Mission: Her Rescue

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Mission: Her Rescue Page 12

by Anna Hackett

  Now Seth understood what drove her. Why she embraced life, throwing herself into everything.

  “And when I felt like I was spiraling out of control, I had my aunt, uncle, and two overprotective male cousins who are very much like brothers to me.” Her nose wrinkled. “Brandon and Mack still like to try and boss me around.”

  Seth yanked her into his arms and she pressed her face against his chest. “Shit, January. That kind of stuff scars people.”

  She nodded. “I have scars, but they’re healed.” She lifted her chin. “My mom died. She had no more chances to visit more museums, fall in love again, travel, cook, paint.”

  “Or watch her daughter grow into a successful woman.”

  “I thought I was a hellcat.”

  “That too.” He stroked her hair. “Your mom would love your job.”

  “Oh, yeah. I often imagine her visiting my digs. She would have loved it. It makes me smile.”

  January was even stronger than Seth had first thought. There was physical strength, but the ability to move on from the shit life threw at you, and do it so successfully? That was another kind of strength.

  He admired the hell out of her. He looked down at the scars on his arm. His past had gouged him deep, and he hadn’t come out the other side anywhere as well as January had.

  Her hand touched his arm, her finger tracing one of his scars. There was an unspoken question in her eyes. His chest went tight. Nope, he was nowhere near as courageous as her.

  “So, what would you like to do next?” he asked.

  Disappointment flickered in her gaze, but she smiled at him.

  “Well…” She shifted and touched the empty plate on the bed between them. She ran her fingers through some ketchup, then lifted her finger and smeared the red sauce down his chest. Then she leaned forward and licked it off.

  His muscles tensed.

  “Want to play spy and double agent?”

  Seth tumbled her back onto the bed, grabbing the scarf she’d discarded earlier. He ran the fabric around her wrists. “Excellent idea.”

  January woke to an empty bed.

  She heard Seth moving about in the living room, followed by the sound of a door sliding open. Mmm, she also smelled coffee. She liked the idea of a man up making coffee for her.

  She stretched her arms above her head. Damn, she felt good. She had a few aches, but they were of the pleasurable kind.

  God. She shivered. She’d dated before, and had a few, longer-term boyfriends, but mostly she wondered if love was a lie concocted by companies to sell stuff. She considered her aunt and uncle the exception that proved the rule.

  But here she was, after the worst few days of her life, brimming with emotion. All stirred up by one lean, distrusting, sexy man. What she felt for Seth Lynch was so much, so big, so passionate.

  Last night, she’d opened up and shared the worst thing that had ever happened to her. Seth, however, had not shared much about himself. She stared at the ceiling. The man had an icy shell around him an inch thick. She moved on the sheets, sheets they’d done some pretty incredible things on.

  January thought—hoped—she might have put a dent in that shell of Seth’s. Maybe even a few cracks. She just needed some patience.

  She blew out a breath. They hadn’t talked about what would happen after the mission was over, and right now, they were in an extreme situation. But for the first time in a long time, January felt giddy with hope.

  She finally pulled her lazy butt out of bed, and headed for the bathroom. After she washed her face and tied her hair up in a loose knot, she found one of Seth’s button-down shirts and slipped it on.

  Then she walked into the living room. She paused.

  He was out on the balcony, leaning against the railing. He was also shirtless, just wearing sweats. Yum.

  She moved closer and saw he had an expensive camera in hand, snapping shots of a plane that had just taken off.

  When she stepped outside, he glanced her way and smiled. His gaze drifted down her body, lingering on her bare legs. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” When she got closer, he pulled her in between his body and the railing. “You taking some photos?”

  “Felt inspired.” He pushed her hair off her shoulder and dropped a kiss to her skin.

  January shivered. She slid a hand up to the camera, looking at all the buttons. “May I?”

  “Sure.” He handed it over.

  She spun away from the airport, lifted the camera, and snapped a shot of him.

  Seth scowled. “I don’t like having my picture taken.”

  She backed up, snapping some more. “That’s a shame, because women would consider your body a work of art.”

  He snorted.

  She felt a chair behind her and sat. She took a few more pictures of him—chiseled abs, hard chest, handsome face. He was still scowling. “You must know you’re gorgeous.”

  “I’m scarred.”

  January flopped a hand through the air. “That only adds to the appeal. Trust me.”

  He was staring at her like she was some puzzle he couldn’t quite solve. Then he strode toward her and snatched the camera off her.


  “My turn.” He aimed it at her. Click.

  Great. No make up and messy hair.

  He changed a setting on the camera and crouched. She leaned back and realized the shirt was dangerously high on her thighs.

  He kept taking pictures, then paused. “You are so damn beautiful, January.”

  Heat coiled in her belly. She reached up and fiddled with the buttons on the shirt. She slipped a few free and leaned back.

  Seth shot her a sexy grin. “You want to be naughty, hellcat?”

  “Only for you.”

  He took another picture. “Show me.”

  She opened the last of the buttons. Everything was still mostly covered, just hinting at what lay beneath.

  “You trust me with photos like this?” he asked.

  “Yes, Seth. I trust you.” She shifted her legs, the shirt riding higher.

  His gaze sharpened. “No panties.”

  “Well, I was hoping to find you and coax you back to bed.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then I was going to lie back on your big bed and touch myself until your control broke.”

  He pressed his tongue to his teeth, his gaze locked on her. “Show me.”

  As she slipped a hand down her middle, over her belly, she heard the camera click. She reached between her legs, his view blocked by her thigh. She slid her finger through her folds. Every click of the camera made her breath hitch. Her head fell back, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

  “So damn beautiful.” His voice had deepened.

  January rubbed her clit, so turned on knowing he was watching and photographing her. A husky cry escaped her lips.

  “Enough.” Seth set the camera on the outdoor table. He closed the distance to her and dropped down beside her. Then his hands were on her thighs, pushing them apart.


  His hand moved over hers, his thumb caressing her clit alongside hers. She gasped.

  Then he slid a finger inside her, then another. So full.

  “Yes.” She rocked against his hand. He kept stroking inside her and she couldn’t form any words.

  Moaning, she ground down on his fingers, needing more. So much more. Her hips lifted off the chair to meet his strokes.

  “That’s it, hellcat. Take what you need.”

  She moved faster and when he leaned over her, his lips taking hers, her orgasm hit. Her body twisted and her cries spilled into his mouth.

  Then his hand was gone and he lifted her off the chair. She clamped her legs around his waist. In two long strides, he was back inside. Then her back hit the couch and his big body covered hers.


  “Need to fuck you.” His tone was clipped, color riding his cheekbones.

  A second later, his sweats were gone, and
he rubbed the head of his cock against her wetness.

  He groaned. “You’re soaked.”

  “Hurry up, Seth.” She lifted her hips.

  “No patience.”

  “Less talk, more—”

  He surged inside her.

  Oh, that sweet stretch. She pressed her head back against the couch. With fast, hard strokes, he drove deep inside her. She gripped his shoulders, holding tight, her choked cries echoing with each powerful thrust.

  Soon, January was back at the edge of another orgasm. “Oh God, Seth.”

  “Shit, January,” he ground out. “Going to come. Hard.”

  “Yes.” She lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, her body molten hot. Then the pleasure exploded and she screamed.

  With another thrust, he roared through his own release.

  When she could finally see, hear, and breathe again, they were both sprawled on the couch.

  “I was planning to make you breakfast first,” Seth murmured.

  She lazily stroked his muscled back. “I’m okay with switching things up.”

  He laughed. “Well, I’m going to make you breakfast now.” He levered himself up. “Hope you like fried eggs.”

  “I sure do.” January managed to stand on shaky legs. “Especially when they’re cooked by a super-sexy guy.”

  Another flash of a smile that made her heart flip over. He reached out, thumb rubbing over her lips. The look on his face took her breath away. She did a mental fist pump. There was another crack in that shell of his, she was sure of it.

  She watched him pull his sweats over his absolutely fine ass and head for the kitchen. She detoured to the bathroom to clean up.

  When she returned, she sat at the island and watched him serve her perfectly cooked fried eggs.

  Seth leaned against the counter and started eating his own breakfast.

  “Best fried eggs I’ve ever tasted.” She winked at him. “And best orgasms and fried eggs I’ve ever had.”

  As he chuckled, a low chime sounded. He moved to his security screens. One screen showed Callie at the front door.

  “Hey, Callie.” Seth pressed a button. “Come on up.” His gaze moved to January. “She’s got clothes for you, and she’s our ride to the airport. We have a flight back to base shortly.”

  “Any news on the Knights of Gaia, or the sphere?”

  He shook his head. “The team at the base are working on it.”

  She nodded, forking up more eggs. It had been a wonderful, little interlude, just the two of them, but now reality was crashing back in. Big time.

  Seth moved and stopped close to her. He tilted her chin up and dropped a kiss to her lips. “Wish we had more time.” He brushed his fingers along her jaw.

  “Me too.”

  “Morning.” Callie strode in, holding several shopping bags. “I have clothes, shoes, and some basic cosmetics.”

  January swiveled on her stool. “You are a goddess, Callie. Thanks.”

  Callie smiled. “You’re welcome, although you are completely rocking Seth’s tee.”

  January snorted. “Might not be the right look for base.”

  The medic’s pretty smile widened. “Probably not.”

  Sliding off the stool, January took the bags. “I’ll go and change.” When she looked up, she saw a look on Seth’s face and she read it easily. She smiled. Apparently, he was sorry to see her out of his T-shirt.

  In the bedroom, January dressed, and quickly did her face and hair. As she headed back toward the living area, she heard Seth and Callie talking.

  “I like seeing you like this,” Callie said.

  “Like what?”



  “No, Seth, you trust no one. You never let anyone through those personal defenses of yours.”

  “I let you and the team in.”

  “Other than us.”

  “I have my reasons.”

  Callie sighed. “We all do. But you think you always have to get a read on people and test their loyalty. I think it’s braver to take a risk and let them in.”

  There was silence and January stood out of sight, frozen in place, and wrapped her arms around her middle.

  “I like her,” Callie said. “I like you two together like this. I like the light in your eyes.”

  There was a moment of silence. “I like her, too.”

  January felt a burst of warmth inside. Somewhere that had been cold since her mother had died.

  “Remember, not everyone is out to shove a knife in your back,” Callie said.

  “Or your face,” Seth added.

  Callie made a choked noise. “Please tell me you aren’t making torture jokes.”

  January dropped her arms and took a deep breath. She breezed back in. “I’m ready.”

  Seth looked up. He’d changed and was now dressed all in black—black cargo pants, black shirt, and heavy, black boots.

  He nodded. “Time to go.”

  Together, the three of them headed out to the black SUV parked out front. Seth locked up his place, and then they were on their way to the Bunker.

  When they got to the airport, a smiling Kinsey greeted them. She was wearing tight jeans and a baby-pink T-shirt advertising the Hard Rock Casino.

  “Hey, how you feeling, sweetie?” she asked January.

  “I’m great.” God, January couldn’t look away. The woman was gorgeous.

  “How’s our guest?” Seth asked.

  Kinsey rolled her blue eyes. “PIMA. Pain in my ass.” Her gaze flicked to January. “Not sure how you ever let him lay a finger on you…”

  “Temporary insanity.” January pursed her lips. “And too much tequila.”

  Kinsey’s laugh was melodic and full-throated. Her gaze moved to Seth. “Well, you traded up.”

  At that moment, Smith appeared in the doorway behind Kinsey. His gaze zeroed in on the blonde as she stood there laughing. January watched Smith’s face close down.

  Ooh. Interesting. January wondered what that was about.

  “Andelman is a fuckwit,” Smith said.

  “Nothing we didn’t already know,” Seth added.

  “Smith’s spent a lot of time with Dr. Andelman, and his patience is wearing a bit thin.” Kinsey reached up and patted Smith’s broad chest.

  January watched as Smith stilled at the blonde’s touch. And when Kinsey moved away, she watched the big man’s gaze follow the woman.

  Oh, yeah. January was so interrogating Seth about this later.

  Everything was a whirl of activity after that. The rest of Team 52 arrived, and January watched curiously as a russet-haired, pretty woman dropped Lachlan off. January remembered she’d met Dr. Rowan Schafer briefly at Area 52. January watched the pair make out beside the car. Lachlan Hunter held the woman like she was something precious he needed to protect. It made January smile. Nothing like seeing a badass in love.

  Soon, they were back on a plane headed back to Area 52. She saw that the team was tense and alert, clearly ready to track down the Knights of Gaia and end this. They all wanted the stolen sphere found.

  As soon as they stepped back into the base, Nat appeared with a click of her heels. “Morning.”

  She was as put together as always—fitted, dark-gray skirt and a blue shirt. But there was no hiding the dark circles under her eyes.

  “Long night?” Seth asked.

  She nodded. “I helped Brooks and Ty out. And I tracked down the document the Knights discovered with a reference to the spheres. There was a reference to it in the emails. It was actually a Mayan vase recovered from the Snake King site of Calakmul. The cylindrical pot was inscribed with glyphs and mentioned the jade spheres with a reference to their power.”

  “I’d love to take a look at it,” January said.

  Nat smiled. “Sure thing. But right now, Brooks is in his domain, and wants everyone there ASAP.” Her gaze scanned them all. “He found something.”

  January straightened. Finally.

“Something in the emails?” Lachlan asked.

  Nat nodded. “But he hasn’t shared what, yet. He wants us all there, first.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Seth took hold of January’s hand. She felt everybody watching them, but he didn’t appear to care. When she glanced around, she spotted a whole bunch of grins.

  She grinned back, and then they headed down the hallway. A side door opened, and an older man with a buzzcut, and wearing fatigues, stepped in front of her.

  “Oh, hi,” January said.

  The man grunted.

  “Arlo, this is January,” Seth said.

  The man’s unhappy gaze fell on their joined hands. “Heard Lynch trekked through the jungle, fighting off bad guys to rescue you, then beat up some asshole who tried to kill you.”

  “Yes.” He sounded pretty pissed about it all. “I’m pretty sure Seth would do the same for anyone in trouble.”

  Another grunt. “You planning to get snatched again?”

  “I hope not.”

  Arlo made a harrumphing sound, then pivoted, and strode off.

  With wide eyes, January looked at Seth. “Happy guy.”

  “Arlo’s like good cheese…”

  “Old and crusty?”

  Seth smiled. “He gets more palatable with time.”

  Right. There was quiet laughter all around.

  Finally, they stepped into Brooks’ computer room.

  Wow. The place looked like NASA’s Mission Control. There was a high island in the center of the room and screens everywhere. A large screen dominated the front wall.

  The central table was littered with candy bar wrappers, and Brooks stood beside it. His shirt was rumpled and his hair was a mess. He didn’t look like he’d slept.

  Her gaze fell on the text on his shirt and she fought a smile. It said “If I was a Jedi, there’s a 100% chance I would use the Force inappropriately.”

  He shot them all a vague smile. “Hey.”

  “What have you got?” Lachlan asked.

  Brooks stepped forward, looking strangely nervous. He cleared his throat. “I’ve been going through all of Andelman’s emails.” Brooks’ gaze turned serious. “The Knights of Gaia cell is definitely in L.A.”


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