White Hot Holidays 17: A Very Faery Christmas

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White Hot Holidays 17: A Very Faery Christmas Page 2

by Mackenzie McKade

  Her meager belongings—a loveseat, chair, coffee table and entertainment center—looked so much better with him standing before them. Her eyes darted toward the bedroom and she wondered if it would be too presumptuous to ask, coffee, tea or me?

  Just the thought of having him between the sheets heated her cheeks. Her palms itched to touch him, to feel his rippling muscles beneath her fingertips. She looked at his large hands and could only imagine what hid beneath those shorts. Her mouth watered.

  What would he do if she knelt and took his cock into her mouth?

  He looked around the room. “Where would you like it?”

  Bedroom, kitchen table, couch, floor, it didn’t matter. She’d make love to him anywhere. “Anywhere you do,” she answered dreamily.

  His forehead furrowed. “What?”

  She felt her eyes jerk wide. Ohmygod. He was talking about the tree. “Uh…I said anywhere will do.” Heat raced up her throat and burst across her face.

  When he turned away, she released the breath she held. He was gorgeous even in his workout clothes. She sighed, wishing his shorts were tighter.

  “This looks like a good place. Close to the window so when the lights are lit everyone can enjoy it with you.” He chose an empty space and leaned the tree against the wall. “If you need help getting it in its stand, let me know.” His tongue slid across his lips and his eyes seemed to darken. Candice’s own tongue darted across her bottom lip as if tasting him.

  Man, her imagination was working overtime. The man wasn’t coming on to her. Men who looked like he did weren’t attracted to women like her. His help with the tree was only the neighborly thing to do, she told herself.

  She forced her mouth into a smile. “Thanks, but you’ve already done so much.”

  He headed for the door, opened it, and then paused. “If you change your mind,” something flickered in his eyes, “you know where to find me.” He stood for a brief second, then disappeared, closing the door behind him.

  Candice gazed wistfully at the spot where he once stood.

  When Hector fluttered from out of the tree she turned to him and sighed. “He’s my wish. I want him for Christmas.”

  Chapter Two

  Boink. Boink.

  Candice was barely aware of the repetitive jabs to the tip of her nose. Tired. So tired. She cracked her eyes open to the sound of fluttering wings and the sight of last night’s apparition suspended above her.

  “Rise and shine.” Hector zipped back and forth in front of her face leaving a trail of sparkles. Softly, he landed on her pillow, tucking his wings against his back. He took a step toward her. “You look like shit.”

  Wonderful. Not only was this not a dream, but she was saddled with a three-inch faery more than willing to point out the flaws in her appearance.

  He plucked a pine needle from her hair and leaned on it as if it were a cane, crossing his legs at the ankle. With a critical eye he took in her disheveled appearance. “What you need is a makeover. Hair, makeup, clothes—and we have to do something about those glasses.”

  Now that was something she could get into. She’d seen miraculous makeovers on television. She pushed herself into a sitting position. Since her imagination refused to release this whimsical daydream, what would it hurt to go along with it? “Really? You can do that?”

  “Oh ye of little faith.” He straightened to his full height and whacked the pillow with the pine needle. “Now get up and let’s go to the mall.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.

  “You know, the place where people congregate to buy and sell items.”

  Her brows pulled together. “I know what a mall is. Can’t you just wave your wand or hands and—poof!—change me?”

  He chuckled, tucking the pine needle beneath his arm. “Magic should only be used in dire cases. You, my dear, have a decent package to work with.” His vision lit on her breasts. The twinkle in his eyes was pure male appreciation. “Guidance is what you need—and a credit card.”

  Candice couldn’t believe her ears. She was just about to protest when he blew a handful of faery dust into her face causing her vision to blur. The itch of a sneeze tickled the back of her nose. As her sight cleared, an image of Gordon Nash flashed in her head.

  Her heart stuttered.

  Shit. She was desperate enough to try anything and Hector knew it. This Christmas she would not be alone, even if it meant listening to a wood faery.

  Hector made big movements with his arms. “With my help the butterfly will emerge.” Somehow his words weren’t comforting.

  * * * * *

  Candice’s gaze flickered to her rearview mirror. Staring back was a stranger. It was amazing that a beautician, makeup artist, optometrist and fashion coordinator could turn her into a sexy and attractive woman in only five hours. She had gone from a plain Jane to a modern version of Cleopatra. Heads had turned and more than one man whistled…actually whistled!

  She even wore three-inch stilettos with her short black leather skirt. The shoes had taken several hours to get used to. A soft white cashmere sweater lay softly on her shoulders. Her dull brunette hair now had red and gold woven through it as it brushed the top of her hips. Makeup lined her eyes, not heavy—just enough to bring attention to them. It was amazing how a little lipstick could make a woman’s lips look so full and luscious.

  A horn blared and she jerked the steering wheel and her attention back to the road. The fact she’d almost run into another vehicle wasn’t funny, but watching Hector ping-pong off the dashboard and ceiling brought a giggle to her lips.

  “Funny? You think that’s funny?” A cloud of red mist formed around him. “Turn in here.”

  She did as she was told and parked the car. “Uh, Hector, this is an adult store. I can’t go in there.”

  He buzzed his frustration, his wings fluttering as he landed on the dashboard. “Sure you can. Get out of the car and move one foot in front of the other until you’re inside.” He made a scooting motion with his palms. “Now get.”

  Smart-ass. Her pulse sped up. “But I’ve never been inside a place like this.” Her voice sounded small, lost and scared.

  “And that’s the reason we’re here. Educational purposes, of course. You can attract a man, but do you know what makes him tick?” Hector’s tone turned serious, little lines creasing his forehead. “Candice, do you know what a man likes a woman to do to him? What he enjoys? How to keep him happy?”

  Hector’s words echoed her fear as well. She wasn’t a virgin, but there had definitely been something missing with her previous experiences. But could she really go through with it?

  You can do this. The car door squeaked as she opened it, the sound creating a shiver that raced down her spine. Her heart pounded. “Hector.” His name came out tight and high-pitched.

  In a flash, he was in flight. The impact as he landed just above her left breast made her take a step backwards. “I’m here for you, babe.”

  “But you’re in plain sight for everyone to see.”

  He tucked his wings away and bent an arm, resting one hand on his hip. “I’m a stick pin.” His expression went blank. He held perfectly still.

  An uneasy laugh spilled from her lips. A really ugly stick pin, but she wouldn’t tell him. His rugged looks and earth tones weren’t exactly what a woman would wear, yet it would have to do.

  As she walked inside she was greeted by two young women behind the cash register. Candice’s smile was forced, but she managed a “hi” as she moved on.

  “What now?” Candice asked softly.

  “Books,” Hector murmured, his lips barely moving.

  Candice was surprised to see rows and rows of books. The titles of some of them made her jaw drop. Among them were instructions on masturbation, bondage and something called the Venus Butterfly.

  “That one.” Hector pointed to a book entitled 101 BDSM Tips for Dummies. He lost his grip and slid down her chest, until he rested on the swe
ll of her breast.

  “Hi, can I be of assistance?” asked a young woman with so many piercings that Candice couldn’t help but stare. There was one in her eyebrow, nose, lip and six earrings in her right ear alone.

  Candice shook her head. “No. But thank you.”

  “Interesting pin.” Cherry, as her name tag identified her, leaned closer and looked at Hector whose hand was now held high. “Where’d you get it?”

  Shit. Candice stumbled for an answer. “Ah…the mall. You know that little novelty store? I forget its name.”

  “It almost looks real.” Cherry drew back. “If you need anything just ask.” She took one last look at Hector and then strolled away.

  “Bah. ‘Almost looks real’,” Hector growled, moving so that his feet poked into Candice’s breast. “What would a pinhead like her know about real?”

  Cherry glanced over her shoulder.

  Candice turned away. “Shush. You’re drawing attention.”

  “Grab that book, one on oral sex and the one on female pleasures. You need to know what makes you tick, too.”

  “Shush,” she repeated as she gathered the books, her hands shaking. Arms full, she moved away, out of Cherry’s line of sight.

  Candice was amazed, strolling down the aisles. Rubber cocks so large they almost made her cringe. Butt plugs, clit stimulators, lotions and lubricants, anything you needed to enhance your sex life. She was ready to try anything, including the little leather ensemble and a couple of other toys that Hector insisted she just had to have.

  After an hour they were ready to go.

  With her bag of goodies beside her on the car seat, her new look and her faery godfather swinging once again on the necklace, a wave of confidence rushed through her.

  She was ready.

  * * * * *

  Gordon nearly tripped over his jaw as Candice breezed into the elevator. Was this the same woman? He couldn’t help the slow caress his gaze made up her long, slender legs. He could almost imagine them locked around his waist as he parted her folds and plunged into her warmth.

  “Oh. Hi.” Even her voice seemed sexier as it slid across him like silk. She wore no glasses and her violet eyes were mesmerizing. He found himself drowning in them.

  “Hi.” His response was a rasp, sandpaper against metal.

  Fuck. She was hot. He had been attracted to her before, but now the woman was a knockout. She simply took his breath away. Not to mention the rush of blood that filled his cock. He dragged his briefcase in front of him to hide the hardening evidence. The ache behind his slacks was becoming uncomfortable as he adjusted his hips, seeking relief.

  Within twenty-four hours Candice had gone from a mild, meek girl to a full-blown woman. What was responsible for the transformation or, more importantly, who?

  Was he too late?

  “Do you like Chinese food?” The impulsive words spilled from his mouth. Strangely, his pulse raced. He wanted this woman.

  “What?” Her brows pulled together. She looked nervous as she shuffled her bags from one arm to the next.

  The corners of his lips tugged into a smile. This time when he spoke he felt more in control. Slowly, he said, “Would you like to go to dinner tonight?”

  The way she paused, mouth parting, he could tell he’d taken her by surprise. Her mouth didn’t move, but he swore he heard, “No.”

  She glanced at the ugly brooch she wore on her chest. “Shush…” Her gaze rose meeting his. A shy smile caressed her lips. “Yes. Yes. I’d love to.”

  Her reaction and response were odd, but Gordon wasn’t willing to pass up the opportunity to get to know her better—all of her.

  Then, as if her packages had been torn from her arms, they fell. She lunged, but was too late as the contents scattered on the floor. Both stooped at the same time to retrieve her merchandise. She moved frantically to retrieve the items and he could see why.

  Among clothes and shoes and array of other things were several risqué items. His timid little mouse had purchased a vibrator and a sexy little black leather ensemble. But when he picked up her BDSM book, he knew they were made for each other. She was curious and he was just the man to quench her thirst for knowledge.

  “Oh God.” A wisp of desperation crept into her voice. Humiliation brightened her eyes as spots of embarrassment appeared on her cheeks. Her chest rose and fell quickly. Her gaze darted around the elevator as if the walls were moving in on her.

  His fingers circled her slender wrist. “Candice.” Her throat tightened as she swallowed. “Honey, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Her eyes were unblinking. He deepened his smile. “In fact, I’m pleased to see where your interests lie.” His palm slid up her arm to her elbow, touching the softness of her cashmere sweater. A finger dipped beneath the material and moved back and forth. The bell rang, announcing they had reached their floor.

  Gordon gathered her packages. Then he helped her to rise. He knew she was feeling vulnerable as he led her from the elevator to her door. He moved closer to her so that their lips were a breath away and the pin on her chest poked him. He ignored the pain and softly pressed his lips to hers. Then the brooch dislodged, a needle driving beneath his skin. He jerked back and both their gazes fell to the ugly thing.

  “I think it’s broken,” he said rubbing his chest and wondering why she would wear such a weird object. It looked like a conglomeration of sticks and leaves molded into a little man. She cupped it gently, almost cherishingly. Her innocent eyes rose to meet his.

  Then she began to fumble with her purse, extracting her keys. In minutes they were inside her apartment. He lay her packages down on the couch and then moved toward her. She still hadn’t said a word since the elevator. Her teeth worried her bottom lip.

  He slipped his fingertips beneath her chin and leaned in for another kiss. This time he stayed away from her brooch, but the desire to feel her breasts pressed to his chest was strong. His hands itched to really hold her. He was dying to strip her of her clothing and unveil her secrets. There was so much he could teach her about herself.

  Cheek pressed to hers, he whispered, “I’ll pick you up in three hours. I suggest you check out the bondage book. Skim through it and we’ll talk about it at dinner. Perhaps I can help you with any questions you may have or research you may want to explore.” He felt the tremor that shook her, whether from fear or excitement, he couldn’t tell.

  As they drew apart, she forced a smile that didn’t show in her eyes. How slow would he have to take it with her? His cock was beyond hard. The ache made it difficult to move as he headed for the door.

  It looked like Christmas might prove promising after all. With a little luck he wouldn’t be spending the holiday alone.

  Chapter Three

  The knock on the door ripped Candice off the couch. The book in her lap fell, the sound muffled by the carpet. As she stood and retrieved the book, the thrum of wings grew louder as Hector darted from her bedroom. The little devil was nosy. After berating her for accepting Gordon’s invitation to dinner, he had pouted and then began to rummage through her things.

  They had argued for over thirty minutes. She wanted this night to herself, insisting that Hector remain behind. The wood faery was adamant that he would attend.

  “He’s here.” She couldn’t believe how her heart beat, the rapid pulse echoing like drums in her ears. Hands trembling, she glanced down at the book she set on the coffee table. Just the subject matter brought heat to her face. Could she go through with what it recommended? The thought of giving her body and soul to someone who would dominate her was exciting. Even the idea of being tied up sent a thrill through her.

  Hector frowned. “This is not a good idea.” His wings were a blur as he hovered a foot away from her nose.

  She ducked around him. “Why do you dislike Gordon?” Her stilettos were silent against the carpet as she moved to the door.

  A steady buzz followed her throughout the room. “It’s not that I disapprove of the man, I just be
lieve that you need more time to learn about yourself and your own sexuality.”

  She pivoted and faced the faery. “I want this.” Emotion bubbled up from out of nowhere, choking her. “I-I need this, Hector.” The desperation in her voice softened the faery’s stern expression. Her eyes widened to force back tears that threatened to fall. She took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Now. How do I look?” She slipped her palms down her dress. It was cool beneath her touch.

  Hector had insisted she wear her old clothes, saying things were moving too quickly. But she had chosen a silky red dress that clung to her curves. She wanted Gordon to want her. The strapless bra and tiny thong made her feel as if she wore nothing at all. She felt sexy. But the confidence she had earlier was gone as if blown away by a heavy breeze.

  “Candice, you’re breathtaking.” He smiled, but his eyes held a touch of concern. His little Adam’s apple dipped as his features drew tight. Then in a single gust of air, he said, “Remember—keep your distance. Keep the conversation light and away from sex.” He sucked in a breath as his wings released a light cloud of dark green faery dust.

  She shook her head. His anxiety wasn’t helping her. Still, she was determined to show Hector and prove to herself that she was ready for anything—including Gordon Nash.

  As she opened the door, Hector gathered a lock of her hair and plastered himself against it like a barrette. It was too late to argue with the faery—Gordon stood before her.

  When his gaze swept across her, Candice forgot about the faery pinned to her hair. Raw hunger burned in his eyes and it was all for her. She choked, realizing she’d held her breath. For some reason she wanted to please him.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous,” Gordon groaned. He inhaled deeply and she knew he caught the light scent of the citrus perfume she had chosen with him in mind.

  He smelled good, too. She loved the spicy fragrance that rose from his red polo shirt. Her gaze followed the veins that slid across his tanned arms. To finish off his neat appearance were navy blue slacks that had a freshly pressed seam down the middle and brown loafers. He had a brown leather jacket in the bend of his arm. She loved the scent of leather.


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