Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously)

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Dangerously Yours: 2 (Loving Dangerously) Page 10

by Griffin, A. M.


  He leaned forward and placed a kiss as light as a feather on the soft skin. His lips felt as if they would melt. Inhaling deeply, he rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

  One more kiss.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Just one more,” he whispered. He kissed her again and again. His lips traveled the softness of her folds.

  Kane nudged her legs open wider. With a moan, she obliged.

  I can’t help myself. I shouldn’t be doing this. She isn’t stopping me.

  He sucked one plump morsel between his lips and suckled, teasing her.

  She groaned. “Oh Kane…”

  Sa’Mya’s murmurings fueled his passion. His cock twitched and jumped under its confinement. He inhaled deeply. The scent of her arousal sent waves through his groin. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  A rumbling groan escaped from his throat. He couldn’t hold back. He didn’t want to. The crease of her folds was too alluring.

  He took a long swipe with his tongue. Liquid gold coated it. Another pass and his eyes rolled to the back of his head again. Ever so gently, he glided his tongue back and forth in sensual strokes over her folds. He would make her beg all night.

  “Please,” she whispered. Sa’Mya’s body was rigid and tight. Her legs shook and her gaze fixed on his.

  He reveled in her taste, slowly.

  She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and whimpered. His tongue penetrated her. Her walls instantly contracted, clutching around it. She cried out as her legs shook. He delved deeper, trying to stroke her bottom.

  Her juices were a drug and he needed more and more. He lapped and sucked ferociously. The sound of his lapping covered by her increasingly loud moans of pleasure became his driving force.

  “Yes, by the Ancients, yes. Oh! Kane.”

  Sa’Mya’s fingernails sank painfully into his shoulders as the tip of his tongue probed her spot. Kane caressed the area again and her body contorted. Her hips shot up from the bed.

  He cradled her thighs and pulled them to rest on his shoulders. She wrapped them around his neck. Pleading, she grasped him by the head and pushed him deeper between her legs. He never missed a beat. His tongue slid in and out of her sheath.

  He held on to the small of her back as she bucked, riding his tongue and fucking his face. He devoured her pussy in a hungry frenzy.

  Her juice was better than the finest of wines. And he planned to sate himself. His fingers sank into her skin. Sa’Mya writhed and moaned with pleasure. She cradled his head and arched her back. He licked, probed, darted and sucked. He did everything he had dreamed these past nights.

  He buried his tongue within her and swiveled his head side to side.

  “Yes, please,” she begged.

  He teased her spot, pressing and stroking. Her body convulsed. Her inner walls gripped his tongue. She brought her hips up and cried out, spilling her velvet goodness. He eagerly licked it all.

  He lowered her weakened legs and leaned back. He wiped his face on the sheet and watched her. She closed her eyes. Her chest rose and fell hard as she strained to catch her breath. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it.

  “What?” he asked.

  Without answering, she closed her legs and curled into fetal position. Blindly, she reached for the blanket and pulled it to cover herself.

  He pulled it away. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  She stilled. “You’re not?” she asked softly, refusing to meet his gaze. “But I thought you didn’t want me?”

  Didn’t want her? She was all he could think about. He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor. His pants and boots landed in a heap next to it.

  He palmed his thick cock. “Does this look like I don’t want you?”

  She cracked open an eye to peer at his cock. “When you put it that way…”

  He kissed and licked her as he crawled up her body. Sa’Mya turned and laid butterfly kisses on his neck and shoulders.

  “Do you want me?” he asked, firmly positioned between her legs.

  His cock rested against her moist heat. Her overflowing juices spilled liberally on his crowned head. He held back. The pain from doing so was almost unbearable. His cock strained to enter her waiting sheath.

  “Answer my question.” he demanded.

  “Yes,” she moaned. She arched into him again.

  His cock twitched toward her. “Yes what?”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  He pressed his throbbing head against her wet opening. The heat radiating from her valley alone was enough to make him want to explode. Her legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer.

  He paused, enjoying her pussy, slick with need, coating his tip. He intended to slip in slow, to savor each stroke, but anticipation robbed him of all patience.

  Kane claimed her mouth. She claimed his harder. Tongues entwined, dueling each other. Her fingernails raked across his ass. With clouded judgment, he plunged into her with one swift movement.

  Against her cry of pain.

  Kane froze mid-stroke. His eyes flew open. One tear escaped from the side of her shut eyelids.

  “Sa’Mya…shhh…please don’t cry. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” He planted kisses on her trembling lips. She nodded and sniffled.


  Never in his wildest imagination would he have taken her for a virgin. Her aides were fucking his crew nonstop. The crew spoke of their sexual skills and insatiability. Because of that, his callous assumption had robbed her of her virginity.

  I’m a complete asshole.

  He closed his eyes and hung his head on her shoulder. He’d had his share of women in the past, even before Anna. But he’d never had a virgin. A woman had never given him such a precious gift. This gift was meant for someone else. Not him. He’d stolen it.

  “I’m going to pull out. It will hurt a little.”

  “No…please…don’t.” Her legs tightened around his waist. “I want this. I want you.”

  He groaned. Her sheath squeezed him. Against his better judgment, he held still, letting her adjust to his size.

  He rained kisses on her brow, lips and neck. Sa’Mya wrapped her arms around his neck and held her legs tight around his hips. In a swift movement, she brought her hips up to meet his.

  He sucked in a hiss. Sparks erupted through his body, awakening every nerve.

  He dug his hands into the mattress and followed her lead. He penetrated her velvety wetness in long strokes. Each slow stroke was deeper and harder than the previous. Her moans filled his ears.

  She grabbed his head and forced his lips to cover hers. No matter how deep he went, it felt as though he couldn’t go deep enough. He wanted more. He rocked into her, lifting her ass off the bed.

  He tore away from her mouth and latched on to a nipple. Kane moved from one supple bud to the next, sucking, tugging and nipping. Her fingernails scraped his back. Her walls contracted around him. He moved faster, went deeper, encouraging her release. The need to claim her, make her his, was primal.

  “What’s my name?” he whispered into her ear. He would be more than a mere human to her. He was her master.

  “Kane,” she whispered.

  He ground into her. “Who do you belong to?”

  Sa’Mya threw her head back as her walls convulsed. “The Captain.”

  With a roar, he plunged to the hilt before pulling out. Cock in hand, he erupted, shooting in a pool of white cream on her stomach. Completely dry, he fell to his side, panting. Sa’Mya panted next to him.

  Sa’Mya swirled her index finger in the liquid pool, coating it in the gooey substance, and brought it up to her nose. She took a light whiff then stuck out her tongue and licked it off.

  “Not bad,” she said. “It tastes different than Yazmine’s or the human Eva’s.”


  Sa’Mya dipped her finger in his gooey pool again. “Theirs doesn’t have a distinct taste while yours tastes�
�” She licked the wad off her finger. “Tart.”

  “You’ve been intimate with females?”

  She shrugged. “If that’s what you call it.”

  “That’s the second time you surprised me today. I wasn’t expecting to hear that.”

  “Why not? Is it wrong?”

  “Uh, no. Absolutely not. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”


  He watched as she finished the last drop. His cock grew with each lick of her finger. She caught sight of his swollen member.

  Why was she doing this to him? I need to go.

  He rolled out of bed and started for the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To wash up.”


  “This was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened.”

  She moved to the edge of the bed. Naked and glorious, she sat with her legs splayed. Her breasts were heavy and full. Her hair hung in matted waves around her. Bandages covered her feet, knees and hands. She was a glorious mess.

  “I don’t regret that it happened. Why should you?”

  But I should.

  His good judgment left when she motioned for him. He didn’t know why he returned to stand in front of her or why he palmed his shaft and stroked in slow, deliberate movements.

  Her gaze fixed on the slit of his head and watched the clear, salty drop that formed there. Sa’Mya leaned in and gave a light flick across the top, wiping it clean. He groaned. Her bandaged hands covered his and stroked up and down, encouraging another drop to form.

  “You shouldn’t,” he said. “Your hands.”

  “They don’t hurt.”

  His went brick-hard when she opened her mouth and rested his cock on the pillowed surface of her tongue. She helped him stroke, milking his pre-cum on her taste buds.

  He slid his cock on her tongue. She pulled back. “Sa’Mya,” he begged. His cock twitched in her direction.

  Soft lips kissed the tip before she smiled. “What is my name?”

  His clouded mind couldn’t handle any hard questions. “Sa’Mya.”

  She flicked the tip with her tongue. “No, what is my name?”

  “I can’t take this.”

  The tip of her tongue outlined the sensitive ridge under his head. Shudders raced up his spine.

  Looking up, she smiled mischievously. “I can do this all night,” she teased. Bending, she pulled his heavy sac enthusiastically into her mouth in one triumphant gulp.

  He inhaled sharply. He could not. “Princess,” he ground out.

  She released his sac and wrapped plush lips tight around him. She worked up and down, lubricating his cock. She encouraged him by grabbing his butt. Kane palmed her head and pulled her closer. Her mouth worked down his length. She tightened her lips, squeezing her cheeks around him.

  His stomach and jaw clenched. The corners of her lips dripped with saliva. Her head pulsed up and down, vigorously taking as much as she could handle. He entwined his fingers in her locks.

  “Ah, I’m going to come.”

  Knees shaking, he erupted, spurting and coating the back of her throat. She swallowed every hot drop, milking him dry.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sa’Mya rolled to her side and watched Kane as he came out of the bathroom. “What would you do if I told you where I am from?”

  Kane hung the towel that had been wrapped around his waist inside the closet, exposing his perfect butt to her. “Contact your people and offer to give you back for a shitload of gold.”

  She frowned. So much for the idea.

  She’d been entertaining the thought of telling him where she was from and asking for his help in hiding her from her uncle. At least then he would realize there was no need to treat her as his captive, especially since she had no desire to leave the confines of his vessel. Maybe then he would allow her to roam freely.

  “What if I don’t tell you where I’m from? What then?”

  Kane winked. “We’ll find out where you belong.”

  The Ancients must have been smiling on her. There he stood. In all of his naked glory. He was perfection.

  His narrow hips and chiseled abs were enough to make her want to go for round two. She watched his cock swing, carefree, between his lean, muscular thighs. He’d promised her the pain between her legs would subside. She hoped when it did he would be close at hand.

  To her disappointment, he put on a pair of shorts.

  “What’s the deal anyway?” he continued. “Why don’t you want to go home? Are you in some type of trouble?”

  She hesitated before answering. Should she tell him? No, Kane was a space pirate. He was in this business for gain and right now, she was the ultimate prize.

  “I need to return home after my birthday,” she said, giving him the only information she was comfortable in divulging. “I have a proposition for you. You don’t need to contact my home planet for what you seek. I’ll meet your ransom demand.”

  Kane pulled back the cover on his floor pallet. “Keep talking.”

  I thought… She watched as he lay on the pallet and covered himself with his blanket. “I will pay your ransom demand. I can give you all the credits you request.” She sat up to watch him.

  Kane turned. “Slave status, remember, Princess?”

  “Right.” She lay back with a humph. “How is this usually handled?”

  Was it a human tradition for male and females to sleep separately? She cocked her head in thought. Had Eva and Taio slept in different beds? What if she invited him to the bed, would he accept?

  “We request tangible items, minerals or gold, anything that can be exchanged for fuel, food or other goods.”

  “Easy enough. I can exchange my credits and buy you gold or anything else you might need.”

  “Are we negotiating your ransom, Princess?”

  “Yes we are, Captain.”

  “Okay. We’ll free you and your crew in exchange for gold. Should we decide on the weight of measurement?”

  She flicked her hand through the air. “That won’t be needed. I’ll pay your asking price.”

  Kane snapped his fingers. “Just like that. We get rich.”

  “Isn’t this how it’s supposed to work?”

  Kane snorted. “That would be too damn easy, Princess. We aren’t idiots. What’s the catch?”


  “I knew it. Spit it out.”

  “You have to keep us onboard until after my birthday. It’s in fourteen rotations.”

  “Rotations? You mean days?”

  “Is that what you call it?”

  “Yeah, but fourteen days? Why would I agree to that?”

  “I’ll make you very rich, remember?”

  “What’s to stop you from reneging after then? Why should I trust you?”

  “I’m at your whim, Captain. If I don’t keep my end of the bargain you can throw me out the air lock.”

  “I don’t know. It’ll be bad for business to keep you that long. Spill it. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I simply want to return home as Queen. I’ll behave, I promise.”

  “What’s to stop me from bleeding your credit account dry right now and dropping you off wherever I choose?”

  “Because you’ll need my access code.”

  “And I’m guessing you won’t be giving that up anytime soon.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Well then, I’ll discuss it with the crew in the morning.”

  * * * * *

  Eli watched Kane intently. “And you trust her?”

  “As far as I trust any alien,” Kane replied.

  They were all sitting at one of the tables in the dining hall. Everyone listened while he explained the princess’s request. JB chugged on juice while the rest of them shoveled down breakfast. Jess was the only person who didn’t have a plate in front of her. She chose to scoff and roll her eyes at everything anyone else said.

  Kyle shook hi
s head. “I don’t know. It could be a trap. We’ve never held on to captives that long. It’s too risky.”

  “I’m with Kyle,” Ryan added. “We need to have her give up the code now or send a ransom demand to her home planet as planned.”

  Kane sat back in chair. It could be a trick but then again it could be legit. The princess had a reason to wait two weeks. But why didn’t she want to tell him the truth?

  “Kane, what are you thinking?” JB asked.

  “Honestly, I don’t know.” Kane ran an impatient hand through his hair. “If she pays out the ransom, we could avoid all the necessary security measures that go along with pulling off an exchange. We could drop her off and be on our way.”

  “So it still comes down to trust. Do you trust her enough to uphold her end of the bargain?” JB asked.

  Jess slammed her fist on the table. “Wait. We can’t seriously be considering this. Why does she want to stay here? That bitch sounds too tricky to me.”

  “I don’t believe it’s a trick, Jess,” Kane said, exasperated.

  Kane would’ve loved for Jess to have skipped this meeting. But she was up bright and early and ready to piss on everyone else’s morning.

  “Well, I think we should force her to give us the access code then kill her and her whores,” Jess said nonchalantly. She tilted back in her chair so that it balanced on two legs. “And the guard too. I almost forgot about him.”

  “No one’s killing anybody. We need to decide the plan as a crew,” JB said. He raked irritated eyes over to Jess. He was the one member able to tolerate her longer than anyone else, usually. “Put all the jealous bullshit aside, Jess. If this works out, we can be set for a really long time.”

  “Fuck you. I’m not the least bit jealous of those bitches. Kane doesn’t mind if we kill them. He hates aliens just as much as I do. I vote for my plan.” Jess smirked and held up her hand in mock vote.

  “We shouldn’t harm anyone unnecessarily. Plus, Kane may be having a change of heart,” JB said.

  “JB…” Kane warned.

  Jess let the legs of her chair crash to the floor. “What the hell are you talking about?” she asked JB. She turned to Kane. “What the hell is he talking about?”


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