Worth the Fight

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Worth the Fight Page 29

by Beth Maria

  “You’re right. God, you’re always right. Please don’t leave me in there,” I beg.

  He grabs hold of my hand over the console. “I won’t. I will be next to you every step of the way. I promise.” I believe him. I believe his promises now. They mean everything to me.

  “Let’s do this then.”

  I release his hands and get out of the monster car. Phoenix meets me around the front, and with shaky legs, I walk into Coffee Beans.

  I spot her straight away, sitting in exactly the same spot as the last time I saw her. This time, it’s not unexpected. Even so, I grab Phoenix’s hand. I need some moral support right now.

  My mom stands up slowly as we walk over. We stop in front of her, not saying anything. My legs are shaking full force, and if it wasn’t for Phoenix holding me up and giving me that little bit of strength, I’m pretty sure that I’d be a pile on the floor. I’ve never been more nervous in my life.

  “I’m glad you made it,” my mom greets, her voice quiet like she’s worried that she will scare me.

  “Me too,” I reply.

  “Shall we sit?” Her hand sweeps out toward the booth she just vacated.

  I nod, let go of Phoenix’s hand, and slip into the booth first. She slips in opposite me.

  “I’ll go and get us some drinks. Emilia, the usual?” I nod. “Lottie, what would you like?”

  “It’s alright. I still have this.” She holds up her cup, which is half full.

  Phoenix nods and walks off to the counter. I watch his back, the way his sweater is tight against his bulging muscles, the way his jeans hug in all of the right places.

  “He looks just like this father, that boy does,” my mom says, breaking the silence.

  I stop staring and turn back around. My hands are wringing together under the table.

  “I wouldn’t know. I don’t really remember,” I reply honestly. I’m a little blunt, and I flinch at how detached my voice is.

  “Of course,” she replies timidly, fiddling with her cup.

  I feel bad.

  “Look, I’m sorry that came off as blunt. I’m really nervous, and it just came out like that,” I apologize.

  “It’s fine, Emilia. I understand, I do. I’m nervous too. You don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault.”

  I wave my hand in front of me. “No, it was wrong of me, and I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that kind of hostility.”

  “Let’s just forget about it, shall we, and talk about something else?” she suggests with a hopeful smile on her face.

  “I’d like that,” I reply honestly.

  Her smile transforms, relaxing and becoming just like my happy smile, big and carefree. When she does this, I see myself in her. It calms me down instantly, giving me hope. I think today might just go well. I guess only time will tell, but step one has been accomplished – I’ve tackled my nerves.


  “So-” we both say at the same time. We both laugh.

  “You first,” I say.

  “You and Phoenix, does he make you happy?” she asks, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Very happy.”

  She nods. “I’m glad. I always knew you would both find a way back to each other. You were inseparable from birth, but boy did you two fight.”

  I chuckle. “Nothing has changed there.”

  Now she laughs. “You always wanted his attention on you, and when it wasn’t, you’d kick up a fuss.” I roll my eyes. She’s right. “As you grew older and started to realize what love was like, I watched as that look of friendship turned into something… more. You’d look at him with adoration. You were besotted with him, and he felt exactly the same about you.”

  I can’t help the blush that creeps up my neck for the young Emilia. I was completely besotted with him. She’s right. In fact, I still am even now.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” Phoenix’s deep voice cuts in, saving me from having to reply.

  “No, I was just saying that you look the spitting image of your father.” My Mom saves us.

  Phoenix hands me my cup of coffee, and I inhale it.

  “I’ve been told that a few times,” Phoenix replies.

  It’s silent for a few seconds. I stare out of the window. What do I say to a woman who I thought was dead up until now? There isn’t much to talk about…

  My mom breaks the silence again. “How are you healing, Phoenix?”

  I kind of listen to the two of them two conversing, no awkwardness there at all. There wouldn’t be, though, as they’ve been friends for years. I envy it. That could be you if you find something to talk about instead of being so stone faced.

  “So, Emilia, I hear you work around the corner?” My mom tries again to make conversation with me, and this time I allow her too.

  I catch her up about the friends that I’ve made. I even tell her about Harry, as he keeps looking over here. It’s sad, but I don’t think Harry and I can come back from this. He’s always going to want more than I can give him, and it’s not fair to string him along. Mom agrees, and Phoenix keeps quiet. The squeeze on my thigh lets me know that he doesn’t like this conversation topic, but he knows that I’m finally opening up to my mom.

  It’s going to take time, we both know that, but I’m willing to allow her that time to make up for all the years we lost. She explains what happened, and it’s great to hear it from her point of view, and finally hearing her side makes letting her have her time to get to know me easier. It wasn’t her fault that she wasn’t in my life, and now I truly know that.

  I find out how she tried to make contact with me through Phoenix, but too many people were keeping an eye out, following us both around. It makes my blood boil. I don’t think I will ever understand why my father did what he did. People ask me if I hate him for what he put me through, and my reply is always the same. After everything he’s done to me in my life, taking my mom and Phoenix away from me, I should hate him, and I do, but no matter what he’s done, he’s still my father, and a tiny little part of me will always love him. I think that little part is the part that wishes he were a good father. I’m not going to dwell on that anymore though. I lost one parent, but I also gained the most important one – the one who loves me with everything she has.

  From here on out, I’m not going to worry about the ‘what ifs’. I’m going to live my life to the fullest, give people chances, and hope and pray that everything goes in the right direction.

  I finally, after twenty-two years, have my life back. I’m not going to ruin that for anything.

  Phoenix is my present and future. He’s it for me. I’m his Adrian, and he’s my Rocky.


  Phoenix – Two months later…

  “What do you want, Phoenix?” Nico snarls into the phone from behind the glass.

  I want to laugh, poor fucker, but I don’t. I’ve come for one thing only – to thank him.

  “How’s prison?” Just to rub it in a little more.

  “Fuck you!”

  I wag my finger at him through the glass. “Now, now, now, that is no way to talk to a life-long friend.”

  “Friend? You’re a traitor, is what you are. You ruined me and my business!” Nico’s voice rises, his face turning that hilarious shade of red that we saw a few months back when he decided to shoot me. Fucker, that hurt.

  “You ruined yourself, Nico. I just helped the inevitable. You’re a poison, and you deserve this and worse for what you put Emilia through.” My voice is cold, not a single trace of humor detected.

  “Why are you here, Phoenix?” He sags back into his chair, the fight leaving him in one big breath.

  “I’m here to thank you.”

  His eyebrows raise, shock covering his face.

  “And why on earth do you want to thank me?”

  I lean forward, resting my elbows on the ledge in front of me. I get right up to the window and, in a low voice, tell him, “I want to thank you for teaching me everything that I need to know to take you
down and to claim my girl back.”

  Nico leans forward, his back going ramrod straight.

  “If it weren’t for you teaching me how to hurt people in the place it hurts most, how to take down the toughest, meanest of people, and how to fight for my life, I wouldn’t have been able to destroy you. So thank you. I’ve got my girl back, and I’m going to fix her and make her the happiest woman in the world.”

  His face is contorting into anger, his nostrils flaring.

  “I’ve already given Lottie back to her. You should see the two of them together, Nico. They’re best of friends now and have formed a Mother/Daughter bond so fast. Oh, and Emilia has taken over Pulse. I hope you don’t mind. When you asked me to sign the papers, I made sure that it was put into my name. I transferred it over to Emilia, so you don’t own any of it. But don’t worry, Emilia is sorted out for the rest of her life, and she never has to worry.”

  I’m a smug bastard, and I don’t care. This man has finished destroying me and my loved ones. It’s time for a taste of his own medicine.

  “Oh, and before I leave. I just want you to know that one day, I will marry Emilia, and there is nothing that you can do about it. You know, with being behind bars. Have a good day.”

  I drop the phone, letting it hang down. I stand up, give Nico a wink, and then I leave. I don’t hear his protests, but the final look I have tells me that he’s beyond pissed off. The guards are going to have a hoot with him tonight.

  I came here to say what I had to say, and now that it’s done, I can finally move forward with my life. With the love of my life. I’ll give her everything that I can because she deserves that and so much more. Every struggle I’ve had in trying to win her back has been worth it and so much more – she was worth the fight, and I’ll keep on for fighting for her love for the rest of my life if I have to.

  The End.

  Alive – Book #1 in The Mended Heart Series

  Out now for free!


  3 months earlier…

  “MAISIE, HURRY UP! WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” I hear my best friend shout from somewhere in my house.

  “CHLOE, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET IN HERE AND HELP ME!” It’s not my fault we’re going to be late, when Chloe knows I need her help with my dress, but she’d rather stand talking to my brother Jake. They think I’m clueless, pretending they tolerate each other for my benefit, when they obviously have a crush on each other. They should just sleep together and get it over with!

  “How can I be of service, your majesty?” Oh, I just love sarcastic Chloe. I raise my eyebrows and point to the back of my dress. I’m going to look so good tonight. Matt isn’t going to know what to do with himself. I bought this beautiful red dress last week. It goes down to the middle of my thighs and cuts down low on my chest, though not so low that I look trashy, but more sophisticated.

  Turning back around to face Chloe, I wait for her opinion... “Matt is going to explode in his pants when he sees you in this! You look so hot, sexy lady!” That’s the reaction I was aiming for. “Now tonight, Maisie, if you leave me there without a ride, I will KILL you! I don’t want to end up getting a lift from Jefferson again. That boy really doesn’t know how to take a hint! So what is it you’re not allowed to do tonight? Just to make sure that I have it drilled into your head.”

  “I’m not allowed to leave you tonight, so you don’t get pestered by Jefferson. Got it, boss.”

  “Good. Now come on. We have to leave, or otherwise, we won’t find a parking space.” I pick up my phone from my bed, checking to see if Matt has texted me. I haven’t heard from him for a few hours. We had an argument earlier because I said I was going to arrive with Chloe to the party and not him. Oh well. Let him get on with it. Seeing that I have no message alerts, I put it in my bra, and we make our way out to my little red Honda. The radio blasts out Pink’s ‘Get the party started’, so Chloe and me scream out the lyrics on the short ten minute journey to Matt’s house party. The closer we get to Matt’s, the more excited I become to see him.

  Matt and I started dating when we were thirteen and have been together for just over four years now. We’d been in English together and had to partner up for assignments. We grew attached really quickly. I never could understand why he took an interest in me. He’s the captain of the football team, the guy all the girls wanted because of his exceptional good looks. He’s your typical blonde hair, blue eyes kind of guy. I’m just your ordinary girl who doesn’t wear much makeup, and I’m not popular. Matt told me he never cared about what anyone had to say or that I wasn’t popular. He loves me for me. I love him so much. He really is my soul mate.

  Pulling up outside Matt’s house, it’s not a surprise that half of the school has turned up. Word gets around that Matt’s parties are the best, so everybody who is anybody turns up. Luckily, I have a small car, so it’s easy to find a parking space. Chloe meets me at the front, and holding hands, we make our way up toward the front door.

  “Alright, sister, let’s go get a drink and then get our freak on!” Chloe says.

  The music is blasting out Robin Thicke’s ‘Blurred Lines’ as I walk through the front yard, so I start doing a little shimmy because it’s my favorite song at the moment. As soon as I get in the front door, people start pushing me around. I swear, if someone makes me fall flat on my face, I will knock them out. Now, I’m not the violent type, but these people are pissing me off! Looking around the living room, I notice that the sluts of the school are hanging around Matt’s team mates, but Matt’s not in sight. I take my phone out and text him to let him know that I’m downstairs so he can find me, and then proceed into the kitchen with Chloe in tow to get a drink. Looking at the table with all the alcohol on it, I see that there’s a choice of warm beer or vodka. I decide to stick to the vodka. I can’t stand the taste of beer! “CHLOE, YOU WANT A DRINK?” I yell to her so she can hear me over the music.

  “Yeah, babe, I’ll have a vodka and coke. Can you get it for me? I’m going to talk to Jimmy.” She waggles her eyebrows at me as she walks off, and I just laugh. Jimmy is Matt’s best friend who Chloe has been having a no strings sexual relationship with for the past 5 months.

  Spotting Jamie at the breakfast bar, I make my way over to talk to him. “Jamie, do you know where Matt is? He isn’t answering my messages, and I can’t find him.”

  “Hey, Maisie! Yeah, I think he’s upstairs in his room. He’s pretty drunk already, so has probably gone for a lie down.”

  “Ok, thanks. I’ll go see if he’s alright. Talk to you later.” I turn on my heel and walk toward the stairs. Matt doesn’t allow anyone upstairs when he has a party, so it’s no surprise that it’s empty. I stand outside of his bedroom door and am about to turn the handle when I hear a woman laughing. Feeling confused, I put my ear to the door to hear better and wish that I didn’t.

  “Baby, you look so fucking hot tonight. I can’t wait anymore. I have to be inside you.” Vomit starts to make its way up my throat because I’m sure that was Matt, but because of the loud music it’s hard to tell. My hands are starting to shake and sweat, and tears prick my eyes, but I carry on listening. I have to be sure that it’s definitely him.

  “Oh, Matt… baby, this feels so good. Harder, baby. Give it to me harder!”

  That’s all I need to hear before I open the door and see what I thought I would never see. My eyes land on my boyfriend, butt naked on top of the school’s biggest slut, Megan, who has been after Matt for the last three years! I start to back slowly out of the room, trying to leave without them knowing I was here, when I hit something hard. Something crashes to the floor, grabbing Matt’s attention. I freeze and watch as he turns around, looking pissed off at having been interrupted until he sees that it’s me. All the color drains from his face, but he still doesn’t move to get off Megan. After what feels like minutes, but was probably only seconds, he jumps off of her, stumbling in the process. I laugh humorlessly and wait for the lies to flow from his mouth. I won’t let him se
e that he has just broken my heart and that it’s lying on his bedroom floor right now!

  “Maisie, baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’ve had a lot to drink...” I hold up my hand to stop him spouting off more rubbish. Of course he meant for it to fucking happen. Does he think I’m stupid and that he just fell and landed inside her? I look at Megan, seeing a huge smirk on her face. She knows she has successfully won now, but I won’t give her the satisfaction of letting her see me crumple. I turn back toward a horror faced Matt, the face of the man I have loved for four years and who I thought would never hurt me.

  Swallowing the huge lump in my throat, I try to stop the tears from appearing as I get ready to say goodbye to the love of my life. “Save it, Matt. I don’t want to hear it. You’ve made it pretty clear that I’m not enough for you anymore. Now, I’m going to go downstairs, and you are not going to follow me. Do I make myself clear? You can delete my number because I never want to see or hear from you again.” I turn to leave, but I have to say something to Megan before I go. “Oh, and Megan, sweetie?” She looks up at me with that fucking smirk still in place. Stupid bitch. “You’re welcome to him as you have probably just given him herpes. Oh, and desperate does not look good on you.” Not waiting for a reply or a last look at Matt, I turn and walk back downstairs toward the kitchen where I see Chloe and Jimmy making out. I practically run to her, wanting to leave before everyone finds out what has just happened.

  When I get to Chloe, I tap her shoulder and whisper, “Chloe, we need to leave now! I just walked in on Matt with Megan, and I want to leave before he comes back downstairs and humiliates me.”

  Chloe stops what she’s doing, turns to face me, and I can tell that this isn’t going to be good. She is going to kill Matt.

  “WHAT? WHERE ARE THOSE FUCKERS? I’M GOING TO CHOP HIS BALLS OFF!” That got everybody’s attention. Well done, Chloe. There’s no chance of leaving quietly now...

  “Chloe, shut up and let’s just go. I don’t want everybody to know. Please, let’s just leave,” I hiss through gritted teeth.


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