Worth the Fight

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Worth the Fight Page 10

by Beth Maria

  “I think it’s best that you didn’t say that. I think he may have just had your head on a platter,” I joke, even though deep down I’m not joking. Nico doesn’t take well to people giving him demands. I’ve seen the result of somebody doing that, and it wasn’t pretty.

  I shudder and mentally shake the horrid thoughts away. I’m free from that life for the mean time and I’m going to make the most of it.

  “You’re probably not even joking, are you?” Maxine nervously laughs.

  “No, I’m not,” I tell her honestly, causing her nervous chuckle to be prolonged.

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “I best be off then, Max. I’ve got work in an hour, and I’m still not ready. I stink of sweat from running. I’m sure my boss wouldn’t be too pleased if I turned up like this,” I say, trying to lighten the subject.

  “Oh yeah, of course. No, we definitely don’t want to subject the poor public to the smell of your pits.”

  “Goodbye, Max. I love you.” I laugh.

  “I love you too, hooker,” she replies before I disconnect the call, putting my phone on the coffee table in front of me.

  I relax into the sofa, taking a sip of my coffee. Pure heaven.

  I’ve been living in this apartment now for three months, and I love it. It’s not exactly the biggest, but it’s big enough for me and my few belongings. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I’m pretty close to where I work too, only a ten minute walk, which is good because I’ve had to cut back on expenses for now. I could sell my car, but I just can’t bring myself to do that. It’s my baby. I fell in love with it at first sight, and I’m not about to part with it. I’d rather eat Ramen noodles for the rest of my life than sell the car. Dramatic? Maybe, but that’s just how I feel on the subject.

  I sit drinking my coffee for the next few minutes until I see the time. Shit, I’m going to be late. Dumping the rest of my coffee in the sink, I put the mug in the washing up bowl before making my way into the shower.

  I wash the suds from my hair, welcoming the warmth of the water cascading over my body. I wash all of the dirt from my body, feeling refreshed. I get out of the shower, dry myself before walking into my room and getting dressed.

  When I’m all ready, I glance at the clock. I have twenty minutes before I have to be at work. That’s the perfect amount of time to stop and get a quick cappuccino before work. I just haven’t had enough coffee yet today.

  Grabbing my keys, I leave the apartment, deciding to take the stairs instead of the elevator to the ground floor. It’s only five floors, so nothing too strenuous.

  The weather is starting to get a little chilly with it coming to the end of autumn. I didn’t bring too many clothes with me when I left West Hollywood to move to Beverly Hills. Luckily, I work in a fashion store. I get a discount, so I was able to buy myself a few sets of winter clothes for a cheaper price than I usually would have to pay. That helped save me a few bucks for furniture, not that my apartment is over flowing with furniture. In fact, it’s pretty bare, but I have the essentials- a bed, sofa, kitchen appliances, and a small television for if I want to watch tv. I prefer to read a book in the evenings to wind down, so it hardly ever gets used.

  Stepping into the warmth of the coffee shop around the corner from my place of work, I inhale the welcoming smell of coffee, feeling at home. I love this place, and the staff is always so welcoming. They’ve gotten used to me over the months. I usually end up coming in here twice a day, once before work and once after. It’s become a habit for me, and a pretty expensive one at that. However, until the day that I find a way to make amazing caffeine like they do, I will carry on coming here.

  “Hey, Emilia! The usual?” Harry asks with a charming smile on his face.

  “Do I ever order anything different?” I reply, plopping my bag down on the counter to retrieve my purse.

  “One cappuccino coming right up, pretty lady.”

  Harry has been hitting on me since I first walked into the coffee shop the week after I moved here. The first time he asked me if he could take me out, I had to lie and tell him that I’d just come out of a bad relationship. Well, it was sort of a lie. I had in fact left the man who I’ve always been in love with behind. He understood and stopped asking me but continues to flirt with me. It was pretty hilarious, to be quite honest. Some of his pick up lines were so cheesy, like this one:

  “Are you from Tennessee because you’re the only ten I see.”

  When Harry said that to me, I internally cringed, but I couldn’t say that it wasn’t funny. I told him never to use that pick up line ever again, and true to his word, he hasn’t. However, his other ones aren’t much better. I really don’t know where he comes up with them.

  “Here you go, pretty lady,” Harry says, placing my takeaway cup in front of me.

  I hand over a $5 bill for the drink, but he waves me off.

  “This one’s on me.” He’s showing me his megawatt smile, the dimples in his face on full display. Harry’s a very good-looking guy, and if my heart wasn’t currently taken, I would definitely take up his offer for a date. However, my heart is taken. I curse my damn heart for choosing the wrong man to fall in love with. It should have chosen someone like Harry. Sweet, kind, considerate Harry wouldn’t say boo to a ghost.

  “No, but thank you.” I reject his offer, pushing the money in front of him again.

  “I insist, Emilia. Please.” His smile dims a bit. What could it hurt to let him buy me this coffee?

  “Fine. Thank you. This doesn’t mean I’m going to go on a date with you though,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Hey, a guy can try, can’t he?” Harry laughs, shrugging his shoulders.

  “You’re very sweet, Harry. If my heart wasn’t currently taken, I would definitely be taking you up on the invitation for a date. You will make some girl very happy one day. That girl just isn’t me, I’m afraid.” I let him down gently, speaking the God’s honest truth. He will make some girl very happy one day. He’s the perfect guy, and I wish that I weren’t emotionally taken, but I am.

  “I will keep asking. One day you will be ready to say yes.” He winks at me, making light of the situation. I laugh and shake my head, knowing full well that he means every word.

  “I best be off to work then. See you later?” I ask, putting my bag back on my shoulder and picking up my takeaway cup.

  “You betcha.”

  I smile before turning around, coming face to face with some pretty pissed off customers. Ah hell, I’m not bothered. I don’t know them from Adam and Eve. Giving each of them a friendly smile and being given the death glare in return, I make my way out of the coffee shop, the bell on the door chiming behind me.

  A few minutes later, I’m walking through the door of the store that I work in called Moda, which translated to Italian means fashion. It’s only a small store, selling clothes and a few accessories like bags and jewelry, but I love it. The staff is friendly, making me feel at home from the minute I started working here. For now, it’s perfect for me to get myself on my feet.

  “Hey, chick,” Zoe greets cheerfully, giving me a smile that shows off nearly all of her teeth. I’ve never known anyone to smile as big as this girl does, and it’s contagious.

  “Hey, Zoe,” I reply, walking past her to the staff room to hang my bag up and dump my now empty takeout cup into the trash.

  Zoe is the first person I made friends with when I moved into town. She offered me the job on the spot, and we’ve become really close friends, even though she is my boss. She’s the bubbliest person I’ve ever met in my life, with her wild red curls and bright green eyes. A full five feet four inches tall and a little round is my boss, Zoe Mowbray. She is the cutest thing I have ever seen, never failing to make me laugh.

  “Seeing as it’s Friday, how about we get our freak on tonight and go bust some moves?” she asks, shaking her booty around to the front of the counter. I burst out laughing. She just has no shame whatsoever.

  “I don’t know…”

  “What don’t you know, Em? All you have to do is come out for a few drinks and shake that fine booty of yours.”

  Zoe stops dancing, popping her hip out and placing her hand on it. I just bite my lip.


  I let go of my lip, releasing a big sigh. “It’s my birthday.”

  Zoe’s eyes pop out of her head, her mouth hanging open like a fish out of water. “It’s what?” she asks incredulously.

  “It’s my birthday!” I reply, exasperated.

  “Why didn’t you mention this sooner? We definitely need to go out tonight then. How old are you going to be?”

  “Oh no, that won’t be necessary. I’m just going to watch a movie and read this book I’m reading.” Even to my own ears I sound like an old lady. What’s happening to me?

  “Nonsense! We’re going out tonight to celebrate your birthday, and that is the end of it. I will come to your place at six with some takeout, then we will put on some music and have pre-drinks before hitting the town. I’ll invite some of the girls?” she asks hopefully.

  “Sounds like a plan. The more the merrier.” I internally cringe. Nobody’s been over to my place yet. What are they going to think about the lack of furniture?

  “Great! I’ll give them a call. Do you have anything to wear tonight?”

  “Yup. I have this dress that I bought a few months back for a special occasion. This is as good a time as any,” I reply, faking enthusiasm.

  “Look, cut the crap. You’re going to have a fantastic time tonight because you’re with me. I don’t do boring, as you can tell.” Zoe demonstrates with a little shimmy, while I laugh. “Just remember, he isn’t going to be there. You can let your hair down for once and have some fun. Heck, just forget about him for a few hours. It’s your birthday, and you deserve a night to yourself, which is exactly what I’m going to give you. Understood?” she tells me sternly.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I salute her. I really do love this woman!

  “Good! Now I’m going to go into the back to phone the girls. You tend to the till and just put this box of jewelry out. I will be back in a few.” Then she’s gone through the staff door, giving me a few moments of peace to myself.

  What harm could tonight do? It’s been a while since I’ve let my hair down. Heck, it’s been a while since I’ve had some company! Zoe won’t let me have a rubbish night, I’m sure of it.

  Fuck it. I’m going to go out tonight and have the time of my life. I may even have a few drinks too many and embarrass myself. I haven’t got anybody to judge me here. I’m free to do as I please, and please I shall do!

  Chapter Twelve

  The buzzer going off interrupts me from the book that I’m reading. I begrudgingly turn off my E-reader, huffing while I do it because I was at a good part, before answering the intercom.

  “Who is it?”

  “We’re here!” Zoe’s overly cheerful singsong voice comes through the intercom.

  Suppressing a groan, I reply, “Come on up.”

  Fricking hell, I’d completely forgotten that they were coming over. I came home, meaning to tidy up. However, I was tired, so I decided to curl up on the sofa for a half hour. Time must have slipped by me. Now I’m not going to find out if she will ever forgive him until tomorrow. Maybe I can escape into the bathroom and finish the chapter. Would that be acceptable?

  I open the door just in time. All four of the girls- Zoe, Poppy, Katie, and Lucy are standing there with huge smiles on their faces. Does everybody smile in this town?

  “Thank you for coming,” I tell them as cheerfully as I can.

  “Cut the crap,” Zoe says, barging past me and causing me to laugh. This woman can see right through my shit.

  “Come in,” I tell the others, who aren’t so rude as to just barge in. I don’t have a go at Zoe; that’s just how she is, and I love her for it.

  “I got us Chinese takeout. That okay?” Zoe shouts from the kitchen.

  Some take a seat on the sofa, and some sit on the floor around the coffee table. I really need more furniture.

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” I reply, helping her get plates out of the cupboard. “Shit, I don’t have enough plates.” I laugh awkwardly. Until now, I’ve not had a need for more than four plates. Hell, I don’t even really use plates. I tend to usually eat ready meals or noodles. I don’t see the point in cooking a full blown meal for just me.

  “Don’t sweat it. We’ll make do with four plates.” I nod, watching as she empties the contents onto the plates, leaving the chicken balls, chips, and prawn crackers in the containers, and just putting the rice, chili beef, and chicken chow mien onto the plates.

  When it’s all dished up, we both grab the plates and deposit them onto the coffee table before heading back for the containers and something to drink. They remembered to bring the wine, which is a good thing because I certainly didn’t remember.

  “Tuck in, ladies. We need to fill our stomachs because tonight is going to get very messy! To Emilia- happy birthday, chick!” Zoe toasts. Again, because I don’t have wine glasses, we all have an assigned bottle of wine, which we swig from to toast my birthday.

  Let the evening commence!


  “Oh my, you look hot to trot in that outfit, baby girl! If I weren’t as interested in men as I am, I would definitely be all over you right now!” Zoe shouts, her words a little slurred.

  “Oh, definitely! I don’t think I would have to bat for the opposite team. You’re totally turning me right now,” Katie jokes. “Where have you been hiding that body?”

  “Under my clothes?” I ask self-consciously. Maybe I should change…

  “Well, you’ve definitely been wearing the wrong clothes. From now on, you are banned from wearing baggy stuff! If I see another disgusting baggy garment on you, I will rip it off. Do I make myself clear? Sexy from here on out!” Katie tells me seriously, though a little loud.

  She’s always been the really fashionable one of the two. Katie and Lucy are twins. Where as Katie is pretty loud and boisterous, Lucy is quiet and reserved. They are both lovely girls, and I’ve grown really fond of them in the past couple of months.

  “Leave her alone, Katie. If she wants to wear baggy clothes, then let her. You’re not her fashion designer,” Lucy pipes up, surprising me.

  “You’ll get used to this side of Lucy. As soon as she gets a drink in her, she becomes feisty and pretty full on,” Poppy lets me know by whispering loudly off to the right side of me.

  “Thanks for the heads up. I was beginning to wonder if she ever spoke. She’s always so quiet.”

  “Is there any more wine?” Zoe shouts loudly over the music playing in the background.

  “I think I have some left in my bottle,” I reply.

  Zoe leaves our little group that’s now residing in my bedroom to go and get my nearly empty bottle of wine. I don’t want to get too drunk tonight, so I’ve not drank as quickly as the girls. They seem to be on a mission to get obliterated. I, on the other hand, will do it slow and steady. I’m more of a vodka and lemonade kind of girl anyway.

  I take a look at myself in the mirror. I’m still not sure if I should wear this or not. My scarlet red dress hugs my figure, covering my cleavage but riding down low on my back, complimented with black stilettos. It’s sexy in a sophisticated kind of way. I’ve never been one for showing off the goods.

  “You alright?” Lucy asks from behind me.

  I shrug my shoulders because I’m not sure. “It’s been a while since I’ve dressed up, and the last time I did, it turned out badly. I’m nervous,” I tell her honestly, holding on to her stare in the mirror.

  She places her hand on my shoulder. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you, okay?” I nod my head. “We’re going to go out and celebrate your birthday and get totally wasted!”

  “AMEN!” all of the girls shout.

  “Amen,” I whisper, still not in the mood for this. I know I don’t really
have any choice in the matter, and these girls don’t mean to be annoying. They’re only trying to help. I need to lighten up and let loose. How often do you turn twenty-two? Once, that’s how often. I need to forget about the past for one night, about the people who I left behind who should be spending the day with me- Maxine for starters. She’d understand that you spent your birthday without her. It’s not like you didn’t speak to her on the phone for nearly an hour this morning, or that she didn’t sing happy birthday to you, albeit not in tune. But she would want you to be happy, not moping around while the people around you have a blast. This is your party. Be the light of it!

  It’s true. She would want me to have fun and not spend the evening by myself. For all she knows right now, that’s exactly what I’m doing. At this rate, I’m going to ruin this evening for everybody. The girls are doing this for me, and I need to remember that.

  “Right, everybody. Let’s put on some good music and boogie!” I shout, trying to get into the party spirit while making my way over to my iPod dock to change the song.

  The Spice Girls’ ‘Wannabe’ starts blaring through the speakers, and the girls scream. We all get into line, bring out invisible microphones, and raise them to our mouths before singing the first line. Well, I say singing, but it’s more like cats drowning. We all burst out laughing and doubling over. This is exactly what I need.

  “Oh, God, I’ve always loved the Spice Girls, ever since I was a little girl!” Zoe admits through her laughter.

  “I used to pretend that I was Baby Spice!” Katie also admits. Her face turns a bright shade of red, though that might be from the alcohol?

  “Oh, who hasn’t pretended that they were one of the Spice Girls? It was the thing to do when we were young with our friends. We should do it now!” Lucy pipes up, surprising me again. I don’t think I’m going to get used to her saying more than two words.


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