Worth the Fight

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Worth the Fight Page 2

by Beth Maria

  I gather up the courage from deep down and carry on walking. I don’t dare turn around for fear that he will see the effect he has on me – on my body. I could never go there. We could never, ever be together now. He ruined that when he chose this business over me. I’ll do well to remember that.

  I rush up to my room, the anger taking over the aroused state that was building inside me. Anger at my father for telling me what to do when I’m twenty-one years old. Anger at being made to work alongside Phoenix when I CANNOT stand him. And last but not least, anger at still being in love with that jerk after all this time, when I should have been able to move on.


  Eleven years earlier…

  “As soon as we are old enough, we’re getting out of here, Em,” Phoenix whispers under the duvet, the torch shining on his boyish face.

  “Do you promise?” I ask, wanting nothing more than to leave this hell with Phoenix by my side. He is my best friend, my protector when I’m suffering with the consequences.

  “I promise you, Em, I will not leave you behind. Me and you, we’re leaving together. I’ll look after you.” He promised, and I knew I believed him. Phoenix never broke his promises to me. He is the only one who I trust, who I will ever trust.

  “Pinky promise?” I ask, double checking.

  Phoenix laughs, but laces his pinky finger with mine, squeezing tight. “I promise,” he whispers resolutely, not letting go of my pinky.

  I’m glad he can’t see the smile that’s taken over my face right now. It’s little moments like this when I know that I’ll always love my best friend, Phoenix James.


  Damn that asshole for breaking his promise to me. I trusted him. He was the only person that I trusted, and he let me down. And in his betrayal, he’s left me to deal with the consequences by myself. I just need to remember why I hate him, why I’ll never forgive him for destroying me; for leaving me in the pits of hell with no way out.

  Chapter Two

  I received a text from Phoenix at five o’clock, asking if I wanted to catch a ride with him to the club as it would have been pointless to take both cars when we were both going to the same destination. I’m not stupid enough to leave myself stranded there if we end up arguing, so I declined. I’d much rather have my own car; then I know that I definitely have a way to get home. Plus, it will also give me a few minutes of peace away from him, seeing as I’m going to be spending the rest of the evening with him.

  After leaving my father’s office and strutting away from a sexually frustrated Phoenix, I decided to take a trip to the mall. After looking in my wardrobe at the selection of clothes I’ve acquired, it would seem that absolutely none of them were fitting for tonight.

  Two hours later, having spent a few hundred dollars, my hands full with shopping bags, I am on my way back home. Quickly stopping off at my favorite café, I head inside and order a cappuccino and a ham and cheese toasty sandwich. It’s not exactly the perfect thing for dinner, but my stomach is in turmoil at having to spend the rest of the night with Phoenix, being in close proximity of him for more than a few seconds. I couldn’t eat anything bigger if I tried.

  After ordering my food, I grab my cappuccino and take a seat in a booth by the window to wait for my toasty. I always sit by the window in the corner of the shop. I like to be able to see everything around me, and by doing this, I can. No surprises will be happening to me while I sit here. I’ve had that drilled into my head ever since I was younger – always be on the ball, be sharp.

  I check my cell to check the time. I need to give myself a good hour to have a shower and get ready when I get home, then arrive at the club by seven. I release a sigh of relief. It’s only four. I have three hours to compose myself so that tonight will run smoothly. I need to prove to my father that Phoenix and I can work together. All I have to do is just plaster on a fake smile, be pleasant toward him in front of people, and then stay away from him when being near him isn’t necessary.

  “Here’s your food, miss,” the barista interrupts, placing my plate down in front of me, the sound of the plate clattering loudly on the table. Or maybe it just sounded so loud because of the person who has just walked through the door with a busty woman attached to his hip.

  The tiny little bit of appetite that I had has vanished. I feel nothing but sick, the bile clawing it’s way up my throat from looking at the image in front of me.

  “Excuse- ” I start, but stop when I realize that the barista has already left and is now serving someone else.

  I look from my toasty to them and back again. I’m torn. I really need to eat something if I want to get through tonight, and considering I ran this morning and I haven’t eaten yet, I really should. However, do I want to sit here and watch them fawn all over each other? I’ve already seen enough of him today to last me a lifetime.

  Fuck it. I need to eat. I’ll just duck my head and try to act inconspicuous. Hopefully that will work and I’ll be able to eat this in peace.

  I pick up the first triangle, watching the melted cheese trying to squeeze out of the bread back onto my plate. It smells sooo good! The aroma from the food wafts up to my nose, causing my stomach to grumble from lack of nutrition today.

  I open my mouth, anticipating the taste, ready to feed my empty stomach.

  “I love to watch you eat,” his deep baritone murmurs in my ear. My hands stop moving, my toasty so close to my mouth I can practically taste it already.

  Where the hell did he come from? I would have seen him sneak up on me. Wouldn’t I?

  “I can hear that brain of yours ticking, sweetheart.”

  I groan and begrudgingly drop my toasty back onto my plate. I don’t turn to look at him though; he’s had enough of my attention today.

  “What do you want, Phoenix?” My tone is clipped. I’m not in the mood for joking around.

  He doesn’t say anything as he slides into the booth in front of me, picking up my toasty and inserting it in his mouth through his full, kissable lips. I shake those thoughts away immediately.

  “I don’t want anything, Emilia. I just came over to say hi like friends do.” I stare at his mocking face, trying to rein my temper in. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me. He’s constantly trying to get a reaction from me, and I’m fed up with letting him win. It’s time for me to win for once.

  “You’ve said hi, so now you can leave. Your friend is waiting for you.” I point with my eyes to the tramp that is watching us with an annoying pout on her face. I don’t need to know her to know that she’s needy. She must be the flavor of the month, Phoenix’s latest fuck buddy. What she doesn’t know is that Phoenix doesn’t care about her or the one who will replace her next month. Stupid fool. Repulsion settles over me, trying to show its ugly head, but I quench that back down sharp!

  Phoenix doesn’t bother turning his head in the direction of his friend, keeping his icy blues on me. I stare right back at him, paying no attention to the way his eyes seem to dig deep down into my soul.

  “We both know that I don’t care about her,” he replies coolly.

  “Why do you do it then, Phoenix? These women have feelings too, you know. Well, you would have four years ago, before you turned into a monster,” I spit at him, the anger that I’m trying to keep down rising without permission.

  Something dawns in his eyes, but his mask is back in place before I can work it out, the calm and collected Phoenix back in control. I know that my comment had an effect on him, if only for a few seconds.

  “These women know the score before getting involved with me, Emilia, but what I do is none of your business.” He turns his head, finally chancing a look at her. “You’re correct though- she is waiting for me, and by the looks of it, she’s not impressed at having to wait for me. That will make for some awesome fucking.” He stands up, his big frame towering over me, and winks, that mocking expression plastered back on his face. “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”

  Even if I wanted to reply to that
, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t know what to reply anyway, but secondly, my mouth seems to not want to work. I watch as he walks over to her and shoves his tongue down her throat, his hand grabbing her ass. He’s such an asshole. My temper notches up another level. That’s it. I’ve had enough. He needs to know who’s the boss between us, and it’s certainly not him!

  I grab my handbag, put my cell in there before placing down a five dollar tip on the table, and then storm out of the café like a woman on a mission.

  Tonight I will win, and he won’t know what’s hit him.


  I pull into the parking lot five minutes early at six fifty-five. It was tight though. I am thankful to my Mercedes SL-Class. Shit, can my baby go fast when I need her too!

  Getting out of the car proves to be a task in my stilettos. I probably should have worn more sensible shoes, considering I’m going be doing a lot of conversing with the club goers tonight. I’m dressed up a little more tonight than usual, spent longer on my hair and make-up, making sure my hair is fluffed up and my make-up done to perfection. It’s simple, but it stands out. I feel sexy.

  I look around. There’s a bouncer standing guard at the door ahead, so I’m guessing I am in the right place.

  I strut over, my hips swaying of their own accord. That’s the problem when you have curves; they move without your permission. I don’t miss the way the bouncer checks me out, though it does nothing for me. I’ve not dressed like this to pull. I’ve dressed like this to rile Phoenix. If he thinks he can make me jealous by saying that he’s going to fuck that other woman, he’s got another thing coming. Like I’ve said, two can play at this game.

  “Are you Miss De Carlo?” he asks when I approach, his voice husky like he’s smoked far too many cigarettes in his lifetime.

  “Yes, that’s correct. And you are?” My tone is all business. I don’t want him to get the wrong impression with how I’m dressed. I mean, I’m not dressed like a slut or anything, but I wouldn’t exactly call my outfit appropriate for such an occasion where I’m supposed to be exuding authority. It’s a good thing my father’s not here, that’s all I’m saying.

  “The name is Rick.” He extends his hand for me to shake, which I take. His grip is firm even to me, showing the power behind his frame. If he’s trying to prove to me that he’s worthy of the job, he’s definitely succeeded. Restrained strength. I may just hire him to be my bodyguard to keep Phoenix away from me for the rest of my days. Or not.

  “Nice to meet you, Rick.” I nod my head before walking through the door and up the stairs, spotting the bar.

  It’s eerily quiet compared to what it’s going to be like in the next few hours. I’m thankful for it as I take in my surroundings. I knew that it was big, judging from the size of the building, but that doesn’t do it justice. It’s absolutely huge, and considering it’s a club, it’s absolutely breathtaking inside. I know that my father has money, but this must have cost hundreds of thousands, if not well over a million dollars. The entire interior looks expensive. It makes me sad, knowing that nothing is going to stay nice for long, not after it’s got beer and wine all over it. Cheaper furniture should have been bought. However, it’s always been about appearance with my father. That’s why he’s as successful as he is. Nobody disagrees with him, even when they know that he’s wrong. I’m sure somebody wanted to interject here but knew better of it.

  There are booths along one wall, the wall covered by a mirror from one end to the other. The couches are white leather, with a silver table in the middle. There are around thirty booths just on this floor. According to the map I quickly skimmed over earlier, there are three floors, all for different types of music, depending on your taste. See what I mean when I said it was huge? The carpet is navy blue, the dance floor wooden flooring with two podiums on each side. All alcohol imaginable is stacked on shelves behind the bar, illuminated by lights. Even I have to admit, it’s rather majestic. I’ve never seen anything like it in other clubs.

  “Ahh, there she is, the woman of the hour,” Phoenix’s voice booms across the spacey room.

  There go my few minutes of peace. I sigh before plastering on a fake smile and walking toward the group of men sitting in a booth near the bar. Phoenix looks all sexy, his grey trousers tight, his white shirt crisp with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a maroon colored tie compliments it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a suit before, and my mouth waters at the sight before me.

  I don’t miss the way that Phoenix sweeps his eyes up and down my body a few times before settling his icy blues onto my face. My face is straight, giving nothing away, whereas his face is carrying his signature smirk that drives me insane.

  “I’m sorry I’m late. I had something to attend to,” I apologize, though I don’t dwell into why I was late. They don’t need to know that I was psyching myself up for tonight.

  “No worries. You haven’t missed anything. Now, I’ve spoken to your father, and he assures me that you two will be okay working together and that you both know what you’re doing?” A stocky guy with a bald head addresses us. He’s pretty intimidating looking. I’m not fazed. Apart from my father, there isn’t another person who scares me in this world, well, if you don’t count Phoenix. The way I feel toward him scares the ever-living crap out of me.

  “Yes, sir,” Phoenix replies for both of us while I nod my head.

  I don’t have a clue how to run a club, but how hard can it really be?

  “Good, well, that’s all there is to discuss then. If Nico says that you will do a good job, then I trust his word. I will be the person you come to, have you got any problems. As I own a chain of night clubs in other states, I should be able to help you.” He stands up, offering Phoenix his hand first before offering it to me. “I look forward to working alongside you both.” Then he departs, another shorter, plumper man following behind him, not even acknowledging me.

  “I’m going to my office,” I tell Phoenix, not waiting for him to tell me where it is. I’m sure I can guess.

  I feel his presence catching up to me, his heavy footsteps close behind me matching mine. He doesn’t touch me or say anything as I walk around blindly trying to find my office, until I reach the door with my name on it. I feel his hot breath on my neck before I hear him.

  “Do you think it’s wise looking so sexy when this place is going to be packed full of drunk horny men later tonight? We both know that you can protect yourself, but in those shoes? Who knows what a horny man is capable of? I know I wouldn’t be able to resist you.” His tone is full of promise; promise of all the things that he wants to do to me. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my panties getting moist at the thought of what he could do to my body, and shame coating me that he can make me feel this way. I need to be stronger for my sanity.

  The shame morphs into anger, which is slowly becoming my best friend these days it seems.

  “I don’t need protecting. I’m perfectly capable of doing that by myself, like I’ve been doing for the past four years.” I hear his sharp intake of breath. “Plus, it’s of none of your business. I may want to find myself a bit of fun tonight. Working at this club is the perfect way to find someone.” I turn my head and wink at him before walking through the door and shutting it in his stunned face.

  One-nil to me.

  I lean against the door, taking in a deep breath. First confrontation complete. Only about another hundred left to go through tonight.

  I stand up straight and spot a mirror on one side of the wall. I make my way over to it and check my reflection. Everything is perfect. My short black playsuit hugs my figure, showcasing my long toned legs, finished off with the bright red stiletto wedges.

  Let the games begin.


  Six years earlier…

  I walk out of my bedroom, heading to meet Phoenix downstairs. We are heading to a party that Phoenix’s friend is having. He’s a little older than us, being eighteen, and his parents are out of town. Phoenix wa
nted to bring me. I just have to find a way to get out of the house without my father knowing.

  I tiptoe down the marble staircase, my sandals in my hands as not to make any unnecessary noise, and quietly open the front door.

  “Psst,” I turn my head toward the sound, spotting Phoenix hiding behind the bush.

  I rush toward him before flinging myself in his arms, my heart beating a mile a minute from the thrill at not getting caught and being this close to him. It’s always the same around Phoenix. He gets my usually miserable heart beating. He’s the only one who can get it to beat, period.

  “I was so scared. You know what will happen if my father catches us,” I whisper.

  “Em, it’s all going to be okay. He’s not going to find out, and if he does, I will take the blame. Nothing is going to happen to you.”


  “I promise.” And I believe him.

  I stand back, finally getting a good look at him from the lights coming out of the windows. He looks amazing in his tight black jeans, black biker boots, and a white tee that hugs his muscles and chest in all the right places. I involuntarily lick my suddenly dry lips.

  “Wow, Em, you look… Just wow. I can’t even find the words to say right now. You look incredible.” His eyes sweep my body once, a blush taking place on my cheeks.


  “I’m going to have to keep the guys away from you tonight, I can tell.” His jaw hardens, and confusion settles over me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask. “Is it how I’m dressed?” Insecurity washes over me. Maybe I should have just stuck to jeans and a tee after all.

  “Yes…No…” He shakes his head then pierces me with his icy blues. “Yes, it’s how you’re dressed. I’m going to have to fight everybody off of you tonight because you’re going to be the sexiest girl in the room.” Heat spreads through my body at his admission.


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