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Zombies Page 3

by Grubbs, Roger

  “If you feel that way, why would you even need me? Take me to my apartment, and you guys can be about your business,” said Michael.

  “There’s the door,” said Angelica, nodding toward the entrance. “Nobody is stopping you from leaving.”

  Remembering the eerie feeling when he attempted to leave earlier, Michael decided to forego the offer. “Awe, heck. You guys need me. I could never forgive myself if I let anything happen to either of you.” His companions laughed and finally Michael joined them. However, the merriment was suddenly interrupted by a frightening sound that resembled that of a screaming mountain lion. “What in the heck was that?”

  “Must you ask?” replied Angelica, approaching the door.

  “Hey, you’re not going out there alone. You stay right here so we can protect you,” said Michael.

  When the beautiful lady turned to stare at the young man, he nervously shifted back and forth. “Would you like to come with me?” she asked.

  He thought for a moment and came to the conclusion it would be safer than staying there in the cabin without her. Yet, he was obviously afraid. Finally, being forced to make a decision, Michael said, “Wait here for us, Professor.” The gentleman smiled at the front the young man was putting up. He was scared out of his wits and afraid to be separated from the mysterious creature that had befriended them. Michael noticed the young lady already at the door and quickly caught up with her.

  “Take good care of our friend,” said the professor as the two exited the cabin.

  “You got it,” said both parties at the exact same time. Angelica just shook her head while rolling her eyes.

  As soon as they left the professor behind to fend for himself, the smile on his face disappeared. The seriousness of the matter at hand was sobering. Unlike Michael, who was caught off guard by this whole incident, the professor had a hunch about the mysterious world they were now entering. He stood vigilant at his post while his two brave companions were now out of hearing distance of the cabin. There was nothing left to do except wait which was the most unpleasant part of the whole ordeal.

  Chapter 3

  As they crept through the woods, Angelica said, “Michael, you need to turn loose of my arm so I can do my job.”

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t realize I was hurting you.”

  “You can’t hurt me, but you don’t want to be touching me when it happens,” replied Angelica.

  “Shoot, girl! Are you going to do that weird stuff again?”

  “Only if necessary. Now stay close but no touching,” instructed Angelica. Within a few steps, Michael once again latched onto Angelica out of fear of the unknown. “Michael, you are doing it again. Now let go of my arm, or you will regret it.” He loosened his grip and slowly backed away to honor her request. He had gotten a glimpse of what it could be like standing too close to Angelica when she unleashed her furry. Yet, he still wasn’t exactly sure what he had witnessed. As he fell back to allow his friend some space, there was something else to be concerned about.

  “Angelica, we have company,” stuttered Michael. However, she evidently didn’t hear his warning. With something strange coming over him, Michael provided another warning. This time it came out with him shouting for help. “Angelica! Something is happening to me.”

  With the speed of lightening, she came to his aid. “Let my friend go,” she yelled in a commanding tone. The sound of her voice was neither human nor beast, but something beyond this world. After that, Michael blacked out and fell to the ground. But, it didn’t end there. The creatures followed him into the subconscious, waging a battle of momentous proportions. No matter how hard Michael tried, he couldn’t seem to emerge from the trance. Being caught up in visions of demons and angels, the young man cried out for help. But, Angelica was nowhere to be seen.

  Suddenly, in the midst of the battle an angel appeared. The dark demonic creatures waged a fierce battle against the lone angel brandishing a flaming sword, bringing into question as to whether or not the brilliant celestial being could prevail. Surprisingly, the demons overtook the angel. Without warning, the beautiful creature cried out to Michael. “Help me!” What was he to do? Being paralyzed by some sort of strange powers, he was helpless. Then just as strangely as it had overtaken him, the powers loosed its grip. Michael mysteriously found himself by the side of the beautiful angel with a flaming sword in his own hand. They bravely stood side by side as the heated battle suddenly turned in their favor. Moments later the demonic creatures disappeared, leaving behind two formidable opponents. Yet, Michael noticed something unusual had happened to him. Reaching down to touch his skin, he realized it was but flesh and blood. Not being convinced, he grabbed Angelica by the arm.

  “What did I tell you about that?” she scolded.

  “You are flesh, just like me,” said Michael, totally confused.

  “At the moment I am. But if you had done that earlier, you would have regretted it,” said Angelica.

  “I forgot,” said Michael, dropping his arm as if her flesh was a roaring fire.

  “No harm done, but don’t do it again, at least not when I am like this,” said Angelica.

  “So that was you? What just happened to us?” asked Michael.

  “What just happened is that we won the encounter. Now let’s get back to the professor before it is too late,” said Angelica.

  “Then I wasn’t dreaming,” said Michael with mixed feelings.

  “You did great and I suppose I should be thanking you,” said Angelica.

  “You are welcome, but I really don’t understand what or how I just did that,” said Michael.

  “I will explain it later, but are you okay with this?”

  “You keep saying that, yet you never explain anything. Yes, I am okay, I guess. But, I don’t know what okay is anymore,” replied Michael in a stupor.

  “You will be fine. Just follow me back to the cabin.”

  “Do I have a choice?” asked Michael, not expecting an answer.

  “Sure, we all have choices, but there are consequences to our decisions.”

  “I just wish you would speak in terms that I can understand,” said Michael.

  “If I did that, you would surely become more confused than you are right now. Stick with me and you will learn the truth soon enough.”

  “There you go again, speaking in riddles,” said Michael. He thought for a moment and became apprehensive concerning their surroundings. “Are those creepy things coming back? You know with reinforcements?”

  “That is one thing you can count on. But we will be ready, now that I know you better.”

  “How is that? You know very little about me,” said Michael.

  “I know you have a good spirit. That’s enough for me.”

  “What about the professor? Does he have a good spirit?” asked Michael.

  “Certainly, although I don’t know if he has the strength of character needed to fight off the urge.”

  “Fight off the urge to do what?” asked Michael.

  “I don’t know if the professor has the will to do what you just did. If not, there is no hope for him. But, not to worry yet, we will have that answer soon enough.”

  “None of this makes sense, and to think this morning my life was so simple,” said Michael.

  “It gets a lot more complicated, my friend. Now wait here for me while I step inside to check on the professor.”

  “I am going with you. After the incident back there, I feel I have earned the privilege,” said Michael.

  “You are right, but no touching—at least not until I am convinced you are ready.”

  “You make it sound like that touching business is a big deal. Why is it you could hold the professor’s hand without having the same concerns?” asked Michael.

  “I will explain it later. Now do as I say and no touching until I make sure the professor is okay.” Upon hearing that Michael threw up his hands and rolled his eyes.

  He waited outside while Angelica slowly approached th
e professor. However, curiosity got the best of him and he peeked inside. Immediately he wished he hadn’t. “What is she doing to him?” mumbled Michael. He could only observe from a distance, wondering what all this meant. Sooner than he expected, it ended.

  “You can come in, Michael. The professor is safe,” said Angelica, calmly.

  “Are you sure about that? Look at his eyes.”

  “What is wrong with my eyes?” asked the professor, squinting. This gesture startled Michael and he leapt backwards about ten feet before falling to the floor.

  “My word, Son. You are afraid of everything,” said the professor, laughingly.

  “Well if you had witnessed what I just saw, you would have done the same thing or worse.”

  “You two guys kill me acting like little kids.”

  “Tell the professor that. He is the one acting up,” insisted Michael.

  “Just drop it and let’s get some rest. We will need to be alert tomorrow,” said Angelica.

  Michael looked into the adjoining room to find only one bed. “I am getting the bed. Where are you guys planning to sleep?” asked Michael.

  “There is a king-size bed and the sofa. You guys take the bed, and I will sleep in here,” said Angelica.

  “We can’t do that. What will people think? A student and a professor in the same bed?” argued the professor.

  “Okay, the professor and I will take the bed, and Michael can have the sofa.”

  “We can’t do that. Technically you are a student at the school,” said the professor.

  “Hey, there is no way I am sleeping with Angelica. What if I touch her?” asked Michael, throwing up his hands.

  “Big deal. She is a mature individual. If you get out of line, she can just slap you silly,” said the professor, laughingly.

  “No, it’s not like that, you don’t understand. When she is in her element, I can’t touch her or . . .” He paused, not knowing how to finish. “You never told me what would happen to me.”

  “You will be okay. Just stay on your side of the bed,” replied Angelica.

  “Crap, I will just sleep on the floor then,” said Michael.

  “Don’t be silly. Pick your side of the bed, and let the professor have the sofa,” said Angelica.

  “I am doing this against my better judgment; but if I disappear in the night, maybe the professor will find me,” complained Michael.

  “Come on now. Where is the brave gladiator I witness a few minutes ago?” asked Angelica.

  “You tell me. I’m not the one that created that illusion; you are,” said Michael.

  “Is that what you think that was? You have a lot to learn my friend,” said Angelica.

  “I am taking it you guys had a run in with the demons?” said the professor.

  “You will have to ask Angelica about that. I have no idea what happened, or how she did it,” said Michael. The discussion was interrupted by Michael taking his place on the left side of the gigantic bed while the professor made himself comfortable on the sofa. Before long Michael was sleeping soundly and hadn’t noticed being joined by his female companion.

  * * * *

  The next thing Michael remembered was being awakened by the sound of a familiar voice. “You guys need to get ready. Classes are about to begin.”

  Without even opening his eyes, he answered. “I am cutting classes today. I need some sleep,” said Michael, turning his back to her as if he had no intentions of obeying her request.

  “No you are not. Now get up,” said Angelica, tossing a pillow at him. The sleepyhead was unfazed by the gesture. “Michael, don’t make me hurt you. I can’t be in two places at once. Now get up.” He finally rolled out of the bed with his eyes barely open.

  “Where is the professor?” asked Michael, rubbing his hands through his messy hair while yawning.

  “He is at the creek I suppose,” replied Angelica, staring into the mirror on the dresser.

  “Creek? What is he doing at the creek? Do we even have a creek?”

  “I suppose he is bathing, and you’re next,” said Angelica.

  “Like heck I am. First of all, I’m not about to bathe in a creek. Secondly, it’s cold out there in case you haven’t noticed.”

  “Here is your towel,” said Angelica, tossing him the heavy linen. Glancing out the window, she added, “I see the professor coming. Hop to it.”

  “You are not going to let up until I do, are you?”

  “Nope and you would be wise to do as I say,” said Angelica.

  The professor walked through the door with a brilliant smile on his face. “What do you find so amusing? It’s cold out there and a creek? You have got to be kidding me,” said Michael.

  “Actually I find it rather refreshing. It gets the heart pumping,” said the professor, in a cheerful mood. The young man considered this as a challenge from the older gentleman.

  “Well if you can manage, I should be able to handle it, too,” said Michael, slowly walking toward the vale. Moments later there was no doubt about how the water felt on this cool crisp morning.

  “Is he okay?” asked Angelica, gazing toward the valley.

  “Yes, I perceive the experience will be good for the lad, you know—toughen him up a bit,” said the professor with a chuckle.

  “Don’t underestimate, Michael. He is quite capable of much more than he could ever imagine,” said Angelica, watching for his return.

  “Do I sense you are growing fond of the lad?” asked the professor.

  “He’s alright, I guess.”

  “So you do like me. I thought so,” said Michael, overhearing the conversation.

  “How in the world did you bathe so quickly? You get back down there and clean up, or I will be forced to do it for you,” said Angelica.

  “No touching, remember?” teased Michael. The men noticed her blushing. “What is it with these mysterious women? They can take on the demons, but talk sexy and they turn red. Gee whiz,” said Michael.

  “Michael, creatures like her are not allowed to engage in such matters, right, Angelica?”

  “If you guys are through flapping you lips, we need to leave,” said Angelica. The men laughed as they perceived there would not be an answer forthcoming from the mysterious lady among them.

  Stepping out into the front yard of the cabin, Michael looked all about and asked, “Where is our ride?”

  “Now, Michael, do you remember how we got here?” chided Angelica.

  “We walked,” said Michael, staring all about.

  “Exactly. Now follow me,” said Angelica, walking toward the campus. The men fell in behind their leader.

  “Don’t you just love that girl?” asked Michael, sarcastically.

  “You had better be careful with talk of love until you figure out what kind of creature she is,” warned the professor.

  “She is human like you and me. I would stake my life on it,” said Michael.

  “All the same, I wouldn’t be hitting on her until you know for sure.”

  “I have no intentions of seeking a romantic relationship with the young lady,” said Michael.

  “Then you wouldn’t mind if I do?” asked the professor.

  “Hey, you are too old for her. She is more my age,” said Michael.

  “Just as I thought. You are thinking about it. Just remember my warning. She may be from another world, and they frown on such relationships with humans,” said the professor.

  “Will you guys stop talking about me behind my back? And I better not catch either of you looking at my butt,” said Angelica. That warning startled them. Was she, in fact, human and just playing hard to get?

  It only took a moment for Michael to recall what he had witness the night before. Yet, he was human and had fought side by side with Angelica. That led him to the only reasonable conclusion. “She is one of us,” said Michael, smiling.

  “Yes, but what are we? Have you considered that?” asked the professor, walking ahead to catch up with the young lady.

>   “You are just messing with my mind. For all I know, you both are in on it,” said Michael, loudly. He noticed the professor spoke with a chuckle and Angelica refused to turn around to face him. Now he wondered if he was the butt of their joke and had been hallucinating during the whole experience. After all they were studying the spiritual realm at school. Maybe this was part of Angelica’s research, and the professor was helping her out with it. That made perfect sense, yet he still liked the young lady and entertained thoughts of a carnal nature. His eyes naturally landed on the shapely body of the beautiful girl, and he got caught.

  “Michael, what have I told you about that?” asked Angelica.

  “Shoot, girl, you can read my mind,” said Michael, totally dumbfounded.

  “No, but your stares are burning a hole in my butt,” said Angelica, turning to face him.

  “Oh, was it that obvious?”

  “Well yeah, you can’t hide something like that. Now stop doing it,” said Angelica, walking away. A few moments later, the silence was broken again. “Michael!”

  “Okay, then stop walking in front of me,” said Michael.

  “Then pick up your big feet, or we will be late for classes,” said Angelica. The professor laughed at the two of them acting like teenagers. The young man decided it would be much safer walking beside them so he ran to catch up.

  “So, Professor, do you have anything planned for classes today?” asked Michael.

  “That is a dumb question. Of course he does,” said Angelica.

  “Actually I thought we might work on the witch trials. You know . . . to see if we can explain human behavior. I figure there must be something to this good and evil gig. Maybe there were witches in days gone by. Then again maybe they are still among us,” said the professor.

  “Are you serious?” asked Michael, doubtfully.

  “Sure, why not find the truth? Isn’t that the purpose of our class?” asked the professor. Michael noticed the young lady staring at the gentleman in confusion. Obviously what the professor said was troubling her, but why?

  “I just thought of something. How is Angelica going to be with both of us all the time? I have classes to attend,” said Michael.


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