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Unforgiven (The Forbidden Bond 2)

Page 7

by Cat Miller

  “Baby,” he hissed, “I need to taste you, need to feel you.”

  Chase’s frenzy washed over her, but she sent back calm, soothing wave of passion to counteract his fevered lust. He breathed more deeply and she moved slowly up and down his length. Dani twisted her hips and rocked steadily against Chase. He kissed her neck and she knew when the combined scent of their lovemaking and the scent of the blood on her neck from his earlier scrap overwhelmed his best intentions. Chase looked up into her face and smiled. The sunlight was bursting over the horizon and through the clouds, washing everything in a pink and amber glow.

  “I love you, Soleil Deidrick,” he whispered.

  Chase lowered his head and struck her hard and fast. His fangs sank into the space between her neck and shoulder, but before she had a chance to feel any pain, the most incredible rush of her life pulled her under. Chase was lapping at herand absorbing her into his body. He growled and pumped into her body.

  Dani didn’t remember the bite, but the taste of Chase on her tongue for the first time was something she would never forget. His flavor was familiar, yet strange. His blood was saltier than his kisses, but sweeter than the liquid heat of the releases she had swallowed. The heat running down her throat and thrust of his strong his body combined to shatter Dani. Her entire being seemed to blow apart and scatter in the wind. Place and time meant nothing for her and Chase while they drifted in the light of the rising sun. When they drifted back to their bodies everything had changed. They were no longer separate entities, but two parts of a whole, two beings with one soul.

  It wasn’t until that moment, in the aftermath of their bonding while Dani lay securely in Chase’s arms,that she made an odd correlation in her mind between the way Chase reminded her of the perfect summer day, with his ocean eyes and the sunshine happiness of his scent and her birth name. He was the perfect summer day and she was the sun. Chase’s chest rumbled beneath her when she giggled. She was obviously broadcasting again.

  “Obviously,” he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t see the sunrise. You were facing the wrong way, baby,” she pouted. She had wanted his experience to be perfect.

  “I saw it perfectly. I saw the light glistening off your skin. I saw the rays playing in your hair. I saw the sun rise in the eyes of my mate.”


  Not so very far away Darren knew his mate was giving her body to another man and he seethed. He was sick with the knowledge that some spoiled little rich kid had his hands, and everything else,all over his mate. Darren had had her in his arms for a few short, precious moments just the night before last. Now he sat in the place known as The Nest and listened to some psycho spout off about a new order of vampires. The Rogue thought he was building a new nation and his Shade army needed guidance. The nut would lead and he believed everyone would follow once he took out the Council.

  The Master, as he wished to be called, wanted Darren to be his second in command. He wanted a general to train and lead his Shade. They were a small army of like-minded freaks. Darren was only sticking around to have access to the Hypnovam. He needed it to bring in his mate. Now that she was a full-blooded vamp, they could exchange blood and solidify their bond. The problem was that she had grown too strong for him to get near her if she saw him coming. He just needed one more shot.

  The nut-case was raving on about his plans for moving on the warrior class when a sharp pain ripped through Darren’s shoulder and neck. He slumped back, startled for a moment before he realized what had happened. That little bastard had bitten his mate. He had sunk his dirty fangs in her perfect body. The little shit would have to die. But that wasn’t the worst that was to come. Not by a long shot. His mate, his woman, who refused to take his blood, was drinking from another man? Danielle was attempting to wash away his bond to her. Rage so dark and deep bubbled up in his chest. He launched the heavy chair he’d been resting on across the room. It shattered against the far wall, startling the other vamps lounging around the room.

  “I will do whatever you want,” he hissed, trying to breathe through the sting of betrayal. “I will kill them all.”

  The Rogue smiled widely. “Good. Very good.”


  Six months later…

  Brandi leaned against the wall at Thirst and surveyed the crowd. The thump of the heavy bass vibrated through her chest. She needed to feed tonight. It had been several days since her last drink. She’d forced herself to leave the house to search for the warmth of a human host. Normally, to her mother’s dismay, Brandi opted for drinking from a blood bag, juice box style. It was a habit she picked up from her half-sister, but tonight she needed to feel the heat of life run down her throat. She wasn’t feeling like herself these days. She chuckled to herself. She hadn’t felt like the girl she had once been since the birth of New Brandi. She looked down at her body and wondered who exactly the girl in the black sequined mini dress and stiletto boots was. It wasn’t really her; New Brandi seemed to be on a little vacation. She just needed to feed. That was her problem. She needed to start feeding more often.

  The practice of juicing, she laughed at herself again, came to her after she started dating Greyson. They had been together for nearly six months and it just felt wrong to her to get that close to another man. It was an odd mind set for a vampire, but it was how Brandi felt. He had been her man since about a week after she woke up in her bed, having nearly been killed by the bullets of a madman. Tessa Vaughn, with the help of Greyson’s quick thinking and surgical skills, also survived. Brandi chose to believe that Darren had been the one to shoot her twice in the back. When she thought of the other possibility it left her feeling hollow.

  It actually annoyed her that she couldn’t seem to make herself believe that the striking dark-eyed stranger that helped abduct her half-sister could have shot her in the back. He’d had plenty of opportunity to kill her when he stood in the entryway of the chapel with a gun pointed at her head. She had even tried to take his head off with a golf club and all he had done was restrain her until she let the flames bubble up and scorched his ass. He had deserved it after knocking her brain around with the muzzle of his pistol. That pistol could very well have been used to nearly take her life. The bullet they dug out of her body could have come from that gun. She just couldn’t reconcile that with what she had seen in his eyes. He was no angel, that was for sure, but something in him had reached for her. Something lost had wanted to be found that night, but she couldn’t help a man who was on the wrong side of the fight between her people, her generation, and the Rogue.

  Once Brandi was recovering after the shooting, Greyson Drake, her doctor at the time, had announced that it was time for him to be heading back to the Enclave to resume his duties as a newbie Wrath guard. Brandi was shocked. This man who had a medical degree, amazing surgical skills and a suntan to boot was a warrior?He used those talented hands to wield weapons and fight. Gage Paris had allowed Greyson to stay with the Vaughn because he was needed. Doc Stevens had too many critical patients and someone would have died if Greyson hadn’t stepped up to offer his assistance.

  Brandi thought she knew all of the warriors from the Enclave. They were all on rotation at the homes of the Council members. Even the Wrath took their turn on guard duty but, she had never before seen Greyson. Brandi didn’t want him to leave, which was silly because if it had been Doc Stevens she wouldn’t have cared if he came or went. But this was Greyson. Greyson, the sexy, funny, intelligent guy who didn’t treat her like a kid. They spent hours talking about everything from politics to sports. He listened to her opinions on the current state of the vampire nation and debated with her on their varying viewpoints. He explained her medical situation to her and the surgery she had undergone. Doc would have spoken to her parents and given her the kindergarten version of events, before he patted her on the head with instructions to be a good girl until he returned. Greyson made her think and when he wasn’t around he made her dream.

  Brandi knew he was older, but she didn’t care. In a few years her age wouldn’t matter. Vampires lived a long time, as long as they didn’t run around getting shot and catching things on fire. Greyson was hot and smart and she wanted to get to know him better. They had chemistry and Brandi knew she wasn’t the only one who felt it. He liked her, too. As long as he was across the room in the cozy chair her father had brought in for him,Greyson was fine, but if he had to get close,he did his best not to make eye contact and breathed slowly and deeply. Her ego wanted to think maybe he was struggling for control.

  So, when he was checking her over for the last time before he returned to his home at the Enclave, she took a chance. Greyson leaned over her bed to check her pupils with his little flashlight. When he was close enough for her to touch, she reached up and stroked his jaw with shaking fingers. She needed to show her interest and hoped he wouldn’t laugh at her like she was a kid with a crush. Greyson froze. His expression mirrored the same curiosity she was feeling. He didn’t pull away, so she pressed her lips to his for a lingering kiss. Brandi’s heart fluttered around in her chest like a trapped bird when he began to kiss her back after only the slightest hesitation. Greyson’s lips were strong, and he tasted like cinnamon gum. She felt desire rolling off of him.

  After losing themselves in the kiss for several long moments, Greyson pulled back and apologized. He felt as if he were taking advantage of his much younger and vulnerable patient. He told her she was a temptation he had to resist and it was a daily battle. He wanted her, but he explained that it was his job as a professional to protect her best interests, even if that meant protecting her from him and his lasciviousness. That just made New Brandi more determined. He wanted her, but felt like a dirty old man. She had laughed and smiled up into his jewel-green eyes before she explained that she wouldn’t be young forever.

  A few guys Brandi had gone to high school with pulled her from her reverie when they blocked her view of the dance floor. They’d been good friends and Brandi actually dated one of them throughout their senior year. These guys were some of her jock buddies, as opposed to her geek friends. Brandi had a genius IQ and a love for all sports. Her two groups of friends didn’t always mix well. She hadn’t made many friends in college due to her age and heavy course load. She graduated from high school before she turned sixteen and had a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine at eighteen. It was a good thing she got that out of the way before the drama of the past year and half hit full swing.

  Since the birth of New Brandi, she had totally separated herself from everyone that had been close to Old Brandi. Those people had expectations of her. They would want her to behave as she always had and that wasn’t conducive to her new, more stylish, sophisticated way of life. She didn’t play sports or compete in math tournaments anymore. She went to clubs and fashion shows. She did martial arts to stay in shape now. Seeing these guys actually made her feel bad. She had abandoned everyone, leaving them in the shadows when she stepped out into the spotlight.

  “Hey, there’s my girl!”

  Nick pulled her away from the wall and into a tight embrace, sniffing her hair and rubbing against her. It was kind of offensive. They’d been intimate during their relationship, but when he headed off to college they broke it off. The long distance thing just wasn’t going to work. Neither of them was very hurt by the separation. So why after four years did he think it was okay to paw on her? She wiggled free and moved back to the wall. Jason and Doug chuckled and leered at her body.

  “It’s nice to see you, Nick. When did you get back into town?” she asked.

  “I’ve been home for a few days. I was hoping to run into you. I have to tell you, I didn’t expect to find a bombshell when I did catch up to you. Whatever you’ve done to yourself, keep on doing it. I knew you had a hot little body under all those jerseys, but I never expected you to show it off. You look great.”

  Nick ran a finger down her arm while he ogled her boobs.

  “Thanks, I think. Well, I’ll see you guys around.”

  She tried to push past Nick, but he grabbed her arm and backed her into the wall again. The other two guys stood at Nick’ssides, effectively blocking any escape.

  “Hold on a minute, babe. I haven’t seen you in years. Why don’t we hang out? I’d love to get on the floor.” Nick leaned in close to whisper next to her ear. Nick was a vampire. Doug and Jason were not. She knew Nick used them as involuntary donors in the past. Neither of them ever remembered a thing.

  “I have a friend I could share with you. Would you like to play with your food tonight? We could have a lot of fun, the three of us.”

  Okay. That was just wrong and creepy.

  “No thanks, Nick. I already have plans. My boyfriend is meeting me later.”

  That was a lie. Greyson had been deployed for two weeks and she had no idea when she would see him again.

  “Don’t bother, Nicky. Ms. Vaughn here is way too important to be seen with a low life like you,” Doug scoffed, “I’m surprised she remembered your name. Notice she hasn’t spoken to me or Jason. She sees us from time to time, but hasn’t spoken a word in months. Snobby bitch.”

  Jason made no comment. He just looked around nervously.

  “Say it ain’t so, sweetheart. Are you a stuck-up bitch these days? And I always thought you would be better than the rest of your elitist family. You never minded my lower-class standing when I had you under me, did you, babe?”

  He rested a hand against the wall on either side of her shoulders and got right in her face. Nick’s eyes flashed black and she knew he was either highly pissed or seriously aroused. Neither of those was good news for her at the moment. Just before she thought she’d have to make the decision to fight, a scuffle broke out behind Nick and he was suddenly lifted away from her. Vince, the club’s head of security, had grabbed the assholes and passed them off to his bouncers. The people on the floor parted to let the bouncers carry off the belligerent trio.

  “Are you alright, little girl? Vince doesn’t like ladies being harassed in his club.” He looked her over with a concerned eye. Vince’s way of speaking in the third person had always entertained Brandi.

  “Thanks for the assist, Vince. They were just a little too aggressive.”

  She tried to play off the fear she felt at being cornered by the large male vamp. Vince just nodded and calmly strode back to his post overlooking the action in the club.

  Shit. She needed a drink. Maybe she could find someone who was tipsy. She’d done it a few times in the past, but didn’t like the way alcohol made her feel out of control. Tonight, a little out of control was called for in her opinion.

  “Hi. You okay? I was watching the show just now. I hate pushy men. Why do they always think they have the right to touch a girl? It’s so arrogant.”

  This came from a human girl that was propped up at a table near Brandi’s position on the wall. She had the look of a scantily dressed Goth chick with her torn fishnets, black fingernails, and folded over combat boots. The only flaw in her costume was the platinum blonde hair. Hair like that should not be dyed black and Brandi was glad the girl had abstained from completing the look. She was beautiful.

  “I’m good. Asshole didn’t what to back off. I’m glad security showed up when they did though.” Brandi sighed.

  “Yeah. I thought I was gonna have to put my boot in his ass.” She smiled and pointed her toes as if she were wearing ballet slippers. They both laughed. The blonde rose from her seat and extended a hand in greeting.

  “Name’s Brooke.”

  “Brandi.” She introduced herself and wondered why the girl was still holding her hand. At this range Brandi could tell Brooke’s dark blue eyes were dilated. She’d had quite a few drinks already.

  “Come dance with me, Brandi.” It wasn’t a request.

  Brooke turned and pulled Brandi into the throng of dancers. The crowd pulled them along in its frenzy of kinetic energy. Brooke danced with a freedom and grace contradicted by her dar
k image. The dark make-up around her eyes was doing nothing to disguise the brightness of the girl within. Brandi was actually having fun for the first time in long time. Brooke danced closer when a slower, more rhythmic song began to play.

  “I’d like to dance with you. May I touch you, Brandi?”

  Brooke spoke into her ear as she moved her hips in a sensual flow and pulled back to look into her eyes. It was an invitation to play a new game. Brooke was on the prowl.

  “I don’t… I’m not really what you’re looking for Brooke. You’re beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t play for that team,” she said with an embarrassed flush.

  Brandi liked Brooke and didn’t care if she liked girls or not. That didn’t matter, but she couldn’t fulfill Brooke’s needs. Brooke just smiled and moved closer.

  “I’m not asking for sex. Though I have to tell you I had hoped, after the way you shot down those guys. I just want to dance. Let me?” she asked sweetly.

  Brandi just nodded and tried to relax. The feeling of being that close to a female was so different. Brooke was all soft curves and warm caresses. It made Brandi understand why some women went to strip clubs with their men. It was kind of hot. A thought crossed her mind and she tried to bat it away, but it kept resurfacing. Brandi actually could give Brooke what she needed for the night and get her needs met in return. The bite of a vampire could be very sexual if they wanted it to be. Brandi could give Brooke pleasure while she drank the heat pulsing through her lithe body.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” she told Brooke, adding a bit of compulsion to get her moving.

  Brandi had to do it before she lost her nerve. Brooke linked their fingers when Brandi left the floor. Hell. If she was going to go girl,Brooke would be the perfect girl to go with. She smiled at Brandi and gladly followed without question. Brandi had enthralled her into a feeling of safety and comfort. Brooke already wanted to go with Brandi and she was safe. Brandi would never hurt her. She would make Brooke feel really good and leave her with no memory of the event.


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