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Zombies Page 18

by Grubbs, Roger

  Angelica took a seat on the box of food and waited for her friend to come to. Minutes later she awakened with a startled look in her eyes. “What are you?”

  “I am your friend, remember?” asked Angelica. She had spoken truthfully, but the rest was kept a secret.

  “I must have been hallucinating. For a moment, you looked like an angel.”

  “I get that a lot,” said Angelica, remembering Michael saying the same thing. She reached down for the box to lift it onto her shoulder.

  “We will take turns with that,” said Niki.

  “Okay, it will get a little heavy I am sure,” said Angelica. Together they descended the stairs with each having their own thoughts about what had just happened. Niki wasn’t certain if it was real or an illusion created by malnutrition. On the other hand, Angelica realized she needed to finish something she should have taken care of long ago. After what had just happened, she was now determined to do it. Until that moment she thought she had been abandoned and had lost her powers forever. Niki noticed the confident look in her companion’s eyes and wondered what was going on, but she kept it to herself.

  The brief stroll ended with the familiar code requesting entry into the makeshift fortress. Once inside, the girls were ecstatic that they would have food to eat once again. There were plenty of offers among the others to prepare the food. In fact, Niki helped them while Angelica stood to the side in deep thought. Just how she would end this battle was weighing heavily on her. If she failed, the world was doomed. The zombies would rise again and continue to plague humans until there was not a living soul left on earth. She must not let that happen.

  Seeing she was troubled, Niki approached to inquire of her concerns. “It’s about the men, isn’t it?”

  “Partly, but knowing Michael and Arnie like I do, they will be back here better than ever. Then we will have to listen to their boasting about how they defeated the zombies,” said Angelica.

  “We will manage, if only they survive,” said Niki.

  “I suppose, but guys can be a little obnoxious when they are like that,” said Angelica. They laughed, relieving the tension; and the others noticed the change.

  As the aroma of sweet smelling food filled the air, everyone began to realize how hungry they actually were. Once the food was equally divided and distributed among the girls, Angelica noticed one girl in particular that had become terribly frail. Finding the others engulfed in eating, she discretely approached the young lady. “For some strange reason I am not hungry. Can you eat my food? I don’t want it to go to waste. Maybe next time you could share some of yours with me?”

  The young girl sat in disbelief. She had assumed everyone was starving; however, her case seemed to be a bit more severe as her bones looked like they were protruding through her skin. She was gradually becoming a human skeleton. In a weakened condition, she asked, “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” said Angelica with an encouraging smile. “Here take this and keep it to yourself if you don’t mind,” she added while cautiously looking around. The girl reluctantly took the food, savoring the moment. While Angelica was rather hungry, she could handle the sacrifice knowing it was put to good use. Maybe before long this problem would be resolved. Now that she realized what was required to end it, she began making plans. But, the first order of business would be to explain as much as possible to Michael. She wouldn’t be able to tell him everything, but she needed to prepare him for what was to follow.

  * * * *

  The next two days were occupied with Angelica and Niki providing enough food to sustain them. All the while they lived with the nagging fear that the men were beyond help, possibly turned into zombies. Finally, when the day of their scheduled return arrived, everybody was on pins and needles. With rattled nerves and anticipation, there had been very little sleep during the night before. They all hoped the men would show up at any moment and deliver the secret code on the huge metal door. However, noon came and there was no sign of them. The day dragged on and by evening, they had given up all hope.

  “Something is wrong. They should be here by now,” said Niki, being the first to verbalize what they were all thinking. Until then, none of them could find the courage to speak of it.

  “There is still hope. Maybe they are bringing food, and they could have found a truck to haul it,” said the frail girl. They all dropped their heads knowing that was not likely.

  “Okay, girls, it’s now up to us; and I have a job to do,” said Angelica, reaching for the sig.

  “No, give them a little more time. What if they are okay and you shoot them?” pleaded one of the girls.

  “I will check before doing that. But we all know if they have been turned I must do this. Otherwise, we will all be turned; and who will that help? We have a chance of surviving because of the acts of our brave friends. Now we need to finish this. After that, I have a few loose ends to take care of. So if I don’t come back, Niki will be in charge,” said Angelica.

  “You can’t leave us. We can’t do this alone,” pleaded Misty. The others agreed.

  “Yes you can. Niki knows where the food is; and once I do my job, you will never have to worry about another zombie. Now I need to leave before it gets dark. That way I will be able to see them clearly.” Before anyone could object further, Angelica left, making certain the door was securely fastened behind them.

  “Do you think she will be okay?” asked Misty.

  Without revealing any details, Niki replied, “If you had witnessed what I did, you wouldn’t have to ask that question.” However, in retrospect, she wasn’t sure what she had actually witnessed. Yet, those brief images convinced her something supernatural was involved.

  Chapter 17

  Venturing out into the woods, Angelica searched for the two men. After hours of searching and being unable to catch any movement, she was left with no alternative but to call out for them. “Michael!” yelled Angelica. As the sun began lowering in the sky, she could only hope that they were not waiting in the shadows. She called out again and there was no answer. Sensing danger, she checked the clip in the 9mm sig. As expected, there were only two bullets left. If the men have been turned, she must not miss. Just in case, she made certain the samurai sword was ready as a backup. Still there was not a sound anywhere. The eerie quietness made her skin crawl. However, she had no choice except to seek out her friends. Little did she know that the unsettling answer was nearby.

  Suddenly there it was. Michael was leaning over the one they referred to as the little guy who was lying on the ground. Startled that he could be eating the brains of his companion, Angelica decided to proceed with caution. As quietly as possible she approached her friends with tears in her eyes. Now within a few feet of the two and with poor lighting, she determined her worst fears had come to pass. The thoughts of losing her dear companions to the world of the undead almost sent her to her knees; but for the sake of the girls, she must not succumb to those feelings. Michael had no idea she was standing right behind him.

  This was a chance to do her job as her friend had his back to her. He was obviously eating away at the only human near him, but Angelica couldn’t bear the thoughts of looking at Arnie in that condition. Placing the loaded gun very near Michael’s head, she would be assured of a clean kill. With tears streaming down her face and sadness etched in her heart, she slowly prepared to squeeze the trigger. The sound of the metal safety being released sent the zombie into a rage. Immediately the pistol was knocked from her hand as the weapon discharged, echoing throughout the whole region. Angelica had messed up yet again, and this time she would pay with her life.

  Hearing the loud blast, Arnie leapt to his feet. “Don’t shoot! We are okay,” he yelled. With Michael staring directly into her eyes, while holding onto her wrist, she realized her mistake.

  “You guys are not zombies!” she said in disbelief.

  “That is what we are trying to tell you. It is a good thing you missed though,” said Michael, staring at the wea
pon lying on the ground.

  “Then why were you trying to eat Arnie?” asked Angelica.

  “I wasn’t trying to eat him. He was asleep and I was attempting to wake him. We figured you might be wondering if we were okay,” said Michael.

  “Well, yes. You didn’t come back. What else were we supposed to think?” asked Angelica.

  “Mr. Know-it-all over there wanted to make sure we were out of danger. I told him if we made it until morning we were in the clear. But no, he wanted to make sure,” said Arnie.

  “I almost got us killed, and I am sorry for my mistake,” said Michael.

  “Apology accepted,” said Angelica, hugging him and then Arnie. After that, she hauled off and slapped Michael.

  “What was that for?” he asked, holding his stinging face with pride.

  “Oooh, she is mad at you,” said Arnie, chuckling but keeping a safe distance.

  “That was for worrying us to death; and even worse, I almost killed you. Do you realize how difficult it is to kill someone you love?” asked Angelica, clearly upset.

  If Michael wasn’t in shock before, he was now. “Love? You never told me you loved me,” he said.

  “Forget about it. I have something to tell you in private,” said Angelica, taking him by the hand.

  “Don’t mind me, guys. I get your drift. I will just talk a short walk. How much time you two figure you need?” asked Arnie, looking back over his shoulder.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter, Arnie. It’s not like that. I have something to discuss with Michael that only he will understand.”

  “Okay, but if I come back and you two embarrass me, I am never going to forgive you.”

  “Arnie! Just go and be back here in five minutes. It will be dark soon, and the girls are worried stiff,” said Angelica.

  “Okay,” he said, walking away while hiding a grin.

  Once he was out of hearing distance, Angelica began revealing the difficult matter at hand. “I just wanted you to know I was sent here to do a job; and evidently I failed or I wouldn’t still be here,” said Angelica.

  “I don’t understand,” said Michael.

  “The demons are behind this, and they are still here. If I don’t win this battle, there will be no survivors,” said Angelica.

  About that time they were overrun by a host of humans at least that was the way they appeared. However, one look in their eyes was all it took for Angelica to recognize the demons. In a flash, she turned into the brilliant creature Michael had witnessed before. This time he was convinced it was not an illusion, but instead the image of an angel with a flaming sword. Within seconds, he was also transformed into a like image. Standing side by side as they had done in the past, both made ready to engage in battle. As the team brandished their swords, they fought hard and swiftly defeated the enemy in grand fashion. It was as if time stood still. When the last demon was taken out and the battle had ended, Michael became human once again. However, with the tip of her brilliant sword, the angelic creature waved goodbye, disappearing, leaving behind the answer to what had just occurred.

  At the allotted time, Arnie joined Michael. “Where is Angelica?” he asked, looking all about.

  “She has finished what she came for and is being called back home,” said Michael with a smile. He knew it was over, and they had won the battle.

  * * * *

  The sound of the annoying alarm startled Michael, sending him scrambling to turn it off. Sitting in a rumpled, unmade bed, he began to gather his thoughts. Where was he? Had he been dreaming? He shook his head, thinking that was an unbelievable experience. Rubbing his hands through his hair while remembering the beautiful creature of his dream, Michael jumped out of bed. Having overslept, he must now rush to class. Dr. Blanchard had already issued a warning about being late. In record time, he was dressed and out the door. Entering the auditorium in a run, he took a seat in the back of the room just as the bell sounded out.

  “Okay, class, today we will begin the study of the Salem witch trials. But before we get underway, I have someone I want you to meet,” said Dr. Blanchard in his usual methodical tone. It was Déjà vu. This all sounded so familiar. When Michael spotted the new arrival, he was in disbelief and mumbled, “Angelica?” Having overheard him, she turned around in her seat and discretely winked while whispering, “Hello, Michael.”

  The End


  All the names in this book are fictitious. Any incidental use of a name is not intended to imply a person by that name. Any resemblance to actual persons, locations, or businesses is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction entirely from the author’s imagination.

  About the author,

  Roger D. Grubbs is the author of more than 40 books with 28 Best Sellers.

  Since 1979, Roger has earned his living writing in the field of marketing. Beginning in 2008, he made his debut in fiction as a novelist. Since then he has released over 40 books with more than half a dozen currently in editing, awaiting release. Choosing to entering as many genres as possible and at least one novel for each age group, Roger continues to crank out stories at an amazing rate. The Mystery of the Mummy was written in six days and was chosen as “Top Pick” among suspense fans at Midwest Book Review. His years of writing experience have not only included newsletter publications, but he has also excelled as a copywriter for Fortune 500 companies. Experience like this has earned Roger the honor of being a top Direct Mail Marketing Professional. As a well-respected business executive, Roger has been chosen as the recipient of numerous outstanding awards including Who’s Who among company executives. His advice has been featured in several major magazines on numerous occasions, recognizing his authority on the subject of marketing.

  Recently Roger appeared on the Dottie Laster Show called Trafficked to bring awareness to the global problem of human trafficking which is the fastest growing crime in the world. He has been on numerous radio talk shows with syndicated radio programs broadcasted to over 155 countries, providing exposure for his popular SEAL Series beginning with The Twelve SEALs which is slated to be a major motion picture. He also wrote the screenplay for this production within three days, his first attempt at this daunting task.

  Roger is proud to add mentoring young, up-coming talent to his list of accomplishments. Taylor-Grace Davis is the perfect choice for this new venture. Together they have co-authored 2 Best Sellers: The Protector Series Destined and The Abyss. The third installment of this series is yet to come.

  When he is not working, Roger enjoys creating and writing new and exciting adventurous stories. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida.

  Other books by this author:

  The Exciting World of Self-Publishing

  * * * *

  Victims Series:

  for the Victims

  for the VictimsII–Avenging Angel

  for the VictimsIII–Nation in Crisis

  Adventure Series:

  #1 – In Search of Paradise

  #2 - Excalibur ♦ The Last Quest

  #3 - The Mystery of the Mummy

  #4 - Treasures of the Nile

  #5 - The Secrets of Egypt

  #6 - Ancient Gold

  #7 – A Mountain’s Secret

  #8 – The Fountain of Youth

  #9 – Revenge of the Mummies

  #10-The Lost City

  #11 - The Secret Chamber

  Vampire Series:

  Legend of the Deep Lagoon


  I Will Return


  The Twelve SEALs

  SEALs II - The Impossible

  SEALs III – Big Trouble in Aruba

  SEALs IV – Freedom

  SEALs V – True Valor

  The Lady SEAL – SEALS VI

  The Ghost SEAL – SEALS VII

  Young Readers:

  121 Oak Street

  Spirit of An Eagle

  The Dark Side of the Sun

  Young Adult:


  Over the Edge

  In Love and In Danger

  North by Northwest

  Robin Hood Lives

  The Amazon Jewel

  The Stranger

  The Greatest Gift of All

  Mystery Writers Anonymous

  The Missing Gun

  * * * *

  A Mile in His SOUL

  (co-authored with Cortney M. Grubbs)

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  The Protector Series

  (co-authored with Taylor-Grace Davis)


  The Abyss

  * * * *

  Broken Promises

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  The Futures – Plain and Simple

  * * * *

  Delightful Southern Cooking

  * * * *

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