The Royally Divine

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The Royally Divine Page 8

by Ember Rain

  “H-how, angels here.” He says through the thickness of the blood pooling around his face before his eyes close shut and his body ceases to move.

  Gunner reaches for the mysterious attacker whose face is hidden by a dark hood pulled over his head. The stranger is wearing a long black jacket and his face is so covered I can’t see who it is who’s attacking the guards. The newer guard is dead for good now, his soul gone to hell forever now belonging to my grandfather. Four other strangers dressed in identical hooded shirts and long jackets are with the killer. They are standing silently behind him in the room. One faces the crashed in door to stand watch of any incoming resistance from anyone else.

  “A-angel’s? In the underworld.” Gunner stammers before another one of the hooded figures jumps into the air behind him cutting him down with double short blades across the back of his neck before he could utter another word.

  I back up to the back of my cell and try to blend myself into the wall to hide from the attackers. Gunner had said angels; they have been sent to kill me and that is why they have fought their way in here like this. My mind reels with my impromptu death threat. I knew my father planned the same fate for me and thought I had come to terms with it. I would die with honor, no matter at who’s hand.

  A hooded figure steps over the two fallen demons on the floor and reaches a hand up to the lock. Whoever it is has grabbed the key to my cell and obviously sees me hiding here like a coward. I push off the wall and stand up with my head held high. I would have to let them get me out of the enchanted cell and then try to use my mind control if there is any hope for me to escape this situation.

  The door creaks and then swings open nearly coming off at the hinges. I jump as it crashes into the bars behind it. The figure moves in a flash and is standing in front of me for a moment before lifting strong manly looking arms up and pulling down the hood covering the face.

  I stare up at him speechless. The angel who I met outside of the EA teams’ home is standing in front of me with an amused grin on his lips. The other figures all lower their hoods and I feel my muscles tense as each of their faces come into view along with the girl who had attacked me.

  “Amariana, I am sorry I did such a terrible job of keeping you at the house. My name is Storm, and this is my team. We have come a long way to bring you back to the property and give you that help you came to us for.” He says offering me his hand.

  I stare at his hand that looks so inviting. One second, two seconds, and on three I slip my hand into his. I have no idea if I can trust him but given my options, I would much rather take my chances with the group of angels.

  “I know you are wondering how we got here and how we will get home, let’s just say we came prepared to answer that but in time. Right now, we must move quickly before your parents are made aware of our presence in the underworld and even worse in their own home, abducting their daughter.” Storm says gently. The sound of his voice is soothing and allows my body to relax a little with my hand tucked into his. He pulls me from the wall I had been hugging and out of the open cell door. The group which consists of two women and four men move in a group towards the far wall of the dungeons before stopping short of the dead end. The male angel that looks identical to the one who introduced himself as Storm begins to move his hand in waves creating a portal out of thin air. I am glued to the motions of his arms and the magic being created within his two palms. The portal completes and the blue sparkling sight of the road to freedom appears in front of us.

  “You alright?” Storm asks looking at me with concern furrowing his brow.

  “Fine,” I say curtly swallowing the lump in my throat.

  “He cannot create portals; he simply moved the one in the underworld from its location two floors above us to right here the magic isn’t permanent. So, not to be rude but we need to get the hell out of here, no pun intended.” He smiles showing deep dimples in his cheeks. Heat rushes to my face, my body betraying me when a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

  I nod at the gorgeous angels and allow him to lead me towards the swirl of sparkling freedom ahead.

  The six of us are spit out onto a soft carpet floor in the middle of what I can assume is the guardian home back in California.

  I lean back on my elbows on the floor to catch my breath taking in all the beauty the inside of the room has to offer. The simplicity of every painting on the wall of angels and demons battling in the ancient times. The table lamp sitting next to the average sized couch along with the window on the far side of the room with a tremendous view of the sun beginning to set in the distance.

  “You okay?” A girl’s voice breaks the momentary trance I’m in. I look up at the girl who hadn’t said much the entire time.

  “I am, thank you for asking.” I affirm.

  “My name is Kennedy; can I offer you help up?” She reaches out a hand to help me to my feet. I nod my agreement and allow her to help me up onto my still bare feet. They had taken the shoes I had back in the dungeons, and I could really use a shower and a change of clothes as well.

  Feeling self-conscious of my current attire and lack of shoes I stare a hole into the carpeting while avoiding the staring eyes of the group of angels who are all celebrating a successful mission.

  “Amariana, can I offer you a room to change and freshen up before we get into what happens next?” Storm offers noticing my discomfort.

  “That would be so kind, thank you.” I return raising my eyes to meet his. Following his chiseled physique all the way down to his combat boots he wears, the angel is more than handsome. I can’t help but stare as I haven’t been attracted to any man of any species in all my life. The demon men that have approached me in past years have always wanted to control me and take my innocence and body without courting me first, which I find appalling and disgraceful in and of itself. This angel’s muscular build and perfect features has me mesmerized.

  He chuckles, “come on, I will show you to our guest rooms and let you choose which you like the best; Sound good?” He offers.

  “Yes, thank you. In fact, thank you all for coming for me. I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be myself for the first time in the open.” I look at the group of angels all their gazes are fixated on me and seem to be curious about me and why my disposition is not that of a true demon but closer to their own.

  “We were happy to do so after how we treated you when you came here the first time.” Leah adds looking ashamed.

  “I understand you need to protect your leader and can now grasp that it was a mistake and not an intention. I think I am over it, please don’t beat yourself up over it. After what you just risked for me, I would have to say all is forgiven and then some.” I giggle.

  A smile forms on the girl’s lips before lunging towards me nearly knocking me off my feet with a tight hug. I haven’t had any hugs in my life from anyone, so the feeling is odd but warming all in the same. Breaking apart, I can see relief and genuine happiness dancing in her eyes. I can tell the forgiveness meant a lot to her. In the underworld we do not hug or forgive. Therefore, I believe my interacting as myself here will prove to them that I am not a great evil as it says I will be in the prophecies of my birth. I do not plan to harm humans or any kind of creature if avoidable to be honest.

  Storm steps over to me again making a loop with his arm and I slip mine into his allowing him to lead me up a set of stairs to a hallway of different rooms. We walk past three doors on the right, and he turns to the third one of five on the left and opens the door. Stepping to the side he allows me to enter the space first.

  The canopy bed reminds me of my own bed back at the palace. There is also a small patio door leading to a nice sized balcony. My eyes roam over the room admiring the soaring ceilings and gold and white trimmed pale pink walls. I walk over to a set of double doors on the left side of the room and find that the door opens into a large walk-in closet space with enough room to fit ten wardrobes in it.

  “I will take this
room, no need to see the others.” I smile turning to Storm who is leaning in the doorway of the closet with an amused grin on his face.

  “Something funny?” I ask.

  “No, it’s just nice to see how much you like the first thing you’ve seen. What if another room has a hot tub in the bathroom or a bigger bed?” He challenges.

  “Nope, don’t care. This is the room that I want and am so incredibly grateful for it.” I assure him stubbornly.

  He raises both arms in surrender, “fine, it’s all yours. I have already sent Kennedy and Leah on an errand to pick up some better clothes for you and a few different pairs of shoes as well. They are both very fashion savvy and I believe you will love all of their choices for you.” He pushes off the door frame and walks back into the larger part of the room strolling over to the only other door straight across from the closet and opens that one as well. I pad across the soft carpeting following him into the space of an over-sized bathroom with a whirlpool hot tub sitting in the center of the room. If I didn’t think that was amazing enough, beyond the tub is a full vanity equipped with a hairbrush and oval mirror attached to the middle with square ones on either side of it.

  “This is so much more than I could have ever asked for.” I say softly as I turn to look at Storm. “Thank you for everything.” I say again.

  “You don’t have to keep saying thank you, it is our duty to protect those who need help. What happened before was a clear mistake and misunderstanding. I promise it won’t happen again.” He says the humor gone from his face and his voice.

  “How about this, I won’t say thank you anymore if you all would quit saying you’re sorry for what happened.” I suggest with raised eyebrows.

  “That’s a deal.” He smiles again his dimples hold all my attention as I grasp his hand and shake it. I return the smile with one of my own and for the first time in all my life I feel happy and free.

  I am going to head out to grab supplies and prepare for your ascension tonight.

  While I am away Leah is grabbing you a change of clothes for now and she and Kennedy will also be leaving the house. Brantley and Logan will be on watch while we are away. The grounds are warded heavily, and the fact you were able to cross them so easily is a worry but then again it is mostly to keep out anyone with ill intent. It’s obvious now how and why you were able to cross it the first time around but either way you are safe here with us, I promise. If any trouble should arise then Logan will send me a message via our mental connection, and I will come back quickly. I am not concerned with you being here and who will likely be attempting to breech our property to get to you, so Brantley will also be calling over Bellamy who is the high witch of LA and has so far been most helpful in locating you twice in one day as well as great for placing some additional enchantments around our house.

  As for you, all I ask is that you make yourself comfortable and do not leave the boundary for any reason, unless I say to do so.” He finishes.

  “Agreed,” I reply still smiling at how everything has changed so quickly for me.

  I must get going, but I trust you will be fine here. I was to bring you to the void to meet with the angel council so they may question your intentions here in the human world. I will update them so you may relax in the safety here. I will be back shortly, again if you need anything my brother and Brantley will be here.” He says in his all-business tone.

  As if on cue a knock sounds from my door. “Come in,” I yell out the permission to enter from outside of my luxurious bathroom. Leah walks in and drops a few different outfits on the bed moving them around and matching the tops to all the bottoms and then puts a couple pairs of shoes on the floor for me to choose from.

  “Those are really nice.” I exclaim moving to the bed quickly to admire the garments. I have always wanted to wear more than just the standard black attire worn by every demon in the underworld aside from my mother who much prefers red to black on occasion. There is a soft pink t-shirt matched up to a light colored stylish pair of jeans, a long sleeved purple navy blue shirt paired with a pair of pants that slim towards the ankles and with those is a pair of black calf-high boots to match the look, and finally there is a comfortable outfit that I can guess is what they use to train in. A white V-neck t-shirt with a pair of patterned yoga pants and black flats on the floor in front of that outfit as well. They all look fresh, clean, and inviting.

  “I also threw together this small bag with a pair of undergarments and new socks.

  Leah and Storm give each other a satisfied look before they both look back at me.

  “You have really gone above and beyond for me.” I announce trying hard to keep my promise to not say thank you, although it sits at the tip of my tongue.

  “Girl, that’s nothing. Wait until you see what Kennedy and I bring you back from the stores.” Leah says waving away my compliment. “We will be back in a bit, enjoy your shower or bath if you prefer, and hopefully you’ll be able to re-charge as well afterwards. See you soon.” She says making a quick exit from the room.

  Storm closes the door behind Leah and our gazes settle on each other. A growing attraction to this angel is building inside of me more quickly than I had ever thought possible. Even with him having an identical twin I am starting to feel butterflies every time he smiles at me. That’s something I have never felt around anyone before, not even around his twin who looks exactly like him. This alone leads me to believe that the attraction I am having is genuine and not shallowly based on his looks alone.

  “You all set in here then?” He asks bringing me back to the room from my thoughts.

  “Yes, absolutely. Please don’t let me hold you up on the things you have to get done. I plan to do just as Leah suggested and shower and re-charge before we all meet downstairs again.” I explain walking over to the door and opening it for him to exit.

  He winks at me before stepping out into the hallway, heading to his own room to prepare to leave the house himself.

  I walk around the bed and fight the urge to sink down in it and soak up the comfort it provides. I grab up the most comfortable outfit and head to the bathroom to bathe.


  The twenty minutes soaking in the tub were incredible and relaxing. I filled it with bubbles and steamy hot water before lathering my body from head to toe in the lavender scented soap set out for my use. I washed my hair with a scented shampoo and conditioner set and dunk my head under the water a few times to rinse the soap fully from my dark locks.

  Feeling refreshed after the lengthy stay in the luxury of the tub, I finally float forward and make my way up the few steps leading to the landing of the tub reaching for a towel and robe set on a shelf beside the tub. I wrap my hair in the towel and tighten the rope of the robe securely around my waist. I glance in the large mirror above the sinks and catch a glimpse of myself there. My eyes have lost their dull appearance and in its place is a whisper of hope and excitement. Without a second glance into the mirror, I walked over to my stack of clothes and began to dress in the outfit. I pull the shirt over the top of my head and then shimmy into the yoga pants. Then, I slide my feet into the pair of flats. All of it fits perfectly, and I am thankful for that.

  I leave the bathroom after setting everything back in its place and my dirty clothing in the hamper in the room to be washed. I make my way over to the bed and pull back the large fluffy comforter. I shake off the flats by the bed and pull myself onto the bed slipping between the sheets taking in a moment to fully relax and enjoy the feeling of being safe and cared about. My life hasn’t had much of the things I have longed for, but I am hoping that can change now. The comfort of the bed feels intoxicating and sleep claims me quickly.

  Chapter Six:


  Finding Amariana proved to be much easier the second go around. I worried due to Bells being drained and had no Idea how we would find her. With some help and heavy strings pulled we were able to bring her back to the human realm and safely within the boundary of our hous
e. I am grateful my meeting with my parents and the council went better than I could have hoped for and all agree we must protect the princess and allow her to join our side with the power she’s about to be coming in to. She’s not safe outside of our protection until she has fully ascended and has all her powers.

  My mother looked especially happy about the news I had brought about Amariana and that was quite the relief, I ponder mentally.

  We will surely have angered Diablo and the entire underworld with the bold move. I can only hope it will all be worth it. She will be ascending into her full power and that could be especially useful for our side. Also, I can tell the team likes her from just the few stories she’s told us about her life. We do know that she was able to cross the wards on her own accord and that she came to us for help with something. It will be interesting to find out what all of it means for her and for us all.

  The look in her eyes when she looked at me was as if she were reading my soul. I feel drawn to her in a strange and warming way. I only wish I knew what any of it means. I climb into the comfort of my bed and do my best to let my eyes fall shut and re-charge for the ascension tonight. Every one’s is different. For some, it’s fast and painless. While for other’s it takes support and a period of adjustment. The stronger the magic the bigger the adjustment will be. I can guess Amariana will need a few of us to help her tonight and I must be at my best if I am to be any help. I argue with myself until my eyes finally relax and close. Sleep pulls me into a dreamless state…


  I sit up to the sound of voices in the hallway outside of my door. Leah, Amariana, and Brantley seem to be occupying the space on the other side of the wall. A soft knock sounds on my door.

  “Yeah?” I call out.

  “Storm, it’s getting late. I was wondering if you are going to come down in case, I need your help?” Amariana asks through the door. Her voice as sweet as a summer song is beautiful and alluring. How could I say no to someone who is so obviously kind? I couldn’t, and I knew it before she even asked.


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