feels she needs to say something, “Honey, it isn’t that cold in here.”

  Annoyed with my mother, I reply, “Mom, I need to get my sweater. The one I wore when I came home with Charlie.”

  Ajax and my mother, in unison, say, “Go.”

  Thank God my quick thinking worked. I walk to my room, go to my safe in the closet and pull out my hand gun. I look at my gun to ensure it was cocked, locked and ready to go. I grab my purse with a hidden compartment for a gun. My sweater is hung up. I grab it and smell it. Yes, that distinct newborn smell. Oh yeah, there is nothing stopping me. I walk out of my room and toward the kitchen. I holler from the kitchen, “Does anybody want anything to drink?”

  My mom answers no and Ajax states he is good. I creep to the back door. Crap, do not forget the keys. I maneuver by body toward the junk drawer and open it. I fumble through papers and other junk to find my mother’s spare set on the bottom. Score. I head back to the back door. A creak seeps as I open the door and out I go. Fuck me, I hope it was not too loud. Like a ninja, I tip toe out the door and across the lawn. I make it to my mother’s car and look toward the house. The silhouettes of both my mother and Ajax behind the curtain is clear as day.

  I am sorry about leaving like this. I need to get my son.

  As I open the door, motorcycle noises behind me appear. I jump into the car and start the engine. A ball of knots tighten in my stomach. The tires squeal as I peel out.

  Chapter 16


  We pull up to this douchebag’s home. The lights are on. He is home. I pray to God Charlie is okay. He better be more than fine. There better not be a single bruise on his body. I see one and a sadistic side of me will arise. I hop off my bike and head to the front door. Start with the nice guy approach by knocking on the door. However, I am sending Frankie and Goldie to the back to make sure this asshole does not escape from behind.

  Before I knock on the door, my phone dings. I pull it out to see I have a text from Ajax.

  Ajax: Hays disappeared.

  Mother fucker, that stubborn as hell woman. She is going to take matters into her own hands. She cannot be coming here. My son is already in danger. We do not need her in danger too. Fuck it. I pound on the door.

  The door creaks open and a young blonde opens the door. This is not what I am expecting. She asks, “How can I help you?” Her eyes look me up and down.

  “Where is Richard?” I demand.

  “He’s not here.”

  “Then where is he.”

  “I don’t know,” she said with an attitude.

  “Is this his home?”

  This bitch is annoying the hell out of me.

  She rolls her eyes, “He left with his son about an hour ago.”

  It is the middle of the night. Does she not find this odd for him to take his son somewhere? And who the hell is she?

  Smith senses my frustrations. He speaks, “Hey, beautiful! We need some help here. See, that kid he has is not his son. He is my friend’s son.”

  Her baby blue eyes widen. “Um, what?”

  Fucking Smith is putting on the charm. “You think you can help us out. And we will make sure a pretty girl like you gets taken care of too.”

  She flutters her eyes and starts to twirl her hair. “Well, he said something about taking Charlie to the park. I thought it was weird why he would take a toddler to the park in the middle of the night. He said his son is allergic to daylight.”

  I hold in my laugh because she believed it.

  Smith continues to ask, “Sweetie, you are being really helpful. Do you know what park he took him to?”

  “Could be. What am I going to get from you if I tell you?”

  He smirks, “Doll face, whatever you are imagining in the beautiful head of yours.”

  Fucker is hitting on this girl to find my son. I don’t really care. It’s doing the job.

  She answers, “Tumble Park. The one off Sunset and 86th.”

  He leans down toward her and kisses her cheek. “Gorgeous, you have been a lot of help. Get in your car and I will meet you in a few hours at Ralphie’s garage. You know where that is?”

  Once I hear her say which park, I turn around, letting them finish their scheduled hook up time. Dumb bitch has no idea that he is going to fuck her and be done.

  Ralphie is on his bike waiting for me. Goldie and Frankie run from the backyard and hop on their bikes. Then it smacks me in the face. Hayden. She is on her way here. I look at Ralphie and Goldie and ask, “Will you stay here? Hays snuck out.”

  Ralphie laughs, “She is stubborn like her mother. I will stay. Golds?”

  Goldie looks at me and says, “I’m here.”

  By the time we are done discussing the arrangement, Smith is with us. He smirks, “Let’s get this fucker. I have an easy blonde waiting for me.”

  I shake my head at him and we ride off for Tumble Park.


  Creeping in my mother’s sedan, turning the lights off, I approach Tumble Park. My motherly intuition kicked in. Richard always talked about us having children and taking them to the park that was named after his grandfather. I never quite understood his obsession with this park. Yeah, I get that it is in his family’s name, but he took me on several dates here. He would ramble on and on about how his father would promise to take him here. His father never did, though. Richard said it is important to keep promises. Then it hit me again, I would never let him take Charlie to this park. I just found his obsession with this park unusual. Unless I was going to be with them; we could go together. But Richard always stated it was something that Charlie and he had to do for bonding purposes.

  Oh fuck. What is he doing to my son?

  I park the car and run toward the park. It is midnight black out with nothing but the s
tars and crescent moon providing light. I make it to the park and look around. Nothing yet. My mind is becoming frazzled, thinking of what he is doing to Charlie. Then I see the bathroom hut. Please tell me he is there but not. I run faster to the hut.

  I hear crying, “Let me go. I want my mommy.”

  Then a male voice, “Shut up. You’re going to be quiet and do as I say. Lay down and be a good boy.”

  Oh my God. I reach for my gun, now stashed behind my back. I pull back the hammer. Ready to aim and fire at Richard. Then a deep voice whispers, “Babe, give me your gun. I will take care of Richard and you grab Charlie and get the hell out of here. Okay?”

  I quiver, “Okay. We need to get him now.”

  “Stay behind me.”

  I hand over my gun to James and follow behind him. Charlie cries again, “Don’t touch me. I want my daddy.”

  Richard snaps, “Your daddy isn’t coming.”

  Without even checking to see if it is unlocked, James kicks down the door and Charlie has his pants around his ankles. Oh my God. We got here just in time.

  James charges at Richard and tackles him to the ground. I run to Charlie and pick him up. Tears are streaming down his precious little cheeks. He screams, “Mommy.”

  I wrap my arms around him tightly, moving his head onto my shoulder, not allowing him to see his father demolish this child molester.

  Running with Charlie grasping onto me for dear life, I see the boys hopping off their bikes, running toward us. Ajax is the first to approach us. I scream, “Call the cops.”

  Smith behind him says, “They are on their way.”

  A gun fires. I turn around with Charlie in my arms. Another shot fires off.

  I yell at Ralphie, “Please take him to my mom’s car now.”

  Ralphie grabs Charlie and starts to carry him. Charlie is no longer crying. This is good. Once I know Charlie is good, I run down to the bathroom hut. James comes out of the bathroom holding onto his shoulder. Fuck, he has been shot. Ajax and Smith are with me while Goldie and Frankie stay with Ralphie.

  I run to James and say, “Baby.” I wrap my arms around him. Blood is oozing from his shoulder. I look at him and sob, “James, you’re bleeding.”

  His non-bleeding arm wraps around my waist and he plants a kiss on my head and says, “Babe, I’m fine but Richard isn’t so hot.”

  “I heard multiple shots. What happened?”

  “He’s not dead, honey. I shot him in the knee and then knocked him out. I will let the boys in blue handle him. How is Charlie?”

  I bawl, “He is better but clearly in shock and scared.”

  “Babe, go to our son.”

  “Not without you. We are in this together. He needs us both.” I squirm from his hold and grab his hand. “Let’s go. The police are on their way.”

  Hand and hand, we walk to the sedan where Ralphie is holding our son. Red and blue lights appear, and sirens grow louder. I stop James before we get to our son and say, “James, I need to tell you something.”

  He answers, “What, babe?”

  “I fucking love you.”

  He smirks, “Babe, I’ve loved you since the day I set eyes on you five years ago.”


  “You and I both know that night was magical. Now, let’s take care of our son.”

  We open the car door and Ralphie hands Charlie back to me. Charlie hugs me as tight as his little arms allow him to. Then he reaches for James and does the same. James puts his hand in Charlie’s hair and says, “Charlie, daddy’s got you. We will never let anybody hurt you again.”

  Charlie begins to cry. I look up at James and tears are streaming down his cheeks. Now, the water works have begun with me. I wrap my arms around my man, who is holding our son. One big hug. These two are my everything. I hate that this has happened, but it has definitely brought us together as a family and introduced Charlie and I to an extended family. My man’s brothers with Hell’s Phoenix Motorcycle Club.

  Chapter 17


  Charlie is nestled up next to Hayden, my woman and son looking peaceful. Like whatever happened last night was just a horrific nightmare. We all know it wasn’t, though. This whole situation freaks me the hell out. If I did not step into the picture, would this have happened and no one to rescue them. I wanted to kill the asshole for potentially harming my son. Since he is four, I am hoping and praying this will just be a figment of his memory. Then there is Hayden. I know the mama bear in her will be in full force. And papa bear will be right next to her.

  I pick up Charlie first and carry him to Hayden’s bedroom. Hayden is next. I want both of them close to me. I am never leaving here. I have a lot to figure out. I just hope Hayden is receptive to the changes that are about to happen. She and I have started off strong and I just know damn well we will continue. My love for both of them is unconditional. Yes, I love Hayden. I never thought this would happen so quickly. But I look at her and there is no other. My life has become complete with both Charlie and her.

  After I carry Hayden to bed, I walk out to the living room to see my douche bag of a best friend sitting on the couch. I sit next to him. His blues look at me. He comments, “Bro, I’m sorry about earlier. I had no idea you were going to see me like that.”

  I laugh, “I’m just glad it was me and not Charlie or Hayden.”

  His eyes widen. “Fuck, dude, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of that.”

  “No worries, man. You are not used to having a woman and kid around the house. Which is something I need to talk to you about since your ass is still here?”

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m moving out of my house and moving here.”

  He smirks, “Does Hays know that?”

  “Not yet. But after all this mess, things are changing. I don’t care if I live with her mother and her, I just want to be here.”

  “Yeah, I will rent out your house. Frankie could move in with Smith and me. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “I’m still in shock over last night.”

  “Me too. And Hays and Charlie are not even mine. I was pissed and scared. You think little man will be all right? Shit is beyond fucked up.”

  “We will get him through this.”

  “Well, your family is here, and we got your back.”

  “I know. Thanks for being there for us. You are my brother.”

  “Anything for you, man.” Ajax gets up from the couch. “I need to get going.”

  I smirk at him. “Get going to your distraction.”

  He grins, “We’ll see about that.”

  “Which one is she? The one with the heels.”

  “Something like that.”

  I laugh at his statement. Ajax has never been one to admit a woman is getting under his skin. Before Hayden, I was like that as well. Only one woman can ride on the back of my bike and it is Hayden. Not even Dallas was allowed to saddle up. Ajax has to be happy that Dallas is now nothing but a past. It will be interesting when Dallas and Hayden meet. Women can be funny sometimes and I am unsure how it will go. One of these days. One of these days.


  The following evening, I wake up snuggled next to Charlie and James. The hold James has on Charlie and I shows there is no letting go. No one will harm us again. I am so damn grateful that he was brought into our life. I wish I would have found him sooner, so we could have created a different life for Charlie. Our son is young, and he will hopefully forget this nightmare. I will never forget it. James won’t forget it either. Moving past this is going to require years of therapy. I know one thing for sure, no one will hurt my Charlie again. I will not allow it. James won’t either. We are in this together. That man came through when we needed him. And the way I feel about him is a whole different story. He put himself in harm’s way to protect Charlie and me. This is happening so fast. Like scary fast. I have fallen in love before but not like this. I want him with me all the time. I want to wake up every morning in his massive arms. This is home
to me. Us three together. The father of my son with us all the time. This extremely independent woman is going to be extremely codependent in the life of James and Hayden.

  I squirm out of his hold. Charlie curls up more in the comforter. James stirs but does not awaken. I get up from the bed and head to the kitchen. Coffee is a must. Things are changing rapidly in my life. The control I once had is starting to loosen. Go with the flow is more like it. Saddle up and enjoy the ride. That very ride is my new life with James. I start to make the coffee when massive arms wrap around my waist and a soft kiss is planted on my neck. I turn my body around to come face to face with James. My lashes flutter, my lips pucker, and we kiss. Our tongues passionately dance. His embrace on me becomes firmer. I wrap my slender arms around him, holding him as if I never want to let him go.

  I pull away and say, “James.”

  He replies, “Hays.”

  “I love you.”

  He grabs my chin and tilts it up more toward him. “Babe, you know damn well I love you. You are stuck with me.”

  We kiss once more.

  I start to giggle, “Like cement glue?”

  “Are you serious?”



  “I suggest you start packing. It is time this family live as a family.”

  James starts to chuckle, “Well, that was easier than I thought it would be.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I was going to tell you that I was moving in whether you liked it or not.”

  “Whether I liked it or not, eh? Well, I guess you’re lucky I like it. Charlie is going to be excited.”

  “He will be ecstatic.”


  “Again, yeah.”

  “You don’t think we are moving too fast?”

  “Do you?”

  “Not really. I feel like I have been waiting for you to come back into my life without really knowing it.”

  His grip becomes tighter. “Babe, five years of wondering where you have been is long enough. I don’t want to waste another minute away from you and Charlie. You are my family.”


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