
Home > Fantasy > Suppliant > Page 15
Suppliant Page 15

by Laura Tree

  Chapter 15

  I awake feeling anxious. First--day jitters always get to me, especially when I’m one of the only new kids in school. At least I’ll have some of the other new kids to fall back on.

  What if I don’t fit in? There are always cliques at schools, and I don’t want to get mixed up in the wrong ones. I could try to hang out with Damien as much as possible. That’s what he did at my school.

  How did Damien find me in the Mortal Realm? He must have known who I was if he signed up for all of my classes at school and sat by me. So it wasn’t all one big coincidence. I can’t believe he hadn’t just told me.

  If he had told me I probably wouldn’t have believed him, but still he shouldn’t have lied. I did think his vagueness was strange from day one.

  I start to think back to my comfortable upbringing at Grant High. From the first day, I was not very popular. I only had a few girlfriends to talk to. At least it was my choice, or so I wanted so desperately to believe.

  This place just seems different. I know that it’s neutral ground, but at lunch during orientation, I could tell there were unspoken seating arrangements. What if I don’t fit in?

  It doesn’t matter; I’m here to get the training I need to find the pendant. That is my only goal. I need to focus on that.

  After a quick shower and a bite to eat, I head off to my first class, not really knowing what to expect.

  Magical History is held in room C4. It’s a small class. I walk in just as the final bell is ringing. I glance around and notice that there are only ten seats, and the same desks that you would find in my classroom at Grant High.

  I find a seat in the middle of the class. There are six students, including me. Most of them I met yesterday during orientation. It’s not hard to deduce that this is a beginner’s class.

  “Welcome to Magical History. I am Professor Zander.” He has shoulder--length wavy brown hair, with big brown eyes. He’s dressed in dark blue jeans and a white button--up, with a navy blue vest. His muscles are prominent and well defined. That’s the going rate around here.

  “These are your books,” he says, carrying a large stack. “Always bring them to class with you. By tomorrow I expect you to have this list of materials at the ready. Your assignment for this morning is to familiarize yourself with Chapters One and Two.” Professor Zander hands out the stack of hardback textbooks, one to each student.

  Each book must have a thousand pages. I reach for mine and it slips out of my fingers and lands on my desk with a loud thud. Professor Zander looks down his nose at me.

  “You are dismissed,” he announces before he takes a seat and begins writing; it’s clear that he doesn’t want to be disturbed. I glance around to find the other students looking back at me. A look of confusion displayed on everyone’s face. I take my textbook and list of class supplies and leave, leading the group out of the classroom.

  Once in the empty hallway, I decide I will get a head start on my reading. I’m sure that the other classes will have a list of mandatory supplies so I will hold off on going to the shop until all of my classes are complete for the day.

  I head off to my favorite room at The Isle, the library.


  Ten minutes later, I find myself seated in the most comfortable nook in the library. My new favorite spot is a window bench, long enough to sleep on, with big fluffy throw pillows that match the navy coloring of the padding.

  I nestle there with my Magical History book on my lap, taking a second to admire the view. I’m caught up in the way the waves are pounding the edge of the cliff when I feel him. I snap my head up and see Damien.

  He’s on the other side of the book shelf, talking to a petite blonde. She has a pixie cut and is carrying a load of books in one arm. There’s obvious flirting going on. Her hand is lying on his arm, when she throws back her head for a hearty laugh.

  Jealousy flies through me. My veins start to burn. He takes her books and holds his arm out to her. I realize I’m still glaring in their direction long past the time they’ve trotted away.

  I shouldn’t care about it. After all, I pushed him away. I told him that I needed space to think this through. It’s not like we’re together.

  The anger starts to subside when I think about the reason I’m here. I might as well get my work started instead of wasting time.

  I click the book shut at the completion of Chapter Two and glance at my watch. I still have a few minutes before my next class.

  While reading I learn about the five different Realms that Queen Merona mentioned to me. Zeather is the Magical Realm and where the Council is based. They travel to all of the Realms to keep the peace.

  Abais is the Realm that the Vampires and Lycans live in, although sometimes they travel to the Earth Realm, a.k.a. the Mortal Realm.

  Jorid is the Realm of the Demons, and Geroda, a.k.a the Curtain, is the Realm of the Souls. It’s said that only the Council members have ever been able to travel back from the curtain.

  Each Realm has multiple portals. These portals are like teleporting and can take you to a Realm and allow you to travel back instantaneously. It must be like the portal that Damien took me through the get here.

  The Azure Pendant was created by the Ury. They were a small group of Nephilim who fell to the earth from the heavens. Once it was created, the Pendant caused chaos and battle. People fought over who would wield it. They split into two groups and started a war over it. That is where the Light and Dark sides came from.

  The Light wanted to protect the Pendant and use its power for good. The Dark wanted to wield its power for selfish reasons. One of the Light Nephilim gave his life hiding the Pendant from the others, after siring a female baby. That baby was the beginning of the Suppliant line. That is why Suppliants have the power to find the Pendant.

  The Isle was created by the Council, a neutral ground for students of either Light or Dark to study. Once their studies are complete, they will declare themselves Light or Dark. The side that you choose will help protect you. Declaring a side helps to keep the balance between Light and Dark.

  Since the Council created The Isle, it’s under their protection. The Council is composed of eleven extremely powerful, magical members.

  It looks like I need to get on the Council’s good side, or better yet, stay off their radar all together.


  Witchery, my second period class, is in A2. It’s also a small class, with eleven students and fifteen desks.

  Professor Nalia introduces herself and hands out the Witchery textbooks. As she walks past, I catch a glimpse of her long, fire--red fingernails.

  She has a fragile bone structure, long silvery hair that comes to her waist and is in a braid, petite features, and lilac eyes. She’s older than I would have expected from a professor, but we are in Zeather.

  “Psst . . .,” someone says. I glance around to find a natural blonde with a face--framing bob, big ocean blue eyes, and a diamond in her nose.

  My eyebrows fly up. I wonder what she wants. Can’t she tell that I don’t want to be noticed here?

  “Can I borrow a pencil?”

  I sigh with relief. What a typical question. At least she isn’t asking me to do something stupid like skip class on the first day with a total stranger.

  I hand her my spare pencil, and she beams at me with a set of the whitest teeth I have ever seen. Seriously, she could have been a model.

  “Thanks, I’m Trish Carter. Are you new?” she whispers.

  “I’m Layla.” I don’t want to attract negative attention from Professor Nalia, so I leave it at that.

  Class flies by. Apparently Professor Nalia is not nearly as succinct as Professor Zander. I’m relieved when we are dismissed without any extra work to do.

  I stand to leave, and Trish hooks her arm through mine. I glare at her, but she just keeps on walking.

  “First day, huh? Well it sucks to be the new kid. I’m headed off to Potions and Spells
next. Where are you headed?” She bops along beside me like we’ve been best friends forever.

  “C9, Potions and Spells,” I say.

  “It looks like we’re headed in the same direction,” Trish says. As we walk arm in arm, I notice the opposite sex is giving us a ton of attention.

  “Why are they staring?” I look at Trish, awaiting an explanation.

  “My father is a Wizard and my mother is a Siren. I tend to get a lot of attention,” she says. I really don’t want all of the attention of a Siren, but at least I have a new friend.


  After a quick stop at my locker to stash my textbook, I’m escorted to C9 by Trish.

  I find a seat in the middle of the room, and Trish takes the seat to my right.

  “You’re going to love Professor Zander; he’s steamy,” she says.

  Who isn’t steamy here? “I have already met him; I’m taking his Magical History class for Period One,” I reply. Once again, she turns her killer smile on.

  “Welcome to Potions and Spells. I am Professor Zander,” he says. “I will pass out your textbook, as well as a blank grimoire. Guard your grimoire with your life. Carry it with you everywhere. It’s where you’ll keep the spells that work for you, and, of course, your potions. I would also suggest you get to know your classmates well. They will be of great assistance to you if you find yourself in need.”

  While he passes out materials, I take the time to look around at the class. There are a lot of new faces, and one I recognize.

  Zeke catches me looking at him and shoots a quick wave. Awkwardly, I blush and focus on my pencil.

  “Why do you think we will need to get to know our classmates so well?” I aim the question at Trish.

  “At the end of the course, we will be tested with our classmates. They will assign you a partner and you’ll have to go through a series of situations together. It makes sense that they would want you to familiarize with everyone, so you will work well together.”

  “How do you know all of that?” I ask, stunned at her knowledge.

  “I read the syllabus. My dad works here in the office, and he made me read it; it’s not like I wanted to.” Good to know. I wonder what other classes we share. I might just be able to get the lowdown on other classes from her.


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