Beloved Hope (Heart of the Frontier Book #2)
Page 28
Grace nodded and barely whispered, “I remember.” She grimaced. “I don’t think that will work for me right now.”
“But you never know,” Hope said. “It’s all about thinking on other things. I know the pain is still there, but you should at least try it.”
Grace moaned and shook her head. “I can’t.”
Mercy spoke up. “Well, to quote Mama, ‘can’t never did anything.’”
An expression of irritation crossed Grace’s face before she let out a cry.
Alex’s face went white at the sound of his wife’s scream. Lance had no idea how to comfort or even distract him and so did nothing at all.
“Something must be wrong,” Alex said, pacing the room. “She wouldn’t just scream like that if something wasn’t wrong.”
“I don’t know about that.” Lance felt like joining Alex as he paced but forced himself to stay seated. “It can’t be an easy thing to deliver a baby. I mean, when you consider the actual process, it must be quite an endeavor.”
Another cry rang out, and Alex stopped and gripped the stone mantel. He said nothing, just stood there, staring at the clock.
Lance knew nothing he said or did was going to ease Alex’s mind. Instead, he reached over to Hope’s spinning wheel to marvel at the yarn on the bobbin. “I don’t know how she takes wool off sheep and turns it into this fine yarn. It looks so simple when she’s sitting here, but I don’t think I could ever master it.”
Alex looked at him, but Lance doubted he really comprehended what he was saying. Someday Lance would find himself in the same situation, and he knew that if Hope were the one crying out, nothing would keep him from her side.
After a few minutes, the house grew quiet. The silence was almost worse than the screams, however. Alex was absolutely tormented by it.
“Why don’t you just go to her?” Lance said. “The doctor can hardly throw you out and deliver a baby at the same time. It might be comforting to her to have you there.”
Alex shook his head. “No, she told me not to come. She said most men can’t stand the sight and faint dead away.”
Lance chuckled. “That doesn’t surprise me. We can hunt and clean game, even dress our own wounds, but watching a woman give birth sounds daunting.”
The sound of a baby crying filled the air. Alex looked at Lance with such surprise that Lance had to laugh again.
“You knew this was going to happen, so don’t look so surprised.” He got to his feet and moved to Alex’s side, then slapped him on the back. “It would seem that you’ve become a father.”
Alex walked to a chair and slumped into it. He put his head in his hands and sat there, unmoving. Lance didn’t know if he was praying or just trying to keep from fainting.
They waited for what seemed an eternity before anyone came for them. Finally, Mercy appeared with Hope right behind her. Both were beaming.
Hope went to her brother-in-law. “Alex.”
He shot up off his chair. “Is she all right? Is the baby all right?”
Hope took his arm. “Come see for yourself.” She glanced back at Lance. “You too. Grace said it would be fine.”
Lance wasn’t at all sure he wanted to go along. He’d never experienced anything as exhausting as this had been.
Hope sensed his hesitation and motioned with her head. “Come on.”
He followed her and Alex through the house and into the bedroom. Grace sat in bed, sweat-soaked and worn. Her face wore a look of elation, however.
“Come meet your son,” she said in a whisper.
Alex immediately left Hope’s side and went to the bed. Grace held out a small bundle to him. Alex stared down in wonder for several seconds.
“Go ahead and take him. You won’t hurt him,” Grace encouraged.
He took the baby in his arms and looked back at Hope and the others. “It’s a boy,” he said.
“And a fine boy he is,” Dr. McLoughlin added, standing next to Alex. “A feisty fellow who gave his mother a bit of a hard time, but who nevertheless is healthy and whole.”
“And Grace?” Alex asked, glancing at his wife, who watched him with a smile.
“She’s just fine, son. Just fine. She did a great job and now she needs to rest. I don’t want to hear about her getting out of this bed for at least two days.”
“I’ll see she stays there even if I have to sit on her.”
Hope laughed. “We’ll all make sure she obeys doctor’s orders.” She looped her arm through Lance’s. “I think we’ve done enough here. I, for one, am sleepy, and although the sun is soon to come up, I’d like to go back to the warmth of my bed. Someday I’m going to tell my nephew how very inconsiderate he was to choose the middle of the night—my wedding night, no less—in which to be born.”
The others laughed, and Lance gave her a smile. He bid the others good night, then let her pull him through the house. Once they were outside, they could see the sky growing light. The clouds had cleared, and it looked like they might enjoy some sunshine.
“It was nice to be part of something as wonderful as Grace giving birth. I couldn’t help but remember how terrified I was when I had . . . Faith,” Hope began. “I hated Tomahas so much, and I was sure that hate and his violence would result in something hideous, but instead she was beautiful.”
“I can’t imagine you having anything but beautiful babies.” Lance put his arm around her shoulders as they walked.
“I suppose it was neglectful of us, but we’ve never talked about children.” Hope stopped and looked up at him. “Do you want children?”
He chuckled and brushed away a wisp of her hair. She had gotten ready so quickly to go to her sister’s aid that she’d done nothing more than tie her hair back, and now it was coming loose. “I’m not sure we get a choice in the matter, but I’ll be happy with whatever happens so long as you’re there.”
“I didn’t think I wanted children,” she admitted. She gave a sheepish little grin. “But then again, I didn’t want to marry either.”
He smiled. “And now?”
“I rather like being married, and given that, I might also like to have your children.”
Lance pulled her close. She smelled of vinegar and soap, but it didn’t matter. “What I know for certain is that God will give us exactly what we need, when we need it. He’s already given me more than I could have ever imagined by giving me you.”
She nodded. “I feel the same. You kept me from committing murder and befriended me in spite of knowing what you did. You’ve helped me not to be afraid. I never thought all of this would be possible, and I’m so glad you chose me to be your wife.”
He took her face in his hands. “There was no other choice. You are my beloved Hope. Surely by now you realize that a man cannot live without hope.”
Tracie Peterson is the award-winning author of over one hundred novels, both historical and contemporary. Her avid research resonates in her stories, as seen in her bestselling HEIRS OF MONTANA and ALASKAN QUEST series. Tracie and her family make their home in Montana. Visit Tracie’s website at
Books by Tracie Peterson
Treasured Grace • Beloved Hope
In the Shadow of Denali
A Treasure Concealed
A Beauty Refined • A Love Transformed
Steadfast Heart
Refining Fire • Love Everlasting
A Sensible Arrangement
A Moment in Time • A Matter of Heart
Lone Star Brides (3 in 1)
The Icecutter’s Daughter
The Quarryman’s Bride • The Miner’s Lady
Chasing the Sun
Touching the Sky • Taming the Wind
To Have and To Hold
To Love and Cherish • To Honor and Trust
Embers of Love
Hearts Aglow • Hope Rekindled
Dawn’s Prelude
Morning’s Refrain • Twilight’s Serenade
Summer of the Midnight Sun
Under the Northern Lights
Whispers of Winter
Alaskan Quest (3 in 1)
A Promise to Believe In
A Love to Last Forever • A Dream to Call My Own
A Daughter’s Inheritance
An Unexpected Love • A Surrendered Heart
Daughter of the Loom
A Fragile Design • These Tangled Threads
A Tapestry of Hope
A Love Woven True • The Pattern of Her Heart
Shadows of the Canyon
Across the Years • Beneath a Harvest Sky
Land of My Heart • The Coming Storm
To Dream Anew • The Hope Within
A Lady of High Regard
A Lady of Hidden Intent • A Lady of Secret Devotion
Distant Dreams • A Hope Beyond
A Promise for Tomorrow
Westward the Dream
Separate Roads • Ties That Bind
A Shelter of Hope
Hidden in a Whisper • A Veiled Reflection
Treasures of the North
Ashes and Ice • Rivers of Gold
All Things Hidden***
Beyond the Silence***
House of Secrets
A Slender Thread
What She Left for Me
Where My Heart Belongs
*with Judith Miller **with Judith Pella ***with Kimberley Woodhouse
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