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by Alice J. Harris-Wood

  "Redd replied, ‘I came from a family that was full of love. My father did whatever he could to provide a home and food for his wife and child. In the old country of Ireland, a man took care of his family and that is what my father did for us.’

  "‘Oh, Redd, you have made me very happy and I want to get started on our family as soon as possible,’ replied Nina.

  "Redd and Nina decided to extend their stay for an extra few weeks so that they could plan the greatest party the Bahamas had ever hosted. Nina was in charge of the total planning for this event. She wanted only the best of everything. Cost was not an issue with Nina. She considered it an investment.

  "The menu was made up of only American foods. She sent for her chief in the States and he brought his entire crew of cooks and waiters. The chief was black and so was the crew. Next, she scheduled the performer to come on the day before the party so that they could rehearse with the local popular band.

  "When she finished, the only thing that was needed was for her to develop a guest list. Therefore, she asked the head housekeeper in the hotel to help her with the list. The head housekeeper knew all the important people in all of the Bahamas and adjacent islands. Nina left that up to Tanya, the hotel’s head housekeeper.

  "Buddy’s job was to find a fantastic building that could hold around five hundred people. Buddy was thinking about the future. The building that was going to be used for the party would be the new Miller Hill, but this new location would need a new name. Therefore, he wanted Nina’s opinion on the name.

  There were several buildings that he looked at but was not satisfied and he was starting to get depressed. Just at that moment, his guide Lyle said, ‘I know what you want, a place that makes the guests feel good and so they will return often to have a good time.’

  "‘That’s right, my friend,’ replied Redd.

  "Lyle was a very good-looking businessman who had a dream of his own but did not have the money to make his dream come true. But with Redd as his backer, it would be possible. Lyle, the businessman, told Redd about his dream which included an outside stage that was designed with the look of the entertainment area of the Roman Empire. ’The guests would surround the stage but they would be slightly elevated. Everything would be outside with a covering to block out the sun or rain. The location would be on the beach.

  "‘It would have bars and eating areas everywhere. Waiters, who would serve the drinks and food,’ said Lyle with a big smile on his face. ‘We would use waitresses, pretty young ones in grass skirts. A big fence would surround the palace. Only rich guests would be able to patronize this paradise. Flowers and plants with many colors would be used to decorate the total area. Live small animals such as beautiful birds will be in cages to present the flavor of the Bahamas,’ said Lyle.

  "Redd’s eyes opened wide and he said, ‘Stop. I got it. My party will be on the beach.’

  "‘I love your idea and I know Nina will also love it. Do you know an artist that can put the ideas down on a canvas?’

  "Lyle replied, ‘Yes, I have it already designed in a layout; all I needed was a partner with money. A temporary stage and set-up can be put into place in three weeks tops.’

  "‘Oh, that is wonderful,’ replied Redd. ‘Nina’s birthday is in three weeks and she will be twenty-one years old. It will be her party,’ said Redd. ‘When we met, I thought she was twenty-one but I was in love with her the moment I saw her. Nothing is too good for my love, for Nina,’ said Redd.

  "Redd took a second look at Lyle and realized that Lyle was a gangster, but so was he.

  "Nina loved the plans but did not know the party would be for her. She was working so hard getting her part accomplished. Redd sent word to Buddy and Candee, telling them about the future plans and asking them to come to Nina’s party. ‘It is to be a surprise and do not breathe a word to her,’ said Redd.

  "The day finally came for the party and a big banner was hung: ‘Welcome to Nina’s Birthday Party, the Biggest and Best Party on Land.’ As Nina approached the extremely large pavilion with a multi-level structure, she almost fainted, for she was truly surprised. She was turning twenty-one and it was the best day of her entire life. No one but Redd had ever loved her as much as a mother could love her child.

  "‘Oh my, how wonderful!’ shouted Nina. She grabbed Redd, kissed him, and hugged him, and it appeared that she could not stop herself from hugging and kissing. Finally, Candee approached and said, ‘Time’s up. Let’s get it on. Let’s party.’

  "The band started playing ‘happy birthday’ and the guests began to sing. Redd got up on stage with Nina. ‘This is Nina’s day and she is the love of my life. Join me in helping my wife have a birthday celebration that will be remembered by her and everyone here for many years to come. Let’s toast to my wife.’

  "Candee jumped up on stage and said, ‘Nina is my cousin and I will make the toast to Nina and then to the newlyweds, for their union has been blessed by God. To Nina, may all your days be blessed and may God bless both of you with a long life of happiness! Okay, let’s party.’

  "The sky opened with hundreds of balloons falling from the beautiful sky and the band playing with popular songs from the States. The singers were gorgeous-looking; colored singers dressed to impress. She got the crowd up on their feet. People were dancing at their seats, on the dance floor, and some even jumped on top of the tables. It was a sight to see.

  "Her selections along with common American Hors d’oeuvres and waitresses were sashaying around the tables, waiting on everyone with complete joy.

  "It was like old times at Miller Hill in Harrisonville. Buddy and Candee were having a great time, but Buddy knew that the good times were going to come to an end soon in the near future. Therefore, he shouted out, ‘Let the good times roll!’

  "The sun was coming up when the last guest left. Buddy, Candee, Nina, and Redd sat at the bar just laughing and reminiscing about when they first met each other.

  "Buddy recalled the day he met Redd. Buddy said, ‘We were both teenagers with a future in crime. The first person I met when I entered Harrisonville was Redd. I was a runaway from some old, religious, nutty family. I could not take going to church every Sunday and that Bible study two days per week. It was killing me inside.’

  "Redd said, ‘My parents were great. They were true blue criminals. They were chased out of the old country, Ireland, when I was about ten. He was a bootlegger, loan shark, and had many other professions. My father was a real family man and believed in taking care of his wife and child. I am an only child and my mother died of whooping cough disease at the age of twenty-nine. When she died, my father’s spirit for love of life left too.’

  "‘He continued to practice his profession here in Harrisonville and at the same time established himself as a real trustworthy businessman. He started his own bank, his own bar, his own gambling parlor, and his own gentlemen-and-ladies gathering place. Pop did not put up with anyone crossing him. He found ways to solve the problem. He wanted and taught me the business at an early age. I did not have any other future professional dreams but to be a criminal. Pop was great,’ said Redd.

  "Nina and Candee both agreed that their stories were too sad to talk about at this time but there would be plenty of time for storytelling in the future.

  "The party was over and it was a big hit. That night, Redd and Nina made love for hours, over and over again. It was like this was their last great time together.

  "The next day, Buddy caught up with Redd and told him they needed to talk. Over breakfast, Buddy gave Redd the bad news.

  "‘Redd,’ said Buddy, ‘I would not come home if I were you. The Feds are looking for you. One of your trusted team members was a rat. I believe I can get out of it but you and Nina are in serious trouble.’

  "‘They think the club and Miller Hill are totally legit and all they want is for Candee and me to pay our back taxes. They have you down for bootlegging, racketeering, murder, prostitution, and you name it. They know you are here but they cann
ot touch you. Please do not come home. Make this paradise your home. Please Redd, you know I love you like a brother.’ He was with tears in his eyes as he spoke to Redd.

  "‘Buddy, I am making plans to start a club here in the Bahamas. The man that controls everything on this island helped with getting Nina’s party together. His name is Lyle. Lyle is a criminal but we need him. He wants to be a partner in my new business venture,’ said Redd.

  "‘Be careful with this Lyle. People on this island are not loyal. They just want to be rich and important,’ replied Buddy.

  "‘Look, there is Lyle coming to our table. I will introduce him to all of you,’ said Redd.

  "‘Good morning, Lyle,’ said Redd. ‘Thanks for helping me with my wife’s party. It was more than I had hoped for. This is my lovely wife, Nina, her beautiful cousin, Candee, and her husband, Buddy, who is my best friend and partner,’ said Redd.

  "‘Do your friends know of our future plans?’ asked Lyle.

  "‘No, not yet,’ replied Redd.

  "‘How about meeting today on the beach at about 1:00 for a beach party?’ asked Lyle.

  "‘That sounds great,’ said Candee, ‘Nina and I love the beach and the ocean. We should have been born fish but were born something else,’ replied Candee.

  "After Lyle left, Redd said, ‘I will not go back to the States. It would be crazy for me to even think about returning. Nina and I will make a life for us right here in paradise,’ replied Redd.

  "At 1:00, all the players were on the beach. Lyle was the last to arrive. It was obvious that he thought he was in the driver’s seat with these dumb Americans. But he did not know that they were professional criminals. They had already figured him out. All they had to do was come up with a plan that would allow them to use his influence to get things moving.

  "Lyle had his replica of his design for his lifelong dream of an outside paradise set-up for the Americans. He also provided project gross revenue and cost.

  "Nina and Candee said, ‘Let’s get wet first. Eat and drink before we start talking about business.’ Redd and Buddy agreed. This was also their way of slowing Lyle down, for he needed their money for this venture.

  "Lyle did not get into the ocean. He neither ate nor drank anything. He just sat and waited for them. After a couple of hours, Buddy said, ‘Okay, let’s talk.’

  "Lyle said his bid for their support for his project. The replica was very detailed with multi-levels that were designed for a full day of entertainment with beauty surrounding the compound. It consisted of five bars, five hundred tables, a large stage in the center, and three swimming pools. One pool was for the family, one for adults only, one for the general public, and several bathhouses for changing were located on the grounds of the compound. A high private fence would enclose the whole area. Food would be served all day with a large selection. The waitresses would be local pretty girls.

  "After explaining the compound, Lyle said, ‘Now is the time to talk turkey, like you Americans would say. What is needed is about one million to set up compound and about $500,000 to purchase food and other merchandise. With a total start-up cost of around 1.5 million,’ said Lyle.

  "‘That’s a lot of money,’ replied Buddy. ‘Maybe we could start small and add on as time goes on,’ said Buddy.

  "‘Do you know what the estimated gross receipts would be on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis?’ asked Buddy.

  "‘Yes,’ replied Lyle, ‘my accountant is well known for his ability to apply past and future outcomes in the vacation industry and how it is going to grow because of increased incomes in the US. The US workers along with other countries will be looking for vacation locations to take the families. The Bahamas will be able to fulfill that need.’

  "Buddy responded with confidence, ‘This is a lovely spot. A person could just lose themselves here.’

  "‘Count me in,’ said Redd.

  "‘Me too,’ responded Buddy.

  "The wives just looked at each other and said, ‘It sounds like a good plan, okay.’

  "Buddy and Redd agreed to give Lyle small installments of money to get things going. The first installment was to be for permits and blueprints. But first they wanted a contract with a real lawyer drawn up as to the nature and the agreement of the partnership. The ownership was to remain in the hands of Buddy and Redd, with Lyle receiving a percentage of the net income.

  "Buddy and Candee returned home. They were interested in finding out who the rat was that went to the Feds about their business dealings. Candee was considered a real lady but very few people knew her real personality. She was determined to find the mole.

  "She called for her accountant because he normally knew everything that was going on. Frank entered the room and started talking. ‘Candee, I searched a long time to find and tried to figure out who the rat was. It finally came to me. It was our state congressman who has been indicted for corruption. My sources tell me that he struck a deal with the government about Harrisonville’s illegal businesses in order to avoid jail time. They are to just give him probation.’

  "‘Well, you know what to do,’ replied Candee. ‘That testimony will never take place; make it look like a natural death,’ said Candee. ‘Without his testimony, they will have to drop all charges against Redd and Nina. Then they can come home where they belong. Oh, don’t tell Buddy about this conversation or who the rat was,’ informed Candee.

  "The housekeeper who worked for the senator was on Candee’s payroll. Frank told her to put rat-poisoning in the senator’s dinner dessert. The senator was overweight, very unhealthy, and loved to eat rich desserts. That night, the senator had his last supper. He died about an hour after eating while he was reading a book. No one suspected anything wrong with the way he died because he looked like he was ready to keel over at any moment.

  "After giving Lyle the money for the permits and architect, Redd waited a few weeks before asking Lyle for an update on the statist of the permits. Redd and Nina were having a great time in the Bahamas, but they did miss their friends and home.

  "Redd received a telegram from Buddy, stating, ‘If you like to come home, everything is okay because the senator was the mole and he died suddenly and all charges on Nina and you have been dropped.’

  "Redd was overjoyed. As they sat for dinner that evening, Redd said to Nina, ‘I have some very good news to tell you. The senator was the mole and he suddenly dropped dead. All charges have been dropped against us. If we want to go home after we get the resort up and going, we can.’

  "The next day, Redd decided to find Lyle so that he could get some updates on the status of the resort project. He did not know exactly where Lyle lived but he thought that the mayor in sheriff’s office would be able to help him. Redd wanted the baby to be born in Harrisonville and not the Bahamas.

  "Redd entered the sheriff’s office, stating, ‘I need to know where the mayor lives because I have some business to talk over with him.’

  “Just then, Redd looked up at the wall and saw a large photo of a well-dressed, distinguished, older gentleman. On the bottom, it gave his name and title:”Mayor."

  "Redd said, ‘I guess that is a picture of your mayor from past years.’

  "‘No,’ said the officer, ‘he is still living and is still the Mayor.’

  "Redd reached in his pocket and pulled out a picture that was taken of Lyle and him the night of Nina’s party. ‘Well, do you know this man in the picture with me?’ replied Redd.

  "‘Yes,’ said the officer, ’that is the mayor’s younger brother who is a bum and is always trying to make a fast buck. He lives at the mansion with the mayor’s wife and family. The mayor raised him like a son when his parents died years ago.

  "‘Where can I find the mansion?’ asked Redd.

  "Redd’s face became redder and he was bursting with anger. As he walked out the door, he said, ‘With God as my witness, Lyle will never find another sucker.’

  "Redd was extremely upset. He patted his arm to make sure his little Sue was with
him. That was what he called his pistol that was strapped to his shoulder under his arm at all times. When he got dressed for the day, Sue was always part of his wardrobe.

  "As he walked down the sandy street and listened to the sound of the ocean, he started thinking about the first person he had killed. He had promised himself that after killing his father’s murderer, he would never kill anyone himself again.

  "As he walked, he thought to himself, ‘I was sixteen when I killed the man who killed my father.’ After Mom died, his pop put all his energy into his business operations. One night, a man broke into their home to rob the family. Pop woke up to get a drink of water. At that time, he encountered the intruder who was his brother-in-law. The brother-in-law pulled a gun and shot Pop. ‘I was given a small pistol for my birthday and Sue was used for the first time that night. Those loud noises woke me up and I grabbed my gun and walked into the room just as Pop was falling to the floor. Without speaking or thinking, I just shot my uncle. Two men were dead because of money,’ thought Redd.

  "‘Harrisonville said I was a hero for trying to defend my father. Earlier that day, my uncle had asked Pop for a loan and he refused because he knew it was for drugs. Pop hated drugs and was totally against selling them to anyone, even to the colored people,’ thought Redd.

  "Finally, Redd was standing in front of the mansion with sand inside his shoes. He took off his shoes and shook out the sand. Once again he patted Sue. He knocked on the door and no one answered. Therefore, he started around the back. The sound of the ocean was beautiful and the light breeze on his face was perfect.

  "He thought to himself, ‘This is a perfect day for dying and today Lyle will die. No one is going to scam me and get away with it.’

  "In the backyard, Lyle was sitting on the beach, drinking a margarita all by himself. Redd approached him like a gentleman. ‘Hello, partner,’ said Redd, ‘where have you been?’


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