The Royally Divine

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The Royally Divine Page 10

by Ember Rain

  “Good idea, if something is coming surely it would be all over the chats.” He nods and heads off to find Kennedy and her fancy new laptop. I swear she sleeps with that thing. I think shaking my head smiling.


  The entire team gathers in the living room as I explain how everything went with Amariana’s ascension and begin putting together plans passed down from the council for us to invade Diablo’s palace as we don’t exactly have an invitation.

  As soon as I had explained everything to my uncle, he had gotten word to the council on our progress. He strutted through our front door moments ago with the council’s orders that we need to bring the fight to the demons before they arrive outside our boundaries. Diablo can only be sent to hell one way permanently and that is by a Divine angel’s hand with an angel’s blade.

  “Everyone knows what they are supposed to do and when, right? Anyone have any questions at all before we leave?” I ask glancing around the room.

  “I do.” Kennedy speaks up. She tosses her straight hair over one shoulder before holding up the paper in her hand. “This was just announced in the Angel Reporter.” She says beginning to read the message aloud.

  “Demons are on the prowl searching for the kidnappers of their beloved princess, Amariana. After her mother was killed in the battle today, everyone is curious as to where the princess could be hiding?

  While Amariana is still missing, the palace in the underworld took on heavy attacks from Diablo’s brother, Malice. He infiltrated Diablo’s guard and then got inside of the palace walls. He caught Lilith off guard and damned her soul to the dark void for all eternity by taking off her head with a long sword. He is looking to do the same to Diablo and take the throne himself, and his son to take it in his absence as his only heir to the throne. We will have more on the disappearance of the princess and death of the Queen in the next hours to come… AJ Steele with the Angel Reporter.

  Shit, I think picturing Amariana’s face when she hears the news of her mother’s death. I put the thought out of my head for the moment and turn back to Kennedy.

  “Would you go in and check in on her? The sooner she wakes, the sooner we can prepare for the mission.” I say looking back over to the door to Amariana’s room. I want to check on her myself but judging by the look on Leah’s face I don’t think her seeing any more loving looks between us would help heal her broken heart. Especially as we go into this next phase of our mission.

  Kennedy nods and heads towards the stairs to check in on her.

  “Amariana?” I hear her ask faintly from where I sit perched at the bottom of the staircase awaiting news. Then I hear two sets of footsteps making their way down the hall towards us.

  “She’s awake,” I announce quietly to the others who all seem interested in how Amariana will look now that her ascension is complete.

  The house rumbles and I grip the railing of the staircase wondering what is going on.

  A portal appears in the middle of the living room and I watch in awe as the members of the council come crashing into the room. My team all move back to avoid getting hit by one of the incoming council members.

  My mother is first to arrive followed by my father and uncle. The rest of the originals file in quietly after them. My mother steps towards me with a wide smile. She hasn’t changed much since my brother and I left for training and then came directly to the human world. I knew we would see each other more this way than any other ranking position in the palace. Her dress is a bright blue with diamond accents all around the collar of the rounded neckline of the dress. On her feet are two fancy white laced sandals that are laced to her mid-calf. I am not sure who helps her dress, but she has always been all put together when I have seen her here and even in battle. She has all her gear specially designed and tailored to her liking.

  “Storm, it’s so good to see you my son.” She says lovingly embracing me in a hug, the kind that makes me long to go home with her. Sometimes, I wish that I was back in the light and home with my whole family. The truth is I’m not and I have a mission to complete, I remind myself. Amariana’s face flooding my mind once more.

  Damn, why is she constantly in my head even when she isn’t in the room, I think frustrated.

  “How are you all here?” Logan asks while hugging our mother and father in turn.

  “Well, since Amariana has now ascended it is our duty to check in with you all and see how she is doing. Besides, knowing she is a divine angel and the only one that we are aware of was the deciding factor on whether or not we would use our one use of the portal per quarter on this monumental event.” My father explains looking around. “So, where is the young lady now?” he asks with a smile.

  I look at my mother, “you are allowed to come visit once per quarter?” I ask not knowing about their little clause.

  She smiles lovingly at me and then at Logan. “It’s true, but we don’t have long and would like to meet the girl.” She urges.

  I walk back over to the staircase I hadn’t moved far from to see Kennedy and Amariana standing at the top of them looking down at me confused.

  “It’s fine, you both can come down here.” I call up to them.

  Kennedy appears first, followed by a hesitant Amariana. I grab her hand in mine to ease her anxiety.

  “This is Amariana, Amariana these are my parents and the rest of the angel council.” I introduce them one by one to her.

  She looks nerve wracked but shakes each hand respectively and bows in front of both of my parents.

  My mother’s eyebrows knit together, “Amariana dear, you don’t have to bow to us. It is us who should bow to you.” She says taking Amariana’s hand from mine.

  “You have been chosen as part of the great vine of leaders. The very first divine of our time. Even Michael here has only met one before and sadly she has been gone for an exceptionally long time now. I brought you something.” My mother says to her as the rest of us watch the exchange.

  My mother reaches into a pouch and pulls out a short sword that has Amariana’s name engraved nicely in gold lettering along the blade saying the information Kennedy had supplied had been most useful in its creation.

  “You see, only a divine angel can send a high demon to hell permanently. The last time this was done, it was Lucifer who was sent to its fiery depths. This is yours, and I needed you to have it for the mission that awaits you. Also, I wanted to be the one to tell you that war is being waged in the palace in the underworld as we speak.” She lowers her head before uttering her next words.

  “I have to tell you before you walk into that horrible place that your uncle has killed your mother. Lilith is lost to the dark void, never to return as far as we know.” My mother explains gently.

  My eyes bounce between my mom and Amariana and I am surprised to see the smile on Amariana’s face. “She got what she’s always deserved.” She says lightly and flips her new dagger over in her hand. “It’s my father that I can’t wait to send to hell. I do wish my mother would be getting the same fate, but it is him who needs to be locked away for the rest of eternity.” She says with determination in her eyes.

  “Thank you for this.” She says holding up her new weapon with tears filling her beautiful eyes. “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever given to me on my birthday.” She says before handing it to me and stepping forward and hugging my mother.

  I can tell my mom wasn’t expecting the reaction she received but appears overjoyed with the outcome of the visit. As the two pull away from the embrace Amariana looks at each of the council members in turn, “I will not let you down.” She swears to each of them before stepping back and standing beside me.

  The swirling vortex reappears behind the council and I know that their time here is up now. My heart aches at the thought of them having to leave us again, but I feel more confident going into the fight ahead with the knowledge they have given us.

  “That’s our cue.” My father says hugging Logan and me one more time. “Stay alive, be smart,
and most of all rid the world of that monstrosity called Diablo.” He says before turning and jumping into the portal followed by my mother and the rest of the council.

  Once the last angel, Piper jumps through the vortex it closes as if it had never been there at all.

  “That was cool as hell.” Amariana says before looking at me sheepishly. “I know, poor word choice.” She says with a chuckle.


  Time seems to fly as I rush around the house ordering each of my team members to ready themselves for battle. None of them protested the plan to take the fight to Diablo and all are relying on Amariana and her immense power to help us win.

  I have sincere hopes she will stay with us once this is over with for her own protection. Diablo might be the most dangerous of enemies for the moment, but I don’t doubt there will be more that come along and would like nothing more than to see the only possible demon who could threaten their rule to come for them and take them out for good. Many will seek her death and she will need us and our protection for who knows how long.


  The team gears up and we meet by the front door of the house. Amariana looks bad ass in her black outfit Kennedy loaned to her with the EA emblem in gold on the front of her jacket warms my heart. I feel like she is with who she was always meant to be and closing a chapter in her life that has been open far too long.

  Without many words the six of us head out the door and take to the skies.

  Brantley shows off by somersaulting in the air around us and then speeding far ahead before tapping his foot in mid-air in mock annoyance as if we were all moving too slowly.

  What a pain in the ass he is, even in the worst of times, I think amused. Amariana laughs to the right of me at his display.

  “He sure is one of a kind, isn’t he?” She giggles.

  “You aren’t kidding.” I agree.

  Twenty minutes later we are standing in front of the portal leading to the underworld that we had created days ago to extract Amariana from her imprisonment there.

  One by one we jump into the swirling vortex and land quietly in the hallway outside of Amariana’s earlier bedroom aka the old dungeon door which has surprisingly already been reconstructed perfectly.

  “Any idea where your father might be around this time of evening?” I whisper to Amariana.

  “Follow me, and when we get to the throne room be expecting at least six guards and my father to contend with. I will hang back in the shadows of the door until your signal.” She says reminding me of the plan we had put together this morning. The last we had heard was that Diablo had been overpowering Malice and he and his guard had retreated from the onslaught of the palace with many causalities on both sides, including the Queen.

  “Got it.” I respond following her down one corridor and then another and another before finally stopping at the end of one hallway.

  Amariana leans her head around to see how many guards we will need to put down to enter the room unnoticed.

  “Shit, there are four. There’s normally only two there.” She says worry creasing her brows.

  Before I realize what, she’s doing she steps out into full view of the doors and her eyes begin to glow the same emanating green light they had during her ascension as the guards notice her standing there, they go rigid and speechless. Looking over, I see that she is using her mind control on the guards forcing them to stay in place and silent.

  She turns back and waves us on by.

  “This will hold as long as a week so take your time.” She adds with a wink.

  I stop in front of her and before I can stop myself, I pull her into my arms and my lips crash down on hers hungrily. She doesn’t resist me and instead she kisses me back with as much passion. When we finally break apart both of us are wearing huge smiles.

  “You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that.” She says breathlessly.

  “Same here.” He says looking at Leah sadly.

  “Don’t be sorry, I know true love when I see it and there is no denying what is in front of me is just that.” She says kindly before moving into position beside Logan.

  “Be careful, I will wait by the zombies for your signal.” Amariana says ushering us onward.

  If any of my teammates have anything to say about the scene between Amariana and me, they don’t show it. Each angel marches toward the ambush on the king of the underworld.

  I kick open the double doors to the throne room and move quickly into the room. My bow in hand and arrows strapped to my back ready to take out each guard with speed and accuracy when I realize there are more than six guards and closer to twenty piled into the room all surrounding Diablo who is hiding in the center of the mob.

  “Diablo, you scared of a few little angels that you need these many babysitters to ensure you live?” I taunt.

  In an instance the crowd parts and Diablo struts confidently in my direction. He is quite intimidating in person and I do my best to keep my face devoid of any emotion.

  I don’t have a chance to say anything before he locks his black eyes on me and sends visions of my team being slaughtered into my mind. It is a trick of course but scary regardless.

  Next, he must sense Leah trying to manipulate his feelings because with a wave of his hand she is tossed into the air and slammed against a cement wall. She hits the wall with a sickening crack and silver blood oozes from a wound on her head. She can heal herself and I know she’ll soon be okay, but the demons don’t need to know that. None of us moves towards her and instead focus ahead on the incoming group of demons.

  Brantley looks furious as he speeds around Diablo in a circle wrapping him in a tunnel of wind freezing the demon momentarily while Kennedy launches balls of white light at him in rapid succession. She then takes to the air and starts to rain down her fury on his head.

  All of this and the demon hardly looks winded or disoriented.

  “I can’t hold it much longer,” Brantley warns as he comes speeding by Kennedy and myself.

  As soon as the words leave his lips Amariana strolls through the door with her hair blowing wildly behind her and her eyes lit up brighter than I have seen yet.

  “Father,” she says too sweetly. Her words stop every guard in the room from moving.

  Diablo’s mouth hangs agape having not known she was with us. Before he can respond to her, she fires a giant ball of flames at him sending him sailing into several of his guards who haven’t seemed to move in a while. I look closer and realize she has them all under mind control. Damn, that takes a serious amount of power to do. I am shocked at her capabilities.

  Her power is so strong and surpass anything I have ever seen before. The only other power I can think of that might be able to match it is when Logan and I hold hands and combine our powers. We have only done that once and we were just newly ascended angels. We promised our parents we would never use our combined power unless absolutely necessary and it seems that Amariana has this one under control. I think as I look on with pride at her stroll towards her father.

  “Amariana, I am still your family and the King down here. Do you realize you are sentencing yourself to death and committing treason right now?” He spits venomously.

  She laughs, “Oh father you already planned my death, remember? You don’t think mother told me all about your plans the first time I left here?” She bites back angry with the betrayal.

  His face changes to one of utter fear, “you’re lying.” He counters as his eyes look left and right at his frozen guards.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me daddy dearest.” She says sweetly.

  “I think this conversation is overdue; Don’t you agree?” she replies before using both of her palms to throw him into his own throne chair. She steps right past the mass of unmoving guards and pulls her dagger from her belt on her waist.

  “Any final words for your only daughter? You know, the one you claim to have loved?” She asks with a smirk.

  “You won’t get away with this Amari
ana.” She doesn’t even entertain his threat before she gets right to work.

  “With this dagger of the angels, I condemn you to an eternity far deeper than the underworld and into the black pits of the hell you belong in. Say hello to Lucifer for me. Oh, and if somehow mother finds a way to return, I will be sure to send her your way as well.” She adds with a sinister smile before stabbing him directly in his heart.

  A bright light expels from the knife in Diablo’s chest before his face falls limp to the side and his body begins to disappear slowly as his energy moves on to hell for good.

  Leah comes to finally looking around confused at all the guards standing stock still in the room.

  “What happened?” she asks climbing to her feet.

  “No time, we can explain later. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Kennedy says taking Leah by the hand to steady her.

  We all stand in complete awe of how fast Amariana was able to complete the mission against a greater demon we have been fighting against for decades. She marches right past us and out of the throne room before turning back towards us.

  “We are going home now, or what?” She asks with a satisfied smile on her face.

  Brantley wastes no time, “yep I am right behind you miss ass kicker.” He jokes.

  We follow her out of the room and back down the same corridors we had traveled to get to it and just as we are about to turn the last corner a figure jumps in front of us and stops in front of Brantley driving a different dagger into his chest and laughing as the angel falls limp to the ground.

  “Sage,” Amariana spits. “What have you done?” She screams.

  “You thought you and your little friends would just walk up in here and kill your father without any consequences?” he counters. Gunner struts out of the shadows grabbing Leah as she tries to push her way towards Brantley to heal him.


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