Understanding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy Book 2)

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Understanding Beauty (The Beauty Trilogy Book 2) Page 5

by Raven Scott

  By the time our burgers come out, I ask the waitress for a to-go box. As soon as she brings it, I put half the burger and fries in it, along with half of what’s left of the platter. There’s no way I can eat all this. I’m already stuffed. Collins wasn’t kidding about us pigging out.

  As Collins and I head outside, she lightly grabs my forearm so I stop and look at her. “I’m glad you and Rogen have each other, Parker. I just want you to know that.”

  Hugging her around her neck, I squeeze her. “Thank you. I’m the lucky one, though.”

  She smiles at me and we each head off to our respective cars. Even though I want to go home, it’s still early, so despite taking today off, I head into the office and decide to get a few hours of work done anyway. Rogen usually works until late, so it’s not like I’m missing anything at home.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m walking toward my office and my assistant looks up with wide eyes. “Ms. Helding, I thought you were off today.”

  I give her a bright smile and hold my laughter as the confusion flashes through her features. I know I’ve been snappy with her and everyone else over the last year. “Technically, I am, but I got all my stuff done early, so I wanted to come and get a few things done.”

  “Is there anything I can help with?”

  “Actually,” I say, pausing in the doorway to my office, “can you get me Owen Butler on the phone? I’ve got an idea for Theodora’s case.”

  My assistant smiles wide as she sits back at her desk, pulling up the company contact list on her computer. Just as I get settled behind my desk, the Line-1 button on my phone blinks.

  “Owen,” I say cheerfully as I pick it up.

  “Parker Helding. It’s been a while. How the hell have you been?”

  Owen is an old college buddy that works for the National Broadcasting Network.

  “I’m getting better. Dalton, uh, was killed last year. Car accident, so it’s been rough.”

  He lets out a ragged breath. “Shit, Parker. I had no idea. I’m so sorry for your loss. Dalton was a great guy.”

  I sigh and take a deep breath. “He was, and thank you. That’s not why I’m calling, though. I’m working on a new case and I have this idea that I could use your help on.”

  “Okay,” he says as his tone transitions into that professional news anchor voice. “Pitch me the story and let’s see if I can help.”

  For the next hour, I fill him in on everything that I legally can about Theodora’s accident and death, and my plan to make her story public in order to push the courts to prosecute the party at fault. The police haven’t been forthcoming with information on the defendant and the defense attorney has thrown more injunctions in my face than I can shake a damn stick at throughout this process.

  Where things stand right now, I don’t even know if the defendant is a man or woman. Nothing. All I know is they were arrested on-scene for being under the influence.

  “Parker, I think I can help, but let me take this to my boss. I might not be able to get you an answer until next week, Monday, Tuesday at the latest, but I’ll push this as much as I can to get him to agree.”

  “Thanks, Owen. I owe you for this.”

  He chuckles. “Well, in that case, lunch, on you, sometime in the near future. We haven’t caught up in years.”

  I laugh with him. “Well, that’s because you’ve been traveling the world for years. But I agree, lunch it is. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  After finishing up a few emails and calling the Crowes just to check in on them, I can’t wait to get home and tell Rogen what I’m trying to do. He’s one of the only people who knows how important this case is to me and I know he’ll be excited if I can get Theodora’s story on a national news station.

  I’ve also thought of a little outing for Rogen and I to hang out so I can remind him how important he is to me and everyone around him.


  I haven’t eaten anything since lunch with Collins and I’m too lazy to get up and make anything. Tomorrow is the big shopping trip for baby stuff and while I’m looking forward to seeing everyone, I’ve had this little nagging irritation about Sierra being there. I mean, she’s a friend of the group, but she and Rogen had a thing . . . have a thing. I don’t even know. It never really bothered me before, but for some reason when I thought about her being there earlier, I got in a pissy mood.

  The front door opens and closes with a bang, making me sit up straight on the couch. Rogen is balancing two handfuls of takeout containers while trying to get his keys on the small table inside the door. Jumping up off the couch, I go over and grab the stack from the hand his keys are in.

  “What’s all this, Ro?” I ask with a confused look on my face.

  His keys clank on the table and he gives me a huge smile before walking into the kitchen and setting the containers on the island counter. “I had a feeling you might not feel up to cooking, so I brought goodies home.”

  I set my containers next to his and throw my arms around his neck with a laugh. When I pull back, I lean up and peck him on the lips. My actions catch up with my brain about three seconds after the fact and the heat that creeps up my neck causes me to drop my hands and take a step back.

  Shit. Why the hell did I just do that?

  I glance up at Rogen and he’s got a small smile on his lips and a gleam in his eyes that makes my cheeks heat even more. “So, I’ll grab drinks and you grab plates. Dinner and a movie, because I’m too exhausted to set the table.”

  I let out a sigh, thankful that he doesn’t make a big deal out of that kiss that I shouldn’t have just given him. I don’t know what the hell is going on in my brain today. Yes, I feel better than I have in a year, and a huge part of that is strictly because of Rogen, but moving on romantically . . . I don’t know if I’ll ever really be ready for that.

  We fall into a comfortable silence while he makes us drinks and I grab plates, forks, and spoons before going to the island and making our plates. Rogen carries our drinks into the living room and sets them on the coffee table, plopping on the couch, and I join him with the plates a few minutes later.

  I take a few bites and moan, my stomach growling. I didn’t even realize I was this hungry. This is just another reason Rogen is the most amazing person I know. I didn’t even text him or anything to tell him about dinner. It’s like he just knew I wouldn’t want to cook and he took it upon himself to make things easy for us.

  He picks up the remote and starts going through the movies we have available to stream.

  “So, do you have plans for Saturday,” I ask quietly before taking another bite of food.

  He glances at me and though I can see him out of the corner of my eye, I keep eating. I don’t want to make this weird or make him think too much into it. “I’m off work, so no. Why?”

  “I want to spend the day at the beach and wondered if you want to come with me.”


  “Hmm?” I keep my eyes on my plate, pushing my food around so it looks like I’m eating.

  “Parker, look at me, babe.”

  I barely turn my head or lift my eyes to see his face. “Yeah?” My voice is low and weak. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.

  “I’d love to spend the day with you.”

  A small smile spreads across my face, matching the one on his. He winks at me and my cheeks flush as he leans forward and grabs his plate. We continue to eat in comfortable silence. I’m not surprised that he put on a rom-com. Rogen is one of the only guys I know that never complains about watching chick flicks.

  We both finish and set our plates on the coffee table. Rogen gets up and turns the lights out so that the only thing illuminating the living room is the television screen.

  He sits back on the couch but turns and puts one leg against the back of the couch and the other on the floor, holding his arms open. “Come here, Parker.”

  I glance over at him, my eyes going wide. He wants me to lay between his legs . . . “Huh?”

��Come. Here.” His face is stern but at the same time, his lips are turned up in slight amusement.

  I bite my bottom lip as I crawl across the cushion between us. Setting my ass between his legs, he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me gently so my ass is pressed against his crotch. He pulls his other leg up and slides us both down enough that he’s leaning back comfortably against the arm of the couch and I’m leaning against his chest. We both watch the movie and Rogen shifts his arms so one is across the back of the couch and the other is draped around the front of me.

  As my eyes get heavy, I find myself running my fingertips back and forth lightly across his arm. I’m surprised by how nice this feels. How calm this is. His chest vibrates with a low hum and as sleep pulls at me a little harder, Rogen kisses the top of my head.

  My eyes flutter open and my whole body is overheated. I’m staring at part of a tattoo and part of a dark, close-shaved beard. The sun is filling the living room and I’m still between Rogen’s legs, only I’m on my stomach, pretty much draped across his chest with my head on his shoulder.

  I lean back a little and admire my best friend’s face. He really is handsome, and he looks so peaceful when he’s asleep. Like he doesn’t have a care in the world. I trail my fingers along the tattoo that comes up just to the middle of his neck. It’s black tribal and his skin is smooth and nice to touch.

  “Losers,” a voice yells as the front door opens. “I’m coming in.”

  I go to shoot up off the couch and almost scream when Rogen’s arms go around me and pull me back down.

  “Don’t freak out or she’s going to start the inquisition. It’s Rain, so remember, calm and collected or she’ll jump to all the wrong conclusions.”

  I can’t help but snicker and bury my face against his neck. He shivers as my lips graze his skin, and I still.

  “You sleep okay,” he whispers, turning his head and kissing the side of mine.

  “Really good, actually,” I whisper back. And it’s the truth. Last night was the first time I’ve slept the whole night through without any nightmares.

  “Good, now slowly get off the couch and go attend to Rain in the kitchen because she hasn’t figured out we’re on the couch yet.” He kisses the side of my head again.

  He loosens his arms and slowly I rise to my knees and stand, trying to hide the blush I know is on my cheeks. Just as I stand completely and stretch, Rain comes waltzing in from the kitchen.

  She lets out a sigh and huff. “There you are. I thought you weren’t home for a second. Where’s Rogen?”

  “Right here,” he says with sleep still thick in his voice as he sits up and looks over the back of the couch. “You realize it’s way too early, right, Rain?”

  Her eyes widen and look from me to him and back to me. “Uh-huh. I’m gonna make some coffee. Join me, Parker?”

  As soon as her back is turned, I look down at Rogen and he’s smirking at me. “Have fun with that. I’m going to shower.”

  I let out a huff and roll my eyes. As he stands and moves around me, he squeezes my sides and tickles me. I bark out a laugh and squirm away from him. “You suck, Rogen!”

  He mumbles something I can’t make out and walks through the kitchen toward the bedrooms while I finger-comb my hair and head into the kitchen. Rain is sitting at the island sipping her coffee with a very forced look of innocence on her face.

  I keep an eye on her as I get a mug and pour myself a cup, sitting in the seat across from her.

  She doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, so I just sip my coffee and wait.

  “So,” she finally says slowly. “You and Rogen, huh?”

  I set my coffee cup down and shake my head. “We’re just friends, Rain. We fell asleep watching a movie. That’s it.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Uh-huh, sure you did. Does he have a big dick? Oh, I bet he does.”

  “Rain!” I slam my mug down with a clank. “Stop.”

  “Why? You and him would totally work. He already worships the ground you walk on. Dalton would want you to be happy, and you can’t get better than Rogen.”

  A twinge of sadness tugs at my heart. “He’d want the same for you, Rain,” I say quietly.

  She shrugs and gives me a small smile. “You’re probably right. But I’m not the one with a best friend that’s a sexy as fuck man who loves me. You are. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”

  The moment she says the word love, my whole body stiffens. Rogen and I care about each other, but love . . . I mean . . .

  “Don’t overthink that, Parker. Go get ready. We have to meet Collins and Cannon soon.”

  I drain the rest of my coffee and head to my room, Rain’s words churning through my brain. I know I’ve had these weird moments with Rogen lately, but he’s my best friend. I don’t want to lose that, and if this went further . . . I might, and I don’t know what I’d do if he wasn’t in my life.


  I over-thought what Rain said the entire time we were shopping with our friends last night. Then I had to spend dinner watching Sierra openly flirt with Rogen like she thought if she pushed her tits together through the entire meal that he’d magically fall in love with her. He didn’t seem to mind, though, so maybe the weird budding connection Rain thought he and I had isn’t really there.

  If bimbo-beauty-queens are what he wants, then far be it from me to stop him. I huff and curse under my breath as I pour my second cup of coffee. Rogen and I are going to the beach today and I need to reign in my emotions. This whole trip is about me showing him that he’s important, not going off on a jealous tangent. When I internally decided the other day to try and really move forward with my life, I didn’t realize that all the emotions I’d blocked out for the last year would pour into my veins like drugs through an IV.

  But that’s what it feels like.

  “Good morning, gorgeous,” a deep voice says, making me jump a second before Rogen’s arm goes around my waist and his lips press against the back of my head. “Who’s ready for the beach? This guy!”

  He lets go of me and I turn to sit at the island while he makes a cup of coffee. When he joins me, I’m staring down at my mug, sulking in my thoughts at replaying his and Sierra’s banter from last night. His hand comes into view a second before he gently puts his fingers under my chin and makes me look at him.

  “Thanks for inviting me today, Parker. You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to today.”

  I try to give him a smile, but I think it comes across as more like a grimace. His brows pull together as he stares at me. I quickly take a sip of coffee and stand. “I’m going to get dressed and grab towels and all for us so we can head out.”

  I’m playing with fire as I pick out and put on the only bathing suit I consider sexy. It’s high waist bottoms that stop right above my belly button and a bikini top that goes around my breasts and laces up the back but doesn’t have any other ties, so my shoulders are completely bare. I slide a sundress over it and grab a pair of flip flops. Before heading back to the kitchen, I grab two beach towels out of the hall closet and one of our beach bags.

  Rogen is standing at the island with his swim trunks on and a tank top that shows the tattoos on his shoulders and neck as well as a blanket in his arms. “I figured we could use this for breaks, and this,” he says, leaning down to grab a small cooler and setting it on the island, “because I like to eat and don’t want to leave the beach to have lunch.”

  “You packed us food?” I say with a little shock in my voice as some of my iciness thaws.

  He presses his lips together and looks at me like I’ve said that three plus three equals two. “Yes, P, I packed us sandwiches and salads, drinks, and some other goodies.”

  I take a step toward him and smile. “What kind of goodies?”

  Smirking, he picks up the cooler and hides it behind his back. “If you’re a good girl today, there might be some cookie brownies I secretly bought last night for you in here.”

  My mouth dr
ops open in mock shock. “I’m always a good girl.”

  Turning to walk past him toward the front door, he chuckles at me and mumbles under his breath. “And good has never been so hot.”

  Heading out to the car, I can’t help but wonder if I heard him wrong or if I’m down right hearing things. Did my best friend just say I was hot? I mean, I don’t see why he would, given all the googly-eyes Sierra was making at him last night. Sliding into the passenger seat as Rogen gets in to drive, I turn and set the beach bag in the back. He hands me the cooler and blanket to put with it.

  “Don’t even try to sneak a sweet, babe. I know how many I put in there.”

  “Dammit,” I grumble as I turn back around and flop in my seat.

  Rogen laughs at me as we put on our seat belts and, after a heartbeat, I laugh too. It’s almost impossible to stay angry at him and deep down I really want today to be a great day with him.

  We get to the beach and it’s still before eleven in the morning. Rogen is laying out the blanket and I decide to see if I heard his comment right. I drop the beach bag on the corner of the blanket and slowly pull my sundress up and over my head. Turning to toss it on the blanket, Rogen is staring at me with heated eyes and it’s hard to keep the smirk off my face.

  “Last one in the water has to cook dinner tonight,” I say as I quickly step out of my flip flops and take off toward the water.

  “Fuck, Parker,” Rogen shouts and I dig my feet into the sand.

  The waves hit my calves and a second later, Rogen’s arms are around me and barreling us both further into the water. I twist in his arms, laughing, and just as I face him and his arms go around my waist, a massive wave hits my back and my arms go around his neck. My feet lift from the sand and Rogen holds us both upright.


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