Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

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Marie, Laura - Miss: Never Gonna Love Again [The Miss: Series] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 21

by Laura Marie

  “A recording, and she will testify that she was having an affair with Lawrence, that she told him about the baby, and that he was with her the night Julianna was attacked. She witnessed Lawrence calling the hit man.”

  Catherine sunk down into the chair. The tears filled her eyes at the realization that perhaps Julianna’s nightmare was over.

  “This is what we’ve been waiting for. How soon can he be arrested?”

  “Slow down, Cat. The DA has to take his time with this. He doesn’t want any mistakes on this one because Lawrence is a big fish to catch. He’s more than just an abusive asshole. There are more people affected by this than Jules.”

  “So is that what you meant when you said we have a situation? Is Jules in more trouble than you’re telling me?”

  “No. It’s just that Kate wants to speak with Jules. She wants to apologize for what happened.”

  “Bullshit! Do not let her anywhere near Jules. I don’t care what Kate has to say. She’s somewhat responsible for what happened to Julianna and the baby. She doesn’t deserve a second chance. Look where Julianna is now. She’s home, she’s working on the business, and I think she even has a little thing for a local guy in town.”

  “What? Who would that be?” Jeremy asked. Catherine instantly heard the disappointment in his voice. She knew he had a crush on Julianna, but Lawrence stood in the way.

  “I’m not positive, but I think it’s that sheriff guy she had you investigate. You know, the ex-Marine.”

  Jeremy was silent on the other line.

  “What are we going to do about Kate?” Catherine asked.

  “I’m not sure, Cat. Part of me thinks it might be good for Jules to talk to Kate and hear her apology. Another part of me cares so much about Jules that I don’t want her to feel the pain anymore. If what you say is true about the sheriff, then maybe, just maybe she’ll have a chance at happiness.”

  They were both silent as Jeremy’s words sank in.

  “Maybe it’s best to let Jules decide.”

  “I suppose I can call the sheriff and get in touch with her that way.”

  “Let me know what happens.”

  “I will, cuz. Talk to you later.”

  Catherine heard the click before she hung up the phone.

  Walking back over to the tea kettle, she turned the gas on and relit the flame to heat up the kettle again. Thoughts of Julianna filled her mind. She wondered if Julianna was ready to handle Kate yet. She also wondered if this could truly be the end of the ordeal and ultimately, the prosecution of Lawrence.

  * * * *

  Lou Black walked into his son’s office and took a seat on one of the leather chairs in front of the desk. Johnny leaned back in anticipation of the reason for his father’s surprise visit. Something told him that word was traveling fast about Julianna and the baby.

  “Mornin’, Pa.”

  “Don’t ya all good morning, Pa, me. Why is it that I am the last one to know my son’s gonna be a daddy?” he exclaimed, moving around in the chair, all antsy and uptight. He appeared to be truly offended.

  “Well, Pa, Julianna and I weren’t planning on tellin’ anyone. I don’t know how word has gotten out.”

  “Well, someone dun told that big mouth bass, Jenny Wilson. She dun come up right to my face, sayin’, ‘I hope ya gonna make them youngins get married.’

  “Sheeit…I told her to mind her damn business and that she jus jealous cuz I’m gonna be a granddaddy,” Lou stated proudly.

  Johnny laughed as his father crossed his arms in front of his chest. Whenever he got angry, his father’s thick Southern accent was more pronounced.

  “Don’t ya snicker at me, boy! That woman makes me crazy.”

  “Sorry, Pa.”

  His dad huffed a couple of times then leaned forward in his chair.

  “So when’s the weddin’?”

  “We’re takin’ things slow—”

  “Takin’ things slow, my ass. How long you been seeing her?”

  Johnny explained about the snowstorm and then the misunderstanding about his birthday party, and the surprise he forgot about. Then he explained about Julianna’s past. He knew he could trust his dad with the information, and he made him swear the information did not leave the room. His dad was retired from law enforcement. He was a noble, honest, and forthcoming man. Johnny trusted his dad with his life.

  “I see. I can understand her fear. You all got to be patient, son. Got ta take your time and not push. That poor gal. This is a miracle, ya know. A damn miracle.”

  Johnny was silent as he watched his father absorb all the information.

  “You’re gonna be a daddy,” he stated with a huge smile as he stood up from the chair.

  Johnny stood up as well and walked around to the front of the desk.

  “And you all are gonna be a granddaddy.”

  They embraced, giving one another a light slap on their backs.

  “I can’t wait to be a father-in-law either. I hope that pretty gal of yours can make peace with her past and move on with her future.”

  “Me too, Pa. Jules is a strong woman.”

  Lou Black nodded his head in agreement as the intercom buzzed on Johnny’s desk.

  He reached over to reply.

  “Yeah, Mary Lou.”

  “Sheriff Black, I have a state trooper from New York on the line. Jeremy something or other.”

  “Connect him through.”

  Johnny locked gazes with his dad and nodded for him to stay. The door remained closed so they would have privacy as Johnny reached for the telephone.

  “Sheriff Black speaking.”

  “Hello, Sheriff. This is Jeremy, Julianna’s friend.”

  “Mornin’, Jeremy. How is everything?”

  “Well, it seems there may be a break in Julianna’s case.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m sure you read the report I sent you. There was the mistress, Kate Austin, Jules’s friend?”

  “Yeah I remember. Jules told me all about hur.”

  “Well, Kate has come forward with information that can prove Lawrence planned the attack on Jules and the murder of her baby. She has a recording, can stand trial as an eyewitness to the phone call exchange between Lawrence and the killer the night of the attack, and has filed assault charges against him.”

  “That’s great news. I’m sure Jules will be happy.”

  “I need to speak with Jules. Perhaps you can have someone pick her up and bring her by your office so we can talk on a secure line?”

  Johnny instantly felt the tightness in his chest. It was uncertainty and a tad bit of jealousy.

  “Can I ask why ya all wanna speak to her?”

  “Is that a business curiosity or a personal curiosity?”

  “A little bit of both,” Johnny replied, trying to keep his tone neutral but failing as the need to protect what was his took precedence.

  “I’m just going to tell you this once, Sheriff. I’ve known Jules a long time and I care about her, more than she knows. If you ever hurt her, I’ll be at your doorstep with a New York vengeance you’ve never seen the likes of.”

  Johnny was silent a moment as he glanced at his dad. He was protective, and his instincts were right about Jeremy. He had feelings for Jules. But he also knew that Jules cared for Jeremy and his cousin Catherine. So he maintained his professionalism.

  “Well, I appreciate the heads up. I know that Julianna cares for you and your cousin as well. But there’s no need to worry or threaten. Jules is my woman now, and real soon she’s going to be my wife.”

  “Seriously?” Jeremy exclaimed.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s fantastic! That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time.”

  Johnny smirked as he leaned against his desk.

  “I’ll have my pa ride out to her place and pick her up. How about I give you a call in about twenty minutes or so?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll talk to you then,” Jeremy stated then hung up t
he phone.

  Johnny explained the call to his dad.

  * * * *

  Julianna got off the phone with Johnny and exhaled. Thoughts of Lawrence filled her mind and now a beaten and battered Kate. Why did Jeremy want to talk to her?

  “What’s wrong, Jules?” Uncle Roy asked as Aunt Ellie and he looked up from the table.

  “Johnny’s pa is headed over here to pick me up. Jeremy wants to talk with me. Something about a break in the case and Kate.”

  “Kate? She the one Lawrence was cheating with?” Uncle Roy asked.

  Julianna nodded.

  She took a deep breath and waited by the window.

  “What type of break in the case?” Ellie asked.

  “I’m not sure. There was something about Kate having evidence, testifying, and something else. I guess I’ll know soon enough.”

  A few minutes later, Lou arrived to pick Julianna up.

  * * * *

  The ride over was anything but silent. Lou spent the first two minutes talking about being a granddaddy and the next five talking about weddings.

  “I’m glad you’re so happy, Lou. Just give me some time, okay? I need to be sure.”

  “What’s there to be sure about? My Johnny loves ya and you all gonna be parents. If ya wanted time, ya shoulda took precautions,” he stated sarcastically, and all Julianna could do was laugh. By the time she made it into the Sheriff’s Department she was chuckling and smiling from ear to ear.

  Everyone in the department said hello and congratulated her on the baby. So much for keeping it a secret.

  Johnny pulled her into an embrace and kissed her softly on the lips. He took her hand and led her to his office along with Lou.

  “So what’s the deal?” she asked.

  “Jeremy wants to speak with you. He has some news and a few things to go over with you,” Johnny replied.

  “I’ll leave ya all to this business. Do ya want me to stick around and drive Jules home?”

  “That’s okay, Pa. I’ll take her myself,” Johnny said then shook his dad’s hand goodbye. Lou pulled Julianna into an embrace and hugged her tight.

  “Everything’s gonna be fine, darling. My Johnny loves ya,” Lou said before he left the room.

  Julianna locked gazes with Johnny as Lou closed the door.

  “I hope my Pa wasn’t talking your ear off all the way here.”

  “Naw…we talked about normal things like babies, weddings, and stuff like most men his age discuss,” she stated sarcastically. Johnny pulled her into an embrace again as he blushed, a little embarrassed.

  He placed his hand under her hair and against her neck before kissing her softly on the lips. It was a slow and possessive type of kiss that blew her mind away. As he released her lips, her eyes remained closed when he spoke.

  “There are a lot of people offering to help with the wedding,” he teased.

  Julianna raised her eyebrows.


  He chuckled then rubbed the palm of his hands over her backside.

  “All right…let’s get this over with so we can have an early supper together. Remember, you’re staying at my place tonight,” he stated then kissed her again.

  * * * *

  The intercom buzzed and Mary Lou’s voice echoed in the room.

  “Are you all ready for me to patch the call through?”

  “Yes, Mary Lou, make the call,” Johnny stated then motioned for Julianna to take a seat.

  “Do you want me to leave the room?” he asked.

  “No. Please stay, Johnny.”

  He smiled as the phone rang.

  Johnny answered it then passed the phone to Julianna.

  * * * *


  “Hi, Jules. How are you?” Jeremy asked, instantly excited hearing Julianna’s voice.

  “Oh, Jeremy, it’s so good to hear your voice. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, honey. You sound great. I take it things are going well on the ranch.”

  “Yes. They are,” Julianna stated as she leaned back in the chair. One look at Johnny and she immediately picked up on his somber face. She wondered what was wrong, but then Jeremy started talking again.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I wanted to talk to you, Jules, about a break in the case. Kate has come forward with information about the night of your attack.”

  Julianna swallowed hard and hardly replied. “Hmm?”

  “She has a recording of Lawrence admitting to the attack, plus Kate heard Lawrence talking on the phone with the hit man a little while before the hit. She was also with him the night of the attack and was present when he called you.”

  She was silent a moment as the information registered.

  “So when I was in the stairwell, he was asking my location to ensure I was where I should be for the hit man to succeed?”

  “Yeah, honey. Kate is willing to testify to this in court. The DA is going over everything now.”

  Julianna thought about Kate. Why would she come forward? She had always worried about herself in life and obviously never really cared about Julianna. What did Kate intend on getting from giving this information.

  “Jules?” Jeremy interrupted her thoughts.

  “What does Kate get out of this, Jeremy? What’s in it for her?”

  “I asked the same questions, Jules. She wants any potential charges against her for aiding and abetting a murder and attempted murder dismissed.”

  “So she helps Lawrence out in attacking me, killing my unborn child, and now, by giving a little information, gets off scot-free?”

  Jeremy sighed, and instantly, Julianna rubbed the palm of her hand over her belly. The tears filled her eyes, and before she allowed the past to resurface, she felt Johnny behind her, gently rubbing her shoulders.

  Glancing up at him, they locked gazes.

  “Honey, it’s the angle the DA is working, to put Lawrence away for good. There’s more going on here. I mentioned that we thought he was involved with illegal imports and exports, and now we’re connecting him to a major drug cartel and the mafia. I’d say we’re building a pretty good case, but there are still loopholes.”

  “The mafia?” Julianna asked, and instantly Johnny looked concerned.

  “That’s nothing for you to concern yourself with, Jules. We’re on top of it.”

  “But what about my aunt and uncle? What if Lawrence finds out where I am and comes here?”

  “We’re taking every precaution we can right now. The feds and the DA have Lawrence’s attorneys so deep in paperwork that he couldn’t possibly even think of leaving New York.”

  “Don’t underestimate him, Jeremy.”

  “I know, Jules, and so does everyone working the case.”

  “Is there anything else I should know?”

  Jeremy was silent a moment before he spoke, and Julianna had an uneasy feeling.

  “Kate wants to speak with you, Jules.”


  “She wants to apologize for her part and for being involved with Lawrence.”

  Julianna instantly felt sick to her stomach. Johnny was close enough to her to hear the phone conversation.

  His eyebrows crinkled, and he didn’t look happy at all.

  “Why would she want to apologize to me? If she cared one bit about my feelings or our friendship, she never would have done what she did.”

  “I understand that, Jules, and yes, I agree with you. The only reason why I am considering it is because, one, I think it could be good for you to finally have closure and put the anger to rest, and two, she was beaten nearly to death by Lawrence too.”

  “Closure? You think by talking to the woman who betrayed me, was my fiancé’s mistress, while pretending to be my best friend, and knew a hit was going out on me to kill my unborn child would be closure? Are you kidding me? What? What could I possibly say to her, and what the hell could she possibly say to me? Oh, sorry I was screwing your fiancé, sorry I helped kill your baby, sorry the monster beat
me and is still after you, but can we be friends?” Julianna yelled as a sob pulled from deep within her.

  She gripped the phone tightly as she wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry, Jules. I didn’t want to upset you like this. The DA is hoping that if you two talk, then more information could come from her to help put Lawrence behind bars.”

  Julianna exhaled as she tried to calm her breathing. Johnny took the seat next to her and placed his hand over hers.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Johnny whispered, squeezing her hand.

  “Was that Sheriff Black?” Jeremy asked, obviously hearing what Johnny said.


  “I’m not telling you to do this, Jules.”

  She was silent a moment as she thought about Kate.

  “What did he do to her?” she asked as Johnny released an exasperated sigh and shook his head. It was obvious he was getting upset.

  “He put her in the hospital. I think she had broken ribs, bruised spleen, broken hand, and lots of bruises. Her face was a mess.”

  Julianna felt the tears roll down her cheeks.

  She couldn’t help it. She felt bad for Kate because she experienced Lawrence’s wrath first hand.

  Hadn’t she been fooled by Lawrence’s manipulative lies and control? Hadn’t Julianna felt compelled to try and make the relationship work because she thought Lawrence loved her? Maybe Kate felt the same way. She had been jealous of the relationship between Julianna and Lawrence. Kate admitted it in a joking way, but it obviously wasn’t a joke, and knowing Lawrence, he probably played some serious head games with Kate.

  Julianna needed to end this. She was moving on with her life and wanted Lawrence, Kate, and New York all behind her.

  “I’ll talk to her. Set it up, Jeremy, and I’ll talk to her,” Julianna whispered.

  “I’ll take care of it, Jules. Tell the sheriff I’ll call him when I have things set up. I love you, honey. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I know you love me, Jeremy, and I love you, too. I will talk to you soon.”

  Julianna hung up the phone as Johnny paced the small space in front of her. As soon as the receiver hit the cradle, he began to speak.


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