Blade: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Coast: Book 11)

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Blade: A Steel Paragons MC Novel (The Coast: Book 11) Page 3

by Hart, Eve R.

  “What the—” Her words stopped short as she turned to see me.

  Eyes wide, her arm reared back and because I knew it was coming, I easily slapped her hand away with the back of my own before it made contact with my face.

  I barely had time to take in the fact that the sweet ass I’d all but instantly fell in love with was attached to fiery red hair. The natural kind.

  Because while I’d prevented her first attack, I had somehow missed her other hand pulling back at her side, and the screwdriver it held in it. I caught on a moment too late and attempted to turn my body to the side in hopes of missing the second attack. Unfortunately, the only thing that did was give her an in under my cut.

  I felt the flat, blunt tip pierce my skin and it just kept going, somehow seeming to slice through me like butter with the force she’d put behind it.

  Her hand dropped away from the handle and she attempted to take a step back, but the table was keeping her trapped.

  Biscuit growled and barked, then moved in to nip the woman’s ankles. I knew she’d have my back.

  Sucking in a deep breath through my nose, I told myself that I couldn’t react. My free hand balled into a fist, my arm curling up slightly as if I could hold all my rage in with that one movement. Then, because I couldn’t hold it all in, a deep, long growl ripped out of my chest, filling the small room like a bomb detonating.

  “Har?” Someone called out, voice full of panic. I heard several sets of feet running in this direction but I didn’t move. “Harley?!”

  Three women pushed their way into the room but stopped short when they saw me. I didn’t take my eyes off the hot, but deadly, redhead in front of me.

  “Oh, shit,” one of them said, no doubt taking in the screwdriver that was sticking out of my side.

  “Baby, down,” I finally managed to get out and was a little surprised that I sounded calm.

  Biscuit backed off quickly, moving to stand at my feet.

  “I came over here to bring you this,” I said as I tossed the box onto the table beside her, not giving one fuck about how hard it landed. “Showed up at my shop.”

  My brow went up and I waited for her to say something.

  When no one chimed in, I carried on.

  “Think it’s a really fuckin’ dick move to open up an ink shop right across the street from an already established one,” I said as evenly as possible given that I was holding in my rage right now. “I’m keeping the screwdriver,” I added, then turned on my heels and walked the fuck back out before I exploded.

  Making my way back to my shop, I grabbed the handle of the impaling item and yanked it out. Normally, I wouldn’t do that, but I knew it hadn’t clipped anything vital.

  I busted through the front door of the shop no doubt looking like a raging bull. Cami’s eye went wide and her mouth dropped open as she took in the bloodied tool clenched tightly in my grip.

  “You…” she said as her head shook slightly. Her head ducked a little and I knew the next words out of her mouth would come out quieter. “You didn’t have to kill them. Yeah, it’s a turd move to open up a tattoo shop right across from an existing one, but death?”

  I stopped short and stared at her. I’d like to say it took me off guard but the truth was, it was a fair assumption to jump to.

  “I didn’t kill anyone,” I told her flatly. “Good to know what you think of me.” I couldn’t help adding that knowing she would feel bad.

  And like I expected, the embarrassing blush crept up her neck and filled her cheeks.

  I let out a bark of a laugh as I walked to my booth and barely heard her release a relieved breath. No way I could ever be mad at her. She was just too damn adorable. And hell, she put up with my ass pretty much on a daily basis. Not only that, but she treated me like a person despite my moods and lack of wanting to be around people most of the time.

  “Um, so why did you come back with a screwdriver, and why is there blood on it?” I heard her call out as I tossed the tool into the sink in the corner, then flopped down into my chair. I waited a beat, giving her a second to think about her question. “Wait! Never mind. I don’t think I want to know.”

  I chuckled to myself.

  “One of them stabbed me.”

  “What?!” she gasped, and then she was there standing in my doorway. “Are you okay? Is it something we have to worry about? Do I need to get you to the hospital?”

  Everything rushed out of her at once.

  “No,” I told her as I pulled out my phone. I felt Biscuit’s nails digging into my leg and I reached down for her. She settled in the crook of my arm right after planting a little kiss on my cheek. “Gonna call Charming. He should be able to patch me up.”

  The worried look was still in her eyes but she left me be.

  Instead of calling Charm, I sent him a text of my side and told him to get his ass to the shop.

  Ten minutes later he was walking through the door, supplies in hand.

  “Do I even want to know?” he asked as he flopped down on my rolling stool.

  I rolled my eyes and called for Cami. She popped into my doorway still wearing that worried expression.

  “Take my baby, she doesn’t need to see this,” I said, holding out the little princess.

  Charm laughed at me under his breath. Cami didn’t hesitate to take Biscuit and cradle her close as she walked away. With a tilt of my head, I indicated that I wanted the door closed. Charming rolled over and shut us up without hesitation. Then I stripped my cut off and lifted up my shirt so he could see the damage.

  He gloved up and moved in. I grunted as he pressed the skin around the wound.

  “So… how the fuck did this happen? Who did you piss off?” he asked with a raised brow. “And what was it?”

  “Flathead screwdriver,” I told him as my chin jerked in direction of the sink. He took his eyes off me for a second to look over at the fucking tool. “And I didn’t piss anyone off, believe it or not.”

  He cut his eyes at me like he was finding that hard to believe.

  With a deep inhale, I figured what the hell. He was my best friend and I kind of wanted to tell someone. Yeah, that perfect but deadly ass. Thinking about it now was starting to make sitting here a little uncomfortable.

  So I ran through how we got the shipment and how I marched over there all ready to go off.

  “I was stunned stupid by her ass, man. Thick, round, biteable. I forgot why I was even there. And she was wearing these retro shorts.”

  “Retro shorts?” he asked confused.

  “Yeah, looking like a damn pin-up goddess.”

  “Ah,” he said like he had the picture right in his head now.

  “She stands up, and before I can even take in her face, she’s taking a swing at me. I startled the fuck out of her, so I can’t even be mad about it. I brushed her hand away before she made contact, but I didn’t expect that she was ready with another attack. Luckily, she only clipped me.”

  “Yeah, lucky,” he said with a roll of his eyes as he began to sew me back together.

  “Red hair,” I grunted.

  He laughed, not even pausing his work.

  “Your weakness. And a back, too? She’s your poison.”

  That she was. Damn. And inked up, too. Yeah, my dick was fucking hard.

  But that didn’t matter because she was on my shit list. All of them were. I didn’t give a fuck that they were all women and probably at least a little badass given that they were opening up an ink shop in this area of town. Or maybe they were all fucking morons and didn’t know what they were getting themselves into.

  Though, thinking on it, Sweet Cheeks could probably take care of herself. And I had to remind myself that it was my fault. If I had just let her know I was there. If I hadn’t gotten distracted by her.

  “Blade,” Charm called like it wasn’t the first time he’d said my name.

  “What?” I barked.

  He simply huffed out a laugh, knowing that I wasn’t grumpy at him. />
  “You’re good to go. This woman has you tripping.”

  “Don’t ever say tripping again. You sound like fuckin’ Sketch with that shit.” I didn’t even try to hide the scowl from my face.

  “You going to do something about it?”

  I cut my eyes over to him.

  “Okay, yeah,” he said. “She did stab you. I’d suggest you stay far away.”

  “Can’t be mad about that. I startled her. I feel like an ass about it. There was hardcore fear in her eyes, she just reacted. Then she realized what she’d done and it was like she froze, waiting for me to retaliate. Didn’t sit right.” I paused, my vision going hazy as I got lost in my thoughts. “Don’t want her scared of me, so I’m just going to stay away.”

  I felt him studying me but he said nothing.

  “You need to be careful moving,” he said obviously reading the fact that I was done talkin’ about shit. “You might want to take it easy until I need to remove them.” He stopped and shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m telling you that, you won’t listen. Just be careful and if you rip them, call me right away.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled. “Thanks,” I added gruffly.

  “Yep. Let me know when you get off, I’ll meet you up at the bar.”

  “You don’t have to… Abigail…” I said as a way of explaining that I understood that his life was different now. It didn’t bother me. I was happy for both of them and I knew he’d always take care of her the way she deserved.

  “Will beat my ass if I leave you alone after the day you’ve had,” he said with a smile.

  I chuckled, and couldn’t help the upturn of my lips thinking about how she would give him a little bit of hell. I loved Abigail, just not the way he did. I never had. That wasn’t to say that I hadn’t enjoyed my brief time with them. But I knew going in that I never felt the way he did about her. And as fucked up as it probably sounds, I felt the need to give her the things she was seeking sexually. Charming would give her anything, that was a given, and he felt comfortable enough with me to give her a few shared experiences. While I never saw Abigail as a little sister figure, I should have felt a little messed up about it. I vowed to myself to protect her and look after her. Dade, her brother, had been my closest friend. We’d shared things neither of us would ever talk about, but we knew they were there. But the only way I could look at it was that I had been looking after her and protecting her. Charming and I had given her a safe space to feel free and not be judged for her desires. Which, truthfully, I think that was all she ever needed in life.

  She was his. She’d never been mine. And I had never been hers either.

  She had him now, and I knew he’d protect her and let her grow the way she needed to.

  “Alright,” I told him and then he was gone.

  I flopped back in my chair. My lids fell closed and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to take a long nap.

  But there were images of a hot redhead still floating through my head.

  Blowing out a strong, aggravated breath, I scrubbed my hands over my face.

  The woman had stabbed me and yet I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  I knew I wouldn’t be letting this go any time soon. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t something I could go after. She was the enemy. Even if she wasn’t, she was clearly scared of me.

  That was the thing that bothered me the most.

  I didn’t want her to be. I understood it, but that didn’t mean I fucking liked it.

  How the fuck could I change that?

  Yeah, I didn’t know the first thing about that shit.

  Which only reminded me that I wasn’t good enough for someone like her. I didn’t do relationships. Not because I didn’t want them. Well, for the most part, I didn’t, but that wasn’t the reason why I hadn’t had one. As in ever. I’d never had a girl that I called my own. Never been on a date and didn’t even think I’d fuckin’ want to do that shit. Dates led to more. And the only way to move forward with someone was to open up and let them in.

  In case you haven’t realized it by now, I was not that kind of man.

  Too much shit in my head and it needed to stay the fuck there. Locked down tight and forgotten about as much as possible.

  So, yeah, I needed to stay away from Sweet Cheeks. I needed to just forget that she was right across the street.

  Lock her and the things I felt instantly away with the rest of the shit I kept hidden.

  That would be the best for everyone.


  Her name was the last thing that floated through my head before I fell asleep.



  “Are you okay?” Wade rushed to ask as she closed in on me and tossed a comforting arm around my shoulders.

  “I-I’m fine.” I wasn’t. It was clear too.

  Who the hell was that man?

  Man? More like beast. He was huge and scary and… and…


  Ugh, yeah. He was that too.

  With his huge muscle-y arms and ink covering every inch of them that I could see. And those eyes, the kind of brown that was deadly and a little warm at the same time. Oh, and his lips looked absolutely kissable, even when he was speaking not all that nicely to me.

  No, I scolded myself and shook my head like I could rid myself of any thoughts I had about him.

  He was bad news and that was clear right away.

  From the big muscles, to the angry look in his eyes, to the scowl that seemed like it was permanently etched into his face. And I couldn’t forget the way he growled or the how his fist curled up at his side. I was ready for him to strike. Downright expecting him to, really. I should have been happy with the fact that I hadn’t cowered away. It was a huge step for me. One I couldn’t really be proud of because I was currently still a little shaken over the whole thing. But despite that huge step, I was still upset at myself for the lack of defense I’d presented.

  In my mind, I was ready for something like that.

  What reality just showed me was that I wasn’t.

  Focus on the progress.

  Estelle had told me those words a time or two before and I was using them now in order to keep that internal voice from bringing out the bat to beat myself up about it.

  Was he a threat?

  Maybe not. But he had come into my space unannounced and he had startled me.

  “You stabbed him with a screwdriver?” Darlene asked as she cocked her head to the side.

  “Well, I wasn’t really thinking. I was scared and surprised. I already had it in my hand and I just reacted.” I tried to smile as I shrugged, the kind of awkward, stretched upturn of the lips that was clearly strained.

  “Well, looks like the secret’s out,” Wade said.

  “Yeah, and he didn’t seem too happy with it.” I gave an awkward laugh. “So, he’s one of the artists across the way?”

  I hadn’t done any research. I should have but I almost didn’t want to know. I knew the place had a good reputation and was one of the best in town. Actually, one of the best for miles around. But that made me nervous enough that I didn’t want to know the faces of the people that worked there. Did I feel bad about helping pick this building? Yes. But I had reasons for it all. Yeah, it was perfect and it worked for everything we needed. But part of me had also been thinking that being across from a place so well known, we wouldn’t get a lot of business at first. Did I have faith in my craft? Absolutely, I was taught by one of the best— and I wasn’t just saying that. Estelle was well known around the world. However, I wasn’t in this for fame or even brief recognition. I just wanted to do something I loved and hopefully make enough to live on. I didn’t mind the simpler kind of life. Actually, I preferred it.

  “Yeah,” Estelle said answering my question. The one that I completely forgot I’d asked. “He’s also their piercer.”

  That was a terrifying thought. I wouldn’t want to go to someone like him to pierce me. He seemed like he’d make i
t hurt just for the hell of it.

  Okay. Alright. Yes, I knew I was judging him pretty harshly. But if you saw what I’d seen and how I’d seen him, you would be thinking the same thing too.

  Still, there was something about him.

  Maybe it was the way he didn’t react like I’d expected him to.

  He could have easily hit me. He could have overpowered me. Yet he didn’t even try.

  “Don’t we have work to do?” I said trying to brush the whole thing off.

  I didn’t have time for a man in my life.

  Nor did I want one.

  No. Not when I was still trying to get my life back on track. Not when I felt like I hadn’t found my footing.

  Things were good now and I had to keep moving forward. That meant I needed to focus on me and this shop right now.

  Estelle said nothing else but she was studying me with a strange kind of look on her face.

  I waited until everyone walked away. Estelle was still there with a look that made my skin start to tingle.

  “No,” I told her. “Whatever you have running through that head of yours, just no. You don’t need to worry because I’m okay and yeah, I’m a little shaken up, but I will be fine.”

  “You talked to your uncle recently?” she asked making it sound like she’d dropped it. Whatever it was.

  “Yes,” I told her with a serious look on my face. While I appreciated it, she didn’t need to check up on me. She didn’t need to keep tabs on me. The same went for my uncle. I was old enough to be on my own and I was trying so hard to prove that I could make it. “He wants me to come over for dinner, though I think that’s more my mother’s doing than his.”

  Estelle smiled and nodded her head absently.

  Wait, where did she just go?

  “Yep, you’re probably right on that. You know they love you,” she told me, her eyes coming back into focus and pinning me with a hard stare.

  “I know they do. And of course, I love them too. I just… sometimes I need time to breathe. I’m still trying to get settled and all that.”


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