So Many Reasons Why

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So Many Reasons Why Page 10

by Missy Johnson

  “Wow, I am so sorry. I really am keeping you up, aren’t I?” Claire declared, gathering Maddie in her arms.

  “I guess time flies.” I smiled. “It was great meeting you. Maybe we can do it again.”

  Claire looked at me, clearly surprised. She gave me a warm smile.

  “I’d really enjoy that Emma.”

  After Claire and Maddie had left, I texted Cass, hoping she was still awake. She rang back right away.

  “Hey, how did it go?” Her voice was low. Immediately, I was suspicious.

  “Why are you talking so softly?”

  “I might have a friend over.”

  “Cass!” I groaned.

  “What?’ She whined. “You were supposed to distract me tonight. This is your fault.” She added glumly.

  “Bent penis again?” I didn’t need to ask, but I liked torturing her. She muttered something in response.

  “Anyway, back onto you.” Cass swiftly changed the subject. “What happened with the ex? Was she an utter bitch? A fat cow?”

  “The complete opposite. She was so nice!” Clearly I was still reeling. “Cass it should be a crime for someone to be that nice. And it wasn’t even that sickly sweet fake nice. No, she was just plain old lovely. I suggested she stop past for coffee.”

  “Em!” Shrieked Cass “Why the fuck would you do that?”

  “Because she was so nice!” A male voice grumbled something about the time, and work, in the background.

  “Cass I have to go. I will call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Have fun.” I said pointedly, to which Cass giggled.

  “Simon?” My watch read it was just after midnight. The ringing of the phone had woken me up. I’d fallen asleep on the couch.

  “Hey Em. Mind if I stop by?”

  “Course not.” I smiled, yawning.

  “Good.” Simon breathed. “I'm on my way there now.

  I liked this.

  I liked this a lot.

  I picked out a lacy red bra and a matching pair of panties. Over them I threw my silk, short dressing gown. Doing up the tie, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I looked incredibly sexy, the dressing gown was much shorter than I remembered. Was that sending the wrong message from a girl who wanted to move slowly? Before I could question my choice, the doorbell rang. Butterflies stumbled around my stomach as I raced to the door.


  “Hey.” I tugged at the hem of my dressing gown. Simon stared at me, shocked. His eyes trailed up my legs, then he blushed. “Blushing, Mr Anderson? Is something wrong?” He coloured even further.

  “You’d understand if you were seeing what I am seeing. The thoughts I’m having about you right now, Em.” He leaned in and moved the edge of the gown slightly over, his finger touching my breast in the process. I breathed in sharply.

  “Come in.” He walked past me, throwing his phone and keys on the table.

  “I cannot tell you how good it is to see you.” He whispered. He was close to me now, so close. His hand trailed down my back as he kissed me. “You are dangerous, wearing this.” He pulled down the gown revealing my shoulders. The tie loosened, as he kissed me forcefully on my neck. I felt the dressing gown slip away from my body. Simon stepped back momentarily.

  “You are so beautiful.” He ran his hands over my breasts, down around my waist. “I can’t tell you how much I want you, Emma.” I grabbed his hand. He looked up at me, surprised, until he realised I was guiding him into the bedroom. “Are you sure?” I kissed him in response. He lifted one leg high onto his hip. I could feel his erect penis pressing against his pants. I gasped as his fingers played with the edges of my panties. His fingers brushed against my entrance, the touch rippling through my body.

  “Oh god.” My leg inched higher on his hip, giving him better access to me. He chuckled, obviously amused at my forcefulness.

  “Are you enjoying this?” He teased, his finger circling me. I pushed myself against him hard, trying to force his finger deeper inside me. He chuckled again. “Not so fast.” He lifted me completely onto his hips and carried me to the bedroom. He stood at the foot of my bed, throwing me backwards onto the bed.

  “God Em, you are so beautiful.” He stared at me, running his hands through his hair. I watched as he undid his shirt. Disposing it on the floor, he climbed onto the bed, until he towered over me. He fingered the middle of my bra, tracing the fabric around my back to the clasp. He kissed my neck as his other hand worked to undo the clasp. Like an expert, he pulled the bra away, revealing my breasts. He gently kissed my nipples. My back arched as I screamed out. I lifted my thighs as he slid my panties down.

  “Now for the fun part.” He raised his eyebrows as I looked at him, confused. He pulled my legs apart. Realisation hit me about the same time his tongue hit my clitoris.

  “Oh good god!” I hollered, jerking my hips upward. My fingers ran through his hair as he circled his tongue expertly. The pressure of the building orgasm inside me began to explode. I grabbed a handful of Simon’s hair and burrowed his face deeper into me.

  “Holy shit Simon.” I gasped. My sex ached unbearably as he tried to circle my sex post orgasm. “No.” I gasped, pushing him away. He laughed, pulling himself up the bed to kiss me. We kissed, the taste of myself was unnerving at first. Soon he was on top of me, his hard penis pushing up against me. Reaching between us, I guided him gently inside of me. Clutching onto my shoulder, he pushed himself deeper inside. I gasped, loving the feeling of having him so close to me.

  “Fuck, Emma.” He collapsed on the bed beside me. “How are you so amazing?” Turning on my side to face him, I bit my lip and smiled.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I opened up the containers, the delicious smell of Chinese wafted through the air. My stomach rumbled in anticipation. I hadn't realised how hungry I was. Simon had put Maddie to sleep in my bed. She had announced to me she wanted mac and cheese for dinner, not Chinese, so we worked together in the kitchen to prepare it. Not long after, she'd fallen asleep again on the couch.

  I looked up as Simon strolled into the kitchen. He looked worn, like the long day had taken its toll on him. This case must’ve been really stressful on him. Every day this week he had picked Maddie up from my house well after 10pm.

  “You.” He said, leaning in to kiss me “Are amazing.” I smiled and handed him a bowl and a glass of beer. He kissed me again. We took our food over to the couch. I slid down to the floor between Simon's legs, using the coffee table to lean my dinner on. He tickled my neck as we both ate silently, watching the end of Aladdin (for the sixth time).

  It amazed me how quickly we had settled into a pattern. It had only been a few weeks, but I felt like we'd known each other for years.

  The feelings he roused inside of me were so new to me. It made me nervous. I'd learnt a long time ago not to trust anyone. Hell I barely trusted myself most of the time. Handing my heart over to someone else made me feel so vulnerable. The one thing in my life I'd always had control over I no longer had. He was in control of my heart now. And I was still terrified of getting hurt.

  He finished, and slid down to the floor behind me. I giggled as he began kissing my neck. His distractions made it difficult for me to finish the last few bites of my food, but I somehow managed. He tilted my face to kiss my lips. I jumped to my feet.

  “Come with me.” I backed down the hallway, smiling to myself, as he followed me, confused. As we reached the bedroom, I climbed onto the bed, wrapping my arms around his waist as he stood in front of me. We kissed.

  “Amazing, amazing woman.” He mumbled, planting kiss after kiss on my lips. I lay back in his arms, allowing him to cover my face with his soft kisses.

  “You're pretty amazing yourself.” I whispered. “But you need fresh material.” I giggled.

  His hands reached under my shirt, kissing my neck as he tried to free my breast from my bra cup. He massaged his fingers over my nipple, sending shivers down to the core of my body.

  “Is that so
?” He lifted my shirt, his mouth enclosing over the curve of my breast. He bit down. Hard. I yelped in pain, burying my face in his hair.

  “Your daughter is in the next room.” I giggled, pushing him away.

  “She's a very heavy sleeper.” He kissed my chest. I squirmed and swatted him away.

  “No.” I said firmly, pulling my top down and tucking my breast back into its cup. “I can just imagine that getting back to your ex-wife.”

  Simon laughed. He joined me on the bed, rolling onto his back, giving up. My eyes travelled down to his very obvious erection. He caught my gaze. I blushed.

  “Yes, that's what you do to me, Miss Mancelli.” He said wryly, shaking his head. He loved the fact that I was embarrassed. I could tell from the way he laid back on his elbows, all of his affection for me clearly on show.

  “Think unattractive thoughts.” I giggled. “Think about your mother-”

  “Emma!” Simon yelled, rolling forward onto his knees. He clapped his hands over his ears. “You did not just say that to me! Do you never want me to have a hard on ever, ever, again?” I giggled uncontrollably, falling into his arms. The look of horror on his face simply made me laugh even harder.

  “I'm sorry, that was cruel.” I said, still giggling. He shook his head trying his best to look angry at me. Only he couldn't. His frown cracked into a smile and his eyes twinkled with amusement.

  “Yes it was.” He said gruffly. “You will pay for that someday.” I poked my tongue out at him. Any way he got back at me would be worth seeing that expression.

  “So tell me about Maddie's mom.” It was a random question, causing Simon to almost fall off the side of the bed.

  “Claire?” He asked, surprised, repositioning himself to face me. “We were together for fifteen years. Married for ten. We just drifted apart. When it came down to it, we wanted different things.” He looked at me strangely. “Why the sudden interest?”

  “I really liked meeting her the other day.” I shrugged, not adding that this was far from sudden interest, more like an obsession. “You still get along though?” He nodded.

  “Yes, we are good friends. We worked very hard to keep things good between us for Maddie.”

  “It’s still a little strange to have met your ex-wife.” He nodded, looking sheepish. “She is one of my oldest friends. I've only told her, and my best mate, Aaron.” He ran his hand through his soft, curly hair. Why the hell would anyone let this amazing man go?

  “Have you told anyone? Besides Tom.” He added, smiling. I blushed. Fucking Tom.

  “Just my good friend Cass. She was concerned, but only because-” I broke off. “I've been through a lot. She can get protective of me. What did you tell them exactly?” I asked curiously.

  “That it is what it is. You are my student, you’re amazing, and that I'm falling in love with you.” He said it so casually, but the way he looked at me, I knew his feelings for me ran deep. Deep enough for him to risk his career over me.

  “You are?” I smiled. Wow. It was surreal hearing him say those words. I felt it, and I knew he felt it, but to hear him say it took this whole thing to another level. I snuggled up to him closer. “What did they say?”

  “Just for me to be careful. But they know better than anyone that you can't help who you fall in love with” I wondered what he meant by that. His voice had the slightest edge to it, the faintest hint of anger. It was only there for a moment, and then it was gone. It left me wondering if I'd imagined it.

  “I think I have.” He kissed the tip of my nose.

  Wow. He hadn't said ‘love’, but the implication was there, as bright as day. He kissed me, his tongue caressing mine, our lips meeting in a soft embrace. We pulled away, I smiled at him.

  “Shouldn't you be going? Mr busy Assistant District Attorney and all.” I swatted his arm playfully.

  “Come on, you love having me here.” He teased. “What would you do without me? You'd be bored shitless here all alone.” His finger trailed down my arm, sending my skin into a frenzy of goose bumps.

  “Hey, I coped the last twenty years without you. Besides,” I added smugly, “I've got Tom. What do you offer that he doesn't?”

  “Come-on,” he scoffed, running his hand through his hair, a glint in his eyes. Oh god he looked hot when he did that. “Tom? Tom is no match for me.” I knew he and Tom would get along well, but all bets were off when it came to a girl. “You know I have plenty to offer you.” He said quietly. His fingers entangled mine.

  “Your years of wisdom and intellect?” I quipped. “You are only a few years younger than my father, you know.” Simon groaned and buried his head in his hands.

  “I'm a pervert.” I could just make out his muffled response. “And you are really good at ruining my sexual prowess.” He mumbled accusingly.

  “You are a pervert,” I agreed, smiling at his mouth dropped open, “But if I had to let anyone pervert me, it would be you.” I giggled. His head shot up. A grin spread across his face. Oh god this guy could get under my skin. He reached over and grabbed my hand. He gently placed a finger to his mouth and kissed it. He watched me intently, his eyes burning into my own. I smiled, letting him know I was okay.

  I let him pull me closer until our lips touched. The feel of his kiss too much, yet not enough. His body against me, I could feel his hardness. I loved that I had that effect on him. We kissed, again and again, each time with more urgency than the last. I let myself relax as my inner goddess began to emerge. I lifted myself on top of him. Slowly, I began to unbutton my top He watched, with a mix of surprise and anticipation. I slowly rubbed myself against his erection. He groaned, cocking his head as he watched me remove my top.

  “Fuck, Emma. Oh god.” His hands trailed up to my naked waist as I unclasped my bra. He groaned as he fumbled his way out of his pants. Removing my panties, I pushed my skirt up and positioned myself over him.

  I gasped as he entered me, gently rocking myself back and forth. His grip around my waist tightened. Rolling me onto my back, he took control, thrusting himself deeper and faster inside of me.

  “God, you feel so good.” He looked into my eyes, I gasped again, as the climax began to heighten inside of me.

  “Faster.” I panted, arching my back. He obliged, his expression full of desire. “Oh my!”

  I gasped as I felt him explode inside of me. He rolled over next to me, out of breath. I snuggled in under his arm.

  “That was amazing.” He nodded, still unable to string words together. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I felt myself drifting off as his fingers softly stroked my shoulder.

  I woke to find Simon lying facing me. He smiled. He had been awake for a while, judging by his level of alertness. I glanced over at the table, where Maddie was eating cereal.

  “How long have you been awake?” I yawned. I rolled over into his arms. His warmth engulfed me. I stretched my arms above his head, wrapping them around his neck. He kissed me again. His lips touched mine. So damn soft. I loved his lips.

  “Since 6. It's 7:30 now.” He added, correctly anticipating my next question. “I have to get going. Too much work on today.” He kissed me again, this time his lips lingered on mine. He didn't want to go. I didn't want him to go either.

  “Will you be over later?” I knew the answer would be yes. I just liked hearing it.

  “This was a bad idea.” I gulped. The panic was setting in and I hadn't even left the lounge yet. I'd told Simon I was working to overcome my agoraphobia, now he was insisting he was going to help. His logic made sense. Having him to focus on made it easier to forget how hard it was to get outside my bubble.

  “Seriously? We haven't even reached the door.”

  “Oh because it’s so fucking easy for you, Mr-all-together-in-the-head.” I ranted. Simon burst out laughing. I glowered at him. His amusement was not helping.

  “Em, have you met me? I'm a thirty-eight year old teacher slash District Attorney slash father of a four year old who is in love with a student! Does
that read easy to you?” My head shot up. Did he say love? He is in love with me? His face reddened as the realisation of what he'd just said dawned on him. My fingers tightened around his.

  “You love me?” I teased softly. It was the first time he'd actually said it. He loved me.

  He loved me.

  “Yes, I love you. Now concentrate on me.” He ordered. I drew in a deep breath. I looked at Simon, trying to block out everything around me. His eyes were beautiful. I could look into them forever. And his lips. Oh god his lips. I could only imagine the pleasure he could give me with those lips. And that tongue. Fuck, I could almost feel his tongue on me. Was it possible to orgasm through thought alone?

  “Em? You did it.” I broke out of my daydream and looked around. I was outside. Well, technically I was still inside considering I was only in the hallway, but I was outside of my apartment. I hadn't been outside my apartment since I'd moved in. Even then I'd been so sedated I had no memory of it.

  I began to shiver. My lip started to quiver. I forced myself to breathe. It wasn't being outside that made me panic. It was knowing I was outside.

  I felt a lump in my throat begin to form. That could only mean one thing. Tears. I tried to hold them back, but it was no use.

  “Good girl Em, deep breaths.” I felt Simon's arms wrap around me. I was safe. I felt safe. I was outside my apartment and nothing bad had happened. I let Simon lead me back inside. He gently guided me to the couch, laying my head on a cushion and putting my feet up.

  “I am so unbelievably proud of you, baby.” He whispered. Hell yeah. I was proud of myself! Take that, life engulfing agoraphobia! I was going to kick your ass!

  I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  My head was throbbing. The intense pain is what knocked me out of my sleep I was sure. I lifted my head, and the pain intensified. I glanced around. It took me a moment to realise I was on the couch, bent into all types of angles. My skirt had risen slightly, displaying my lovely comfy undies.


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