Not long after Peachy Ass had left, another topless hunk arrived, but I waved him away. They were my idea and Daddy jumped on it when I told him it would attract more women. Men weren’t interested in lounging around the pool unless there were women involved. Women weren’t interested in the men they holidayed with. They wanted what they couldn’t have. They wanted the fantasy. They wanted the forbidden. Supplying an abundance of good looking men would draw the women in…which would draw the men in, lapping at their feet for scraps and waiting for them to be rebuffed by the man candy.
I know, I was an entrepreneurial genius – I scoffed – Hell, I just liked six weeks in the summer surrounded by hotties. And here comes another.
“Iced water, Miss Cooper?”
He held the glass out and I accepted it with a mere nod of thanks. I was too busy imagining the ice melting on his delicious chest to show any gratitude. A quick smile and he was gone. I got back to my anthology of smut with new faces in mind for the leading alphas.
Dinner was served every night at 7pm sharp. I sat at my table sipping on my glass of ice cold Chardonnay and scanned the restaurant. I liked to people watch. I liked to imagine the sordid activities that went on behind closed doors.
As I watched, I noticed the wedding couple; I had watched them get hitched on the beach earlier and now the man was feeding his new wife strawberries and champagne.
I entertained the idea of monogamy, but it just wasn’t for me. I got bored easily; I was always looking for something else and before I got bored, I was indifferent. I didn’t fall at men’s feet and beg them to love me and as much as men whine about needy women, they all want us to swoon and experience that instalove we read about in romance novels. Even if they have no intention of reciprocating, they want us falling, hard, so they can toy with us like a cat with a mouse and then break our hearts when they’ve had enough. If I didn’t walk out first from boredom, they did because they thought I was a bitch. I was just protecting myself from the fate I’d seen so many women suffer.
Something caught my attention as I brought my wine to my lips. Ah, Peachy Ass. He had been ensnared. He was sitting at a table not far away and staring at me like I was sat at the table naked; I knew he imagined what was under my summer dress. He could get in trouble for that; he could lose his job. One word from me and he would be cleaning toilets with a toothbrush. He didn’t care. He continued to watch and tipped his glass towards me in an I-don’t-give-a-fuck gesture. Hmm…
My head was fuzzy. Too much wine. I couldn’t let him get under my skin, no matter how much I wanted to experience him under me while I rode him like a cowgirl. I raised my glass back in an equally uncaring gesture, stood from the table and blew him a kiss before I left the restaurant.
The sun was burning as I lay under it. I loved summer. I loved the golden shade my skin turned after a short while sunbathing. I loved that the sun turned my blonde hair a lighter shade and brought out honey highlights. I even loved the freckles that appeared and scattered across my nose and cheeks.
“Ms Cooper?”
I knew that voice. I turned my head and saw Peachy Ass next to my lounger.
“Can I help you?”
He had no reason to be there. I was by my private cabana, outside the villa that was owned exclusively by Daddy, and had its own area of the beach. I had a fridge inches from my fingers as my arms extended out for maximum sun exposure and I had a phone next to me to use should I need assistance. I didn’t need assisting…Not the kind outlined in the job role, at least.
“I wondered if you might need redoing.” He crooned. Oh, that voice.
“Excuse me?”
He laughed. Even his laugh set my bikini briefs vaporising; disintegrating.
“Your sunscreen. Do you need your sunscreen redoing?”
I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes.
“I didn’t call for assistance.”
“Just looking out for you, Ms Cooper. Wouldn’t want you to burn.”
“How very thoughtful of you, Mr…?”
“Mr Brown?” I asked, turning to face him again as he reached for the bottle of lotion. “The Mr Brown?”
“His son.”
I raised my brows in surprise, then narrowed my eyes in confusion.
“Shouldn’t you be on this side of the fence, then?”
Patrick Brown was the boss. The big one. Brown Hotels had been his big dream and was his first and most successful business venture…and Cain, his only son and no doubt heir to his fortune, was a waiter, assistance-provider. Whatever.
He didn’t want to talk about it. Fuck it, I could use a redo.
I closed my eyes and waited. I was happy to play the boss, although I knew he had more money, better connections and greater power. He was there for a reason.
The coconut scent of the cream filled my nostrils and his hands touched my shoulders. He began spreading the cream and I let out a relaxed breath. His touch was heavenly; firm yet soft. Assertive yet restrained.
The burn began low in my stomach and spread to every nerve ending as he moved over to my arms, stroking his hands up and down each one, squeezing each of my fingers; a provocative act that sent my mind, and eyes, to one place. Impressive.
“Does that feel good?”
I knew what he was doing. The slow seduction was working.
He gathered my hair over my shoulder and kissed the back of my neck. I clamped my lips together when a moan threatened to escape and a shiver rippled along my spine.
He smelled good, like red-blooded male with a hint of cologne and the mere thought of sinking my teeth into him set my skin erupting into goosebumps. He kneeled on the edge of the lounger, the roughness of his shorts tickling the smooth skin of my legs. I couldn’t hide the goosebumps and I couldn’t control the roll of my hips or the subtle squeeze of my legs as the pressure built elsewhere.
Deft fingers untied my top and the strings whispered over my sensitive skin as they fell from my body. I was acutely aware of his every move. I heard his breathing, slow and ragged, like mine. I felt his calloused fingers, which told me he probably played guitar, as they kneaded with extra pressure. He was good with his fingers. He moved lower and my hips involuntarily lifted from the lounger. His hands slid down my back from left to right until he reached my ass and squeezed.
“Maybe I should leave this,” he ignored my shaky sigh of pleasure and squeezed harder, parting my cheeks so the material pulled tight over my sodden sex. “Your ass would look good red.”
“I can think of better ways to entice some colour into it.”
“Oh, really?”
I jumped when he gripped the top of my legs, encouraging me to part them; I complied and his thumbs teased my aching cleft through my briefs. I let a groan free to show my delight and allowed my body to buzz with lust. Everywhere he touched he left a burning trail that sent more liquid desire to soak me until it was uncomfortable.
He massaged down my legs, pausing at my feet; the ache was unbearable. My feet had direct access to my libido and my hips continued to buck as he rubbed the lotion into each toe, grazing his thumbnails over the pads. I needed friction but he built the tension until I was coiled tight and on the verge of begging. He teased me with those hands that made me wonder what kind of animal he was when he let go.
“How does that feel, Ms Cooper?”
“Andie,” I breathed. “Call me Andie.”
“How does that feel, Andie?”
The way he said my name, pouring with eroticism, made me think of that damn popping candy again and my body shuddered with need. My nipples were hard peaks against the thin material that covered them; I ached to touch them but I was frozen, lost in sensation as his hands made their way back up my legs. He climbed over the lounger, trapping my legs before they could part further.
“Good. So good.”
His fingers found the
strings of my briefs and I squealed as he pulled them away, exposing the round globes of my ass and the glistening heat between my legs.
“Mmm,” he groaned. He began stroking, so slowly, over the swollen lips of my pussy. “You’re so wet, Ms Cooper.”
“Andie,” I growled through clenched teeth.
“Ms Cooper.”
I didn’t bother arguing. I couldn’t. He had me where he wanted me, where I wanted to be, and we both knew it. He slid his finger inside me, the tip instantly finding my g-spot, eliciting a gasp from me. I tried to clamp my legs together, but he had them opened and pinned down beneath his. They parted further as he moved back and sat between them. My feet fell to the floor and I knew I heard the groan of appreciation rumble in his chest. I was open, the smooth soft flesh exposed to him.
“Feel how your pussy is drawing me in,” he said as I clenched around his finger. “You want me deeper, don’t you?”
When I didn’t answer, he smacked my ass and I cried out.
“Yes!” I cried. “God, yes.”
I was used to calling the shots, but he…he had me bubbling with need and desperate to be taken. A second finger joined the first, his thumb found my clit and his free hand rubbed circles on my ass cheek before he pulled back and his hand connected with my skin with a harsh slap. The smack vibrated through me, sending my mind into a frenzy and I lifted my hips for more. I got it and I loved it. The sting. I felt my skin reddening and as he smacked again, plunging his fingers in deep. My core tightened and I tensed my legs around the chair.
He held his hand on my back to keep me still and I felt his hair tickle the inside of my legs. His tongue stroked from front to back and I keened. I fisted the towel that lay beneath me and he continued to lick; swirling and flicking. I shook my head as my body fought the unknown pleasure. I thrashed beneath him but he didn’t relent. My legs quivered, my body convulsed and my legs tensed as I tried to control the explosion. It was no good; I felt it approaching like a storm with no respite. I sucked in a lungful of air and it escaped as a scream when he spanked me again and I came hard, drawing his fingers in and gasping for air. My orgasm crashed through me, sending every thought I had into submission; a loud, writhing defeat as he continued his assault. And then it was gone. His fingers left me and he sank his teeth into my ass, flicking his tongue out to soothe the burn. I was pulsing, shuddering, still dazed from the overwhelming reaction my body had to Peachy Ass Brown and his skills. “Stay,” he rasped.
I had no choice. I couldn’t move, but I looked back as he stood up, just enough to pull a packet from his pocket. He tugged his shorts down, kicking them off as his cock sprang free, gloriously hard and bobbing under its weight. His mouth glistened and I licked my lips when he did, entranced by the fluidity in which he tore the packet and rolled the condom down his shaft.
I held my breath, waiting, desperate to feel him inside me. He kneeled on the lounger, gripped my hips and pulled me onto my knees. He slid between my closed legs, teasing my clit, and nudged the head of his cock against my pulsing entrance. I was ready, waiting on baited breath to be given what I needed; for him to satisfy the hunger that he created the second I saw him
He pulled me up so I was on my hands and knees. He grabbed a handful of hair and thrust forward as he pulled me back, impaling me, instantly stretching me and filling me to the hilt.
A guttural groan left him as I choked on a breath; he held me still with one hand in my hair and the other gripping my hip so hard I felt the bruise. I wanted it hard, I wanted it fast, I wanted it rough and he gave it to me. He plunged in and out with the power of a predatory beast, his balls hitting my clit every time he drove into me, propelling me forward and then pulling me back. He coaxed my g-spot to swell and pulse, tightening everything south of my navel. The sound of flesh on flesh, the feel of sweat on sweat and the animalistic groans that left us both as we fucked under the sun sent me colliding into an unbearable climax that I felt from the hair on my head to the tips of my toes. He kept going, keeping me on the crest of every wave that washed over me as he raced to his own release. He grunted as he squeezed harder and held me still as he exploded with a roar. His cock jerked inside me again and again as he shuddered and let out a satisfied sigh.
He collapsed on top of me; my arms and legs gave way and we fell flat to the lounger. The sticky sunscreen mixed with our sweat and I knew I would smell of him all day. I imagined that was his plan; to have me begging for more every time I got the scent of sex that clung to my skin.
He slid off me and I watched, sated, spent and sleepy as he discarded the condom and pulled on his shorts. He moved like a man who hadn’t just fucked me senseless.
“You have a good day, Ms Cooper,” he smoothed my hair down so it settled on my back. “If you need more assistance, just call.”
He tapped my butt and I watched him leave, noticing the tremble still moving through him. I knew then, exactly why he worked for the hotel and I had a feeling I’d need more assistance…and soon.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
I rolled my eyes. I’d called Rosie, my one and only friend, to fill her in on the day’s activities. I didn’t leave out my rendezvous with Cain. She pretended she was coy, but I knew she loved hearing about it. Her voice always raised an octave when she wanted to know more.
“Of course I’m not.”
I stepped out onto the balcony as the sun began to set on the horizon.
“And it’s, you know, safe?”
“Of course.”
“That all you’re going to say for the duration of this conversation?”
“Of course,” I laughed. “No…Why don’t you come out here?”
“And fuck anything with a pulse?”
“You should fuck something. I’m sure you’re gathering cobwebs.”
“Andie!” she shrieked. “I am not.”
“Listen, babe, I’m not judging. Merely suggesting you should, I don’t know, let the tigress out of her cage more often. They say an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away…unless you’re in to doctor/nurse roleplay…then you want the doctor to keep coming. And coming…”
“I get the point,” she giggled. “Doctors are hot.”
“The hottest…I think it’s the jacket. Or the specs. Or that handwriting; it tells you just how filthy they are. The scruffier the writing, the dirtier the doctor.”
“Or the fact that they’re in charge.”
“Ah, she likes a man with power.”
I smiled. Rosie had the sexual appetite of a nymph; she just didn’t have the confidence to go out and get what she wanted. But she liked to talk about it.
“I’m sure I’m not the only woman who likes being taking control of in the bedroom.”
“Definitely not,” I paused, preparing to broach the subject again. “Why don’t you come out here, Rose?”
“Ah,” she mumbled something incoherent. Probably the same incoherent something she mumbled every time I mentioned it. “I’m busy.”
“Too busy for a sun tan?”
“It isn’t a sun tan on your mind, And.”
I chuckled, “She knows me well.”
“I do…and besides. What am I supposed to do when you’re off fucking waiters?”
“Find your own waiter? Failing that, read a book and take Bob to bed.”
“I hate you.”
“Because I found your stash of toys? Having a sex drive is nothing to be embarrassed about. The highlight of my day is climbing in bed and making myself come.”
She was uncomfortable. Time to change the subject.
“So, how’s work?”
“Good. Well, boring.”
I pursed my lips. Rosie hated her job. She was a school librarian. Yeah, the stereotypical quiet type; but she didn’t want to be. She wanted to find herself.
“It’s okay. I’m working on it.”
I looked down
on the beach to see Cain Peachy Ass Brown making his way to the water. The moon shone down on his naked back, bouncing off the tranquil Caribbean ocean and illuminating him in silver.
“Can I call you tomorrow, babe?” I asked, standing and grabbing my sarong from the end of the bed. “I really want you to think about coming out here. Charles Dickens will be fine without you.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I want you to do. For you.”
“I will.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
I ended the call, threw my phone on the bed and headed out of the villa.
“Are you aware that this is a private beach, Mr Brown?”
He turned from where he stood on the shoreline and even in darkness, I saw the wicked glint in his eyes.
“Indeed I am, Ms Cooper.”
I raised my eyebrows and stared at him cooly.
“I don’t take kindly to trespassers.”
“Oh, you don’t? You aren’t a fan of surprise invasions?”
Puntastic, isn’t he? He took a step towards me as I took one towards him and the tense, erotic energy buzzed around us. I could almost see the electrical current that passed between us.
“You know very well how I react to surprise invasions.”
“I do remember a scream or two.”
He winked. He winked… and my insides ignited into a raging inferno. My wit, intelligence and all possible snarky remarks disappeared. We closed the distance until we were a mere metre apart and I couldn’t breathe. His mouth had been on me, those fingers bringing me to the brink and pushing me over the edge. The subtle bulge in his shorts was still prominent and I remembered how he stroked and pounded me into oblivion.
“What are you thinking?” He breathed.
I shrugged, “Nothing.”
He stepped closer and I inhaled the virile scent of the man before me. He took my face in his hands and we both bit our bottom lip as we looked at each other.
“I’m going to kiss you,” he said. “And then I’m going to fuck you.”
Heat Waves Page 11