Hard to Break

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Hard to Break Page 19

by Bella Jewel

  Suddenly, I’m in the lead.

  My heartbeat picks up and my palms become sweaty as I see the finish line. I glance behind me. There’s a different car coming up close, and any second he’s going to get around me. This is my chance to give it all I’ve got. I drop the car down a gear and I put my foot flat to the ground. She roars and growls, speeding up and screaming towards the finish line.

  I cross it two car spaces in front of the other one.

  I screech to a stop and am screaming with joy when Tazen opens my door. He’s screaming something too, but I launch out of the car. He lifts me up and my legs wrap around his waist. He holds me tight, yelling something in my ear but I can’t hear it past the roaring of the crowd.

  I won.

  I fucking won.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Tazen yells, putting me down. “Baby, you won!”

  “I won!” I scream.

  His smile is so big it’s infectious. People are around me, patting my back and congratulating me. The announcer tells the crowd I’ve won, and they erupt into cheers. I’m new, but they know who Tazen Watts is, so therefore, they put their money on his car. They made the right choice.

  So did I.

  A moment later, I’m being handed a thick bundle of cash. “Your winnings.”

  My … winnings?

  I stare down at it. There has to be ten thousand dollars here. I stop breathing.

  “Baby,” Tazen says into my ear. “You fucking won!”

  “Th-th-th-this money is mine?”

  “Fuck yeah, it’s yours, and well earned. You little firecracker.”

  This money will change my life.

  Holy shit.

  “You fucking cheated!”

  I turn to see Sheyenne storming towards me. She’s furious, enough for Tazen to put his arm at my belly and push me around behind him.

  “She fucking cheated, running me off the track. I could have been killed.”

  I lean around Tazen. “If I recall, you pushed me first. Don’t be a sore loser, Sheyenne.”

  Her body jerks and she roars, “I’ll kick your ass! Let’s do it again, right here, right now.”

  I snort. “No thanks, I already won. You go and stroke your pride, it’ll make you feel better.”

  Tazen laughs just as Murray approaches Sheyenne.

  “It was luck,” Sheyenne spits at me. “Luck!”

  “Or,” I say, grinning. “You just suck.”

  She lunges forward, skidding to the side to try and get around Tazen and get to me. Tazen puts his foot out and she trips over it, toppling down. She glares up at him when she hits the ground and he leans down, staring her right in the eyes. “No one touches my girl, Sheyenne. If you want to see a bad side of me, try it again.”

  “That stupid slut cheated.”

  “And,” Tazen growls. “No one calls her names.”

  “Sheyenne,” Murray says and for the first time I notice he looks exhausted, like he’s just had enough. He reaches down and lifts her. “Let’s go.”

  “This isn’t over!” She screeches at Tazen. “I will destroy you, I know what you’ve done and I am going to take you and your stupid little girlfriend down, Tazen Watts! You’ll pay for all of this.”

  Tazen grinds his jaw and flicks his eyes to Murray. “I’m done with this, Murray. Done with her destroying my cars, done with her threats and her bullshit. I swear to you now, if she goes to the cops, I will destroy everything you’ve worked for and take you down with me.”

  Murray flinches.

  Sheyenne keeps yelling, “You know nothing about him, but I have everything on you, Tazen. I am going to destroy you.”

  Murray’s jaw clenches and he spins Sheyenne towards him. “We’re done here, Sheyenne. You won’t be opening your mouth and you won’t be saying a damned word, because if you do I am going to take you down with me.”

  She blinks and then screeches, “You won’t do anything of the sort. You’re all crazy!”

  She throws her hands up into her hair and screams loudly. For the first time, I see it. What Tazen was talking about. She’s lost it. There’s something clearly wrong with her. Murray watches her, and something flashes across his face. Then he takes her wrist and tugs her hands from her hair. “We’re done here. You’re at the end of the rope, Sheyenne. You need help.”

  “Don’t you tell me what I need,” she bellows. Everyone is staring at us now.

  “You do as I say,” Murray grunts. “Or I will cut you off. Without me, you will have none of this!”

  She stops screaming and blinks at him. “You wouldn’t do that to me, Murray.”

  “I fucking will,” he barks. “Now move, or I’ll make true to my threats.”

  He doesn’t let her answer; he just wraps his arms around her and looks to Tazen. “Walk away, Tazen. We’re done. You will hear no more from either of us if you hold up your end of the deal.”

  The money. Murray might know Sheyenne is nuts, but he still wants a payout. Honestly, people can be such dogs when they want to be.

  “Do I have your word, Murray?” Tazen grunts.

  Murray reaches a hand out and Tazen shakes it. “You have my word.”

  “Good. I’ll be in contact.”

  Murray nods again and then drags her off and then Tazen turns to me. There’s definite relief in his eyes, and a smile breaks out across my face as I launch myself into his arms, love and happiness swelling in my chest.

  “I love you, Tazen Watts.”

  He holds me tight and leans down to my ear. “Fuck, baby, I love you too.”

  Best. Night. Ever.


  “Oh God,” I gasp, arching up.

  Tazen is driving his cock in and out of me. We’re both on the bed, his big body is over mine and he’s thrusting just quick enough to spark my nerves, but slow enough to make it sweet and perfect. His hands are in my hair, his lips are roaming my neck and my legs are around his waist.

  “Baby,” he grunts.

  “Yes, honey,” I cry out, clutching his back.

  “Going to come so hard.”

  I beat him to it, squeezing his cock with my orgasm. He follows behind, rasping my name as he thrusts into me. As he comes down, he drops his forehead to mine. “Fuck, that felt good. You had me so fucking hard watching you race.”

  I press my lips to his neck. “It was amazing. Thank you.”

  “You’re an impressive woman, Quinn Peterson.”

  He rolls off me and I smile over at him. “Well, I could have told you that. In fact, I think I did.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, you did. Are you excited to see the unveiling tomorrow?”

  “Hell yes, I can’t wait.”

  “When we get home, I’m fixing that car for you. I need to see you handling them more often.”

  “Because it turns it into you having the best sex of your life?”

  He grunts. “You know it.”

  I roll into him and he tucks me into his arms.

  Yes, I think Tazen Watts and I just might be made for each other.

  * * *

  The unveiling is taking place at a racetrack, because it’s a new race car. It’s wild with adrenaline and people, and Tazen is making a speech and revealing the car before the race starts. I’m excited, purely because I’m back at the track and I feel so at home here. This time I get to be by Tazen’s side, watching him in his element, showing the world just what he’s made of.

  We get to go into the pit with the pit crew, and watch the cars being prepared for the race. Being a part of that makes me feel right at home, and I can’t stop myself from getting excited. Tazen seems to fit right in, too and I notice he’s more than well-respected around these parts. Drivers come over and tell him how much they love his work, and there are even fans of his.

  While we’re going over the engine one last time, a group of girls comes over and they beg for Tazen to get a picture with them. He flashes them his best smile and poses for them, and I’m totally okay with th
at. When one of the girls slides her number into his pocket, I’m not okay with it. What’s worse, is that Tazen gives her a smile and nods his head, and then she disappears. He doesn’t take it out, tear it into a thousand pieces and stomp it into the ground.

  Okay, that’s being slightly dramatic, but still.


  I jerk and look to see Tazen watching me.

  “Ah, yeah, coming.”

  I step towards him but stop when I hear the girls talking as they disappear back into the crowd. “I had him last time he was here. He’s amazing in bed. The things he can do with his tongue are incredible. If you get Tazen Watts to fuck you, you’ll never think of another man again.”

  “I’m looking forward to him calling, then.”

  My back stiffens and even though I know that Tazen has had plenty of women, having one that close and talking about him makes the green-eyed monster rear its ugly head. I force my legs to move anyway, getting closer to Tazen. He studies me, but I force a smile and say, “Yeah, what do you need?”

  He frowns.

  I pretend I don’t notice and smile at the pit crew.

  Tazen sighs and says, “Just want a second set of eyes before we hand it over.”

  My heart goes warm at the fact that he’s giving me that chance, because it feels nice that he trusts me enough to give a second opinion.


  I do a once-over of the car, and then the announcers tell everyone that a car will be revealed. I stand against a pole, watching with pride as Tazen goes up to the stand and the microphone is handed over to him.

  “This car is a pretty awesome build for my team. It had extra horsepower and some serious custom work on the body. It was a pleasure to be a part of an amazing project. As most of you know, I’ve jumped ship and am now working from Florida, so my building schedule has been doubled. This car, however, was one of the last ones I worked on before I left.”

  The crowd cheers, women scream Tazen’s name, and the atmosphere becomes excited. They want to see the car. My heart skips a beat, watching my man up there, doing what he loves.

  “I’ve got a lot of people to thank for this one, but obviously my entire team is the first for my thanks. It’s them that work their asses off to bring these cars together. The racer who will be taking this baby on her journey through life deserves the very best of luck. And to all you fine people…” The crowd roars. “You’ve all watched my show, you’ve all been at my back as I’ve built my business up from the ground, so mostly, I hope you enjoy this.”

  He waves a hand and people clap and cheer. The car is in the middle of the track, where everyone can see it. Tazen gives the nod of approval and four men go over and lift the cover, sliding it off the sleek, blue-and-white racing car with all the sponsor stickers covering it. The crowd cheers and whistles and I can’t wipe the massive smile off my face as I watch with pure joy the amazing work created by Tazen and his crew.

  As the announcer takes back over, and introduces the car and driver, Tazen makes his way back over to me. He’s got a beautiful big smile on his face, he looks happy, but most of all, he looks proud. So he should be. It’s a beautiful car. When he reaches me he leans in and kisses me hard, then pulls back. “You going to tell me what’s wrong now?”

  I study his face, and then sigh.

  “That girl gave you her number.”

  His brows go up. “And?”

  “And you kept it in your pocket.”

  He gives me a half smile that I don’t want to admit is fucking adorable. Even for him. “And, baby?”

  “You kept it,” I whisper.

  He takes my hips in his hands and brings me closer. “I wasn’t about to throw it on the floor. You learn one thing when dealing with fans, you do whatever to keep them happy in the public eye. If it means keeping her number and letting her think she’s going to get a call, I’ll do it. If I had handed it back, she would have lost it and I would have looked like an ass.”

  Dammit, he has a point.

  “Okay, but when they were leaving I heard one of them saying … she had fucked you.”

  He squeezes my hips. “Sometimes you’re going to hear about my past. I had somewhat of a reputation, but that was then, angel. This is now.”

  Dammit, he is right again.

  I nod and look up at him.

  “Besides, you’re all the woman I can handle right now.”

  I glare at him, and then slap his chest.

  “We good?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “We’re good.”

  “How do you think it went?”

  I grin at him. “They love you.”

  “Yeah,” he says, turning us towards the crowd. “It’s a good feeling.”

  It most certainly is.

  * * *

  “Stop fidgeting, woman.”

  I snort and keep fidgeting. The dress I’m in is the nicest of the three Retro had picked out for me. It still looks like she went into a hooker shop and picked the three classiest dresses there. In other words it’s short, it’s black and it’s tight. I don’t do dresses on a good day, but tight dresses that show this much skin … definitely not.

  “I think everyone can see my butt,” I complain.

  Tazen, dressed in a tux and looking heavenly, smirks at me.

  “If they are, they’re going to be able to die happy.”

  “That’s not funny. You should have warned Retro that I don’t wear, well, Retro.”

  Tazen bursts out laughing. “I thought she would get the whole charity dinner thing and realize it wasn’t time for short and tight. Not that I’m complaining.”

  “You better donate some seriously good cash tonight or I’m going to pop a cap right in—”

  “Tazen Watts!”

  I’m cut off when a tall, elegant black man comes striding over. He stops in front of Tazen and me with a wide, beautiful grin.

  “Hello, Jeremy,” Tazen says. “Good to see you.”

  Jeremy takes Tazen’s hand and they shake. “You too, long time. How’s the building going?”

  The two start jabbering about building and I stand, like the pretty sidekick and listen. When they’re done, we make our way over and enjoy dinner. I join in some conversation, but mostly Tazen speaks and I just smile. My lips begin shaking after a while, I’m doing that much of it. After dinner comes the charity donations’ recognition ceremony. Tazen and his company ended up donating one million to children’s hospitals around the state.

  My heart melts.

  When that’s done, Tazen leads me out onto the dance floor and takes me into his arms. It feels amazing being here with him, experiencing his world and seeing the side to him that makes me truly understand why I love him. Tazen Watts is a good, down to earth, kind and loving man. He’s what every man should be. He’s exactly what I need.

  I look up into his eyes as we move across the dance floor and my heart expands with raw, unadulterated love.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asks, as we move.

  “I’m having a great time. I love seeing how you live and work.”

  He smiles, running his hand up and down my back. “It’s always a good experience to see a car being revealed and then being able to give back to the community through these functions.”

  “You did a really great thing. Those hospitals could use some serious donations.”

  “Nothing better than helping kids.”

  I reach up, touching his cheek. “I think there’s a big softie in there, Tazen Watts.”

  He grins. “Don’t tell anyone, it’ll ruin my reputation.”

  I chuckle. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  He reaches up, running his fingers through my straightened hair. “I’m glad I found you, Quinn. I’m sure whatever reason you were sent to me, it was a good one. Even if you did drive me up the wall.”

  I laugh and lean in, kissing his lips.

  “You have plenty more years of me doing just that. Better get used to it.”
/>   His eyes twinkle with love, humor and admiration. “I plan on it, baby.”

  I look forward to that.


  I smile at my father who is sitting on a lounge chair across from me. He’s wearing a white tee and a pair of grey sweats. His hair is washed and has life back in it, and he no longer has dark rings under his eyes or sunken cheekbones. He looks healthier and resembles the man I remember. He’s been in rehab now for three months, and he’s doing really well.

  “That’s wonderful, Quinn,” he says, as I tell him about rebuilding my new car.

  “It’s been a long road. The girl that was driving it was a hard racer, but it’s finally starting to come back to life.”

  “It’s nice when you see a car coming together. How’s Tazen?”

  “He’s doing really well. He just signed a five-car contract for a major racing mogul. That’s going to keep us busy for a good long while.”

  “That’s great. Is he thinking of moving into racing?”

  He is. Tazen is making more money and expanding his career with the racing industry.

  “Yes, it’s getting bigger by the day and he gets better contracts.”

  “That’s great.”

  “It is. How are you doing, Dad?”

  He smiles. “Well. Some days are harder, but I’m finding it’s getting easier and easier to cope.”

  “And how do you think you’ll do when you get out?”

  His face loses its happiness and he stares at me. Really stares. There’s so much guilt and shame behind his eyes. I know he’s seeing the very best counselors and therapists, to help him through, but I also know he needs my forgiveness to truly heal. That’s why I’ve been visiting each week now, because I want him to know I forgive him.

  “I won’t go back to it, Quinn. Every time I even think of having a drink, my stomach twists in pain over what I did to you. That memory will forever be linked to my drinking, so the very thought of it is gut wrenching.”

  My eyes soften too, and I say in a gentle voice, “Dad, you were very sick and I don’t blame you for what you did. I know you have to work through that at your own pace, but I want you to know I forgive you. I love you and I’m so happy you made the choice to get better, because I know you did it for me.”


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